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Birds featured in many aspects of medieval people's lives, not least in their poetry. But despite their familiar presence in literary culture, it is still often assumed that these representations have little to do with the real natural... more
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      OrnithologyMiddle EnglishMedieval StudiesAnimal Studies
Examines the literary topos of dawn, the "Alba," in Persian poetry in comparative perspective, first considering the Alba poem in medieval Provencal lyric in southern France and northern Italy, establishing how the theme of the parting of... more
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      SemioticsPersian LiteratureArabic PoetryCultural Semiotics
Dear reader, Please note that this article is published with Brepols Publishers as a Gold Open Access article under a Creative Commons CC 4.0: BY-NC license. The article is also freely available on the website of Brepols Publishers :... more
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      Medieval StudiesByzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesByzantine Poetry
Die volkssprachliche Lyrik Italiens entsteht zu einer Zeit, als sich, in Sizilien am Hof des Stauferkaisers Friedrich II. und im Patriziat der toskanischen Städte, ein neuer Stand von gebildeten Laien ausformt. Die gelehrte Kultur... more
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      Guido CavalcantiDante AlighieriMedieval Lyric PoetryMedieval aesthetics
The Codex Buranus, compiled, in all likelihood, in South Tyrol in the first half of the thirteenth century, has fascinated modern scholars and performers ever since its rediscovery in 1803. Its diverse range of texts (some famously... more
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      MusicMusicologyMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
Melancholic, suffering, lost in a state far from reason and commanded by the inconsistent emotions of love, the composer of the courtly love lyric offers the listener an image of love’s capacity to overpower through intense... more
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      Medieval Occitan LiteratureBarcelonaHistory of the TroubadoursToulouse
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      Medieval LiteratureItalian StudiesMedieval StudiesPetrarch
Di Paolo di Stefano. «Un "Atlante dei canzonieri in volgare" che è insieme sintesi di una grande tradizione filologica e rilancio di nuovi studi. Perchè dopo Petrarca la poesia naturalmente non finì, al contrario... Poco meno di cento... more
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      Medieval LiteratureItalian StudiesMedieval StudiesRomance philology
Ao longo do período conhecido como Idade Média vemos uma serie de manifestações culturais que tomam forma nos diferentes ambientes medievais, em especial a cidade e a corte. No ambiente efervescente da cidade, o surgimento das primeiras... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Latin PoetryMedieval Lyric PoetryPoesía Medieval
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      Medieval LiteratureMinnesangMedieval Lyric Poetry
Die ich mit gesange hie prîse und kroene, / an die hât got sînen wunsch wol geleit (MF 141,(7)(8). Wer wird hier besungen? Die Minnedame, würde man meinen. Der Eindruck ist trügerisch, denn das Zitat entstammt dem Lied eines Dichters... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureGermanic PhilologyMinnesangLyric poetry (esp. medieval)
À propos de Rappeler Roland (2013), son dernier livre paru, Frédéric Boyer évoque le travail de « translateur » qui a été le sien quand il a traduit une chanson de geste, La Chanson de Roland, dans la langue d’usage de notre présent.... more
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      Chansons De GesteChanson De Geste And French EpicContemporary PoetryEpic poetry
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      Medieval German LiteratureHuman-Animal StudiesLiterature, Art and Music of the Courtly Love TraditionMinnesang
“Recensio y edición crítica de testimonios únicos: la poesía profana de Joan Roís de Corella”, en Avatares y perspectivas del medievalismo ibérico, coord. Isabella Tomassetti, San Millán de la Cogolla, Cilengua, pp. 1179-1190 (“Colección... more
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      EcdoticsMedieval Catalan LiteratureMedieval Spanish LiteratureMedieval Lyric Poetry
Los poetas goliardos del siglo XII es una obra en la que se recogen, en texto latino y traducción al español, los poemas satírico-morales de Walter de Chatillon, Pedro de Blois, Felipe el Canciller, el Archipoeta, Hugo Primas de Orleáns,... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Iberian LiteratureMedieval StudiesMedieval Latin Literature
PhD dissertation abstract and index. Università degli Studi di Pavia, 13.02.2020.
