Music Education
Recent papers in Music Education
This paper discusses the interaction of vocal music skill development with phonemic awareness (the ability to hear and manipulate phonemes, the smallest units of language) and fluency training in kindergarten and grade one language arts... more
Since the DCMS Creative Industries Mapping Document highlighted the key role played by creative activities in the UK economy and society, the creative industries agenda has expanded across Europe and internationally. It has the support of... more
2017 Pre-publication proof of "Prelude" ... Link: On Routledge: On more
Burnout and attrition are issues facing many professions. In a bid to better understand this phenomenon and ways to address it, this paper explores experiences of praxis shock, well-being, burnout, and self-efficacy during teachers'... more
This paper first outlines the focus of ethnomusicology as a discipline, pointing to its concentration on music examined as intersocial activity and identifying the methodological givens that follow from that assumption. It then looks at... more
He centrado mi investigación en el estudio técnico y analítico de los principales métodos del siglo XX que han destinado una parte de sus tratados en la explicación y práctica de la sujeción del instrumento, así como los cambios de... more
Abstract: In 2013, the Department of Education released the Music Curriculum Guide for grades 1 to 10 as a part of the Enhanced Basic Education Program, more commonly known as K to 12. The new curriculum advocates for a multicultural and... more
This is a book of ideas, a catalogue of experience, a mass of personal stories, a collection of inspiring musical exercises, and a fascinating record of community music's roots and heritage. Community music making is exploding across... more
Im "War Requiem" übernimmt Benjamin Britten als Künstler gesellschaftliche Verantwortung. Gleichzeitig hat Musikunterricht das Ziel, Schüler*innen für Musik zu interessieren und zu begeistern - auch für Musik, die ihnen zunächst fremd,... more
Of the many genres and types of groups young composers learn to write for, orchestra can be especially challenging, requiring both depth and breadth of training. Studies have shown that the practical experience in working with an... more
Word count: 2,491 Gendered discourse in music education 2 Women and girls are prominent and successful in music-educational settings, but are often in a small minority or even completely absent from many professional realms of music.
Il volume descrive i primi approcci allo strumento: dalla postura corretta alla posizione delle mani e all’imboccatura, per proseguire con le tecniche di respirazione, articolazione, e con vere e proprie proposte didattiche. Pedagogia,... more
This Is An Account Of The Creative Stages Of 'King Crimson.'
In this essay I approach the mysterious art of music from several perspectives. As a classical pianist, I think about music as an immensely powerful way of communication. As a music teacher, I am interested in explaining tangibles of... more
This paper is part of a PhD research that studies the development of music education in Brazil as an area of knowledge. In this specific part we present the Brazilian methodologies of musical education, its history, the educators and the... more
This is an analysis on the two songs that appear in The Lion King (the movie) which shows how these songs depict Simba's innocence and gradually growing up to maturity.
How To Sing From Your Diaphragm - How To Breathe From Your Diaphragm. In today's article I am going to discuss and demonstrate one of the basics of singing, how to breathe from your diaphragm. If you have been singing for a while you may... more
Por meio de uma investigação de revisão da produção científica brasileira em Educação Musical, foram encontradas 300 teses produzidas na área, dos anos de 1989 até 2017. Este livro apresenta índices por data e por linhas de investigação... more
This paper includes a comprehensive review of human needs theories and explores applications for music education.
Esta investigación analiza la relevancia social, pedagógica y cognitiva de la integración del ordenador, de sus recursos multimedia y de softwares musicales y pedagógico-musicales en la enseñanza musical en escuela de educación básica que... more
Bringing together interdisciplinary leaders in methodology and arts-based research (ABR), this comprehensive handbook explores the synergies between artistic and research practices and addresses issues in designing, implementing,... more
Musicians' drive to be productive on the Internet led to the development of practices that can inform popular music education. Expanding the concept of popular music education to include online participatory culture practices provides... more
In 1983, Howard Gardner shook the foundations of intelligence testing and the field of education by suggesting that there are seven distinct intelligences. These intelligences had testable and distinct attributes that were supported by... more
This study explored the personal narratives of six AFAB (“assigned female at birth”) singers – three cis and three trans/non-binary performers of varying ages, ethnicities and locales – to understand how their experiences informed their... more
Take voice lessons to improve your singing ability The appeal of singing is incontestable. Popular programs built on vocal skills are American Idol, The Voice, and of course the X Factor. The success of Karaoke in local bars and... more
ABSTRACT In this study, the impact of teaching with colors on the musical notes learning skills of an autistic child has been investigated. The data of the study were obtained through parent, teacher and expert evaluations. The study was... more
This study extends an eight-country mapping exercise (McPherson & O’Neill, 2010; see Research Studies in Music Education issues 2010–2011) to include students’ motivation to study music within the Australian context. It sought to... more
Dr. Chris Stout Influencer David Frangioni is quite the polymath-as he is an entrepreneur, award-winning veteran of the music industry, technologist, producer, engineer, author, and perhaps most fundamentally, a drummer. He is the Founder... more
Often the music making that occurs in a community can be more proactive outside the school than inside the school. Many student-initiated musical activities found outside the school have a strong sense of learning within a community,... more
El uso de la tecnología se nos presenta como un aliado en pro de la interdisciplinariedad entre las diversas áreas de conocimiento. Este artículo presenta una propuesta de innovación realizada recientemente dirigida al alumnado de la... more
... Anxiety disorders in children have been associated in adolescence with increased risk ofsubstance misuse (Popper, 1993 ... Fairbanks et al., 1997; Velosa and Riddle, 2000) and cognitive-behaviour therapy (Labellarte et al ... Music... more
Key Words: Music, cerebral dominance, cerebral lateralization, hand
Learning to Listen: Audience, listening and experience in the classical music concert hall " presents recent research conducted with community orchestras in rural and regional Australia. The paper focuses on the nature and practice of... more
Wenn wir von einem dergestalt erweiterten Musikbegriff ausgehen, wenn also, so wie der Grundsatzartikel dies entwickelt, die ganze Welt Klang ist, dann sind wir, in allem was wir tun und lassen, die Komponistinnen und Interpreten unserer... more
Is commun knowledge that many teachers teach students to perform, compose, and appraise, but tend to assess music learning through written tests. This fact shows that some teachers believe that they are really assessing the music making... more
The present study employed population-level educational records from 4 public school student cohorts (n ϭ 112,916; Grades 7-12) in British Columbia (Canada) to examine relationships between music education (any participation, type of... more
As provided by Finnish law, the aim of compulsory schooling is to secure adequate equity in education throughout the country. In recent years, however, there have been signs that music education in primary schools may not be living up to... more