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This article proposes a new formal reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) nouns containing the suffix *–oi–. I argue that both primary and non-primary derivatives in this class had stress alternating between the derivational suffix... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonologyGreek Language
В справочнике представлены теория огласовок, именное и глагольное словообразование и словоизменение, а также новые правила «полного написания» в соответствии с решениями Академии языка иврит. В ряде случаев авторы справочника предлагают... more
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      SpellingMorphophonologyModern Hebrew
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      PhonologySemitic languagesSyriac StudiesTheoretical Linguistics
Although the sound change w>y in Biblical Hebrew is well - known, it has not received significant attention until now. This paper provides a synchronic analysis to this phenomenon. The shift is partly morphologically, partly... more
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      PhonologySemitic languagesHebrew LanguageAncient Hebrew
This contribution discusses the morphophonemic aspect of the causative derivation in Harari. Harari is a South Ethiosemitic language related to the East Gurage group.1 The paper identifies that the causative is a morphological derivation... more
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    • Morphophonology
By years passed, not only new words, but also phrases have been created. It is because the language has been changing from time to time. There are many variations in language features such as morphological, semantic, phonetic, and... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologyEnglish languageMorphology
The appearance of new verbal paradigms in the Romance languages – namely, the synthetic future indicative and conditional paradigms – has been one of the hallmark studies within the field of grammaticalization. Already existing in Latin... more
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      GrammaticalizationMorphology and SyntaxMorphophonologyHistory of Spanish Language
Explaining the “Natural Order of L2 Morpheme Acquisition” in English: A Meta-analysis of Multiple Determinants ... Multiple regression analysis showed that a very large portion of the total variance in acquisition order is explained by... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionSemanticsPsycholinguisticsSyntax
本稿の目的は,現代日本語(共通語)における「した」を形態論,活用論の観点から見た際の問題点について,先行研究と関連現象を中心に整理することである。具体的には,A) 現代日本語(共通語)のタ形の形態論的性質をアクセントの観点から分析しているOshima (2014)とその批判が提案されているNishiyama (2016)の議論を概観・整理し,B) タ(形)の扱いについて形態論的な観点から問題提起をしている岩崎... more
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Spoken Israeli Hebrew (SIH) includes many traces of ancient phases of Hebrew, whose sources have been long lost, resulting in complicated phenomena. This paper wishes to synchronically describe the morphophonological system which... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologySemitic languagesCorpus Linguistics
En recuerdo de María Beatriz Fontanella de Weinberg, quien creyó firmemente en la trascendencia del estudio de la evolución de la lengua española trasplantada a América y puso un enorme esfuerzo personal en la consctrucción de la... more
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      Spanish American HistorySpanish CaribbeanDominican StudiesMorphophonology
This thesis presents a descriptive study of the phonetics, phonology and morphology of Nuer. It contributes to the study of the language by dealing with the phenomena that has little or no previous description. I provide a descriptive... more
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      PhonologyMorphosyntaxAfrica Nilo-Saharan LinguisticsMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
This module presents an introduction to English morphophonemics. Sound structure (phonology) and word structure (morphology) are two of the main components of a language system. However, many a times, these systems interact and affect... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsMorphologyEnglish Phonetics and Phonology
This study aims to analyze and describe the morphemic and phonemic structures of verbs and nouns in a research abstract as source of data. The morphemic structure analysis focuses on the free-bound morphemic affixations of English verbs... more
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      English languageMorphophonologyMorphophonemics
This dissertation provides a description of the Chácobo language, a southern Pano language spoken by approximately 1200 people who live close to or on the Geneshuaya, Ivon, Benicito and Yata rivers in the northern Bolivian Amazon. The... more
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This dissertation develops optimality-theoretic analyses of word-level stress assignment in two languages with lexical accent, Cupeño (Takic, Uto-Aztecan) and Hittite (Anatolian, Indo-European); it also assesses the implications of word... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonology
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      PhonologyPapuan linguisticsMorphophonologyEpenthesis
En esta presentación se examina el estatus gramatical de los elementos antepuestos a los sustantivos y de los elementos pospuestos a los predicados, los sustantivos poseídos y los pronombres enfáticos, que en algunos estudios previos se... more
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Morphophonemic changes are the morphological and phonological changes that take place in a single word due to plural, case, tense, or gender. The current paper elaborates on this interconnection from an Arabic perspective, by considering... more
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      PhonologyArabic Language and LinguisticsArabic morphologyMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
Esta obra se acerca a cuestiones que atañen al ámbito morfológico en su relación con el E/LE. No es un manual generalista sobre morfología y E/LE, sino un compendio de artículos que, partiendo de diferentes perspectivas, busca abrir... more
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      LanguagesSecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsLexicology
"本文着重探讨木里水田话声调系统。水田话的声调变化起重要的语法作用。 This article presents the tonal system of Laze, a.k.a. Muli Shuitian, a Sino-Tibetan language spoken in Sichuan. It is structured in terms of H(igh), M(id) and L(ow) levels, like in the closely related... more
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      MorphophonologyTone Sandhi
also to the audience at WeCIEC 25, and audiences at MIT, Harvard, and UCLA. All mistakes are, of course, mine. 1
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      PhonologyAncient Indo-European LanguagesOptimality TheoryIndo-European Linguistics
