Books by Ana M . Gómez-Bravo
Repertorio métrico digital de la poesía cancioneril del siglo XV:, 2021
Listado de palabras en posición de rima generado por medio del mismo programa que el Repertorio m... more Listado de palabras en posición de rima generado por medio del mismo programa que el Repertorio métrico. El programa ha introducido algunos cambios en los signos diacríticos (por ejemplo en la transcripción de la ç) y en otros lugares que, aunque obvios, deberán tenerse en cuenta a la hora de manejar el Listado.
Vanderbilt University Press, 2020
The fourteen essays in Food, Texts, and Cultures in Latin America and Spain showcase the eye-open... more The fourteen essays in Food, Texts, and Cultures in Latin America and Spain showcase the eye-opening potential of a food lens withing colonial studies, ethnic and racial studies, gender and sexuality studies, and studies of power dynamics, nationalisms and nation building, theories of embodiment, and identity. In short, Food, Texts and Cultures in Latin America and Spain grapples with an emerging field in need of a foundational text, and does so from multiple angles.The studies span from the Middle Ages to twenty-first century, and the contributing scholars occupy diverse fields within Latin American and Hispanic studies. As such, their essays showcase eclectic critical and theoretical approaches to the subject of Latin American and Iberian Food. Food, Texts, and Cultures in Latin America and Spain also introduces the first English-language publication of woks from such award-winning scholars as Adolfo Castañón of the Mexican Academy of Language; Sergio Ramírez, winner of the 2017 Miguel de Cervantes Prize in Literature; And Carmen Simón Palmer, winner of the 2015 Julián Marías Prize for Research.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press
Textual Agency examines the massive proliferation of poetic texts in fifteenth-century Spain, foc... more Textual Agency examines the massive proliferation of poetic texts in fifteenth-century Spain, focusing on the important yet little-known cancionero poetry – the largest poetic corpus of the European Middle Ages. Ana M. Gómez-Bravo situates this cultural production within its social, political, and material contexts. She places the different forms of document production fostered by a shifting political and urban model alongside the rise in literacy and access to reading materials and spaces.
At the core of the book lies an examination of both the materials of writing and how human agents used and transformed them, giving way to a textual agency that pertains not only to writers, but to the inscribed paper. Gómez-Bravo also explores how authorial and textual agency were competing forces in the midst of an era marked by the institution of the Inquisition, the advent of the absolutist state, the growth of cities, and the constitution of the Spanish nation.
Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá de Henares --
Metrical repertory of fifteenth-century Spanish poetry, published in book format in 1998 and curr... more Metrical repertory of fifteenth-century Spanish poetry, published in book format in 1998 and currently available in digital form at:
Codited with Antonio Cortijo Ocaña and María Morrás Ruiz-Falcó. New York: Hispanic Society of America, 2014
Essays on manuscript culture in honor of Charles B. Faulhaber. Contents:
Preface / Ignacio Navarr... more Essays on manuscript culture in honor of Charles B. Faulhaber. Contents:
Preface / Ignacio Navarrete -- Semblanza de Charles B. Faulhaber / María Morrás -- Charles B. Faulhaber: Curriculum vitae -- Volver a un archivo nunca es perder el tiempo: otro manuscrito medieval identificado en el Archivo Ducal de Alba (MSS 71, Morales de san Gregorio X-XVII) / Gemma Avenoza -- Poesía musical antigua y cultura humanística. Juan del Encina entre Castilla e Italia / Vicenç Beltran -- Un nuevo manuscrito de la Cronica Adephonsi Imperatoris y del Poema de Almería / Alberto Blecua -- Celestina remembered / Ivy A. Corfis -- La Cántica de los clérigos de Talavera y sus principales escollos / Ángel Gómez Moreno -- El paisaje lingüístico de la Península Ibérica en la Edad Media / Francisco Marcos Marín -- El día después del Catálogo bibliográfico de la colección de incunables de la Biblioteca Nacional de España / Julián Martín Abad -- Hacia un censo comentado de ejemplares del Cancionero general de Hernando del Castillo: la primera edición valenciana (1511) / Óscar Perea Rodríguez -- Designing the Códice rico of the Cantigas de Santa Maria / Martha E. Schaffer -- The poem "Sõny fecho por don pedro durrea" in the Lisbon manuscript of the Sátira de infelice e felice vida / Harvey L. Sharrer -- PhiloBiblon / John May.
