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      English LiteratureEnglish languageProsody And PoeticsProsody-Syntax
En los estudios sobre entonación se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de que la fonética experimental cuente con criterios estandarizados para interpretar las mediciones tonales. Uno de estos criterio es el umbral a partir del cual una... more
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      Speech ProsodySpeech perceptionIntonationPerceptual Phonetics
The study explores the grammatical means employed for the expression of information structure in standard colloquial Burmese on the basis of a corpus of written and spoken texts. It analyses the morphosyntactic and prosodic devices... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsProsody-Semantics/PragmaticsLinguistics
This thesis documents the nature and character of initial tonal strategies native English speakers employ when learning Yoruba as a second language, using elicited imitation and other computer tonal analysis of errors and strategies on 40... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionTonesTone systemsSecond language acquisition of phonology
This study examines two different floating L tones (L) in Kikuyu (Bantu E51): A lexical L and a phrasal L which appears in assertive utterances. Based on previous studies, this paper proposes a unified analysis of the domain of the two... more
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      Optimality TheoryProsody and Tones of Languages
El domingo 20 de noviembre de 2011 señalaría un antes y un después en la dirección política de España por aquel entonces aún impredecible. Un penúltimo domingo de otoño marcó la elección del Partido Popular como la última que se... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCommunicationRhetoricSpeech Prosody
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      Southeast AsiaLinguisticsSoutheast Asian LinguisticsSoutheast Asian history
Slides from my presentation at the workshop, Tone in African Languages, at Kenyatta University, May 16-17, 2016.
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      African languagesTone systemsAfrican LinguisticsProsody and Tones of Languages
Muchas variedades del mixteco, una lengua otomangue hablada en el sur de México, han sido descritas como lenguas con tres tonos: Bajo, Medio y Alto. En esta tesis presento evidencia basada en investigación original sobre los sustantivos... more
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      Endangered LanguagesMorphologyTonal theoryMesoamerica
Talk presented at Research Institute for Sino-Tibetan Studies at Yunnan Normal University
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      TonesTone systemsLinguistic TypologyProsody and Tones of Languages
The paper discusses the accent of kako ‘how’, tako ‘thus’, ovako ‘this way’, onako ‘that way’ and some other related words (like nikako ‘no way’, nekako ‘somehow’) primarily in Štokavian and Čakavian from a dialectological (including... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsDialectologySlavic Languages
This dissertation provides a comprehensive description of the tonal and intona- tional phonology of Lhasa Tibetan (LT) in the Autosegmental-Metrical framework. It is based on recorded data elicited from members of the Tibetan-Canadian... more
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      TonesTone systemsProsody and Tones of LanguagesLexical Tone
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      Historical LinguisticsChinese Language and CultureProsody and Tones of Languages
In this paper, I provide an overview of tone encoding grammatical meanings, a phenomenon which to date has been insufficiently studied in depth by typologists, nor theoretical morphologists. A starting point for the present discussion is... more
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      MorphologyOto-Manguean LinguisticsAfrican languagesTone systems
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    • Prosody and Tones of Languages
This chapter provides an account of the intonation patterns in Akan (Kwa, Niger-Congo). Tonal processes such as downstep, tonal spreading and tonal replacement influence the surface tone pattern of a sentence. In general, any Akan... more
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      IntonationProsodyProsody and Tones of Languages
Bantu languages commonly signal tense, aspect, mood, polarity, and clause-type distinctions with tonal as well as segmental cues. The inflectional tonal melodies on verbs may be viewed as underlyingly floating H tones (henceforth ‘melodic... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsBantu Linguistics
This paper provides a systematic account of the emergence of contour tone, based on a ‘syllable-tone-register’ model and a large body of new firsthand acoustic tonal data. The emergence of tone is a process of pitch upgrading from an... more
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      PhonologyLaboratory/Experimental PhonologyTonesPhonetics-Phonology Interface
The Peranakans – descendants of 18th/19th-century southern Chinese seafaring traders in Malaya and local women, a privileged minority group in the Straits Settlements with pro-British alignments and access to English education – are well... more
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      MultilingualismSingaporeChinese Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Singapore English
Previous research has proposed a direct path from consonantal effects on F0 to the development of a rising tone value. However, findings from tone change studies in Asian languages suggest an additional pathway: a high tone (i.e., with a... more
