Recent papers in Sexuality
This essay seeks to examine in parts, the ostensible absence of women’s political participation, particularly in peace processes in Africa. The essay will draw experiences and examples from a couple of African countries to argue that... more
In recent years, there has been considerable attention within the social work profession surrounding diverse personal, family, and community issues pertaining to sexuality, yet social workers typically receive very little training on... more
Transnational history and the history of gender and sexuality have both been concerned with the issue of borders and their crossing, but the two fields themselves have not intersected much in the past. This is beginning to change, and... more
Violence against lesbians and gay men has increasingly captured media and scholarly attention. But these reports tend to focus on one segment of the LGBT community—white, middle class men—and largely ignore that part of the community that... more
Because research is needed to identify the conditions that facilitate or impede the prevalence of perceived workplace discrimination, the authors examined the effects of demographics and demographic similarity on the prevalence of sex-and... more
Short stories, many set in the academic world and in Southeast Asia.
In this paper, I will look at the depiction of South African intersex athlete Caster Semenya as a means to understand the existing problematic essentialist and naturalistic binary paradigms of sex and gender. I will look at the social,... more
Within ESL, interest has been growing in the pedagogical implications of poststructuralist theories of identity and in the need for gay-friendly teaching practices. However, research on identity has largely neglected the domain of sexual... more
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on August 8, 1967, when foreign ministers of five countries, consisting of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, met in Bangkok and signed the... more
This book is dedicated with gratitude to the staff of the Music Library of the University of Pretoria: Isobel Oosthuizen, Gertrud Meyer and Marie Stals Gender and Sexuality in South African Music Published by SUN ePReSS, a division of... more
This article studies Cypriot LGBs' identity construction processes and understandings of politics amidst the sociopolitical environment within which they are articulated. It does so by addressing a question that is central to gender and... more
In my doctoral dissertation I explore the metaphorization processes that make knowl-edge possible. These metaphorization processes allow the making of temporary coher-ence, a necessary feature to know but also to act in the world. My... more
In the field of identity politics and cultural identity, the representation of differences plays a crucial role. The extent of the differences a society has determines the social outcomes in divergent ways. Surely, there are other... more
La sessualità, oggi, si "vede" ovunque, non occorre andarla a cercare; ci troviamo di fronte ad un flusso costante di immagini più o meno velatamente riferite al sesso ma di sessualità non si parla. Forse la si balbetta, pressappoco,... more
Interracial sex mattered to the British colonial state in West Africa. In Crossing the Color Line, Carina E. Ray goes beyond this fact to reveal how Gold Coasters—their social practices, interests, and anxieties—shaped and defined these... more
This article briefly reviews literature on responses towards same-sex (lesbian and gay) sexualities from psychoanalytic and ‘lesbian and gay affirmative’ psychotherapeutic perspectives. An analysis is presented of reports of... more
This article argues for a reconceptualization of the intersections of race, gender and class as simultaneous processes of identity, institutional and social practice in order to redress the lack of attention to these intersections in... more
In February 2004, the final credits of HBO's Sex and the City (SATC) rolled and a neartotal media frenzy of goodbyes, tributes, commentary, and post mortems on the show ensued, testifying to the importance of the show to many viewers.... more
This research proposal informs incoming freshman about the consequences of having sex, doing drugs, and drinking alcohol. It statistically shows the chances both new and continuing college students have for dropping out of college as well... more
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Tijelo kao film | Body as Film | Body and Sexuality in Short Feature Film; Retrospective at Croatian Film Days 2015 curated by Željko Luketić. Featuring works from Ante Babaja, Miroslav Mikuljan, Mišo Budisavljević, Neven Korda, Tomislav... more
Enacted February 24, 2014 and effective until August 1, 2014, Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act targeted Ugandans of minority sexual orientations and gender identities—many of whom self-identify as 'kuchu'—by imposing life sentences for... more
“Repression” names just one of the defense mechanisms that characterize queer theory’s quarter-century evasion of Lacanian psychoanalysis. The act of repressing the unconscious might seem entirely different than the decision to reject the... more
This study analyzes female friendship in four novels written by black diasporic women and examines the impact of race, class and gender on women's relationships. The novels emphasize how women face the challenges of patriarchal... more
Hegemonic masculinity in the contemporary United States involves control, domination, competition, aggression, and the devaluing of women. Hogging, a practice whereby men seek out women they deem unattractive or fat for sexual purposes,... more
Review of The Beyoncé Effect: Essays on Sexuality, Race, and Feminism (McFarland 2016), a collection edited by Adrienne Trier‐Bieniek, is featured in the Journal of American Culture.
In this paper, as a final year student at the Faculty of Theology and Religion at the University of Pretoria, in fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Divinity Theology qualification, I aim to explore the history of Sexuality... more
Os desenvolvedores criam games, mas os jogadores também se sentem instigados a ir além do que lhe foi oferecido, e assim nascem os MODs. Essas alterações podem transformar um determinado game em um gênero completamente diferente do qual... more
Even though scholars and feminists have accused intersectional theory for being superficial, inadequate, context bereft and fashionably more populist than academic, its applicability in addressing multi-layered forms of discrimination... more
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
As pornography use becomes more commonplace in the United States, and increasingly so among younger cohorts, a growing literature is considering its potential connection to key social and cultural institutions. The current study examines... more
Jean-Luc Nancy, a Romantic Philosopher? On Romance, Love, and Literature Open access via: This paper will, in its successive steps and movements, revolve around one... more
Queering Australian Museums addresses the problem of how queer or LGBTIQ communities can be further included in Australian museums on their own terms. It looks at four areas of museums—management, collections, exhibitions, and connections... more