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      PhonologyNordic languagesScandinavian languagesPhonology Syntax Interface
Det svenska sammandraget (1½ sida) och den svenska resumén (20 sidor) av min doktorsavhandling, som behandlar frågor kring de skandinaviska språkens ljudhistoria från 200-talet till 1200-talet e.Kr., belysta delvis av deras kontakter med... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsPhonologyGermanic linguistics
The Danish medieval laws: the laws of Scania, Zealand and Jutland, Ditlev Tamm and Helle Vogt (eds), has just been published at Routlegde, the book contains translations of the four most important medieval Danish laws written in the... more
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      Medieval HistoryNordic HistoryLegal HistoryNordic languages
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryNordic StudiesSociology of Emotion
Completata nel 1789, sotto gli auspici dell'Aufklärung tedesca, quest'opera del curato Christfrid Ganander è in assoluto la prima trattazione scientifica di ampio respiro sulla mitologia finlandese e, insieme, una delle sue più preziose... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyNordic StudiesNordic languages
Representing the Faroe Islands in the Workshop on Islands Languages, Aarhus University, April 2018
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      Island StudiesNordic languagesLinguisticsFaroese
Kort praktisk signalement af forskelle dansk-norsk-svensk, skrevet 2005 ud fra et kontrastivt princip for danskstuderende i Firenze; let redigeret 2016.
NB Ikke en sproglære, blot hjælp til selvhjælp.
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    • Nordic languages
To date, no comparison of the sign languages of Denmark and Iceland has been made, despite anecdotal reports of lexical similarity in the literature.1 Before 1867 deaf children born in Iceland were sent to Denmark to be educated—this... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsNordic languagesSign Language Linguistics
Mitologia nordica: la Creazione. Cosmografia, Teogenesi, Androgenesi.
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      Nordic StudiesGermanic linguisticsOld Norse LiteratureNordic languages
This article presents two essays by the renowned Icelandic manuscript collector Árni Magnússon (1663‒1730): De gothicæ lingvæ nomine [On the expression ‘the Gothic language’] and Annotationes aliqvot de lingvis et migrationibus gentium... more
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      History of LinguisticsPhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
Presentation at "CONTACTS: Archaeology, genetics, languages - joining forces to shed light on early contacts (4000 BC - 1000 AD) between Indo-European and Uralic speakers", Helsinki, May 9, 2019.
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      Germanic linguisticsNordic languagesOld Norse LanguageScandinavian languages
Part one of a group of papers examining the phonology of Caithness, Orkney and Shetland Norn. This article looks at the vowels in Caithness Norn.
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      Germanic linguisticsNordic languagesOld Norse LanguageOld Germanic Languages
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      PhonologySociolinguisticsNordic languagesScandinavian languages
The Old Norse verbs of the type þrøngva / þręngia display a variety of forms. Their infinitives end either in -va or -ia. Consistent with these infinitive endings, their present indicative and subjunctive paradigms are characterized by... more
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      Germanic linguisticsIndo-European StudiesNordic languagesComparative Linguistics
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      PhonologyNordic languagesScandinavian languagesFaroese
Эпоха викингов стала главным потрясением для Европы в конце раннего Средневековья. Однако "внезапное" начало походов скандинавов на Запад в дейстительности не было таким уж спонтанным – ему предшествовал длительный и чрезвычайно... more
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      Nordic StudiesNordic HistoryWar StudiesNordic languages
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      Critical Discourse StudiesNordic StudiesMultilingualismLanguage Planning and Policy
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      Chicano StudiesEthnolinguisticsPerceptionMulticulturalism
Among the numerous loanwords Saami has adopted from Proto-Norse there are also cases where the loan original has not been retained in modern or historically attested Nordic languages. Such etymologies can nevertheless be established on... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsEtymologyGermanic linguistics
This paper explores the periodisation of pre-documentary Scandinavian language and its synchronisation with that of Finnic, the era in focus being the first millennium CE. Stratification of loanwords is discussed both as a means to refine... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsGermanic linguisticsNordic languages
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      Languages and LinguisticsDialectologySociolinguisticsUrban Anthropology
The rhotacising phoneme *z/ʀ started in Proto-Germanic as a voiced strident fricative */z/. Where not assimilated the descendant (by convention often denoted <ʀ>) ultimately coincided with an alveolar sonorant rhotic phoneme, in ONc... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsNordic languagesOld Norse Language
"This paper contains a new analysis of the runic inscription on the Tune stone, made on the basis of autopsies and various earlier proposals. While I agree with the view that there is a word missing at the top of side A (contra Grønvik... more
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      Historical SyntaxGermanic linguisticsNordic languagesMedieval Scandinavia
There is evidence for the so-called displacement verb second in the language of the runic inscriptions, which most previous scholarship has failed to recognize.This evidence consists of clauses in which the finite verb immediately... more
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      Historical SyntaxGermanic linguisticsNordic languagesMedieval Scandinavia
Published as Linn, Andrew (2016) Investigating English in Euope: Contexts and Agendas, pp. 201-258
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      English languageLanguage Planning and PolicyApplied LinguisticsNordic languages
Recent studies in typology and historical linguistics have yielded new insights into the geographical distribution and diffusion of linguistic phenomena. Within Europe, several linguistic areas of different types and sizes have been... more
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      Contact LinguisticsNordic languagesLanguage contactAreal linguistics
I den här uppsatsen presenteras en undersökning om monoftongeringen av de fornnordiska diftongerna æi, ǫu och øy. Syftet är att ta reda på hur och varför dessa primära, fallande diftonger monoftongerades i Sverige och Danmark. Studien... more
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      DialectologyGermanic linguisticsHistorical DialectologyNordic languages
This paper examines sound substitutions in Finnic loan words from Proto- and Ancient Scandinavian. Correlations are studied between Finnish/Estonian ai, äi, ei, and õi and eastern-Scandinavian descendants of the Proto-Scandinavian... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsGermanic linguisticsDiphthongs
With the application of the Contrastive Hierarchy Theory, the contrastive features of preliterary Scandinavian vowels are here inferred from the interaction between targets and triggers for metaphonic fronting, rounding and breaking. One... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsPhonologyGermanic linguistics
Master's dissertation focusing on the diachronic development of Övdalian and its position within the Scandinavian dialectal landscape. This first italian-written research on Övdalian offers an overview of the phonological, morphological... more
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      Historical LinguisticsDialectologyGermanic linguisticsNordic languages
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      Indo-european language reconstructionMiddle EnglishHistorical SyntaxGermanic linguistics
"The names of the months" - An analysis of the origins and meanings of the Finnish names of the months.
