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This paper examines two features of Kant’s 1768 critique of Leibniz’ conception of space. Firstly, Leibniz’ proposed geometrical calculus called ‘analysis situs’; secondly, Leibniz’ relational conception of space. The main thesis of the... more
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      Geometry And Topology17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophySpace and PlaceImmanuel Kant
"A revista começa com uma entrevista que LUCIO COLLETTI concedeu a Perry Anderson em 1974, inédita em nossa língua. Colletti foi um dos precursores da teoria crítica do valor, e é pouco conhecido no Brasil." (Do editorial da Sinal de... more
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      Immanuel KantKarl MarxMarxismoLucio Colletti
Wörtlich übersetzt bedeutet Popularphilosophie (lat. philosophia popularis) eine dem Volk zugehörige oder dasselbe betreffende Philosophie, salopp gesagt: ein Denken fürs Volk. Mit dieser Übersetzung sind sämtliche Ambi-oder Polyvalenzen... more
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      German IdealismImmanuel KantClassical German PhilosophyPopular Philosophy
Der Gedanke, der sich in der modernen Idee der Autonomie verdichtet, ist ein doppelter: Die Figur der Autonomie enthält zugleich eine neue Auffassung von Normativität und eine eigene Konzeption von Freiheit. Dem Gedanken der Autonomie... more
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      HegelAutonomyImmanuel KantParadoxes
Kant’s justification of a transeunt account of causal interaction – contra Hume – is not in the Second Analogy of Experience alone, but in all three Analogies conjointly. Officially the Critique of Pure Reason aims to justify our use of... more
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      EpistemologyCausal reasoningImmanuel Kant
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      Critical TheoryTheodor AdornoKant's Practical PhilosophyMichel Foucault
Hegel's approach to sociopolitical normativity can be understood as a response to problems that are also faced by contemporary constructivists and realists. From Hegel's perspective, realists may be able to account for the nonrelative... more
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      Political PhilosophyJurgen HabermasHegelImmanuel Kant
in "Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del diritto", 2/2021. ABSTRACT: Definisco “normativismo trascendentale” la concezione per la quale le norme giuridiche non sono oggetto di una conoscenza possibile, ma sono ciò attraverso cui è... more
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      Philosophy Of LawNormativityImmanuel KantLegal Philosophy
I Adorno was vehemently anti-Hegelian. He was also one of the most thoroughly Hegelian thinkers of the century. He was anti-Hegelian insofar as he opposed final closure -reconciliation or Aufhebung -in philosophical inquiry. His... more
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      Sigmund FreudModernityImmanuel KantSpontaneity
In her influential and challenging paper “Skepticism about Practical Reason” Christine Korsgaard sets out to refute an important strand of Humean scepticism as it concerns a Kantian understanding of practical reason.1 Korsgaard... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsMoral PsychologyPractical Reasoning
Kierkegaard and Kant on Radical Evil and the Highest Good is a major study of Kierkegaard's relation to Kant that gives a comprehensive account of radical evil and the highest good, two controversial doctrines with important consequences... more
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      EthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionPhilosophical AnthropologyPhilosophical Theology
Both for Kant and for Nietzsche, aesthetics must not be considered as a systematic science based merely on logical premises but rather as a set of intuitively attained artistic ideas that constitute or reconstitute the sensible... more
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Early in the twentieth century, Kant’s epistemology was accused of having become irrelevant in view of the relativistic and the quantum revolutions. Relativity seemed to discard the transcendental aesthetic (the doctrine of space as... more
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      Quantum PhysicsPhilosophyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of Physics
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      EthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionKierkegaardImmanuel Kant
First published in 1818, The World as Will and Representation contains Schopenhauer's entire philosophy, ranging through epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mind and action, aesthetics and philosophy of art, to ethics, the meaning of... more
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      KantGerman IdealismSchopenhauerImmanuel Kant
A intrigante discussão feita por Kant sobre o "fato da razão" se encontra exatamente no centro do argumento da Crítica da Razão Prática. Kant introduz tal noção ao argumentar que a razão pura é prática, o que consiste na principal tarefa... more
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      Kant's Practical PhilosophyMetaethicsImmanuel KantKantian ethics Il volume riunisce contributi che, rispondendo ad un’esigenza oggi molto sentita, si interrogano sui... more
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      PlatoGerman IdealismPhilosophy Of LawHegel
Рассмотрены история происхождения, специфика, основная проблематика и категориальный аппарат немецкой классической философии и системы трансцендентального идеализма И. Канта. Проанализирована перспектива развития системы... more
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      Transcendental PhilosophyImmanuel KantTranscendental IdealismClassical German Philosophy
Forthcoming in Philosophical Review.
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      Kant-studiesKant's Practical PhilosophyEmmanuel KantImmanuel Kant
Sobre los sentimientos de lo bello y lo sublime.
