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Dall'"Uomo che Piantava alberi" all'"Uomo che faceva cultura" per inseguire il significato di Leader. Per distinguerlo da quello di Manager e, ricercando nei "testi sacri" dell'ICT Governance & Management, del Project Management, del... more
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In the past few years the use of FAST Diagramming has expanded throughout the world. However, since it is useful in so many disciplines, the development of FAST is in a state of evolution. As with any new development, each disciple finds... more
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      ManagerNew York
Przedmiotem zainteresowań socjologii organizacji i zarządzania są przede wszystkim społeczne uwarunkowania funkcjonowania organizacji i procesów zarządzania nimi, w tym dynamika procesów zachodzących w tychże organizacjach. Współczesne... more
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      SociologyHuman Resource ManagementSociology of OrganizationsEvaluation
It is uncommon that managers at certain times pause what they are doing and look at previous experiences and reflect on them, evaluating the present objectives to add learning. In particular, reflecting on the construction industry... more
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      ManagementConstruction ManagementProject ManagmentManager
The purpose of this study was to identify the types of negative employee behaviors at the Lebanese private schools and to know how the principals handle these behaviors. Moreover, this study sought to determine the impact of the negative... more
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      TeachersManagerSchool Principals
IT&C companies need to adapt themselves to an environment featuring a high level of competition. Innovation stays as the main vector of the domain, while the renewal rate of new technologies grows in speed (there are cases where new... more
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      BusinessManagementInformation TechnologyLeadership
The aim of the paper was to examine the use of instructional materials from local resources for art based courses at the tertiary level. The paper examined the concept of instructional materials and their production for instructional... more
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This paper explores different perspectives of the manager role and also explores the academic researcher role. It founds that managerial roles are so delicate, precise, and dependent on the administrative functions that allow a manager to... more
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      Project ManagmentManagerHenry Mintzberg
Know your leadership style, how to become a good leadership and the function of being manager
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      LeadershipManagerGaya KepemimpinanLeadership styles
TQM means keeping the organization running smoothly with continuous input from our owners/customers. The major components of TQM are quality information, rewards for results, cooperation, secured jobs, fairness, equitable compensation,... more
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      QualityISO standardsGlobal MarketingManager
In this paper we discuss the decision making process in an organization for effectiveness. In this process including six important steps useful for organization effectively done. In such complex and fast changing organization environment,... more
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      Decision MakingManagerManagement Process
Leadership is a responsibility with accomplishment toward the task and involvement with the teams preparing and guiding the team members to take on the same line of insight, vision, and achievement. The paper aims to explain how... more
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      ManagementLeadershipLeadership DevelopmentBusiness Management
This research aim to describe of MBS implementation by principle in SDN 12 Delta Pawan Sub District Ketapang Regency consist of procedure of MBS implementation, principle's role as manager in implementation of MBS, supplementary factor... more
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      Personal DevelopmentCoaching and Personal DevelopmentManagerial IssueProject manager
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh Disiplin dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Prestasi Kerja Pegawai pada Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kota Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan... more
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    • Manager
Skripsi Adalah salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana ekonomi pada Program studi manajemen SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU EKONOMI AHMAD DAHLAN JAKARTA 2014 BAB I PENDAHULUAN
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    • Manager
Working capital refers to the funds required to undertake the day-to-day operations of a firm. To achieve business objectives, an investment of the firm’s capital in current assets and the use of current liabilities to fund part of the... more
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      BusinessFinanceFinancial EconomicsCorporate Finance
A leader in every organization is a must. A leader in a company is called a manager. The managers hold a very important position in the company. They are responsible for the people or groups of people underneath, including being... more
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      ManagementPerformance ManagementPerformanceOffice Management
This project paper researches leadership, motivation and leadership styles. In accordance with this purpose, keywords such as leadership, motivation, leadership style, influence, leader, driving force, manager and CEO are defined. The... more
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This journal discusses how "The Influence of Managers in Achieving Company Goals". The purpose of this journal is to find out the roles and levels of managers in a company. Managers relate to so many instruments that are in an... more
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      ManagementInfluenceBusiness ManagementManagers
Most scholars of “Leadership” now recognize that successful organisations are characterized by a distributive, collective and complimentary form of leadership. Many leadership theories are referred and considered in this research article... more
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      ManagementPersonality PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyKnowledge Management
Previous work about identity construction in management studies has focused on a stable individual identity that only evolves with major events. Conversely, this research aims to explore a more situated identity construction in front of... more
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      SelfIdentityRisques PsychosociauxManager
Penelitian ini berjudul Pengaruh Pelatihan dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kualitas Kerja Aperatur Sipil Negara di Kantor Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kota Bogor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana “Pengaruh Pelatihan dan... more
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      LeadershipHuman Resource ManagementLeadership DevelopmentManager
Higher education or college is an institution that gave birth to the intellectual resources expected to contribute in the human resources quality improving. All activities should be directed for the excellent academic performance.... more
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      LeadershipManagerAcademic leadership
The modern era is characterized by the emergence of new management tools that are successfully used in various spheres of life. Crowdsourcing is one of these tools; this is a type of collective activities within which business managers,... more
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This paper aims to identify and analyze the extent to which new media have penetrated the Romanian organizations' internal communication and have influenced the leadership. We intend also to consider how social media becomes a tool for... more
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      New MediaLeadershipManager
Una grande azienda napoletana. Un ricercatore di marketing. Un grande problema da risolvere: se considerare Napoli un valore o un disvalore per l'impresa. Per capire in che misura il territorio può essere una risorsa proficua per la... more
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      Managerial EconomicsBrand ManagementFocus Group discussionsAdvertising
Much fantasy about the figure of a leader always being the hero and the protagonist, but is not so in reality.
