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ABSTRAKT Niniejsze studium przedstawia zagadnienie kultu świętego Jakuba Apostoła w świetle analizy teologiczno–historycznej. Celem rozprawy jest prezentacja historii kultu Jakuba Starszego i ukazanie jego aspektów teologicznych oraz... more
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      HistoryPilgrimagePilgrimage RoutesHistoria
헤르만 바빙크(1854-1921)는 교의학자였지만 중요한 윤리학 작품도 남겼다. 최근에 발간된 『개혁파 윤리학』은 아주 탁월한 기독교 윤리학 저서이다. 바빙크의 『개혁교의학』과 『개혁파 윤리학』은 다음과 같은 밀접한 관련성이 있다. 첫째, 『개혁파 윤리학』은 『개혁교의학』에 나타난 종합적-발생론적 방법론을 사용한다. 둘째, 『개혁파 윤리학』은 교의학과 윤리학의 상호보완적 관계성을 유지한다. 셋째, 『개혁파 윤리학』은... more
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      EthicsSystematic TheologyTheological EthicsCalvinism
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      Systematic TheologyDogmatic theologyDogmaticsTeologia dogmatica
Tăcerea nu are doar niște forme care pot sugera realități și valori; tăcerea are un conținut real și este ea însăși o valoare. Filosoful Ludwig Wittgenstein dezvoltă o adevărată filozofie a tăcerii în lucrările sale: Tractatus... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionChristianityComparative Religion
Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen of God's Son Our Lord Jesus Christ's Most Precious Blood / La Beata Vergine Maria quale Regina del Preziosissimo Sangue del Figlio di Dio Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo
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      TheologyPatristicsLiturgyBiblical Studies
No Brasil o teólogo reformado Johannes Wollebius ainda é desconhecido pelo público geral. Numa busca rápida na internet, poucos textos são encontrados em português, quer escrito ou, traduzido. Em inglês também há poucos artigos ou... more
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      Teologia SistemáticaTeologia dogmaticaIntrodução à Teologia
El presente trabajo constituye una explicación del Tratado de la Trinidad de Santo Tomás de Aquino en la Suma de Teología. Siguiendo el orden del Aquinate, el presente trabajo se divide en cuatro grandes partes: las Personas divinas en... more
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      TrinidadDiosTeologia dogmaticaSanto Tomás De Aquino
un lavoro degli anni del seminario, teso a scoprire i "pattern" teologici delle eresie cristologiche e della risposta offerta dalla Chiesa nella sua formulazione dogmatica
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      TheologyChristologyDogmatic theologyTeologia
El concepto de unidad en San Cirilo de Alejandría como fundamentación racional de la theotokos. Prof. Lic. Ricardo Ramírez Basualdo Primer año Mg. en Ciencias Religiosas y Filosóficas con mención en Teología Universidad Católica del Maule... more
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      THEOTOKOSDoctrine of God, Christology, Soteriology, Historical Theology, Biblical Studies, Dogmatic Theology, Analytic Theology, Continental Theology, Biblical Theology, Thomas F. Torrance, Karl Barth, John Calvin, Systematic TheologyTeologia dogmatica
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      TeologiaTeologia dogmaticaMariologia
Unico e straordinario è il disegno di Dio: prima Cristo e poi Adamo! Come a dire: “la soluzione precede il problema”. Non esistono due progetti, come se il peccato avesse costretto Dio a cambiare piano, esiste un unico e straordinario... more
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      Time and EternityTeologiaTeologíaTeologia Contemporânea
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      CristologiaTeologia dogmatica
O que seria mais adequado: conceituar o termo “batismo” a partir do viés sacramental ou a partir do viés memorial (ordenança)? É o batismo um mero conceito dogmático? Ou seria o batismo a mera expressão de um ato de fé? Como conceber o... more
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      HermeneuticsBaptismDogmatic theologyTheatre and Theology, Theodrama
Pubblicato sulla rivista "Giornale di Bordo", Terza serie, n. 45-46 - mag.-dic. 2017, LoGisma Editore (Firenze). Entrare in una chiesa e venire letteralmente investiti dall’organo pieno che dispiega il Preludio e fuga BWV 552 di Johann... more
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      Trinitarian TheologyJohann Sebastian BachOrgan MusicMusic Literature for the Pipe Organ
Originally submitted: May, 2017. Last edited and expanded: November - December, 2024. In this research thesis we will discover that Augustine’s opinion that concupiscence was an evil, hereditary stain of original sin was not in line with... more
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      GnosticismTheologyHistorical TheologyEarly Christianity
Es común ver en los pizarrones a la Trinidad representada por un triángulo. Sin embargo, cuando el profesor avanza enunciando las proposiciones del Dogma, la imagen del triángulo manifiesta sus límites. Es cierto que cualquier dibujo, o... more
