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A local area network (LAN) is a computer network within a small geographical area such as a home, school, computer laboratory, office building or group of buildings. A LAN is composed of interconnected workstations and personal computers... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyBangladeshComputer System
Background To determine whether waist-to-height ratio correlates with coronary artery disease (CAD) severity better, than the body mass index (BMI) as assessed by coronary angiography in Bangladeshi population. Methods This cross... more
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      BangladeshMedicineMultivariate AnalysisBody Mass Index
Inventory and analytical index of 190 manuscript letters pertaining mostly to Asia in 16th-17th centuries located in the Portuguese National Archives.
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      History of IndiaPakistanArchivesSri Lanka
Bangladesh is a South Asian developing country established in 1971. Around 10% of the total population of this country are the disabled. Although the economic condition of this country is accelerating, the situation of persons with... more
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      Political SociologyPoliticsAssistive ProductsBangladesh
Published June 28, 2016
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      ArchaeologyPaleoanthropologyHistorical ArchaeologyBioarchaeology
This report—including interviews with more than 331 workers employed in 32 factories that supply to H&M—documents the experiences of women garment workers at the base of H&M garment supply chains. Concentrated in short term, low-skill,... more
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      CambodiaIndonesiaSri LankaViolence Against Women
Realizing the constructed nature of gender is often described as a twentieth-century Western phenomenon. Nevertheless, in several South Asian religious traditions, practitioners are instructed through songs and oral teachings to exchange... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologySouth Asian StudiesGenderVaishnavism
For many thousands of years a long list of regional empires and European traders fought for control of the water-logged land now called Bangladesh (formerly called East Pakistan)
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      BangladeshBCSBCS Theory
Bangladesh is all set to become the next global ICT hub. For this to happen, it requires more women to participate in the sector in order to maintain its competitive edge in terms of a young, driven and relatively cheap workforce.... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesICT in EducationICT
Vaccination is undoubtedly one of the most effective strategies to halt the COVID-19 pandemic. The current study aimed to investigate the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination and its associated factors using two health behavior change... more
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      VaccinesPublic HealthBangladeshResearch
In many developing nations, tourism has been a major engine of international trade and socioeconomic growth. Over the last few decades, tourism development has been steadily increasing over the world. This has encouraged a greater... more
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      Tourism Planning and PolicyBangladesh
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals are well known environmental pollutants. Even though numerous studies have been carried out to assess human exposures to these compounds, there is still a lack of data on humans from... more
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      Environmental MonitoringBangladeshAdolescentMedicine
To assess whether the key informant method (KIM) is an effective method to identify children with disabling sensory or physical impairments, or epilepsy (tonic-clonic seizures), in a low-income setting. Methods: In one subdistrict each,... more
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Background: This study compared the diversity of common diarrhoeal pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibility in four hospitals in Bangladesh. Methodology: A total of 13,959 diarrhoea patients, comprising rural Mirzapur [2,820), rural... more
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      Developing CountriesBangladeshHospitalsDiarrhea
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      Food ChemistryBangladeshMultidisciplinaryRural Health
Background: Diarrheal diseases continue to contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality in infants and young children in developing countries. There is an urgent need to better understand the contributions of novel, potentially... more
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      BiologyKenyaBangladeshBiological Sciences
Keywords: Mortality/statistics; Cause of death; Statistics; Africa South of the Sahara; Bangladesh (source: MeSH, NLM). ... OBJECTIF: Fournir des données comparables au niveau international sur la fréquence des différentes causes de... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceBangladeshAdolescent
This study was aimed to estimate the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) in a sample of 226 women with disabilities living in four different districts of Bangladesh. It also explored the physical and psychological suffering of... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyDomestic ViolenceViolence
Maternal undernutrition and low macro- and micronutrient intake and weight gain during pregnancy have been reported in Bangladesh. We aimed to determine the effects of lipid-based nutrient supplements for pregnant and lactating women... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsBangladeshFolic acidAnimal Production
বাংলাদেশের উচ্চশিক্ষার শতবর্ষের অগ্রযাত্রায় গত শতাব্দীর নব্বই এর দশকের শুরুতে আমাদের শিক্ষা ব্যবস্থায় বেসরকারিকরণের প্রক্রিয়া শুরু হয়। আমাদের উচ্চ শিক্ষাব্যাবস্থার এই দুই ধারার মধ্যে তুলনামূলক ও গুণগত আলোচনার স্বল্পতা লক্ষনীয়। এই... more
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      Higher EducationBangladesh
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      GeneticsMedical MicrobiologyChinaBangladesh
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      DemographyBangladeshPublic health systems and services researchBirth Intervals
Asian economic and aid Giant Japan and rising power and emerging donor China-the Asian Dragon give aid to Bangladesh in the name of development. But what are the politics and policy of aid that shape their engagement with Bangladesh? And... more
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      GeopoliticsSouth AsiaForeign AidBangladesh
Aims We carried out a survey of important nonclinical issues including awareness and self-management of diabetes on a group of South Asian and Caucasian patients attending diabetic clinics within a set period.Methods A structured... more
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      ImmunologyPakistanDietSelf Care
The study was conducted to determine the occurrence of infectious diseases in broiler chickens at kapasia in Gazipur district during the period from 16th October to 16th December 2008. Detection was made on the basis of history, clinical... more
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Small-scale fisheries have been associated with the subjective well-being of coastal communities through their links with culture, identity, and social cohesion. But although fish catches are usually considered the primary ecosystem... more
