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The paper (Foucault Studies, 25 [see link to site*]) builds upon a growing body of critical research on the proliferating use of bibliometrics as a means to evaluate academic research, but brings to it a specifically Foucauldian,... more
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      BibliometricsBiometricsMichel FoucaultFoucault and education
Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault are widely accepted to be central figures of post-war French philosophy. Philosophers, cultural theorists, and others have devoted considerable effort to the critical examination of the work of each of... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
Tal como tendremos ocasión de revisar, son varios los autores que reconocen en la emoción del miedo uno de los aspectos que caracterizan y modelan nuestra contemporaneidad. Sin embargo, no es solamente tal prevalencia lo que nos interesa... more
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      GovernmentalityMichel FoucaultBiopoliticsFoucault and education
In France, the justice system for minors, since the government edict of 2nd February 1945, has been distinguished officially from others by the importance attached to applying an " educative " rather than " repressive " approach. This... more
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      Youth StudiesCritical PedagogyJuvenile JusticeJuvenile Delinquency
In liberal, democratic and capitalist societies today, we are increasingly invited to disclose our innermost thoughts to others. We are asked to turn our gaze inwards, scrutinizing ourselves, our behaviours and beliefs, while talking and... more
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      GenealogyFoucault and educationGovernmentality Studies
This article introduces the concept of nation-state/colonial governmentality as a framework for analyzing the ways current language ideologies marginalize the language practices of subaltern populations. Specifically, the article focuses... more
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      EducationBilingual EducationFoucault and education
Fairy tales play a substantial role in the shaping of childhoods. Developed into stories and played out in picture books, films and tales, they are powerful instruments that influence conceptions and treatments of the child and... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEducationMedia Studies
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      Teachers PracticesFoucault and educationWomen and Gender StudiesLabor Movements
El artículo ofrece una reflexión acerca del lugar y las modalidades de la práctica docente en contextos de formación. La intención es articular notas de índole crítica que puedan abrirnos a otras acciones en los trayectos de formación de... more
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      HeterotopiaMichel FoucaultFoucault and educationUtopia
Co-authored with Elizabeth Gould. In B. Roberts (ed.), Sociological Explorations: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education (pp. 137-154). St. John’s, NL: The Binder’s Press.
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      Music EducationPerformativityJudith ButlerFoucault and education
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      Critical TheoryBusinessMarketingDiscourse Analysis
In the paper, I analyze relations between power, freedom, and formation of the self in reference to Foucault’s works since this triangle is central not only to the philosophy of education, but also goes to the heart of the problem with... more
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      Philosophy of EducationLouis AlthusserFoucault and educationMichel Foucault: The subject and power
Resumo – En el artículo se analiza la constitución de algunos saberes, nociones, conceptos y prácticas en el campo del saber pedagógico y como producto de la preocupación por el gobierno de sí y de los otros. Tal situación es presentada... more
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      History of EducationPhilosophy of EducationFoucault and educationGovernmentality Studies
Este artículo intenta pensar la relación del juego, el mito y la educación en el pensamiento filosófico griego antiguo. Una versión "pervertida" -en el mejor sentido deleuziano- de cómo las tradiciones antiguas, a partir de sus enseñanzas... more
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      MythologyPlatoGilles DeleuzeMichel Foucault
RESUMEN Este texto analiza las pruebas estandarizadas del rendimiento escolar como dispositivo de la biopolítica educativa. Se presenta una breve revisión teórica de la noción de biopolítica, una analítica del poder de organismos... more
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      EducationPerformativityEducation PolicyMichel Foucault
Very brief analysis of childhood behavior shows that such combinations as histrionic play, bluff, playful threat, teasing play in response to threat, histrionic threat, and so on form together a single total complex of phenomena. And such... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesPlay TherapyGerman Studies
El trabajo busca desarrollar y contraponer las formas de entender las topologías de la dominación social y de la configuración de las subjetividades por parte de Norbert Elías y Michael Foucault. Para ello, primero se presentará la... more
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      Michel FoucaultFoucault and educationFoucault (Research Methodology)Norbert Elias
This article asks what uniform practices in schools can tell us about how power functions through a comprehensive analysis of the uniform policies of all Scottish state secondary schools (n = 357)....