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      TheologyTrinityTrinitarian TheologyDogmatic theology
Dossier about new dogmatical declaration for the Blessed Virgin Mary as Co-Redemptorist for all mankind
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      TheologyLiturgyBiblical TheologyMariology
L'antichissima Chiesa Subapostolica e Patriarcale di Aquileia, caratterizzata dal Rito Proprio Patriarchino o Aquileiese, ha prodotto un’antica serie di Litanie Mariane che sono attestate da un manoscritto del XII secolo, comprendente... more
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      TheologyLiturgyChurch HistoryDogmatic theology
En este artículo examino los tres posibles modos de la inhabitación trinitaria en el alma del hombre justificado que han sido propuestos por los teólogos, esto es presencia operativa, presencia intencional, y presencia cuasi-formal, y... more
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      TomismoTeologia dogmaticaTeología EspiritualSoteriologia
El principio estético es el elemento clave que nos lleva a captar, gozar, sentir, y, sobre todo, a recrear la vida en sintonía con los valores del Evangelio. Así lo deja en claro el jesuita Marko Ivan Rupnik, en su formidable obra “El... more
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      Roman HistoryLiteraturaArtesCristianismo
Mémoire présenté par : Erwan MOREAU en vue de l'obtention du diplôme de : MASTER 2 RECHERCHE Domaine : Sciences humaines et sociales Mention : Ethnologie-Sociologie Spécialité : SOCIOLOGIE Préparé sous la direction de M. Jean Bruno... more
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      GnosticismCriminologyPolitical SociologyAnthropology
IL MISTERO DELLA SOLIDARIETÀ IN CRISTO Ricerca biblica sulla ricapitolazione di tutte le cose in Efesini 1,9-10
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      EcclesiologySoteriologyTeologiaTeologia dogmatica
Jesus Christ Risen appared first to Mother of God / Gesù Cristo Risorto apparve anzitutto alla Madre di Dio
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      ChristianityTheologyCatholic TheologyDoctrine of God
Innerhalb des Werks eines großen Denkers kann man nicht einen Text repräsentativer bewerten als andere. Es gibt jedoch Bücher, die aufgrund bestimmter historischer Umstände exemplarisch sein können, das heißt, die sowohl einen Schlüssel... more
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      Catholic TheologyTeologiaChristian TheologyTheology of Joseph Ratzinger
Vengono posti in relazione l'azione dello Spirito Santo nella Storia con l'azione teologica e il ruolo del Magistero dentro del Popolo di Dio / Vienen puestas en relación la acción del Espíritu Santo en la Historia con la acción teológica... more
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      ChristianityHistoryTheologyEarly Christianity
This work, divided into three segments, is aimed at examining side by side the understanding of the Consecrated life and its mission to the poor. An examination that will try to establish links and relationships between the consecrated... more
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      Canon LawTheologySystematic TheologyCatholic Social Teaching
« Quanto più si è vicini ad una causa tanto più se ne risentono gli effetti, come scrive Dionigi notando che gli angeli, perché più prossimi a Dio, partecipano delle perfezioni divine più degli uomini. Ora, Cristo è il principio della... more
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      San Tommaso d'AquinoSanta Caterina Da SienaCristologiaTeologia dogmatica
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Recuperare la “sinodalità” del popolo di Dio non significa, in prima battuta, trovare un modo diverso di “strutturare” la chiesa nel mondo, bensì comprendere cosa sia davvero la “comunione” ecclesiale affermata al Concilio Vaticano II e... more
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      TheologyEcclesiologyTeologia dogmaticaCollegiality
Scriitura dostoievskiană este un tablou al antitezelor manifestării umane, sfâșiată în permanență între stază și extază. Personajul dostoievskian este adept al manifestării demonice sau al contemplării divine, ceea ce determină... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionChristianityComparative Religion
The research studies the original and debated reflection of the Metropolitan of Pergamon John Zizioulas (1931) on the ontological freedom of God, as cause and figure of his being, linked to a personalistic conception of the Trinity, found... more
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      OntologySystematic TheologyOrthodox TheologyJohn Zizioulas
Short popular biography of the famous theologian and member of the German Resistance against Hitler. First published in 1999.
