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      EmbroideryEmbroidered TextilesFemale MonasticismMedieval Reliquaries
In the Middle Ages, elite women acted as creators, donors and recipients of textile art. This article analyses a small but representative group of seventh- to thirteenth-century embroideries in order to examine the motivation for their... more
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      TextilesHistoriographyGenderCult of Saints
The publication retains a catalogue-like structure already used for earlier books of “Lithuanian Religious Art” which is considered by the authors of this book to be the most consistent and convenient way to introduce the heritage of each... more
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      TextilesHistory of TextilesEmbroidered TextilesLiturgical Vestments
Το Πολιτιστικό Ίδρυμα Ομίλου Πειραιώς (ΠΙΟΠ), με αφορμή την περιοδική έκθεση «Κεντητοί επιτάφιοι στα Ιωάννινα, 18ος και 19ος αι.», οργανώνει τη Δευτέρα 20 Μαΐου (ώρα 19:00), διάλεξη της βυζαντινολόγου-ιστορικού τέχνης και διδάκτορος του... more
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      TextilesEmbroideryEmbroidered Textiles19th-century Ecclesiastical Art
Fifth in a series of short articles for the Irish Arts Review that aims to put Irish arts in historical and social contexts by highlighting selected artworks and archival resources at the John J. Burns Library for rare books, special... more
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      Irish StudiesWilliam Butler YeatsEmbroideryEmbroidered Textiles
Review of May Morris: Art & Life at the William Morris Gallery, 7 October 2017 to 28 January 2018.
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      Art HistoryArtTextilesEmbroidery
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      TextilesCyprus StudiesHistory of TextilesEmbroidery
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      EmbroideryEmbroidered TextilesHistory of EmbroideryTraditional Embroidery
In this first volume of critical essays ever devoted to Jean Renart's work, contributors draw on political and social history, women's studies, translation theory, musicology, and literary theory to illuminate Jean's remarkable... more
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      Sexuality and chivalry/courtly loveEmbroidered TextilesMedieval MusicMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)
Published on Aug 24, 2016 Interview with Joan L. Saverino - San Giovanni in Fiore (CS), July 2016. Music: tarantella, pastorale, sonata. Images: West Virginia State Archives, Charleston WV and Joan Saverino Editing by Alessandro Tarsia.... more
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      FolkloreItalian StudiesTextilesMaterial Culture Studies
The book provides the first broad survey of church textiles of Spanish America and demonstrates that while overlooked, textiles were a vital part of visual culture in the Catholic Church. When Catholic churches were built in the New World... more
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      Indigenous StudiesHistory of TextilesEmbroidered TextilesHistory of Roman Catholicism
The Christian Church has many rites, during which various ceremonial covers are used. In order to distinguish these covers, it is necessary to understand in what exactly rites they are used. As Catholic, Orthodox and Apostolic rites and... more
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      Art HistoryLiturgyEmbroidered TextilesChurch History
ni responsabiliza de losjuicios y de las opiniones vertidas por los autores de los lextos en uso de la libertad intelectual que se les b¡inda. El ecliror y los autores no aceptilán responsabilidades por las posibles consecuencias... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of Perspective in PaintingRenaissancePainting
Traditional craft is often associated with intangible heritage. Behind each crafted object lie stories on how a particular culture has lived and flourished depicting their rich heritage. Traditional heritage is a living body of knowledge... more
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      TextilesEmbroideryEmbroidered TextilesTraditional Crafts
This first book-length study on kanthas published outside of South Asia focuses on two premier collections, one assembled by the legendary historian of Indian art, Dr. Stella Kramrisch, the other by Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz, leading... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArtIndian studies
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      HistoryDesignDesign, Ethics, and ResponsibilityDesign History
Anna Apostolaki's archive, drawings and embroideries in the Benaki Museum and her interest in Greek embroidery. This paper presents the research of Anna Apostolaki pertaining to Greek embroidery, as revealed by material in the possession... more
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      EmbroideryEmbroidered TextilesTraditional Embroidery
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      Cultural HistoryHistorical ArchaeologyEmbroidered Textiles
When Philipp the Good, Duke of Burgundy (1396–1467), obliged his court to wear black as the new exquisite color of the court garments, it was no less than a revolution of inherited royal vesture conventions. This revolution established... more
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      Embroidered TextilesMedieval ArtTransfigurationColor symbolism
Rainbows, so pervasive in twenty-first century culture, were slow to permeate European fashion and textile design. Why, if they have been drawn and described since the beginning of artistic practice, do they so rarely show up on historic... more
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      TextilesHistory of CostumeEmbroideryEmbroidered Textiles
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      Embroidered TextilesMedieval ArtRussian ArtNovgorod the Great
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      History of TextilesEmbroideryEmbroidered TextilesItalian Renaissance Art
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      EmbroideryEmbroidered TextilesHistory of Embroidery16th C17th embroidery lace & textiles
This paper provides a brief overview of historical textile production in Ethiopia through a visual analysis of regional style and motif variations, with a subtext consideration of the new developments and possibilities that surround the... more
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      Art HistoryEmerging EconomiesEast AfricaEmbroidered Textiles
Teleki Mihály erdélyi kancellár hímzett dísznyerge XVII. sz. második fele.