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyNordic languagesFinnish Language
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      Contact LinguisticsPhonologyNordic languagesLow German
In Faroese the phrasal clitic -sa is used in possessive constructions like Jákup=sa2 skegg ‘Jákup’s beard’. Originally the clitic could only be attached to kinship nouns or proper nouns of persons and other nouns with a similar function,... more
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      Historical LinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeNordic languagesScandinavian Studies
Detta paper redogör för språkvetenskapliga paradigm och metoder.
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      Nordic languagesSvenska Språkvetenskap
Globalization has brought the English language to all corners of the globe. English is the pervasive language of international connectivity and penetrates borders to assume roles within other language communities. Iceland, like its... more
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      GlobalizationNordic StudiesMultilingualismSociolinguistics
As is well-known, the Saami languages possess a large number of old loanwords from Proto-Norse, the ancestral form of the Nordic (North Germanic) languages. While Proto-Norse is not strictly speaking a solely reconstructed language, being... more
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      EtymologyNordic languagesOld Germanic LanguagesUralic Linguistics
The Hoard of Medieval Coins from the Village Stizhok. In the spring of 2011, a clay pot was found in a field nearby the village Stizhok (Shumsk district, Ternopil’ region,Ukraine). The pot contained about 2500 silver coins struck in the... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic HistoryEastern European Studies
Many languages of the World display the possibility of stacking more than one verb displaying the same inflectional features, in the presence or absence of a linking element homophonous to a coordinative conjunction, as represented in... more
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      Balkan linguisticsSyntaxNordic languagesMorphology
In my studies, I have investigated the nasal vowels of Old Norse. By Old Norse, I do not refer to only Old Norwegian and Old Icelandic, but also to Old Danish and Old Swedish. With the runic inscriptions and The First Grammatical Treatise... more
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      Nordic languagesOld Norse LanguageIndoeuropean Studies
Reso celebre dalla trasposizione cinematografica di Dreyer del 1964, Gertrud, dramma in tre atti di Hjalmar Söderberg, mette in scena i conflitti e le contraddizioni d'amore. La protagonista, al pari della Nora ibseniana, rifiuta di... more
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      Theatre HistoryNordic StudiesDramaturgyScandinavia
The doctoral dissertation, accepted to be defended on 11 September 2018, contains five papers published on different forums. Some of the main findings, notably those concerning umlaut and the history of preserved contrast in the vowel... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Contact LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonology
Was Icelandic once a tonal language? The paper reports evidence from poetics and poetry that in pre-reformation Icelandic a boundary signal was present in words historically corresponding to accent 1 and stød-words in modern Scandinavian.... more
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      Historical LinguisticsNordic languagesOld Norse LanguageIcelandic
Från sjö till hav. Namn-och ordstudier tillägnade Birgit Falck-Kjällquist. (From lake to sea. Studies of names and words dedicated to Birgit Falck-Kjällquist.) Edited by Maria Löfdahl, Fredrik Skott and Lena Wenner. Göteborg 2010. 164... more
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      DialectologyOnomasticsNordic languagesPlace-Names
This essay raises ethical questions regarding the loss of dialects. The objective facts regarding dialectal changes in Norway are well documented, but less often is emphasis put on the ethical considerations thereof. ‘Languages’ are... more
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsDialectologyUnesco
Airey, J., Lauridsen, K., Räsänen, A.Salö, L & Schwach, V. Recently, in the wake of the Bologna Declaration and similar international initiatives, there has been a rapid increase in the number of university courses and programmes... more
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      LanguagesTeaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageLanguages and Linguistics
"Days of the week, languages and mythology" - An analysis of the origins and meanings of the Scandinavian and Finnish names of the days.
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyNordic languagesScandinavian languages
This paper contains a new analysis of the runic inscription on the Tune stone, made on the basis of autopsies and various earlier proposals. While I agree with the view that there is a word missing at the top of side A (contra Grønvik... more
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      ArtHistorical SyntaxGermanic linguisticsNordic languages
Während die Syntax in der dialektologischen Forschung traditionell eher am Rande vorkommt, hat das Interesse an dialektsyntaktischen Fragestellungen unterschiedlicher Art in den letzten Jahren spürbar zugenommen. Dies zeigt sich etwa in... more
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      Contact LinguisticsSyntaxNordic languagesMorphology
Syntactic reconstruction has virtually been outlawed in historical-comparative research for a long time, more or less ever since Watkins’ (1964, 1976) influential work on the problems of reconstructing word order for Proto-Indo-European.... more
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      Indo-european language reconstructionHistorical SyntaxGermanic linguisticsNordic languages