History of Medieval Logic
Recent papers in History of Medieval Logic
This paper examines the methodology employed by Thomas Aquinas in his two derivations of the categories, or sufficientiae. In these accounts, he shows the distinctiveness of the ten Aristotelian categories as modes of being (modi essendi)... more
Sturio of Cremona, a hitherto unknown Italian master of the 13th century, is the author of a logical textbook called 'Tractatus', much in the same vain as the famous work of Peter of Spain. Utilization of this manual in the teaching of... more
This book offers a new edition, with English translation and commentary, of the Kitāb al-Madḫal, which opens Avicenna’s (d. 1037) most comprehensive summa of Peripatetic philosophy, namely the Kitāb al-Šifāʾ. For the first time, the text... more
The definition of the relation between expressions (alfāẓ) and meanings (maʿānī) has played a pivotal role in determining the subject-matter of logic all along the so-called “classical period” of Arabic philosophy. This paper focuses on... more
The syllogistic mnemonic known by its first two words Barbara Celarent introduced a constellation of terminology still used today. This concatenation of nineteen words in four lines of verse made its stunning and almost unprecedented... more
This article examines the traditional and modern doctrines of categorical propositions and argues that both doctrines have serious problems. While the doctrines disagree about existential imports of categorical propositions, they share... more
Dei 57 manoscritti schedati, conservati presso l'Archivio Capitolare della Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio, il codice M 2 può sicuramente rientrare nel novero di quelli meno studiati: rarissime sono le menzioni bibliografiche e solo tarde le... more
Il quadro generale di riferimento del volume riguarda l’analisi delle soluzioni medievali ai cosiddetti insolubilia (definiti come proposizioni autoreferenziali che discendono direttamente dalla tradizione del paradosso del mentitore) e... more
The syllogistic mnemonic known by its first two words Barbara Celarent introduced a constellation of terminology still used today. This concatenation of nineteen words in four lines of verse made its stunning and almost unprecedented... more
The Quaestiones Theologiae constitute Langton's chief speculative work. Book III, volume 1, offers a critical edition of 24 disputed questions on Christology and faith. Each question is accompanied by a critical apparatus and source... more
Developed out of earlier work on Aristotelian topics, syllogistic, and fallacies, by the early fourteenth century the medieval theory of consequence came to provide the first unified framework for the treatment of inference as such. With... more
A first known Greek translation of Bonaventure is presented in this study, as well as Hervaeus Natalis. Bonaventure's presence is bizarre, for "Disputed Questions on the Trinity" were lost in the 13th century and only rediscovered in the... more
Blasius Pelacani’s two questions on the paradoxes of implication in his commentary on the 'Tractatus' of Peter of Spain aptly introduce to a substantial discussion of the notion of logical implication in medieval authors such as Abelard,... more
The present article studies a fascinating manuscript, a unicum, housed in the British Library, Heb MS Add 27559. This manuscript of works by Ṭodros Ṭodrosi of Arles features a lengthy Hebrew anthology of logical and scientific texts,... more
L’Isagoge de Porphyre a été l’un des textes fondamentaux pour l’enseignement de la logique dans l...’Occident latin. Cet article veut montrer son importance, à partir de l’étude des manuscrits, pour la période 800-980. L’introduction... more
Dopo aver dato una breve introduzione ai recenti sviluppi storiografici riguardanti Guglielmo di Ockham analizzerò il primo paragrafo della Logica dei Termini, evidenziando la definizione di termine, la sua accezione segnica con relative... more
It has long been uncertain whether Scotus wrote any of the logical works commonly attributed to him. In what follows, I re-examine the question of authorship by an appraisal of the existing evidence, both external and internal, including... more
In Filosofia e teologia nel Trecento. Studi in ricordo di Eugenio Randi, a c. di L. Bianchi, Louvain-la-Neuve, Fédération Internationale des Institutes d’Etudes Médiévalee, 1994, pp. 337-366
With William of Ockham and John Buridan, Walter Burley is often listed as one of the most significant logicians of the medieval period. Nevertheless, Burley’s contributions to medieval logic have received notably less attention than those... more
Of Scholars, Savants, and Their Texts: Studies in Philosophy and Religious Thought - Essays in Honor of Arthur Hyman, Ed. Ruth Link-Salinger, Frankfurt/Main, 1989, pp.173-182.
In this paper the method of investigation of paths of thinking is applied to analyse St. Thomas Aquinas’s question 23 on predestination from his Summa Theologiae to show how he reached his conclusions, what influenced his thought and what... more
Tanto el Chartiludium institute summarie como el Chartiludium logice de Thomas Murner son los primeros usos didácticos de un juego de naipes en toda la historia. Aprender deleitándose, aprender con distracción y usando recursos lúdicos... more
Résumé. – La notion de « par soi » (καθ’ αὑτό) fait partie des éléments clés de l’ontologie et de l’épistémologie aristotéliciennes. Nulle part, toutefois, Aristote n’en fournit une étude systématique, au point que l’on voit mal... more
Questions, dilfinicions, lausors, entencions, son los tbnaments d'aquest Libre (Uibre de sanla Maria. OKI. X. 3) 0. Premessa II concello di delinizione intcressa lutli i canipi dei sapere niedievale. dalla relorica alla dialettica, dalla... more
The transmission of the Arabic Logic in Medieval Europe is a reality that marks an important period in the cultural history. The main purpose of this article is reflected in three main ideas. The first one reveals a classification of... more
The syllogistic mnemonic known by its first two words Barbara Celarent introduced a constellation of terminology still used today. This concatenation of nineteen words in four lines of verse made its stunning and almost unprecedented... more