Strong Endings; 690 102 entries in -ional. Neutral except nation [eɪ]  national [ae] 62 entries left, 42 cases with no stress shift, but: procedure [iː]  procedural [iː] femur [iː]  femoral [e] nature [eɪ]  natural [ae] ephemera... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologyEnglishMorphology
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonology
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      Historical LinguisticsIndo-european language reconstructionComparative LinguisticsIndo-European Linguistics
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      Linguistic TheoryStructuralismMorphophonologyConstraint
It is widely thought that (i) Proto-Indo-European had *-mon-stem nominals formed by internal derivation from neuter *-men-stems and that (ii) these *-mon-stems were characterized by "amphikinetic" inflection, thus stressed full-grade of... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonologyLanguage Variation and Change
The two languages presented in this paper are Jimi and Sharwa, both classified in the Bata group of Chadic Biu-Mandara A (NEWMAN 1977b, GRAVINA 2007). Jimi is spoken around the town of Bourrha in the Mayo-Tsanaga division of the Far North... more
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      Historical LinguisticsPhonologyComparative LinguisticsChadic Linguistics
Starostin Memorial Readings 2022, 25.03.2022
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      Old JapaneseClassical JapaneseMorphophonologyHistorical Phonology
Patterns of morphological complexity in western Amazonian languages offer a range of challenges to our typological and theoretical understanding, while at the same time suggesting an areal component to their maintenance and development.... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Contact LinguisticsSyntaxAmazonian Languages
Semitic morphology is notorious for its use of ablaut (vowel alternations). This paper provides a synchronic analysis to the ablaut in the verbal system of Biblical Hebrew. The classical literature on the subject assumes that vocalic... more
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      PhonologySemitic languagesHebrew LanguageMorphology
This paper discusses the interaction between constituent formation and alteration of sounds (i.e., morphophonology) in Akan reduplicated verb-forms. Specifically, we strive to look into two issues; the morphology of reduplicated verb... more
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In this paper we develop a synchronic and diachronic analysis of the phonology of partial reduplication in the Anatolian branch of Indo-European. We argue that the reduplicative patterns of Hittite and Luwian differ from Proto-Anatolian,... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonology
The aim of this paper is to offer an analysis of the well-known metathesis process of the sibilant+dental stops clusters in the reflexive/passive verbal forms of Ancient Aramaic and Ancient Hebrew. This process will not be considered as a... more
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      PhonologyHebrew LanguageAramaicMorphology
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      SemanticsMorphologyLithuanian HistoryMorphophonology
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonology
In this dissertation, I address the question of domains within grammar: i.e. how domains are defined, whether different components of grammar make references to the same boundaries (or at least boundary definers), and whether these... more
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      MorphosyntaxIcelandicMorphophonologyNoun Phrase
В современной лингвистике глоссирование является неизбежным атрибутом оформления примеров в научном тексте. Настоящий доклад посвящен рассмотрению проблем, возникающих при глоссировании новогреческих диалектных текстов. Цель доклада —... more
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      MorphosyntaxMorphophonologyModern Greek DialectsGlossing
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      Cognitive ScienceComparative LinguisticsLinguisticsLanguage
This paper develops a new optimality-theoretic analysis of lexical accent in Hittite (Anatolian, Indo-European). I demonstrate that Hittite synchronic stress assignment is consistent with Kiparsky and Halle's (1977) BASIC ACCENTUATION... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonology
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      PhonologyMorphologyPhonology, Morphology, AcquisitionOptimality Theory
J'entends par unité lexicale toute unité susceptible de fonctionner comme un atome syntaxique et appartenant à la catégorie Nom, Verbe, Adjectif et, dans une certaine mesure, Adverbe.
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      Lexical SemanticsMorphophonologyFrancais
This paper presents a novel methodology for investigating wordhood and the morphology-syntax divide by looking at the likelihood of convergence between constituency tests. We apply this methodology to 9 languages of the Americas, all from... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceSyntaxMorphosyntaxMorphology
The present article discusses how the combination of structural (qualitative) and al-gorithmic (quantitative) perspectives provides valuable insights into geolinguistic patterning and variability, and hence testifies to the importance of... more
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      African StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsPhonologyDialectology
This paper presents a corpus-based investigation of the stress pattern of English long verbs and confronts two analyses which have been proposed in the literature, one based on segmental criteria and the other based on morphology.
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      PsychologyPhonologyEnglishCorpus Linguistics
In Old Prussian there is one famous form, namely, poklausīmanas "heard, answered". The reason for its renown is that it is regarded by some to be a present passive participle, and, by the same token, directly continue the... more
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      Baltic languagesProto Indo-EuropeanMorphophonologyOld Prussian
We discuss theoretical approaches to blocking effects, with particular emphasis on cases in which words appear to block phrases (and perhaps vice versa). These approaches share at least one intuition: that syntactic and semantic features... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceArchitectureEnglish
Please only cite the published version. If you want a copy please write to me. In this paper, we propose that in Stau (>Rgyalrongic >Sino-Tibetan) there is a system of four vowel pairs (i/ə, e/ɛ, æ/ɑ, u/o) that undergo regressive... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologyPhoneticsMorphology
This paper presents a corpus-based investigation of the stress pattern of English long verbs and confronts two analyses which have been proposed in the literature, one based on segmental criteria and the other based on morphology.
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      PhonologyEnglishCorpus LinguisticsMorphology