Papers by Ana M . Gómez-Bravo
La formation du concept de race à la fin du Moyen Âge: vers une racialisation de la différence religieuse dans les textes ibériques, 2021
Distribution électronique pour Belin. © Belin. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La... more Distribution électronique pour Belin. © Belin. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Mujer, saber y heterodoxia: ‘Libro de buen amor’, ‘La Celestina’ y ‘La Lozana andaluza.’ Ed. Francisco Toro Ceballos. Alcalá la Real: Centro para la Edición de los Clásicos Españoles,, 2022
El término ‘raça’ (también ‘raza’ en textos posteriores), que aparece en el Libro de buen amor en... more El término ‘raça’ (también ‘raza’ en textos posteriores), que aparece en el Libro de buen amor en una de sus más tempranas documentaciones, es de importancia fundamental para comprender el desarrollo del concepto de raza que tiene lugar a partir del siglo XIV y a lo largo de las Edades Moderna y Contemporánea.
La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, 2021
Notions of blood and food practices played a key role in the conceptualization of the internal na... more Notions of blood and food practices played a key role in the conceptualization of the internal nature of identity in the late medieval period. These notions were formed through a convergence of medical, literary, religious, and legal discourses. Fifteenth-century authors shaped a theory of nobility based on a defense of innate psychobiological superiority that leveraged the value placed on food through humoral theory. The justification of oligarchical inclusion and exclusion through biological and psychobiological group characteristics of nobles and non-nobles or plebeians put food at the core of such an exclusionary system by leveraging medical theories that tightly linked food and bodily constitution. Taking fifteenth-century treatises on nobility and contemporaneous medical thought as a starting point, this paper analyzes the role of food in the construction of human difference in latemedieval Spanish texts.
Archivum. Revista de Filología, 2022
El término y el concepto de raza son componente fundamental del engranaje léxico y semántico de f... more El término y el concepto de raza son componente fundamental del engranaje léxico y semántico de finales de la Edad Media que ayuda a la construcción conceptual de la inferioridad social y religiosa. Tal construcción tiene como eje central el de una diferencia física, además de la religiosa, marcada por la suciedad y la transmisibilidad del defecto, mancha o raza. Se identifica el papel fundamental que tienen los campos textil, gemológico y veterinario en la formación de un vocabulario con connotaciones negativas que permite construir la diferencia religiosa como diferencia biológica. La propuesta teórica presentada invita al estudio combinado de textos literarios, religiosos y administrativos en un contexto cronológico específico y con la ayuda de la evidencia testimonial de vocabularios y diccionarios de época. Desde el punto de vista teórico, se propone que deben combinarse los estudios filológicos y léxicos con los históricos, entre otros, para emprender estudios productivos sobre la raza y el racismo.
Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures, 2020
The concept and terminology associated with the Spanish raza developed as a culturally and lingui... more The concept and terminology associated with the Spanish raza developed as a culturally and linguistically situated metaphor during the medieval period and first decades of the early modern period. The early biologization of raza appears after a first conceptual transfer from the textile field reinforced through semantic overlapping transfers from gemology and metallurgy lexicons. A second push toward this biologization came from an administrative language that leveraged existing though unsystematized vocabulary of (marked) selective reproduction. These developments played a key role in the early racialization of difference .
“Poesía fuera del cancionero: la inscripción de lo cotidiano y lo sublime.” [Poetry out of the Cancionero Book: The Inscription of the Everyday and the Sublime]. Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material 28 (2020): 1-29. Special Issue on Written and Material Culture. , 2020
RESUMEN: El artículo destaca la importancia de la poesía del siglo XV como vehículo comunicativo ... more RESUMEN: El artículo destaca la importancia de la poesía del siglo XV como vehículo comunicativo que se vale de diferentes soportes textuales para inscribir el mundo material, al que dota de significado y con el que forma un macro-signo. La conexión entre el libro y la cultura material puede verse en particular en la inscripción de edificios públicos y privados, objetos de uso cotidiano como copas y platos, así como de la indumentaria, entre la que se incluyen las joyas.
Food, Texts and Cultures in Latin America and Spain. Ed. Rafael Climent-Espino and Ana M. Gómez-Bravo. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2020. 1-38., 2020
Theoretical introduction to literary and cultural studies in Latin America and Spain through the ... more Theoretical introduction to literary and cultural studies in Latin America and Spain through the lens of food studies
Food, Texts and Cultures in Latin America and Spain. Ed. Rafael Climent-Espino and Ana M. Gómez-Bravo. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2020. 39-75., 2020
The study analyzes the combined efforts of medical theory, religious belief, and Church doctrine ... more The study analyzes the combined efforts of medical theory, religious belief, and Church doctrine in channeling an understanding of food as racialized marker in fifteenth-century Spain.