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      ProtestantismChurch HistoryStoria della chiesaHistory of theology
El 11 de octubre de 2012, con motivo del cincuenta aniversario de la apertura del Concilio Vaticano II, comenzaba el año de la fe, promulgado por Benedicto XVI. Con el mismo, el Santo Padre intenta dar un renovado impulso a la misión de... more
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      TeologiaTeologíaTrinidadTeologia Sistemática
Summary: The article deals with the principal literary genre of Pontifical teaching, the Encyclical Letter. It reflects on its identity and the historical development it has had over the centuries. It concentrates on some characteristic... more
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      Dogmatic theologyTeologiaChiesa CattolicaTeologia dogmatica
When the great Austrian novelist and philosopher Stefan Zweig wrote the monograph The Fight around a Fire. Castellio against Calvin, the images of the horrors committed by Adolf Hitler were still fresh in the writer's mind. In fact, The... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionChristianityComparative Religion
Elaborato finale del Seminario di Cristologia secondo la prospettiva pneumatica.
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      TheologySystematic TheologyPneumatologyTrinitarian Theology
Cosa chiede la letteratura alla teologia? Attraverso l'opus magnum di Musil vengono tracciati tre sentieri possibili: Dio, moralità e senso
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      TeologíaTeologia dogmaticaTeologia E LetteraturaLetteratura e religione
The article examines two complementary critical voices to Anselm’s theology of redemption. It focuses on the need to recover the Trinitarian foundations and to avoid legitimizing sacrificial violence.
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      ChristianityTheologyHistory of ChristianitySystematic Theology
Pueblicado como «Los ejes centrales del pensamiento de Vladimir Lossky», en Vladimir LOSSKY, Teología dogmática, Ediciones Cristiandad, Madrid 2022, 15-20.
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      RusiaTeologie Ortodoxa - Arta sacraTeologia dogmatica
The article provides a biographical and theological portrait of the Romanian Orthodox theologian Dumitru Stăniloae (1903-1993). A particular attention is given to the doctrine of creation and its place within his theological project.... more
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      ChristianityAnthropologyTheologySystematic Theology
Topik ini sebenarnya merupakan topik yang sangat menarik dalam iman Kristen, sehingga perumusan atau penjelasan mengenai Roh Kudus dan Trinitas ini cukup mendapat sambutan yang luar biasa. Doktrin ini sejatinya kita dapat melihat bahwa,... more
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      Dogmatic theologyTrinitasTeologia dogmaticaRoh Kudus
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      Criminal ProcedureCriminal JusticeComparative LawCivil Law
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      TheologyDogmatic theologyTeologieTeologia dogmatica
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      TheologyDogmatic theologyTeologia SistemáticaTeologia dogmatica
El Concilio Vaticano II en la Constitución Lumen gentium muestra el misterio de la Iglesia en relación con la Santísima Trinidad. En la perspectiva como el fruto del amor, que une al Padre con el Hijo en el seno de la Trinidad: justamente... more
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      IglesiaMisionesVaticano IITeologia dogmatica
Le propos de cette conférence n'est évidemment pas d'exposer l'ensemble de la pensée théologique de Saint Thomas sur le Christ notre Sauveur. Il s'agit plutôt de présenter les lignes fondamentales que l'on pourrait suivre pour développer... more
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      TheologyChristologyThomas AquinasThomism
The chapter offers a comparison of an Orthodox and a Roman Catholic approach to the foundations of sacramental theology. With each theologian the author analyses an underlying epistemology, a type of relational and symbolic understanding... more
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      ChristianityTheologyLiturgical StudiesCatholic Studies
The orthodox doctrine states that the beginning of salvation is made by divine grace, as uncreated energy, combating Pelagianism and Semipelagianism. Saint John Cassian, rightly included among the "great teachers and spiritual masters",... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionChristianityComparative Religion
Dalam kekristenan, ada pokok pengajaran atau dogma yang sering menimbulkan pertanyaan karena perbedaan pendapat baik dari kalangan awam maupun dari para teolog sendiri. Salah satu pokok pengajaran itu yakni, konsep Trinitas dimana Allah... more
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      TeologiTeologia dogmaticaPendidikan Agama KristenKristen