Michel Foucalt
Recent papers in Michel Foucalt
Questo breve studio nasce con il proposito d"investigare il concetto di sessualità nel pensiero di Michel Foucault, in particolare rispetto ai concetti di sapere, potere, soggetto, modernità, e, rispetto ai suoi scritti, a partire... more
ABSTRACT: With the emergence of new information and communication technologies, education is forced to adapt to cover these changes. The professional needs to re-signify this distance, developing a new perspective related to this way of... more
(Abstract) This paper explores the rise and significance of car parking in Australian cities, focusing on suburban shopping centres. The suburban shopping centre – mall – was meant by its creator Victor Gruen to recreate the pedestrian... more
Recensione Mondoperaio luglio agosto 2018
Dangdut is one of kind of musik which have erotic dance in each presence on the stage. The erotic dance have ever cause sit-in Indonesia’s peoplewhich come from all aspects, because the act is dangerous for morality of the Indonesia’s... more
Perché la cultura occidentale ha affermato che la follia era la verità denudata dell'uomo, e tuttavia l'ha posta in uno spazio neutralizzato e pallido ove era come annullata? -Michel Foucault Ricostruendo la funzione storica e culturale... more
This chapter aims to discuss the current regime of techné by way of dispositif. Michel Foucauld describes that the dispositif is the system of relations that opens up a new field of rationality and performs a dominant strategic function.... more
Este ensayo realiza una lectura heterotópica de Aguirre, La ira de Dios, una disección del filme bajo el concepto de heterotopía, desarrollado por Michel Foucault en su ensayo ”Of Other Spaces”. Foucault señala que la heterotopía es “Una... more
This paper investigates Foucault’s interpretation of Kant in the former’s early works, “Introduction to Kant’s Anthropology” and The Order of Things. In both these works, Foucault discovered the new modern human concept in Kant’s... more
El siglo XX será recordado por los grandes avances científicos y tecnológicos, la conquista del espacio, el uso masivo de las computadoras y las telecomunicaciones, el desarrollo de economías a escala mundial y por una notable expansión... more
Batı felsefesinin on sekizinci yüzyıl kesitinde sıklıkla kullanılmaya başlanan aydınlanma terimi (İngilizce enlightenment, Fransızca l'Age de lumiéres, Almanca Aufklärung, İtalyanca Illuminismo), özel bir anlam ifâde etmektedir. Genel... more
Marc Champagne argues that the supposedly ‘professional’ style of the analytic
tradition does not ensure professionalism, nor indeed, clear-mindedness.
tradition does not ensure professionalism, nor indeed, clear-mindedness.
Zamansız olmasalardı, klasik çalışmaların zamânımız için ne anlamı olabileceğini bilmiyorum; yâni, zamânımızla yüzleşmek ve böylelikle, onu üstlenmek ve umalım, gelecek zaman için faydalı olmak.
Brief notes from Michel Foucault’s Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason (Part I) Chapter III The Insane
Foucault’s concept of biopower or “power over life” explains how Fayette’s management benefited from techniques of power that reinforced economic and gendered hierarchies. The politics of health paralleled the town’s economic hierarchy,... more
Em um primeiro momento, apresento um breve histórico sobre a Dança Educação, precisamente o desafio de lecionar no contexto cujas escolas ainda não disponibilizam o ensino dessa arte na estrutura curricular, como no CAp/UFPE em 2013.... more
The article aims to point out the originality of the concept of relational State and, consequently, of the concept of authoritarian statism, both addressed in the latest works by Nicos Poulantzas, especially in his la-test book,... more
El presente artículo se propone establecer que La literatura nazi en América, del escritor chileno Roberto Bolaño (1996), es una narración inscrita en el clima cultural que la sociología y filosofía han caracterizado como posmoderno. Esto... more
«Per quanto mi riguarda , gli autori più importanti, che mi hanno, non dirò formato ma permesso di effettuare uno spostamento rispetto alla mia prima formazione universitaria, sono stati: Friedrich Nietzsche, Georges Bataille, Maurice... more
Las propuestas de publicación han de ser remitidas (en archivo adjunto de Word) a la siguiente dirección electrónica: [email protected]. Antes de aceptar una obra para su edición, ésta habrá de ser sometida a una revisión... more
Niccolò Machiavelli, as it is commonly believed, is a thinker who founded the ‘realist’ approach of the Modern political theory. The article questions that view, analyzing the several concepts of Machiavellian “Prince” which very likely... more
Brief notes from Michel Foucault’s Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason (Part II) Chapter V Aspects of Madness
A ética da libertação tem como ponto de partida a ótica do excluído, o olhar sobre o oprimido. Apresenta como principal característica a alteridade, que é esta capacidade do individuo de reconhecer o outro como dependente, incitar como... more
This article explores the meaning of " resistance " and suggests a new path for " resistance studies, " which is an emerging and interdisciplinary field of the social sciences that is still relatively fragmented and heterogeneous.... more
The point of a genealogical project is to tease out the historically rooted forces that produce received objects of knowledge. As a crucial part in building a critical interpretation, history becomes a method for tracing the contingent... more
This article adopts a heterotopological approach to the spatial organization of the National September 11 Memorial and Memorial Museum. We argue that although numerous organizational stakeholders, such as the families of 9/11 victims, the... more
Peters, M., Tesar, M., & Locke, K. (2014). Michel Foucault. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/obo/page/philosophy doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780195396577-0128
Drawing from the Foucauldian concept of`heterotopologyof`heterotopology', this chapter provides a spatio-temporal approach to research in Education contexts. Heterotopias are liminal spaces, portable territories that can be conceived of... more
It has been argued that transgressive or subversive expressions which challenge perceived sexual repression or religious taboos are essential for a free and healthy ... more
Yirminci yüzyılın en önemli düşünürlerinden biri şüphesiz ki, Michel Foucault'dur ve günümüzde felsefeden sosyolojiye, psikolojiden siyâset bilimine, ekonomiden biyolojiye, vb. hemen her alanda yapılagelen pek çok tartışmada Foucault'nun... more
Brief notes from Michel Foucault’s Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason (Part III/III) Chapter VI Doctors and Patients
In modern Western societies, the difference between female and male, women and men is mostly the object of normative, scientific, and fictional representations. The erotic encounter of similar, or different, bodies is a highly sensitive... more