Cultura Gastronómica: Representaciones Identitarias en España, special issue of La Nueva Literatura Hispánica , 2019
Resumen: El artículo se centra en el papel de la gastronomía en la formación de identidad de la E... more Resumen: El artículo se centra en el papel de la gastronomía en la formación de identidad de la España contemporánea junto con la diáspora sefardí. Se explora la recuperación de la memoria histórica gastronómica y las reinterpretaciones del patrimonio cultural que conllevan una revisión del discurso político y cultural sobre qué es España y quiénes la constituyen. El artículo analiza casos ilustrativos, tales como los esfuerzos actuales para recuperar la cocina sefardí como parte integral de la cocina tradicional española, cuyo capital cultural viene establecido por la riqueza de sus cocinas regionales. Al mismo tiempo, el artículo considera el peso de las tradiciones culinarias en la conservación de una identidad diaspórica sefardí.
Abstract: The article focuses on the role of gastronomy in identity formation of contemporary Spain in conjunction with the Sephardic diaspora. The article explores the recovery of gastronomic historical memory and the reinterpretations of cultural heritage that entail a revision of the political and cultural discourse on what Spain is and who constitutes it. The article analyzes illustrative cases such as the current efforts to recover Sephardic cuisine as an integral part of the traditional Spanish kitchen, whose cultural capital is established by the richness of its regional cuisines. At the same time, the article considers the the weight of culinary traditions in the conservation of a Sephardic diasporic identity.
Revista de Literatura Medieval , 2018
Abstract: Female authorship was a contentious subject in fifteenth- and early sixteen-century Ibe... more Abstract: Female authorship was a contentious subject in fifteenth- and early sixteen-century Iberia. During the period, a substantial amount of poetic production was associated with social interaction, which enabled a complex negotiation of authorship and gender roles. While female discourse was central to poetic writing and to the cultural practices connected to it, editorial practices worked to erase women’s contributions to poetic writing. The study shows a textual imbrication of female and male discourse at several stages of poetic composition and proposes a reconsideration of existing approaches to female (and male) authorship.
Resumen: La autoría femenina era una cuestión polémica en la Iberia del siglo xv y principios del xvi. Gran parte de la producción poética de este período estaba asociada con la interacción social, lo que permitía una compleja negociación de la autoría y los papeles de género. Si bien el discurso femenino era fundamental para la escritura poética y las prácticas culturales relacionadas con el mismo, estaban en funcionamiento prácticas editoriales que suprimían las contribuciones de las mujeres a la escritura. El estudio apunta a una imbricación textual del discurso femenino y masculino en varias etapas de la composición poética y propone una reconsideración de las aproximaciones a la autoría femenina (y masculina).
eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies
Study of literary, medical, legal, and other sources that help conceptualize Judaism as an illnes... more Study of literary, medical, legal, and other sources that help conceptualize Judaism as an illness in late medieval and early modern Spain
Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies
Versified slander, particularly that addressed to converted Jews or conversos, is best understood... more Versified slander, particularly that addressed to converted Jews or conversos, is best understood within a social exercise of rhetoric as ars bene dicendi that channels ethnic and religious tensions through the practice of maldecir. Slanderous discourse or maldecir is both a flexible and a dangerous tool in the hands of an author, who becomes aggrandized through the poet's ethical responsibility to denounce social evils. However, slander can destabilize authorship due to the required use of despicable language. The result is a complex interplay among slandered authors and their critics that shows the flexible uses of slander in the context of ethnic and social strife.
Actas del IX Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval. 3 vols. Ed. Carmen Parrilla and Mercedes Pampín. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña / Toxosoutos
Medieval writing is mapped to the layout of residences, particularly those of the middle and uppe... more Medieval writing is mapped to the layout of residences, particularly those of the middle and upper classes. The creation of writing spaces within the home appears linked to private areas within the home and to the development of document and rare object collections
Hispanic Review
The poet Antón de Montoro (ca. 1400-1484) writes a material poetry based on a subtle social posit... more The poet Antón de Montoro (ca. 1400-1484) writes a material poetry based on a subtle social positioning that reveals his contacts with the urban oligarchies, the middle class of merchants and merchants and the bureaucrats courtiers. Through an intense poetry activity, Montoro negotiates his converso identity and his mediano status with interlocutors that return a stigmatized image of the self, unfit for the practice of poetry. The result is an affirmation of the social self that sustains and justifies the material quality of poetic art
Books by Ana M . Gómez-Bravo
At the core of the book lies an examination of both the materials of writing and how human agents used and transformed them, giving way to a textual agency that pertains not only to writers, but to the inscribed paper. Gómez-Bravo also explores how authorial and textual agency were competing forces in the midst of an era marked by the institution of the Inquisition, the advent of the absolutist state, the growth of cities, and the constitution of the Spanish nation.
