Papers by Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann
Codoñer, Carmen / de Andrés, Adelaida / Martín, José Carlos / Paniagua, David (edd.), Nuevos estudios de Latín Medieval Hispánico (mediEVI 31), Firenze 2021, pp. 21–45.
This paper presents and discusses some aspects of Late Medieval Latin literature. The first part ... more This paper presents and discusses some aspects of Late Medieval Latin literature. The first part focusses on the peculiarities of its textual transmission. There is a huge amount of late medieval manuscripts, many of which have not yet been catalogued, let alone described. Yet it is safe to assume that there have been heavy losses, as late medieval paper manuscripts containing liturgy or pious texts were destroyed in great numbers during Reformation and the dissolution of monasteries in different European countries. The collectors of the early modern period usually preferred older pergament codices, although individual interests may have helped to preserve late medieval texts. These circumstances must be taken into account when trying to assess the distribution of a particular work. The second part concentrates on the readers of Latin literature. The flourishing research on literacy and on women’s monasticism has brought new insights into the uses and distribution of texts. Three examples show that Latin texts probably had more readers than it was once assumed. Finally, a third part argues for the necessity of considering the late medieval textual production as a whole, and especially of taking into account the relationship between Humanism and Scholasticism. This leads to a better understanding of the circumstances which favoured the expansion of Humanism.
Fabio Stok, Vom Papyrus zum Internet. Eine Geschichte der Uberlieferung und Rezeption der antiken... more Fabio Stok, Vom Papyrus zum Internet. Eine Geschichte der Uberlieferung und Rezeption der antiken Klassiker, ubersetzt von Christiane Reitz, in Zusammenarbeit mit Torben Behm, Markus Kersten, Lars Kesler und Svenja Mues, Rahden/Westfalen 2017 (Verlag Mario Leidorf), 265 S. (italienisches Original: I classici dal papiro al internet, Roma 2012 [Carocci], 287 S.). - esprochen von Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann
Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (PBB), 2011
The descriptions of Secretum manuscripts in England, France, the German area-including Bohemiaand... more The descriptions of Secretum manuscripts in England, France, the German area-including Bohemiaand Spain are examined in this article to get clues about the audience of the work. It is shown that it is not possible to distinguish (as it has been occasionally done) between a monastic and a humanistic audience of Petrarch's Latin oeuvre. The Secretum was often read in the cloister and the author asks for the cause of this interest. She argues that Petrarch evokes in this work conventions of monastic literature to subvert them and present a new model of spiritual life.
Romanische Forschungen, 2016
Succès des textes latins dans l'Occident médiéval. Approche méthodologique autour du projet FAMA
Isis y Sarapis: difusiön de su culto en el mundo grecorromano» F. GARCIA JURADO, «La critica al e... more Isis y Sarapis: difusiön de su culto en el mundo grecorromano» F. GARCIA JURADO, «La critica al exceso ornamental femenino en la comedia latina a partir de los recursos läxicos relativos a la Lex Oppia» L. A. HERNÄNDEZ, «De naturaleza/voluntad a casos oblicuos/caso recto en el De Lingua latina de Varrön» S. CRESPO, «El termino alumnus indicador de dependencia personal en Hispania romana» C. CARDELLE, «Las lecturas de Hidacio de Chaves. Notas sobre la recepciön literaria en la Gallaecia del s.
Didacticism is a pervasive trait of mediaeval literature, even if the subject matter is eroticism... more Didacticism is a pervasive trait of mediaeval literature, even if the subject matter is eroticism. This paper surveys in its first part the intersections between both in Latin literature, paying particular attention to the High Middle Ages. School literature influences the learning used in mediaeval poetry by the poeta doctus, and the poets themselves were sometimes teachers or adopted the role of a poeta doctor. The second part presents a case in point, CB 88, a poem in which two different songs (‘Amor habet superos’ and ‘Iove cum Mercurio’) were combined and adapted. The result is a new poem, which in some measure parodies the first two. Its subject matter is the seduction of a young girl called Cecilia by the speaker, who presents himself as Cecilia’s warden, and the playful discussion about which point it has attained. The poem’s irony is based on the different meanings of the verb ludere, some of which are not easily compatible with the speaker’s assertion that the girl is stil...