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      Music HistoryMedieval MusicPolyphonyMedieval Palaeography
"Carter's music poses struggles of opposition, for instance in timbre (Double Concerto), space (String Quartet No. 3) or pulse (String Quartet No. 5). His preference for the all-interval tetrachords, 4–Z15 [0, 1, 4, 6] and 4–Z29 [0, 1, 3,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsEvolutionary PsychologyMusic
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      Medieval ArtMedieval Lyric PoetryDanza Historica - Early Dance
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      Medieval Latin LiteratureVoiceMedieval Lyric PoetryBaudri de Bourgueil
In this first volume of critical essays ever devoted to Jean Renart's work, contributors draw on political and social history, women's studies, translation theory, musicology, and literary theory to illuminate Jean's remarkable... more
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      Sexuality and chivalry/courtly loveEmbroidered TextilesMedieval MusicMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)
Hildegard is potentially most famous today as a composer and musician. Her soaring melodies are the only complete corpus of a medieval composer's works to survive, and they have found a happy place in the repertoires of both classical and... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval TheologyMedieval WomenMedieval Music
Desde que hace ya algo más de un siglo se editó por primera vez, la que se ha dado en llamar cantiga de Valcavado no ha recibido la atención que merece por su singularidad e importancia. Habrá que esperar a finales del siglo pasado para... more
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      Cantigas de Santa MariaTextual Criticism and EditingMedieval Lyric PoetryCrítica textual
Of the early works in this volume, Chaucer's Parliament of Foules is the most wide-ranging in its sources and interests and the most accomplished in its prosody. The Book of the Duchess offers a more consistent tone, the House of Fame... more
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      Medieval LiteratureAnimal StudiesGeoffrey ChaucerMedieval Lyric Poetry
In these essays Peter Dronke looks at some of the relations between sacred and profane ideas and images, and Christian and pagan motifs, particularly in the early Middle Ages. The first two parts of the book dwell on aspects of (in the... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesMedieval Latin Literature
Secondo una definizione, l’indovinello è un gioco costituito da un testo, sia esso orale o scritto. Nessun dubbio sulla natura ludica di questa che, nella interpretazione di André Jolles, rappresenta una delle forme semplici del sapere... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesRiddlesEarly modern English literatureOld English Riddles
This article gives a general survey of the presence in Hungarian poetry of poetical forms constructed by medieval courtly poets: cansos, sestinas, ballades, rondeaux, and sonnets. The rhyming patterns of medieval and early modern poems in... more
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      PoetryVersificationHungarian StudiesMedieval Lyric Poetry
Enrico di Castiglia è un caso emblematico di cavaliere e principe alla ricerca di una signoria. Dopo aver guidato senza successo una ribellione nobiliare contro il celebre fratello Alfonso X el Sabio (1252-1284) re di Castiglia, prese la... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Islam
A cura di Antonio Calvia e Maria Sofia Lannutti. Gran parte del patrimonio musicale del Trecento italiano resta tuttora accessibile in edizioni complessive ormai obsolete, in cui i testi poetici, talvolta di notevole livello, figurano... more
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      Italian StudiesMedieval StudiesNotation (Music)Medieval Music
1 DARWICH Mahmoud, Au dernier soir sur cette terre, SANBAR Elias (trad.), Arles, 1999, p. 52-53. 4 se limite qu'aux formes fixes de la poésie, le corpus pioche dans toutes ses formes : sonnet, canzone, ballade. Chaque forme de poésie est... more
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      Guido CavalcantiGuittone d'ArezzoDante AlighieriExile Literature
This is a threefold transcription of Baude Cordier's "circle canon," two versions in rondeau form and one in perpetual canon. Included with the music transcriptions are full translations from Medieval French to English of all the... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
Catalogado con el número uno de su fondo manuscrito, la Biblioteca de la Abadía de Montserrat guarda celosamente un códice encuadernado con cubiertas bermejas que da sentido a su actual denominación: Llibre Vermell. 1 Copiado seguramente... more
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      Medieval LiteratureLiterature and MusicMedieval Catalan LiteratureMedieval Lyric Poetry
La mirada, la voz y el corazón: notas sobre las alusiones directas a la danza en la lírica d'oïl de los siglos XII y XIII Arturo TELLO RUIZ-PÉREZ Universidad Complutense de Madrid Lors veïssies quarole aler et gent mignotement baler et... more
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      Cultural StudiesFrench LiteratureEarly MusicMusicology