Information is organized according to topics and key concepts, with historical and literary texts acting as enrichment and support for cultural concepts. Each chapter is comprised of a main reading on a key topic (for example, Aztec food practices) and followed by smaller sections on particular concepts or artifacts related to the main topic. There are sections on related language expressions, topics for discussion and suggested activities. Each chapter also contains illustrations in the form of colour photographs. Suggestions for video, audio and web links are listed for each chapter.
The book has been successfully used in the author’s university classes on food and culture over a number of years. It provides an attractive alternative to well-established curricular offerings because it allows for the discussion of culture and literary texts in a context that is both familiar and appealing to students. The textbook includes multimedia presentations that make the material and concepts easy to grasp.
Teaching resources are available at:
Examination copy can be requested at:ánico/Food%20and%20Culture%20in%20the%20Hispanic%20World%20-%20Ana%20M.%20Gómez-Bravo&book-url=
Textbook web page:
Preface / Ignacio Navarrete -- Semblanza de Charles B. Faulhaber / María Morrás -- Charles B. Faulhaber: Curriculum vitae -- Volver a un archivo nunca es perder el tiempo: otro manuscrito medieval identificado en el Archivo Ducal de Alba (MSS 71, Morales de san Gregorio X-XVII) / Gemma Avenoza -- Poesía musical antigua y cultura humanística. Juan del Encina entre Castilla e Italia / Vicenç Beltran -- Un nuevo manuscrito de la Cronica Adephonsi Imperatoris y del Poema de Almería / Alberto Blecua -- Celestina remembered / Ivy A. Corfis -- La Cántica de los clérigos de Talavera y sus principales escollos / Ángel Gómez Moreno -- El paisaje lingüístico de la Península Ibérica en la Edad Media / Francisco Marcos Marín -- El día después del Catálogo bibliográfico de la colección de incunables de la Biblioteca Nacional de España / Julián Martín Abad -- Hacia un censo comentado de ejemplares del Cancionero general de Hernando del Castillo: la primera edición valenciana (1511) / Óscar Perea Rodríguez -- Designing the Códice rico of the Cantigas de Santa Maria / Martha E. Schaffer -- The poem "Sõny fecho por don pedro durrea" in the Lisbon manuscript of the Sátira de infelice e felice vida / Harvey L. Sharrer -- PhiloBiblon / John May.
Papers by Ana M . Gómez-Bravo
Abstract: The article focuses on the role of gastronomy in identity formation of contemporary Spain in conjunction with the Sephardic diaspora. The article explores the recovery of gastronomic historical memory and the reinterpretations of cultural heritage that entail a revision of the political and cultural discourse on what Spain is and who constitutes it. The article analyzes illustrative cases such as the current efforts to recover Sephardic cuisine as an integral part of the traditional Spanish kitchen, whose cultural capital is established by the richness of its regional cuisines. At the same time, the article considers the the weight of culinary traditions in the conservation of a Sephardic diasporic identity.
Resumen: La autoría femenina era una cuestión polémica en la Iberia del siglo xv y principios del xvi. Gran parte de la producción poética de este período estaba asociada con la interacción social, lo que permitía una compleja negociación de la autoría y los papeles de género. Si bien el discurso femenino era fundamental para la escritura poética y las prácticas culturales relacionadas con el mismo, estaban en funcionamiento prácticas editoriales que suprimían las contribuciones de las mujeres a la escritura. El estudio apunta a una imbricación textual del discurso femenino y masculino en varias etapas de la composición poética y propone una reconsideración de las aproximaciones a la autoría femenina (y masculina).
At the core of the book lies an examination of both the materials of writing and how human agents used and transformed them, giving way to a textual agency that pertains not only to writers, but to the inscribed paper. Gómez-Bravo also explores how authorial and textual agency were competing forces in the midst of an era marked by the institution of the Inquisition, the advent of the absolutist state, the growth of cities, and the constitution of the Spanish nation.