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      Historical LinguisticsTone systemsTibeto-Burman LinguisticsProsody and Tones of Languages
Abstract This study comparatively examines the tonal structures of Akuapem Twi and Asante Twi. It precisely focuses on examining syntactic structures with similar tonal structures as well as those with different tonal structures in both... more
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      AkanAcoustic PhoneticsProsody and Tones of LanguagesAkan Languages and Linguistics
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      PhonologyTonesTone systemsMesoamerican linguistics
Suprasegmental contrasts of tone and register are commonplace phonological phenomena among the languages of Mainland Southeast Asia and its periphery (MSEA) (Matisoff 1990, 2001). Insofar as we have come to understand the origins and... more
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      PhonologyChinese linguisticsSoutheast Asian LinguisticsSino-Tibetan Linguistics
In this talk, we present an overview of nominal and verbal tone patterns in Bukusu, a Bantu language of western Kenya. In Bukusu, tone distinguishes lexical items and is also a major feature of teh marking of grammatical distinctions such... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsBantu LinguisticsLinguisticsTone systems
Presentation from the workshop, Tone in African Languages, May 16-17, 2016, at Kenyatta University.
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      African languagesTone systemsAfrican LinguisticsProsody and Tones of Languages
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Native American StudiesAcousticsLanguages and LinguisticsPhonology
This article presents a phonological sketch of Duoxu, a little-known and virtually undescribed Tibeto-Burman language, spoken in Sichuan Province, China. The presented data, collected with a semi-speaker, are compared to those in an... more
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      Tibeto-Burman LinguisticsPhonetics and PhonologyProsody and Tones of LanguagesTone Sandhi
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      Contact LinguisticsPhonologyNordic languagesLow German
"This dissertation explores the phonological representation and the phonetic realization of prosodic prominence in Persian. It comprises two related parts: the first part addresses prosodic phrasing in Persian sentences, while the second... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologySpeech ProsodyPhonetics
Although the Ancients placed great emphasis on delivery, modern rhetorical scholars often overlook the oral dimensions of speech. Speech is powerful because of its ability to elicit a somatic response. Scholars in other disciplines are... more
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      PhilologyRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Ancient HistoryNeuroscience
Guro, a richly tonal language of Côte d’Ivoir, presents some challenges for the Match Theory (a recent development of the theories of Prosodic Hierarchy) which implies a strict correspondence between prosodic and morphosyntactic units... more
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      PhonologyAfrica Niger-Congo LinguisticsProsody and Its InterfacesTone systems
Lagwan is a Central Chadic Kotoko language, spoken in northern Cameroon and neighbouring areas of Chad and Nigeria. It has a rich consonantal system, with consonants belonging to four major points of articulation: labial, coronal, dorsal... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologyChadic LinguisticsGenerative linguistics
Abstract Since Kenstowicz et at's analysis of Moore (1988), a widespread view is that tone polarity does not exist; apparent polarity is actually dissimilation. This paper shows that an OCP-based dissimilation analysis cannot account for... more
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    • Prosody and Tones of Languages
Our way to recite Latin and Greek texts lacks consistency. In order to improve the quality and authenticity we may look to the East, i.e. to the Brahmins, where there is an unbroken continuity of reciting ancient texts that has lasted for... more
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      Latin LiteratureAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European StudiesVedic Language and Classical Sanskrit
This article is an acoustic study on the two types of neutral tone in Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM). Recording materials included a set of verb-clitic constructions with different preceding tones and clitics. Pitch contours in different... more
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      PhonologyMin-Nan / Taiwanese (Languages and Linguistics)Acoustic PhoneticsTone systems
In Mandarin phonology, the production and perception of tones and intonation of Mandarin native speakers are widely studied. Nowadays, more and more learners around the world learn Mandarin Chinese as a second language or a foreign... more
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      IntonationProsody and Tones of LanguagesMandarin Chineseteaching/introducing Mandarin Chinese as a foreign language
Abstract submitted to 9th International Conference on Evolutionary Linguistics, Kunming August 25-27, 2017
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      PhonologyPhoneticsTone systemsProsody and Tones of Languages
Volumen dedicado a María Teresa Fernández de Miranda. Las lenguas Otomangues ante el siglo XXI.