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      SociologyGovernmentalityMichel FoucaultFoucault and education
The essays in the fourth volume of The Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research reflect upon and examine critically the justice disciplines in Canada. In using this term, we refer to stand-alone postsecondary university degree... more
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      SociologyCriminologySocial PsychologyCriminal Law
This paper explores the American master narrative as it is expressed in civic republicanism and liberal citizenship discourse. These divergent views on citizenship education actually share common notions of a self-correcting democratic... more
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      Critical TheoryCritical Race TheoryFoucault and educationImagined Community
W refleksji inspirowanej teoriami Michela Foucaulta szczeg6lnie istotne miejsce zajmuje pojgcie dyskursu. Odnosi sig ono do sposob6."v konstytuowania rviedzy. ale takze osadzonych w niej praktyk spolecznych, form podmiotoworlci oraz... more
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      Early Childhood EducationMichel FoucaultFoucault and educationPreschool Education
Even though the legitimizing intents of both the modern penitentiary and the archive—the latter understood as the physical deposit of memory—are radically different, could the principles central to their founding discourses and eventual... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyArchival StudiesArt History
This paper opens with a vignette of a homophobic incident in a Catholic high school as a way of introducing the topic and providing a concrete example of the problem. The author defines homophobia and describes how it functions as a... more
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      AutoethnographyHomophobiaFoucault and educationGramsci and Cultural Hegemony
Recensione del saggio di Michel Foucault "La vita degli uomini infami"
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      Michel FoucaultFoucault and educationPotereInfamia
A partir do pensamento de Félix Guattari, o artigo investiga as formas pelas quais a escola se constitui uma maquinaria bipolítica de rostidade. Ao mesmo tempo, pensa-se questões críticas para se repensar o lugar da escola no atual... more
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      Felix GuattariBiopoliticsFoucault and educationSchool
Compte-rendu de Simon Lemoine, Le sujet dans les dispositifs de pouvoir, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Collection « Essais », 2013, 330 p., ISBN 978-2-7535-2741-6.
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      Michel FoucaultBiopoliticsFoucault and educationBiopolitics (in Agamben, Foucault and Negri)
A local trend in commercial dance studio education is the implementation of real-time digital video surveillance. This case study explores how digital video cameras in the dance studio environment affect asymmetrical power relationships... more
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      PedagogyDance EducationFoucault and educationBallet
Based on Homans´ critique of ballet art and Pawlick's illustrations, this article seeks to explore the question of whether classical ballet has changed in the 21st century. It is hypothesized that today's classical dance institutions... more
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      Dance EducationFoucault and educationBourdieuMeritocracy
Categorized research-works of Debaprasad-15
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      Discourse AnalysisPolitical SociologyLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
รีวิว 10 ผลงานที่ต้อง (ห้าม) พลาดของ Michel Foucault
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyPower SystemMichel Foucault
Il rapporto dialettico tra discorso medico e discorso pedagogico è stato segnato storicamente da un potere egemonico del primo sul secondo. Gli autori, assumendo una prospettiva argomentativa che cerca di coniugare il contributo... more
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      Special EducationDisability StudiesSocioanalysisSpecial Educational Needs
The argument of this chapter is that disciplined forms of self reflection and aesthetic cultivation can be mobilised as themselves political moments during the creative process of a theatre project. Such a process of discipline and... more
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      AnthropologyEthicsDevelopment StudiesPerformance Studies
This collection of essays and notes attempts to tread the invisible borders between mythos, the neoliberal-Christian-nationalist 'world view' and socio-political trends in the rise of Trump, the Red Hats and the Evangelicals to political... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsReligionAncient Egyptian Religion
In Mombasa, Kenya government officials, public figures, NGOs and wananchis (civil society) often decry the presence of street children, viewing them as both ‘criminal’ and therefore as in need of discipline and reform, and as limited... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesKenyaFoucault and educationStreet Children
This article addresses the paradoxical nature of 'pedagogic governance' (Singh 2015), developed from Bernstein's 'pedagogic device', that is, the use of pedagogic means (including knowledge) to govern entire populations in a 'totally... more
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      Sociology of EducationMichel FoucaultPolitics Of EducationFoucault and education
Research on the effect of school uniforms on school attendance in low income countries is scarce. Building on a meta-analysis of the available literature, this paper analyses primary survey data collected (n = 462) in Mongolia on... more
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      Education (Social Policy)International EducationComparative & International EducationMongolian Studies
The same energy of character which renders a man a daring villain would have rendered him useful in society, had that society been well organised.
