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      PsychologySpeech ProsodyIntonationBulgarian Language
The JapanAssociation ofCollege English Teachers {JACET) "Wbuld you close the door?" can be said in variQus ways using diliferent intoriation (and of course context) such as "impatiently or angrily by a parent to a child, with'fa11ing,... more
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    • Intonation
This dissertation describes the development and testing of a software application known as The Intonation Machine. This application was designed as a Method of Adjustment style tool to be used by music educators and music education... more
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      Software EngineeringMusic EducationPedagogyIntonation
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      IntonationPhonetics and PronunciationTeaching EFLTeaching speaking
El perfil melódico de cada persona, su acento, no es simplemente una característica más o menos exótica o molesta, sino que revela su identidad como hablante y permite (o, en ocasiones, dificulta) la propia conexión con sus... more
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      SpanishSpeech ProsodyApplied LinguisticsSpanish as a Foreign Language
The paper presents a general test of intonational comprehension of English that can be used by learners of any native language. The test consists of several sentences of English spoken with particular intonation patterns of tonality,... more
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      EnglishLanguage Teacher TrainingIntonationLanguage Pedagogy
This study explores the effect of different intonation strategies applied to audio commercials on the cognitive processing of the listener. A within-subjects experiment was conducted in which participants listened to 16 radio ads that had... more
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      Cognitive PsychologySpeech ProsodyAdvertisingRadio
This paper explores whether the teaching of English intonation within the framework of systemic functional linguistics (SFL) contributes to the development of intonation skills of Argentine Spanish speakers to become teachers of English... more
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      Systemic Functional LinguisticsTeacher TrainingTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageIntonation
The phenomenon of clitic replication in Bulgarian involves two linguistic entities: a full-fledged nominal constituent in a particular syntactic function and a co-referent weak pronominal form corresponding to the particular syntactic... more
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      IntonationDiscourse Intonation
This study examines the deviation in the intonation of simultaneously sounding tones under the condition of an embedded melody task. Two professional musicians (trumpet players) were chosen as subjects to play the missing upper voice of a... more
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      IntonationMusic PerformanceJust Intonation
En los estudios sobre entonación se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de que la fonética experimental cuente con criterios estandarizados para interpretar las mediciones tonales. Uno de estos criterio es el umbral a partir del cual una... more
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      Speech ProsodySpeech perceptionIntonationPerceptual Phonetics
A pronunciation teaching tip from the 2015 Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference.
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageIntonationPhonetics and PronunciationTeaching EFL
Dans cet article, nous présenterons les résultats d’un test de perception où 28 informateurs finnophones ayant un niveau avancé en français ont entendu les cinq premières pages de L’étranger d’Albert Camus. Leur tâche a consisté à ajouter... more
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      Speech ProsodyFrench languageIntonationAlbert Camus
An approach towards outlining a practical understanding of ancient music. Particularly dealing with aspects of ancient Greek music, as recounted by the translated fragments of Aristoxenus, Ptolemy and others. In brief, a summary guide... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryString instrument pedagogy
Este trabajo describe la entonación del español hablado en la ciudad de Oaxaca, México, como parte de los trabajos realizados al construir el Corpus oral del español de México (COEM), siendo el objetivo principal de ese proyecto producir... more
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      Speech ProsodyDialectologySociolinguisticsIntonation
Text-to-speech (TTS) conversion system enables user to enter text in Gujarati language and as an output it generates the equivalent sound. This type of system will be greatly useful for illiterate and vision-impaired people to hear and... more
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The chapter provides an overview of the general prosodic characteristics of European Portuguese, including stress, accent, rhythm and intonation. Typical intonation patterns of the language are then described, whether associated with... more
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      Speech ProsodyEnglishIntonationProsody
A production study is presented that investigates the effects of word order and information structural context on the prosodic realization of declarative sentences in Hindi. Previous work on Hindi intonation has shown that: (i) non-final... more
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      Speech ProsodyIntonationInformation StructureWord order
Basing himself on pioneering research (Wilde 1938; Strang 1964; Jarman & Cruttenden 1976; Knowles 1975, 1978, 1981; Currie 1979; Pellowe & Jones 1978; Local 1986; McElholm 1986; Ladd & Lindsay 1991) and on his own observations, Cruttenden... more
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      Speech ProsodyPhoneticsSociolinguisticsSociophonetics
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      Curriculum DesignStudent Motivation And EngagementIntonationForeign language teaching and learning
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      IntonationPhonetics and PronunciationTeaching EFLTeaching speaking
The Formosan languages are the languages of the Aboriginal peoples of Taiwan. These languages are part of the Austronesian language family, and represent all but one primary branch of this family of 1,200+ languages. The Formosan... more
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      Historical LinguisticsPhonologyPhoneticsAustronesian Languages
Nesta pesquisa, foi realizada uma análise fonético-perceptiva multimodal da entoação de enunciados assertivos, interrogativos totais do tipo eco, exclamativos e interrogativos parciais no português do Brasil. O objetivo desta tese é... more
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      PerceptionIntonationBrazilian PortugueseAudiovisual Prosody
Sichel-Bazin, Rafèu & Roseano, Paolo (2013): “Català septentrional”, in: Prieto, Pilar & Cabré, Teresa (Eds.): L’entonació dels dialectes catalans. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat.