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      PhonologyLaboratory/Experimental PhonologyTonesAcoustic Phonetics
This paper discusses a new 'Multi-Register and Four-Level' (RL) tonal model. Register is defined by phonation types. There are six major types of phonation, which define three Registers: H, M, and L. The RL model is an improvement over... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsTonesPhonetics-Phonology Interface
The aim of the article is to present basic (albeit not exhaustive) data on the tonal accent in the modern Western South Slavic languages in synchronic and diachronic perspective, with the main focus on Štokavian/Čakavian/Kajkavian and New... more
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      Slavic LanguagesCroatianSlavic Historical LinguisticsSlavic Linguistics
The Luyia languages of western Kenya and eastern Uganda have some of the most complicated systems of tonal morphology among Bantu languages. Luyia varieties commonly have 7-8 or more inflectional tonal patterns in verbs, and as many as 12... more
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      PhonologyBantu LinguisticsMorphologyAfrican languages
Since Labov’s early work (e.g., 1963, 1966), sociolinguists have frequently examined change in progress on the segmental level, but much less is known about tone change in progress. The present study finds evidence of a tone split in... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeTone systemsTibeto-Burman LinguisticsChinese minorities
An overview of Slavic accentology from the Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online (2020) plus articles of de Saussure's, Dybo's and Stang's Law, and also Ivšić's Retraction.
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      Indo-european language reconstructionSlavic LanguagesBaltic StudiesIndo-European Studies
A survey of tonal systems of Mande languages (Niger-Congo).
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      Tonal theoryProsody and Tones of LanguagesMande Languages
Parte del volumen 'Estudios sobre el zapoteco'
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      PhonologyTonesTone systemsZapotec
Presentation Goals (i) Trace the course of a diachronic re-analysis of the lexical contrast between */H/ and */Ø/ verbs in Proto-Bantu (Stevick 1969) within languages of the Luhya (a.k.a. Luyia) cluster spoken in Western Kenya and (ii)... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsBantu Linguistics
This article presents a comprehensive description of the Khaling intransitive and transitive verbal paradigms, focusing on the complex system of stem alternations, which is unmatched in the Sino-Tibetan family. Using internal... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsComputational LinguisticsMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Tibeto-Burman Linguistics
2010. Working Papers in Linguistics, UBC, Vancouver, Canada, Vol. 25, pp. 41-53 A large amount of evidence in the literature has established the mora as the prosodic tone-bearing unit (Hyman 1985, Pulleyblank 1994, Jiang-King 1999,... more
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      PhonologyLaboratory/Experimental PhonologyTonesTone systems
This paper examines the role that a change in phonation and a slight contour in fundamental frequency (F0) have for the perception of the three phonologically level tones in the Fuzhou variety of Chinese. An experiment was devised whereby... more
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      Tone systemsProsody and Tones of LanguagesPhonetics and phonology, speech production and perception, tones
In this paper, I propose a mathematical method for evaluating Chinese vocal music in terms of the degree of tonal congruence, based upon three categories of tonal accommodation principles, i.e. tonal contour resemblance, register... more
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      MusicologyTonesLinguistic and Musical AnalysisSecong Language Accquisition