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      PsychologyPhilosophyEthicsMoral Psychology
This article historicizes 21st century personalized learning by tracing its lineage to 20th century technologies that were considered commercial and educational failures. It explores important and often ironic links between past and... more
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      Educational TechnologyCurriculum TheoryCurriculum HistoryEducational reform
This article argues against the doxa that Foucault's analysis of education inevitably undermines self-originating ethical intention on the part of teachers or students. By attending to Foucault's lesser known, later work-in particular,... more
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      Michel FoucaultFoucault and education
La construcciòn de la escuela moderna avanza paso a paso, a través de diversos representantes que - entre 1550 y 1750 - le dan forma definitiva. La Salle representa en último eslabón de un proyecto que, aunque nace en el contexto... more
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      Foucault and educationEducaciónHistoria de la EducaciónEscuela
Comentario de texto para clase al texto "Los medios del buen encauzamiento", de Foucault. Espero que a alguien le pueda ser de utilidad.
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      Michel FoucaultFoucault and educationEducaciónSociología De La Educación
Since the 2000s, successive governments in the United Kingdom and elsewhere have embraced the idea of ‘raising aspiration’ among young people as a solution to persisting educational and socio-economic inequalities. Previous analyses have... more
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      GovernmentalityEducation PolicyFoucault and educationAspirations
En la última etapa de su trabajo, Foucault acusa un nuevo desplazamiento metodológico en sus estudios, acompañado de una serie de interrogantes nuevos. En esta ocasión centrará sus indagaciones en torno al sujeto, esto es, en los procesos... more
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      Michel FoucaultFoucault and educationFoucault (Research Methodology)Filosofía
The purpose of this article is to reconsider philosophical issues that are crucial in Yorgos Lanthimos’ movie “Dogtooth” and can be useful in contemporary debate about norms and rules determining the constitution of the self. After a... more
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      EducationChildren and FamiliesNormativity (Gender)Truth
Cet essai interroge les limites de l’humanisme contemporain pour résister à la montée de l’idéologie néolibérale dans le domaine scolaire. Il commence par une analyse généalogique des significations qu’a prise l’éducation humaniste au... more
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      Foucault and educationNeoliberalism and Education
Table of Contents: Introduction - Nicolae Morar, Thomas Nail, and Daniel Smith Part I Encounters 1. Deleuze and Foucault: A Philosophical Friendship - François Dosse 2. Theatrum Philosophicum - Michel Foucault 3. Michel Foucault's Main... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisPolitical SociologySocial Theory
In this paper I will attempt to reveal the role of power and knowledge in the educational setting and how its role has transformed over the course of the past century. I will explain how the human sciences have played a large role on how... more
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      Michel FoucaultSchool effectiveness and school improvementFoucault and educationFoucault (Research Methodology)
This essay outlines the rise and fall of the school desk as a discursive idea. The belief in the school bench and the immobile student body arose from a superimposition of a number of discourses and practices: the unification of nation... more
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      EducationArchitectureHistory of EducationArchitectural History
La primera parte del título de este trabajo señala una orientación. Propongo pensar elementos para una epistemología de la práctica docente. ¿Por qué sería esto relevante o siquiera necesario? ¿Qué puede aportar una mirada epistemológica... more
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      EpistemologyNarrativeMax HorkheimerFriedrich Nietzsche
鈴木大裕(2016)『崩壊するアメリカの公教育 〜日本への警告〜』第1章、岩波書店 鈴木大裕 「教育を市場化した新自由主義改革:崩壊するアメリカ公教育の現場から」『月刊 ジャーナリズム』(朝日新聞出版)2014年4月(287)号、pp.115-122 Suzuki, D. (2014). Neoliberal education reforms and the marketization of public education. Journalism (Asahi... more
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      Japanese educationCharter schoolsFoucault and educationSchool Choice