Petrus Alfonsi's Dialogus (written ca. 1109) combines polemics against Judaism and Islam with... more Petrus Alfonsi's Dialogus (written ca. 1109) combines polemics against Judaism and Islam with an original apology of Christian faith. The author argues that Judaism is not rational, whereas Christianity and Islam are, and that Islam is basically immoral. He supports his case with aggadic stories from the Talmud, pieces of Arabic learning, and a description of Muslim religious practice, all of which was new to his readers in Western Europe. The work had an immediate success, as the 35 extant manuscripts written before the Talmud trials testify. This paper tries to discern how readers of the High Middle Ages approached and understood the Dialogus, taking into account paratextual elements on the manuscripts, the context of transmission, and purposeful changes made by the scribes in the text. One version and two redactions of the Dialogus (one of them previously unknown) are analysed in some detail. It can be shown that the concentration on religious polemic becomes more intense ove...
As it is well known, Latin works of the Middle Ages are pervaded by references to other texts, pe... more As it is well known, Latin works of the Middle Ages are pervaded by references to other texts, pertaining to the subject matter, to linguistic expression or to both, and fulfilling different functions. In this essay, parody is understood in a broad sense as a form of intertextual reference, which marks a distance to the original text. The poems of the Codex Buranus offer rich material to explore strategies of parody: inversion of the original meaning, transposition to a divergent context or ironic quotation. Furthermore, parody can emerge between neighbouring texts as a co-textual occurrence. The essay surveys how the anthologist classified parodies, and whether he skilfully placed some poems in such a way so as to make parody emerge.
Papers by Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann
Petrus Alfonsi, ein zum Christentum übergetretener Jude, verfasste um 1109/1110 einen Dialog über Judentum, Islam und Christentum, in dem er unter anderem den Talmud und die religiöse Praxis der Muslime diskutiert. Der «Dialogus» erfuhr sogleich lebhaftes Interesse und galt bis in die Neuzeit hinein als Autorität. Der Band enthält eine kritische Edition auf der Grundlage aller bisher bekannten Textzeugen, begleitet von einer deutschen Übersetzung.
J. F. Mesa Sanz, Presentación. I. «LATINITAS» MEDIEVAL. C. Cardelle de Hartmann, La moral del latín. Observaciones sobre la «latinitas» cristiana de Agustín a la Baja Edad Media. II. MUNDO VISIGÓTICO Y ESTUDIOS SOBRE SAN ISIDORO. P. F. Alberto, Poesía visigótica y escuela carolingia – J. Carracedo Fraga, Las fuentes del capítulo sobre los «uitia et uirtutes orationis» en el Ars grammatica de Julián de Toledo – R. Furtado, La Crónica de Eusebio-Jerónimo en Madrid, BHMV, Complutense 134 (ff. 2va-14vb) – M. A. Andrés Sanz, Transmisión y recepción altomedieval de las Differentiae isidorianas: nuevos apuntes. El De praedestinatione de Ratramno de Corbie – G. Botturi, Presenza di Giobbe nei Synonyma di Isidoro di Siviglia – J. Elfassi, Nuevas fuentes en la biblioteca de Isidoro de Sevilla – A. Simôes, Para una edición crítica de la Pasión de S. Julián (BHL 4529). III. TRADUCCIÓN EN EL MEDIOEVO LATINO. J. Martínez Gázquez, «Necessitas et utilitas» en las traducciones al latín en la Edad Media – S. Madrid Medrano, El Liber Philosophorum Moralium Antiquorum en el ms. 2697 de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Salamanca. IV. LATINIDAD MEDIVAL TARDÍA. SIGLOS XII AL XV. F. Santi, I nomi di Dio nella teologia di frontiera (sec. XII-XIII) – E. Pérez Rodríguez, Cantus in laudem Virginis. La poesía religiosa de Juan Gil de Zamora: sus consecuencias – M. Ángel