Information is organized according to topics and key concepts, with historical and literary texts acting as enrichment and support for cultural concepts. Each chapter is comprised of a main reading on a key topic (for example, Aztec food practices) and followed by smaller sections on particular concepts or artifacts related to the main topic. There are sections on related language expressions, topics for discussion and suggested activities. Each chapter also contains illustrations in the form of colour photographs. Suggestions for video, audio and web links are listed for each chapter.
The book has been successfully used in the author’s university classes on food and culture over a number of years. It provides an attractive alternative to well-established curricular offerings because it allows for the discussion of culture and literary texts in a context that is both familiar and appealing to students. The textbook includes multimedia presentations that make the material and concepts easy to grasp.
Teaching resources are available at:
Examination copy can be requested at:ánico/Food%20and%20Culture%20in%20the%20Hispanic%20World%20-%20Ana%20M.%20Gómez-Bravo&book-url=
Textbook web page:
Preface / Ignacio Navarrete -- Semblanza de Charles B. Faulhaber / María Morrás -- Charles B. Faulhaber: Curriculum vitae -- Volver a un archivo nunca es perder el tiempo: otro manuscrito medieval identificado en el Archivo Ducal de Alba (MSS 71, Morales de san Gregorio X-XVII) / Gemma Avenoza -- Poesía musical antigua y cultura humanística. Juan del Encina entre Castilla e Italia / Vicenç Beltran -- Un nuevo manuscrito de la Cronica Adephonsi Imperatoris y del Poema de Almería / Alberto Blecua -- Celestina remembered / Ivy A. Corfis -- La Cántica de los clérigos de Talavera y sus principales escollos / Ángel Gómez Moreno -- El paisaje lingüístico de la Península Ibérica en la Edad Media / Francisco Marcos Marín -- El día después del Catálogo bibliográfico de la colección de incunables de la Biblioteca Nacional de España / Julián Martín Abad -- Hacia un censo comentado de ejemplares del Cancionero general de Hernando del Castillo: la primera edición valenciana (1511) / Óscar Perea Rodríguez -- Designing the Códice rico of the Cantigas de Santa Maria / Martha E. Schaffer -- The poem "Sõny fecho por don pedro durrea" in the Lisbon manuscript of the Sátira de infelice e felice vida / Harvey L. Sharrer -- PhiloBiblon / John May.
Abstract: The article focuses on the role of gastronomy in identity formation of contemporary Spain in conjunction with the Sephardic diaspora. The article explores the recovery of gastronomic historical memory and the reinterpretations of cultural heritage that entail a revision of the political and cultural discourse on what Spain is and who constitutes it. The article analyzes illustrative cases such as the current efforts to recover Sephardic cuisine as an integral part of the traditional Spanish kitchen, whose cultural capital is established by the richness of its regional cuisines. At the same time, the article considers the the weight of culinary traditions in the conservation of a Sephardic diasporic identity.
Resumen: La autoría femenina era una cuestión polémica en la Iberia del siglo xv y principios del xvi. Gran parte de la producción poética de este período estaba asociada con la interacción social, lo que permitía una compleja negociación de la autoría y los papeles de género. Si bien el discurso femenino era fundamental para la escritura poética y las prácticas culturales relacionadas con el mismo, estaban en funcionamiento prácticas editoriales que suprimían las contribuciones de las mujeres a la escritura. El estudio apunta a una imbricación textual del discurso femenino y masculino en varias etapas de la composición poética y propone una reconsideración de las aproximaciones a la autoría femenina (y masculina).
This article analyzes some of the strategies involved in the compilation of such multi-authored cancioneros as Hernando del Castillo's Cancionero General and Garcia de Resende's Cancioneiro geral, published under the aegis of a compiler with a strong textual presence. The compilational process was riddled with tensions among the different agents involved in textual production and resulted in the creation of a supra-authorship that involved a narrative of the self as a powerful textual agent. A strong compiler was characterized by poetic competence, authorial abilities, pervasive exhaustivity, and textual access and control.
En este artículo se analizan algunas de las estrategias relacionadas con la compilación de cancioneros colectivos tales como el Cancionero General de Hernando del Castillo y el Cancioneiro geral de Garcia de Resende, donde los compiladores establecen una fuerte presencia textual. El proceso compilatorio fomentaba tensiones entre los diferentes individuos que participaban en la producción textual, lo que resultó en la imposición de una supra-autoría apoyada en la poderosa habilidad textual del compilador. El compilador se caracterizaba por su competencia poética y habilidades autoriales, así como una total exhaustividad y un acceso y control textuales privilegiados.