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      Immanuel KantEstéticaFilosofía
If we turn from Kant’s definition of prejudice in the 'Critique of the Power of Judgement' to that of Gadamer in 'Truth and Method', then a fundamental difference between them becomes apparent. Whereas Kant calls on us in the spirit of... more
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      HermeneuticsGerman IdealismHans-Georg GadamerImmanuel Kant
Kant on sex gives most philosophers the following associations: a lifelong celibate philosopher; a natural teleological view of sexuality; a strange incorporation of this natural teleological account within his freedom-based moral theory;... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderFeminist TheoryFeminist Philosophy
Uma das grandes diferenças do filósofo para o sofista é o apego à verdade. A verdade nesse sentido tem o significado literal de conhecimento, que é um discurso ou explicação comprovável sobre o real, o todo. O sofista não se preocupa com... more
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      HegelImmanuel KantKarl MarxFilosofía Política
Among scientific impulses in Peter Greenaway’s film is his interest in biochemistry and evolution. Setting aside the TV biopic Darwin (1993), I draw special attention to his two early films displaying experimental imaginations of men... more
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      Film TheoryDigitizationGilles DeleuzeImmanuel Kant
In recent debates on empathy in various disciplines, including philosophy, psychology, psychopathology, cognitive sciences, neurophysiology, the discussion has focused on empathic experiences within the intersubjective context, either... more
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      AestheticsMax SchelerAnimationAristotle
La tesi presenta inizialmente il pensiero di Jacques Derrida sull'animalità. Il tema affrontato è la sovranità dell'uomo sul resto dei viventi, in particolare nei riguardi della discriminazione dell'animalità. Nei capitoli a seguire si... more
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      PhilosophyOntologyPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemology
Deriving from the myth of Narcissus, in which a beautiful youth falls in love with his own reflection, the concept of narcissism was given its first systematic treatment in Sigmund Freud's 1914 essay “On Narcissism.” Since Freud's account... more
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      PsychologyEthicsAristotleLuce Irigaray
In this piece, I consider various problematic themes of the transhumanist literature that carry significant ethical import, to point out that traditional utilitarian approaches, the ones standardly preferred by transhumanism, reveal some... more
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      AristotleVirtue EthicsTranshumanismUtilitarianism
In this paper I sketch the emergence of transcendence and immanence to the binary pair of opposites we know today. I show that such usage doesn't stretch back beyond Kant and that its real career only takes off in the 1830s. Major... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyHistory of Religion
In this chapter I focus on a few selected building blocks that will pave the way for a renewed, thorough, and sober phenomenological reading of Marx’s philosophy. I intend to show here that this can be done best through 1) moving Marx... more
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      MarxismPhenomenologyHegelEdmund Husserl
Bu makalede, metafizik bir kavram olarak Tanrı'nın Kant tarafından nasıl ele alındığını göstermeye çalıştık. Tanrı kavramı bilginin oluşumunda problematiktir. Buna rağmen aynı kavram bilginin düzenlenmesinde önemlidir.
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      TheologyPractical ReasoningImmanuel Kant
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      AutonomyImmanuel KantReligion and Modernity
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      AutonomyImmanuel KantMoral Philosophy
Philosophy tries to answer the questions regarding the source of being. This endeavour reached the highest point with Aristotle in ancient Greece. Our claim is that Aristotle contructs his ontologic theory as the truth by using a... more
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      MetaphysicsAristotleImmanuel KantIslamic Thought & Philosophy
When we judge something to be beautiful, do we identify an inherent feature of the object, or only our subjective response to it? This paper argues that, for Kant, pure aesthetic judgment occupies a middle ground. Such judgments are based... more
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      AestheticsImmanuel Kant
Es una colección de diez ensayos que pretenden definir, explicar e interpretar el período conocido como Frühromantik a través de su epistemología, metafísica y política, como también reconstruir la relevancia que tuvo la estética... more
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      Aesthetics17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyRomanticismPoststructuralism
Esse texto procura investigar a seguinte questão: como pode ser conduzido um processo de Esclarecimento que não seja apenas individual, mas social e político? Uma resposta para esta questão pode ser obtida na medida em que concebemos o... more
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    • Immanuel Kant
The antinomy of teleological judgment has increasingly been under­ stood as a conflict between regulative principles. But it is not clear why regulative principles can be in conflict at all, since Kant otherwise takes the realization that... more
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      Philosophy of BiologyImmanuel KantTeleologyCritique of Judgment
After World War II human dignity successfully made its way into many constitutions and international treaties, as well as EU law. Yet, since it was not an entirely new concept, it should not be taken for granted that before 1945 it was... more
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      European integrationLaw and ReligionEuropean Union LawImmanuel Kant
Not Edwin Hubble, but Immanuel Kant was the first human to discover other galaxies. Although he seldom left Koningsbergen, I see Kant first as explorer.
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      Martin HeideggerImmanuel KantJaques DerridaSally Haslanger
RESUMO: No artigo procura-se apresentar sistematicamente o direito natural no pensamento de Kant a partir do conceito de "reino dos fins". A opção por essa abordagem visa enfatizar uma leitura do direito natural como exercício da... more
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      Immanuel KantAutonomiaAutodeterminaçãoDireito Natural
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    • Immanuel Kant