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In un’epoca che non riconosce più la centralità della storia della letteratura, dilaniata dal dibattito tra estetica e storicismo e polverizzata in una miriade di generi, sistemi e correnti, il volume fa luce in modo approfondito su un... more
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      Medieval LiteratureOld English LiteratureOld Norse LiteratureGothic Literature
Concise dictionary of Old Frisian (1200-1550) for which for the first time all extant Old Frisian sources have been processed. It offers definitions as well as phraseological, grammatical and dialectological information. Includes a list... more
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      Old Germanic LanguagesLexicographyGermanic PhilologyOld Frisian
On the basis of an analysis of early spellings of the Old Norse men’s names Erlingr and Erlendr, this article rejects the widespread etymology that relates these names to the common noun jarl m. ‘earl’. An alternative etymology of Erlendr... more
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      RunologyOld Norse LanguageRunic inscriptionsOld Germanic Languages
The final chapter of Philology of the Flesh investigates the work of the German poet Paul Celan. A consideration of his "Meridian" speech is shown to rehearse most of the themes discussed to this point. This thematic overview is then... more
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      Emily DickinsonHermeneuticsGermanic PhilologyPaul Celan
Die ich mit gesange hie prîse und kroene, / an die hât got sînen wunsch wol geleit (MF 141,(7)(8). Wer wird hier besungen? Die Minnedame, würde man meinen. Der Eindruck ist trügerisch, denn das Zitat entstammt dem Lied eines Dichters... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureGermanic PhilologyMinnesangLyric poetry (esp. medieval)
Au 15e et 16e siècles, dans la plus prolifique des traditions germaniques des livres d'armes, dite Liechtenauerienne, le terme Zettel renvoie au bref texte en vers, résumant la doctrine, commenté par les glossateurs. Cet article vise à... more
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      Germanic PhilologyHistorical FencingJohannes Liechtenauer
An argument for long ā-quality in (North-)West Germanic.
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      Germanic linguisticsOld Germanic LanguagesGermanic PhilologyWest-Germanic
La poesia religiosa inglese antica - Old English Religious Poetry -
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      PoetryGermanic PhilologyAnglo-Saxon literature and cultureEarly English language and literature
This article describes my Ph.D. project. In particular, it is aimed at giving an overview of the phenomenon under discussion, namely the coexistence and competition between loanwords and endogenous words in Old Icelandic. Examples are... more
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      PhilologyTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsLexicology
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval German LiteratureMedieval StudiesGermanic Philology
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      German StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsGermanic linguisticsGerman Language
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      PhilologyHistorical LinguisticsMedieval LiteratureArt
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      Germanic linguisticsOld Germanic LanguagesGermanic PhilologyGothic Language
This article deals with the history and word formation of the Icelandic word for ‘police’, i.e. lögregla. The word constitutes an interesting case of word formation in that said lexeme is a dvandva compound whose creation is related to... more
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      PhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsLexicologyEtymology
Brief interpretation of Franz Kafka's narrative "Das Urteil".
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureLiteratureLiterary Criticism
This paper examines the obscure concluding sequence in the Old Norse eddic poem Baldrs draumar. In the poem, the god Odin travels in disguise to the realm of the dead in order to raise a dead sorceress; he interrogates her about the bad... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreOld Norse LiteratureGermanic Philology
Si studiano quelle che vengono denominate 'glosse secondarie'. Glosse cioè il cui interpretamentum non è presente nel testo da cui sono riprese le voci di un 'batch', di una serie di glossae collectae o di un glossario. Le glosse... more
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      Germanic PhilologyEarly English language and literatureGlossographyLatin Glossography
Créée sous le Second Empire par un décret de Victor Duruy (1868), l’EPHE incarnait à l’époque une tentative de moderniser l’enseignement supérieur et la formation à la recherche en France en s’inspirant tout particulièrement de... more
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      PhilologyGermanic PhilologyHistory of philologyAnthropologie
(Updated Feb. 14, 2021) The first in-depth survey of English language translations of the Prose Edda, intended for seasoned researchers, future translators, and enthusiasts searching for an 'ideal' translation to consult. This PDF edition... more
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      PhilologyFolkloreMythologyTranslation Studies
I'll follow you; I'll lead you about a round, Through bog, through bush, through brake, through brier; Sometime a horse I'll be, sometime a hound, A hog, a headless bear, sometime a fire; And neigh, and bark, and grunt, and roar, and... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreAnglo-Saxon StudiesCeltic Philology
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      Cultural StudiesCultural TheoryCultural Transfer StudiesGermanic Philology
La nascita di uno statuto letterario germanico, durante l'Alto Medioevo, rappresentò una conquista culturale mediata, come altrove, dalla cristianizzazione e dalle relative necessità liturgiche, dottrinarie ed esegetiche. Poiché la... more