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      Catalan LanguageSpeech ProsodyDialectologyIntonation
Variability has been one of the major challenges for both theoretical understanding and computer synthesis of speech prosody. In this paper we show that economical representation of variability is the key to effective modeling of prosody.... more
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      Speech ProsodySpeech SynthesisIntonationProsody
La entonación paralingüística (que incluye las entonaciones "emocional", "de foco" y "de cortesía") ha sido la gran olvidada en los estudios sobre entonación en nuestro país. Se trata, indudablemente, del fenómeno prosódico más relevante... more
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      EmotionSpeech ProsodyApplied LinguisticsIntonation
Estudio de las funciones entonativas en el discurso. Propuesta de mapa funcional de base fonética e interactivo-conversacional
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      Discourse AnalysisIntonationEspañol coloquialAnálisis Melódico del Habla
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      Languages and LinguisticsHebrew LanguageSpeech ProsodyCorpus Linguistics
Digital communication technologies have greatly influenced and expanded the way humans interact. The progress of information technology has opened wider opportunities for communication. Social networks have become the modern-day social... more
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      Image ProcessingSocial NetworksSocial NetworkingNetwork Security
In sign languages, the functions of intonation are performed by facial expression and head movements (e.g., Sandler 1999; Dachkovsky et al. 2013). For example, in Israeli Sign Language (ISL) squinted eyes and forward head position... more
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      Sign LanguagesGrammaticalizationIntonationInformation Structure
Previous research suggests that intonation is a particularly challenging aspect of L2 speech learning. While most research focuses on speech production, we widen the focus and study the perception of intonation by L2 learners. We... more
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      LanguagesTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and Linguistics
Sintagmatic stress: description and functions. Sintagmatic stress and phonic-group. Functions of intonation. The integrative and delimitation function. Oral comprehension and sintagmatic stress. Reading as a hearing phenomenon:... more
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      Speech ProsodyIntonationProsodyAccent
This article analyses phonetic variation among young people who have learned a minority language in immersion schooling as part of revitalisation measures. Such speakers are increasingly referred to as ‘new speakers’ in an expanding body... more
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      Language revitalizationContact LinguisticsCeltic StudiesPhonetics
No es propósito de este trabajo caracterizar las propiedades fónicas de los focos, sino explorar, y poco más, las complejas relaciones que se dan entre el foco prosódico y el foco sintáctico. Se trata sólo de un trabajo introductorio, que... more
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      Speech ProsodySpanish LinguisticsIntonation
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      PhonologySpeech ProsodyIntonation
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: "Fonética y didáctica de la pronunciación", en A. Mendoza (coord.): Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura para Primaria. Madrid: Pearson/Prentice Hall (pp. 545-572)
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      Speech ProsodyPhoneticsIntonationPhonetics and Pronunciation
The aims of my contribution are both descriptive and theoretical. I first sketch the prosodic configuration of Wolof, the dominant language in Senegal, and give an account of the phonetic expression of distinctive, culminative,... more
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      WolofMetricsIntonationLanguage contact
Standard Finland Swedish is often described as having Finnish-like intonation, with characteristic falling pitch accents. In this study, it is found that the falling pitch accent occurs with varying degrees of frequency in different... more
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      DialectologyIntonationSwedish LanguageFinland-Swedish
The Birmingham accent, also known as Brummie, enjoys a very bad reputation in Great Britain. It was suggested that its intonation is responsible for the stigma in the first place (How to speak Brummie,... more
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      SociophoneticsIntonationLanguage AttitudesBirmingham
This paper investigates the intonation of topics and focus in Argentinean Porteño. We have found that whereas tonal alignment is phonetically conditioned, pitch height and duration constitute the main cues to express various types of... more
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      Speech ProsodySpanish LinguisticsIntonationTopicalization
From "The Handbook of English Pronunciation" (2015). Marnie Reed and John Levis, Eds. Wiley Blackwell.
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      PsychologyPragmaticsIntonationInformation Structure
The current surge of interest in studies on intonation, in areas ranging from L2 teaching to child language acquisition, finally mirrors the crucial role played by intonation in the whole of human communication through language. In... more
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      PortugueseSpeech ProsodyEnglishIntonation
Listeners' comprehension of phrase final rising pitch on declarative utterances, or uptalk, was examined to test the hypothesis that prolongations might differentiate conflicting functions of rising pitch. In Experiment 1 we found that... more
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      Speech ProsodyPragmaticsPsycholinguisticsIntonation
During the last 30 years, research in language, gender, and sexism have witnessed a considerable boom in sociolinguistics because of its controversial debates. Therefore, our attention was drawn for the reasons behind the endeavour. This... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyGender StudiesSex and Gender
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      IntonationPerformance PracticeViolinTuning and Temperament