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      Embroidered TextilesEarly Modern art history
Nakshi kantha is a traditional quilt typical of Bengal, a cultural-historical area in South Asia now divided between Bangladesh and India’s West Bengal. Rural women make richly-embroidered quilts by stitching together rags embellished... more
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      Embroidered TextilesNakshi Kantha
This paper explores the intersection of needlework, personal narrative, gender and artistic creativity in one immigrant woman’s extraordinary life in two out of the way places (Calabria and Appalachia) over the course of nearly a century.... more
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      Appalachian StudiesGender StudiesAnthropologyFolklore
Seta. Il Filo dell’Arte. Tessuti a Catanzaro dal XV al XX secolo, a cura di O. SERGI, Catalogo della mostra, Catanzaro, Museo Diocesano di Arte Sacra, 21 dicembre 2008-31 marzo 2009, Cosenza, Kompass Service, 2009 - contiene: - O.... more
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      TextilesHistory of TextilesEmbroideryEmbroidered Textiles
Abstrak Sebuah negeri yang dikenali sebagai Bumi Kenyalang ini merupakan salah satu negeri yang menarik pelbagai perhatian pelancong untuk ke negeri ini. Selain itu, menurut Yaacob (2013) Melayu Sarawak juga berasal daripada golongan... more
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      BusinessCultural StudiesCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
This paper, which was first presented at the Colóquio de História da Arte e da Cultura do Renascimento, Museo de Arte de São Paulo Masp (16-17 May 2016), illustrates the social and art-historical context of the production of embroideries... more
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      TextilesEmbroideryEmbroidered Textiles15th Century Italian Art
Embroidery and embroider, an ethnographic study on the craft production of embroidery in Caicó/RN aims at investigating how the embroidery, a handcraft, domestic and female practice, allows the approaches of questions about certain part... more
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      AnthropologyCultural HeritageEmbroidered TextilesPatrimónio Cultural Imaterial
Pahari embroidery was practiced in different parts in undivided Punjab and Himachal Pradesh. The surface ornamentation of these articles with respect to design, raw material and technique were beautifully adapted according to their... more
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      EmbroideryEmbroidered TextilesTraditional Indian Costumes & Textiles ISBN 81-8247-0021Pahari Literature
publicado recientemente una monografía dedicada a una de las obras más originales del románico catalán: el Tapiz de la Creación. Entre el gran número de estudios generales sobre arte románico y otros más especializados sobre el calendario... more
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      Embroidered TextilesMedieval ArtEarly Medieval ArtCouture
Iroki embroidery: the golden pages in the history of UZBEK TEXTILE РУБРИКА RUBRIC Вышивка ироки: «золотая» страница в истории узбекского текстиля Вышивка в Узбекистане традиционно считается царством женского самовыражения. Женщи-ны каждой... more
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      TextilesCentral Asian StudiesEmbroideryEmbroidered Textiles
Photographs of Liturgical Vestments in the Holdings of the Museum of Kraków as a Source for Reconstructing the History of an Artefact – Selected Examples In the process of documenting old liturgical vestments, we are dealing with... more
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      PhotographyTextilesEmbroidered TextilesPhotography as Historical Source
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      Italian artEmbroidered TextilesFranciscan StudiesStained Glass
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchEmbroidered TextilesMedieval ArtChristian Iconography
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      EmbroideryEmbroidered TextilesHistory of Embroidery16th C17th embroidery lace & textiles
Edited by Darielle Mason; With essays by Pika Ghosh, Katherine Hacker, Darielle Mason, Anne Peranteau, and Niaz Zaman Winner of the 2011 Alfred Barr Award given by the College Art Association This first book-length study on kanthas... more
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      Indian studiesHistory of TextilesEmbroidered TextilesBangladesh
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      Embroidered TextilesRomanesque ArtMedieval ArtPatronage (Medieval Studies)
The Guicciardini Quilts are two historiated embroideries supposedly made in Sicily in the late fourteenth century. They are named after the Florentine Guicciardini family to whom it is thought they have always belonged since their... more
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      Medieval LiteratureHistory of TextilesStorytellingHeritage Conservation
List of specialist publications related to historic needlework and courses and lectures offered
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      EmbroideryEmbroidered TextilesHistory of Embroidery16th C17th embroidery lace & textiles
Das Brandenburger Hungertuch zeigt in eindrücklicher Weise, wie lokale Wissenstraditionen und weitgereiste Materialien in der Herstellung verbunden werden. Es kann exemplarisch epistemologische Transformationsprozesse in Folge des 4.... more
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      TextilesEmbroideryEmbroidered Textiles
In September 2009, Cyprus applied to include Lefkara embroidery in the Representative List under the name Lefkara lace or Lefkaritika. Lefkara embroidery merges different elements and has evolved over time without losing its original... more
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      Adult EducationCyprus StudiesVocational And Adult EducationIntangible cultural heritage
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      IconographyHistory of DressMedieval DressTextiles
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Звездина Ю.Н. Рельеф с изображением слона на стене Георгиевского собора Юрьева-Польского и его западноевропейские параллели.
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      IconographyEmbroidered TextilesNovgorod the GreatMedieval Iconography
A note on the classification of Antique Phulkari Traditional Textiles of Punjab based on style, motifs and usage.
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      TextilesHistory of TextilesEmbroidered TextilesTextiles (Art History)
O. SERGI, Orditi di Fede. Trame di storia nei ricami e nei tessuti della Reale Arciconfraternita del SS. Rosario di Gagliano, Catanzaro, Grafiche Simone, 2010 - contiene: - O. SERGI, Orditi di Fede. Trame di storia nei ricami e nei... more
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      TextilesHistory of TextilesEmbroideryEmbroidered Textiles