Musica e poesia nel Trecento italiano. Verso una nuova edizione critica dell'"Ars nova", a cura di Antonio Calvia e Maria Sofia Lannutti, Firenze, Edizioni del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 2015, pp. 360 + XII Il volume... more
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      Medieval Lyric PoetryArs nova
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      Medieval LiteratureMiddle EnglishMedieval English LiteraturePearl Poet
Beholding Beauty: Sa'di of Shiraz and the Aesthetics of Desire in Medieval Persian Poetry - chapter 3: The Obscene Revisited From the Sexual Reification of the Body to its Spiritual Fetishization
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophyPersian LiteratureIranian Studies
For an audio-video animation of the manuscript with the modern transcription see the link below: An edition of the anonymous labyrinthine ballade on three canons, "En la maison Dedalus" (In the... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic EducationMusic Theory Pedagogy
Focused on two sixteenth-century editions of a medieval Valencian author (Ausiàs March, 1400-59), this book examines how the material transformations of early modern poetic texts at different stages in their publication process—from the... more
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      Print CulturePublishingTranslation StudiesMedieval Literature
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      Reception StudiesMedieval LiteratureBibliographyPoetry
'Ad cantandum carmina. Testo e musica nel Corpus di ritmi latini musicati  in La poesia tardoantica e medievale. IV Convegno internazionale di studi, Perugia, 15-17 novembre 2007, Edizioni dell'Orso, Alessandria 2010, 333 – 353
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      Medieval Latin LiteratureMedieval Lyric PoetryMedieval Musical NotationDigital Scholarly Editions
George R.R. Martin’s world is filled with music. From bawdy tavern songs to religious hymns to ballads about memorable battles or persons; songs are an important part of the Westerosi history and culture. Whether they are performed for... more
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      Medieval LiteratureFantasy LiteratureAdaptation (Literature)Fantastic Literature
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyMedieval History
Author: Domenico Ingenito Beholding Beauty: Saʿdi of Shiraz and the Aesthetics of Desire in Medieval Persian Poetry explores the relationship between sexuality, politics, and spirituality in the lyrics of Saʿdi Shirazi (d. 1292 CE), one... more
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      Medieval LiteraturePersian LiteratureIranian StudiesIslamic Philosophy
El compositor alcoià Amand Blanquer Ponsoda (1935-2005) és, sens dubte, una referència absoluta dins del panorama musical del nostre país. Les seues aportacions musicals inclouen alguns exemples repersentatius dels clàssics valencians com... more
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      Literature and MusicMedieval Catalan LiteratureMedieval MusicMedieval Lyric Poetry
Metrical repertory of fifteenth-century Spanish poetry, published in book format in 1998 and currently available in digital form at:
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital HumanitiesVersificationMedieval Spanish Literature
Commento del sonetto di Petrarca con cappello, note al piede, lettura critica e sguardo alla ricezione (pubblicato nel 2002 in "Parafrasi e commento. Nove letture di poesia da Francesco d'Assisi a Montale", Palumbo)
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      Medieval Italian LiteratureCommentaryMedieval Lyric PoetryPetrarca
The use of feudal vocabulary is the most innovative feature of twelfth- and thirteenth-century Occitan troubadour love lyric. The Catalan and Valencian poets who continued and reworked this tradition over the fourteenth and fifteenth... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Catalan LiteratureCourtly LoveMedieval Lyric Poetry
Questo lavoro prosegue un percorso avviato da Erich Köhler e Cesare Segre, che hanno proposto un opportuno ripensamento delle categorie di realismo, realtà e idealizzazione nel e del romanzo medievale, offrendo spunti decisivi per... more
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      PhilologyMedieval LiteratureMedieval French LiteratureMedieval Studies
La natura eminentemente filosofica della ratio medica nel Medioevo e la diffusa produzione accademica e militante di trattatistica amorosa hanno favorito il ruolo della cultura medica nella formazione delle poetiche del XIII e XIV secolo,... more
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      Dante StudiesItalian StudiesMedieval StudiesItalian Literature
Nella prima parte il saggio si concentra sui problemi di ordinamento dei sonetti di Dino Frescobaldi, mostrando come una proposta di Borriero sulla fascicolazione del Chigiano comporti una quasi perfetta coincidenza tra la disposizione... more
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      Dante StudiesIntertextualityItalian philologyMedieval Lyric Poetry
I am indebted to literary linguist and artist Margherita Muller who corrected some obvious and many not-so-obvious errors, helped me with the Italian, made many erudite and helpful suggestions, unravelled a great many obscure and... more
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      PoetryDanteModern Italian PoetryMedieval Lyric Poetry