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      Medieval LiteratureOld Germanic LanguagesGermanic PhilologyGermanic Studies
Table of Contents Foreword by Geert Warnar and Loris Sturlese ................................ vii Myrtha de Meo-Ehlert Über den Tod von St. Paul. Die verschiedenen mittelhochdeutschen Versionen eines ps.-dionysischen... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Kleine Formen – großes Werk. Die Arbeitsmaterialien im wissenschaftlichen Nachlass der Brüder Grimm Das Forschungsprojekt nimmt den umfangreichsten, bislang aber am wenigsten erforschten Teil des Nachlasses der Brüder Grimm in den Blick:... more
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      History of LinguisticsPhilologyGerman LiteratureHistorical Linguistics
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      PhilologyRomance philologyCeltic PhilologyComparative Philology
The etymologies of English blood and bone are obscure. Although their cognates are well represented in the Germanic family, both lack clear cognates in other Indo-European languages. Various explanations of their origins have been... more
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      PhilologyHistorical LinguisticsPhonologyEtymology
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      Old English LiteratureRare Books and ManuscriptsOld English PoetryGermanic Philology
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      Germanic PhilologySaxo GrammaticusLatin/Middle Latin Literature
Although it is commonplace in scholarship today to talk about a ‘system’ of kennings or ‘kenning system’, critical discussion has tended to take the qualification ‘system’ for granted and left this topic unexplored. The present paper... more
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      Historical LinguisticsGermanic linguisticsPoetryOld Norse Literature
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      Germanic linguisticsBible TranslationOld Germanic LanguagesGermanic Philology
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      MythologyMedieval ScandinaviaGermanic PhilologyMediaeval Icelandic History
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      PhilologyRomance philologyComparative PhilologyItalian philology
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      RunologyRunic inscriptionsGermanic PhilologyElder Futhark Runes
Der als Fundbericht konzipierte Beitrag berichtet über die Wiederentdeckung einer seit mehr als 160 Jahren als verschollen geltenden besonders frühen Eckhart-Handschrift mit Übersetzungen vorwiegend aus dem "Opus expositionum",... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureBook HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesMedieval Latin Literature
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      German StudiesGermanic linguisticsOld Germanic LanguagesGermanic Philology
A print-friendly PDF version of's unofficial index for Rudolf Simek's "Dictionary of Northern Mythology" (2007 [1993], Boydell & Brewer). Readers can also find the original, web-based version of the Simdex at the... more
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      European HistoryFolkloreHistorical LinguisticsAnglo-Saxon Studies
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      PhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsContact LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
The history of the English language is still fascinating scholars because of its absolute uniqueness: even though it belongs to the Germanic languages, its distinguishing feature is the important influence of several languages including... more
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      Dialects of EnglishOld Norse LanguageGermanic PhilologyHistory of English Language
'Rolf H. Bremmer Jr. is then set the task of introducing "Old English heroic literature," which he achieves through some helpful musing upon the nature of heroes in their Germanic context, moving via an examination of poetry with a... more
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      Medieval LiteratureAnglo-Saxon StudiesMedieval StudiesOld English Literature
Mitologia nordica: la Creazione. Cosmografia, Teogenesi, Androgenesi.
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      Nordic StudiesGermanic linguisticsOld Norse LiteratureNordic languages
This article presents two essays by the renowned Icelandic manuscript collector Árni Magnússon (1663‒1730): De gothicæ lingvæ nomine [On the expression ‘the Gothic language’] and Annotationes aliqvot de lingvis et migrationibus gentium... more
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      History of LinguisticsPhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
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      Heinrich von KleistLiterature and PoliticsGermanic Philology
Discusses the use of symbols in Goethe's novel "Die Wahlverwandtschaften".
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      German StudiesRomanticismLiteratureThe Novel
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      PhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsRomance philologyCeltic Philology
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    • Germanic Philology
Richard Sermon traces the development of an ancient salutation...
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      Mythology And FolkloreAnglo-Saxon StudiesOld English LiteratureOld Norse Literature
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesPoetryOld English LiteratureMetrics
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureJohann Wolfgang von GoetheGermanic Philology
Abstract EN
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      Germanic PhilologyVöluspá, Old Norse mythology
The diagnosis of the psychological type of the Redeemer, classified through the terminus "idiot", become more clear when view as a counterpoint of the concepts "hero" and "genius" used by Renan in his historic explanation of the Jesus... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionHistory of ReligionFriedrich NietzscheNietzsche