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      Subjective Well-BeingCoastal GeographyBangladeshSmall scale fisheries
Zoonoses in swine are increasingly becoming a global public health concern. Understanding how livestock farmers perceive animal illnesses will help to develop locally acceptable and effective public health intervention strategies to... more
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      Qualitative ResearchBangladeshAnimal HusbandryOne Health
Bangladesh lagged in microfinance regulation until 2006 when it established Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA). So far, MRA has granted license to around 650 Microfinance Institutions (MFIs); and has been supervising them with... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceBangladeshMicrofinance Institutions
The aim of the present research was to investigate about the chemical composition and the in vitro cytotoxic potential of
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      BangladeshEssential OilCell lineCytotoxic Activity
In the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, many of the overseas American Cultural Centers or binational centers sponsored or supported by the U.S. Information Service (USIS) organized annual Gettysburg Address speech contests. The contests helped... more
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      Public DiplomacyAbraham LincolnBangladeshNigeria
Introduction: We investigated a cluster of patients with encephalitis in the Manikgonj and Rajbari Districts of Bangladesh in February 2008 to determine the etiology and risk factors for disease. Methods: We classified persons as... more
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      Vector-Borne DiseaseBangladeshAdolescentFood Microbiology
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      NursingBangladeshAdolescentPolicy making
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      South Asian StudiesEnvironmental HistoryBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )Bangladesh
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      History19th and 20th Century BengalBangladeshHistory of Colonial India
The collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory building in Bangladesh, which resulted in the loss of at least 1134 lives and injuries to hundreds more, exposed the brutality of a global production system in which labour rights have become... more
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      BangladeshUneven and Combined DevelopmentUneven DevelopmentLabour rights
This paper attempts to focus on some of the issues and problems related to poverty and sustainable development in Bangladesh from the perspective of environmental protection and ecological balance. It has been argued that poverty... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentBangladeshDeveloping CountryEnvironmental protection
Large-scale mass poisoning through arsenic contaminated groundwater is a global concern and Bangladesh is among the countries exposed to high concentrations of arsenic in groundwater. As arsenic is a widespread contaminant, several... more
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      Water qualityArsenicArsenic Contamination in Ground WaterHealth Impact Assessment
Bangladesh and India Sharing fifty-four trans-boundary rivers water that flows from India to Bangladesh. Bangladesh is mostly dependent on India for their water and has no control over the water shed management policy of the rivers. Being... more
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      Conflict ResolutionBangladeshIndiaConflicts
The present study aims to estimate the incidence of preventable infectious diseases or associated symptoms among young children in Bangladesh and also determine the factors affecting these conditions. The study hypothesised that various... more
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      PovertyChild healthWater qualityWater Purification
The Bengali people are an ethno-linguistic group dwelling in the Bengal region of South Asia. Speaking Bengali mostly, its native population is divided between the independent country, Bangladesh and the Indian states by name, West... more
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      Indian English LiteratureBangladeshIndian Writing in EnglishIndian English Fiction
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are health conditions that cannot be transmitted from one patient to another, and usually manifest a prolonged, persistent, and slow pathology. NCDs are responsible for over 70% of all deaths, with nearly... more
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      ColombiaMedia effectsSyriaBangladesh
The impact of a water, sanitation and hygiene education intervention project on diarrhoeal morbidity in children under 5 years old was evaluated in a rural area of Bangladesh. Data were collected throughout 1984–1987, covering both... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyHealth EducationBangladesh
Background: The people of low and middle income countries bear about 80% of the global burden of diseases that are attributable to high blood pressure. Hypertensive people contribute half of this burden; the rest is among the people with... more
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      BangladeshAdolescentCardiovascular diseaseCommunity Medicine
This paper illustrates the result of land use/ cover change in Dhaka Metropolitan of Bangladesh using topographic maps and multi-temporal remotely sensed data from 1960 to 2005. The Maximum likelihood supervised classification technique... more
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      AgricultureEnvironmental MonitoringEnvironmental PlanningBangladesh
Characteristics on admission of children on standardised protocol (n=334) and non-protocol children (n=293) were similar except that more children on standardised protocol had oedema, acidosis, and Vibrio cholerae isolated from stools.... more
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      Treatment OutcomeBangladeshDiarrheaDiet Therapy
Pie charts representing the total number of COVID-19 affected cases in each of the districts of Bangladesh as of 20th July 2020.
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      Spatial AnalysisBangladeshMappingGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
The aim of the research is to trace causes of the wave of terrorism in present day Bangladesh, to analyze the government’s response to it and to give possible scenarios of the further development of Bangladesh as the result of the clash... more
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      TerrorismSouth Asian StudiesBangladeshJamaat-e-Islami
The future of biodiversity in Asia is increasingly dependent on networks of effective protected areas. Three wildlife sanctuaries of the Bangladesh Sundarbans are typical examples of protected areas where detection and monitoring of... more
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      TechnologyConservationBangladeshCamera Trapping
Objective: To compare the efficacy of an outreach program for young children with cerebral palsy with center-based and "minimal intervention" control groups.
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      PediatricsHealth CareHealth EducationSocial Support
Background/Objective: Psychosocial stimulation (PS) and food supplementation (FS) improve development of malnourished children. This study evaluates the effects of a community-based approach of PS and FS on growth and development of... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsCommunity-Based Mental Health ServicesChild DevelopmentHealth Education