Atanasio, El proyecto de sermonario completo de Juan Gil de Zamora, OFM – M. Mañas Núñez, El Ars brevis de Llull comentada por Cornelio Agrippa – C. López Alcalde, El Liber de Aduentu Messiae de Ramón Llull y la literatura «aduersus Iudaeos» del siglo XIII – C. Ferrero Hernández, Del códice matritense de Juan Diácono (s. XIII) a la leyenda hagiográfica de San Isidro Labrador. Lecturas, re-escrituras y polémicas – I. Figueiras, La reescritura de la Pasión hispánica de San Cucufate (BHL 1999 y 1998) – J. A. González Marrero, La navegación por las islas atlánticas a través de las Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae – L. Pomer Monferrer, La traducción de sinónimos, anáforas y otros recursos estilísticos del De virginitate perpetua Sanctae Mariae de Ildefonso de Toledo: el Arcipreste de Talavera – M. Montoza Coca, El uso de Bernardo de Claraval como autoridad en los Sermones de Don Martín García – V. INQUISICIÓN MEDIEVAL. J. A. Barrio Barrio, Origen, desarrollo y evolución de los manuales de inquisidores en la Edad Media – M. A. Angelino Pardo, El Repertorium perutile de pravitate haereticorum et apostatarum de Miquel Albert en la tradición de la manualística inquisitorial medieval. VI. LATÍN MEDIEVAL CIENTIFICO. E. Montero Cartelle, Maleficios y esterilidad en la medicina medieval: las clases de remedios – E. Sánchez Salor, La doctrina quiromántica medieval recogida en un manual emparedado en Barcarrota (Badajoz) – R. Comes, El latín científico del siglo XII. Edición crítica del tratado De scientia stellarum. Traducción al latín de Plato Tiburtinus de «al-Ziy al-S.abi’» de al-Battani – A. Aguilera Felipe, Manuscritos de Pietro d’Abano en España: una reflexión. VII. EPIGRAFÍA MEDIEVAL. J. del Hoyo Calleja, Panorama de la epigrafía medieval hispana. Dificultades y propuestas – J. M. Escolà Tuset, Tòpics a la poesia epigràfica llatina de l’època medieval catalana – Á. Castresana López, Una inscripción hermética en el claustro románico de Santo Domingo de Silos: un díptico elegíaco inédito. VIII. LEXICOGRAFIA LATINA MEDIEVAL. M. A. Fornés Pallicer - M. Puig Rodríguez-Escalona, El interés extralingüístico del Glossarium Mediae Latinitatis Cataloniae – M. Punsola Munárriz - P. J. Quetglas - S. Allés Torrent, La edición digital del Glossarium Mediae Latinitatis Cataloniae (GMLC) – M. Moscone, Per un’edizione digitale della documentazione latina medievale di area portoghese: il progetto CODOLPOR – «Corpus Documentale Latinum Portucalense» – J. F. Mesa Sanz, Nuevas herramientas de la lexicografía latina medieval. Aproximación al estudio de las partículas conectivas. IX. ESTUDIOS DE DIACRONÍA. A. Hurtado Jiménez, Interferencias lingüísticas en un corpus documental del siglo XV – F. Gimeno Menéndez, Sociolingüística histórica: fundamentos de los protorromances hispanos – J. M. Antolí Martínez, De «similare» als derivats gal.loromànics: la subjectivació com a tendència del canvi semàntic en llatí tardà. X. DOCUMENTACIÓN DIPLOMÁTICA Y DIDÁCTICA. R. Cuellas Campodarbe†, «Quando intravimus Balagarium, liberavit nos de manibus sarracenorum». Noves reflexions al voltant de la conquesta de Balaguer i la concessió de la seva carta de poblament (1117-1122) – C. Goñi Buil - A. R. Pont, Latín medieval: instrumento didáctico en bachillerato. XI. DE OCCIDENTE A ORIENTE Y VICEVERSA. A. A. Nascimento, San Vicente de Valencia llevado a Lisboa: los avatares de un culto. IN MEMORIAM. HOMENAJE AL PROFESOR LUIS CHARLO BREA. M. Pérez González, Homenaje a Luis Charlo Brea – J. M. Maestre Maestre, Ludouico Charlo Brea sacrum – M. Pérez González, Características de la documentación diplomática del Monasterio de Sahagún – J. M. Maestre Maestre, Rasgos lingüísticos medievales del tratado Quinque articuli contra Iudaeos incorrectamente atribuido a Rodrigo Fernández de Santaella – A. Regagliolo, ÍNDICES.