Recent papers in Priesthood
In an age in which the discipline of philosophy grows ever more specialized and moves ever farther toward the margins of typical universities, Catholic seminaries have been directed by the bishops to a renewed focus on philosophical... more
Tο παρόν έργο πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας προστατεύεται κατά τις διατάξεις του Eλληνικού νόμου (N.2121/1993 όπως έχει τροποποιηθεί και ισχύει σήμερα) και τις διεθνείς συμβάσεις περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας. Aπαγορεύεται απολύτως η άνευ... more
This article argues that in Ben Sira 50 the high priest is a representative office, not a person. That office sums up and binds together in worshipful unity (at-one-ment), through liturgical and civil duties, multiple identities: those of... more
Journal of Biblical Literature 118 (1999) 49–72
GRAHAM GREENE’S CATHOLICISM: FIRST, AN INTELLECTUAL BELIEF IN GOD THE POWER AND THE GLORY II In this second bulletin, I outline the first two of three forms of Greene’s religion: 1) the Erastian public school Anglicanism undergirding... more
2012 _ This dissertation deals with the ritual and sacerdotal organisation of a Cuban mythical-ritual complex of Yoruba origin, articulated around two poles with complex and sometimes conflicting relationships: Santería, based on the... more
The impact of ministry on Australian families is understudied. We conducted a qualitative survey across four years, including an online, anonymous survey of over 281 participants. 99.1% told us that we needed to provide structured, long-... more
Zuzana Svobodová’s article Motives of the Witness of Christ (II. – Johann Amos Comenius) is a follow-up contribution of an article published in the journal Studia Comeniana et historica (cf. SCetH 93–94, pp. 5–24, Motives of the Witness... more
В статье на примере конкретной общины на территории современной Кемеровской области показан путь длиной в 30 лет от легализации старообрядческого прихода до его закрытия.
Promišljanja u ovom radu bazirao sam na novom „Direktoriju za život i službu prezbitera“ jer on u našem vremenu na najjasniji način progovara svećenstvu, prvenstveno prezbiterima i biskupima, pa onda i đakonima koji su na putu prema... more L'objet de cet ouvrage est de suivre la pensée d’un ecclésiologue majeur du 20e siècle, Nicolas Afanassieff, qui a significativement contribué à renouveler la vision théologique de... more
The Collaborative Research Centre 1136 'Bildung und Religion' is pleased to invite you to attend the conference 'Religion and Education in the Ancient Greek World', organised by Tanja Scheer and Irene Salvo, to be held on Wednesday the... more
This article investigates why clerical abuse of Catholic priests persists in the Church using the sociological and normative pluralist perspectives. It analyzes how the various informal normative standards of the Churchdoctrinal, ethical,... more
Mózes apósának a neve és személye nem egységes az ÓSZ-ben: hol Jetrónak (Ex 3,1; 4,18; 18,1 stb.), hol Reúélnek (Ex 2,19), hol Hobábnak (Bír 4,11) nevezik őt a hagyományok. Mindazonáltal abban egyetértés van az elbeszélések között, hogy... more
There have been few serious attempts to develop theologies of ordination. This essay considers whether ordination lies within or outside the boundaries of Biblical theology. It analyses the topic of ordination from the perspective of... more
As we have already learned from our study of the brotherly dyads found in Genesis, scholars often attempt to connect the motif of election of biblical siblings with the selection of the cultic animals at Yom Kippur. In a manner similar to... more
Virgin Mary Does not Grow on Almond Trees This paper investigates a series of apparitions that took place in 1884 in Budakeszi, a German-speaking village near Budapest, and the long history of its effects. The apparitions of St. Mary-seen... more
Cet article, publié en 1997, est un résumé de ma thèse de doctorat de l’Université de Paris I, Les prêtres mariés sous la Révolution française, dirigée par Michel Vovelle et soutenue en 1995. Un livre tiré de ma thèse, "Noces... more
Beim Synodalen Weg gibt es die Tendenz, Pädokriminalität in der Kirche als Folge einer zu rigiden katholischen Sexualmoral zu betrachten. Das beste Gegenmittel wäre, heißt es, eine Lockerung der Lehre. Dabei liegt der Schlüssel woanders:... more
Résumé de ma thèse de doctorat en science politique-études de genre, soutenue le 6 juin 2019 à l'Université Paris 8, sous la direction d’Éric Fassin.
During an ongoing reform of parish staff led by the Church authorities ofthe Russian Orthodox Church, new positions in parishes are establishing, that of religious educator (catechist), social worker and youth worker. The principal object... more
Bibliografia (1989-2020 aggiornata al 30 settembre)
Bibliography (1989-2020)
Bibliography (1989-2020)
With the state of priestly culture in need of serious reform, this article assesses that foundations of associations of diocesan priestly common life. We argue that they not only are a legitimate form of priestly fraternity, but that... more
The last Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis was published in 1970 and updated in 1985. In the meantime, and particularly under the effect of the rapid changes in the modern world, the historical, socio-cultural and ecclesial... more
Il testo vuole incarnare una possibile mediazione tra universi culturali lontani ed essere una lettura propedeutica per chi intenda addentrarsi nella tematica, lasciando che la fede cristiana s’interroghi liberamente sul ‘gender’. Un... more
The unknown author of Hebrews uses the hapax legomenon θεράπων in his reference to Moses as a "servant" when he contrasts Moses with Jesus in Heb 3:1-6. He states that Moses was faithful as a servant (θεράπων) in God's house, whereas... more
Rome matters. Roman religion is, basically, the religion of one of the hundreds of Mediterranean city states. Many features of this type of territorially bound religion, centred around a politically independent community, characterise... more
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (en español, traducción del inglés estadounidense).
La thèse de Irene Majo Garigliano, soutenue en 2015, est consacrée aux Brahmanes du complexe de temple de Kāmākhyā, et plus particulièrement aux relations sociales et économiques qui s’engendrent parmi les Brahmanes eux-mêmes, ainsi... more
Violence occupies a paradoxical place in Tibetan tantric Buddhism. Although the ethical imperative of not harming beings is absolutely central, there is also a darker face to tantric ritual activity, a face of power and violence: the... more
Princeton University Press (2007, paperback 2009).
FROM PRESBYTER TO PR1EST: THE EVOLUTION OF THE CONCEPT OF MINISTRY SUMMARY In the Acts of the Apostles, the terms episkopos and presbyteros are used interchangeably. In the early Church which spread thanks to smali communities (house... more
4Approchez-vous de Christ, la pierre vivante rejetée par les hommes mais choisie et précieuse devant Dieu, 5et vous-mêmes, en tant que pierres vivantes, laissez-vous édifier pour former une maison spirituelle, un groupe de prêtres saints,... more
The memorial of the saints through the course of the year is the most obvious manifestation in the liturgical tradition of the cult offered the saints. References to specific saints are found, however, in Catholic and Orthodox... more
Luther’s conception of “universal priesthood” played a major role in the history of the Protestant church. His thought, however, was misunderstood in many ways among modern scholarship. This essay aims to show the development of Luther’s... more
Neither the Apostles nor any Christian minister is admitted to use the priest’s title in the text of the New Testament. Nevertheless, in the New Testament we can perceive the development of the doctrine of the priest ministry in the early... more
This publication is the first complete obituary of the Košice Archdiocese. The book contains the names of almost 1,700 diocesan priests, bishops, deacons, and seminarians who have died since the founding of the diocese to this day (1804 -... more
This is a talk I gave to a group of seminarians and theology students who were visiting the campus of Holy Cross, where I teach. While I do not normally post sermons and church talks on Academia, the discussion of Luke's account of the... more