Lexical Tone
Recent papers in Lexical Tone
Mada [mda], a Plateau language spoken in central Nigeria, has a large number of seemingly inexplicable tone alternations that occur between the singular and plural forms of many nouns. These alternations find straightforward and... more
This dissertation provides a comprehensive description of the tonal and intona- tional phonology of Lhasa Tibetan (LT) in the Autosegmental-Metrical framework. It is based on recorded data elicited from members of the Tibetan-Canadian... more
This paper provides a systematic account of the emergence of contour tone, based on a ‘syllable-tone-register’ model and a large body of new firsthand acoustic tonal data. The emergence of tone is a process of pitch upgrading from an... more
This thesis bridges accounts of tonogenesis to representations of contour tones in the dominant framework, autosegmental phonology. Accounts of tonogenesis reference phonetic features and structures that are unable to be represented in... more
In previous work examining heritage language phonology, heritage speakers have often patterned differently from native speakers and late-onset second language (L2) learners with respect to overall accent and segmentals. The current study... more
We report data on post-focus realization of lexical tones in Standard Chinese, comparing them to their counterparts in the pre-focus and on-focus conditions reported in Chen and Gussenhoven (2008). While post-focus lexical tones are often... more
Lexical tones – pitches differentiating between word meanings in tonal languages – are particularly difficult for atonal language speakers to learn. To test the hypotheses of embodied cognition and spoken word recognition, we examined... more
Phonological field work is largely about establishing contrast in comparable environments. The notion of phonological contrast, however, can be confusing, particularly in its application to tone analysis. Does it mean phonemic contrast in... more
In Mandarin Chinese, word meaning is partially determined by lexical tone . Previous studies suggest that lexical tone is processed as linguistic information and not as pure tonal information . The current study explored the online... more
Congenital amusia is a neurogenetic disorder that affects the processing of musical pitch in speakers of non-tonal languages like English and French. We assessed whether this musical disorder exists among speakers of Mandarin Chinese who... more
The aim of this study is to investigate how word accents from stress-accent languages (American English, German, Czech), pitch-accent languages (Lithuanian, Swedish, Slovene, Croatian Čakavian) and tone languages (Mandarin Chinese, Thai)... more
Disyllabic lexical tone sandhi for the Wu (Chinese) variety of Longquan 龙泉 is described for one male speaker. The tone sandhi described is typologically more similar to that of Northern Min varieties than Wu varieties. It is argued that... more
The connection between pitch, phonation and plosive voicing has been observed in many of the languages of the world, including those of the Himalayas. The paper examines different analyses of largely phonetically similar data from various... more
This study examined the role of acquisition order and crosslinguistic similarity in influencing transfer at the initial stage of perceptually acquiring a tonal third language (L3). Perception of tones in Yoruba and Thai was tested in... more
Contemporary word prosody in Croatian dialects possesses three different rising tones: "long rising" and "short rising", which appears diachronically later, and "acute" which is older. Acute appears mostly in Čakavian dialects, but also... more
In this paper I claim that while the phonological category is responsible for the segmental effects, the exact form of the vowel is an historical accident, contemporarily maximizing the tonal distinctions, but not requiring synchronic... more
The majority of the world's languages rely on both segmental (vowels, consonants) and suprasegmental (lexical tones) information to contrast the meanings of individual words.
The present study examines how lexical tone and focus contribute to the formation and alignment of f0contours in speech. This was done through an investigation of f0contour formation in short Mandarin sentences. These sentences all... more
The tones of Tamang (Sino-Tibetan family) involve both F0 and voice quality characteristics: two of the four tones (tones 3 and 4) were reported to be breathy in studies from the 1970s. For the present research (thirty years later), audio... more
The tones of Tamang (Sino-Tibetan family) involve both F0 and voice quality characteristics: two of the four tones (tones 3 and 4) were reported to be breathy in studies from the 1970s. For the present research (thirty years later), audio... more
This paper is a preliminary report on an ongoing research on Màda, a Platoid language spoken predominantly in Nasarawa State and few adjoining states; Kaduna and Plateau states, Nigeria. This paper discusses the phonological feature of... more
Does (the presence or complexity of) tone inversely cor- relate with dryness of climate? The authors (Everett et al.) suggest that the absence of ambient humidity in the air negatively correlates with the presence of (com- plex?) lexical... more
On the stress rule, tone, extrametricality and accent shift in In Neoštokavian Stanimir Rakić, Beograd. 1. According to the traditional view the rising accents in Neoštokavian1 may take any position in the word except the last one, while... more
The present research addresses three issues in the phonetics of Hanoi Vietnamese: (i) What are the airflow characteristics of the obstruent-final rhymes? (ii) Rhymes with final nasal consonants /m/, /n/, /ŋ/ show no acoustic trace of the... more
Background: Tone languages such as Thai and Mandarin Chinese use differences in fundamental frequency (F 0 , pitch) to distinguish lexical meaning. Previous behavioral studies have shown that native speakers of a non-tone language have... more