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      LeadershipGlobalisation and DevelopmentManager
This study evaluated the roles of level 4 clinical instructors in their performance as advisers in University of Cebu-College of Nursing. Specifically, the study sought to answer the profile of the advisers as to their age; civil status;... more
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      Nursing EducationManagerMentorClinical Instructor
Artikel ini membahas tentang bagaimana menjadi seorang manager yang baik.
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      ManagerManajemenUniversitas Budi Luhur
Özet Yönetici davranışları örgütlerde çalışan davranışlarını şekillendirme ve değiştirme gibi bir fonksiyona sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, yöneticilerin mizahi olarak, çalışanlar tarafından nasıl algılandığı ile çalışanların sergilediği sinik... more
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      Humor (Psychology)Positive Organizational BehaviorEmotions in the workplaceManager
Araştırmanın amacı, öğretmenlerin okul yöneticilerinin dönüşümcü liderlik özellik ve davranışlarına yönelik görüşlerini tespit etmektir. Nitel araştırma desenlerinden durum çalışmasının kullanıldığı araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, 2020-2021... more
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      LeadershipTransformational LeadershipLeaderManager
The aim of this research is to reveal the qualifications required by hospitality enterprises who seek for mid‐level and senior manager by means of job advertisements. The research is a qualitative research based on content analysis. The... more
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      ManagerJob AdvertisementsHospitality EnterprisesSenior Manager
Die Frage »Was ist Intuition?« ist schwer schriftlich zu beantworten und soll in diesem Aufsatz auch nicht zu lesen sein. Vielmehr will der Autor auf den folgenden Seiten Intuition dadurch näherbringen, dass er zeigt was sie nicht ist... more
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      Business EthicsPhilosophyIntuitionHenri Bergson
In article it is revealed that at the solution of problems of management of economy of territorial education – the region, some of them don't give in to formalization because of existence of hardly measured qualitative factors and "a... more
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The study conducted here has taken four different conceptual variables where the correlation and effect has been observed and specifically the concept of mediation is applied to find the real effect of mediating variables. Manager... more
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This study aims at exploring the relevance of forensic accounting in curbing crime and corruption in public sector. The objective of the research work seeks to explore the role a forensic accountant can play in the fight against... more
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      BusinessCorruptionRegression AnalysisManager
The manager plays a very important role in the management of a sma7ll company. The empirical analysis conducted for this article, using a hypothetical-deductive approach, demonstrated, once again, this situation. The hypothesis at the... more
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      ManagementControlSME FinancingManager
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh komitmen dan sikap kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan maret sampai dengan juli 2019 menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan... more
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    • Manager
The purpose of research is examination and determination of the attainment of geothermal resources in thermal hotels, their areas of utilization, advantages and disadvantages, the environmental principles applied and the recommendations... more
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      Tourism ManagementGeothermalTourismManagerial Issue
Belleview Manyar, Belleview Apartment, Belleview Apartment, Belleview Apartment Surabaya, Belleview Manyar, Belleview Manyar Surabaya 2016, Belleview Manyar Surabaya 2017, Belleview Manyar Apartment, Belleview Manyar Dijual, Belleview... more
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      Real EstateManagerial EconomicsIntellectual PropertyFamily Business
The purpose of this research is to find the factors which motivate the university staff and importancy of motivation. In this research survey method is used. Data has been gathered from the workers of The Kastamonu University. SPSS 16,0... more
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    • Manager
This paper encompasses Managerial acts and the personality of a Manger within an Organization and working ideology that formulates the theoretical framework of this paper is Islamic teachings in the light of Quranic verses and sayings of... more
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Consistent with a growing number of models about affect and behaviour and with a recognition that perception alone provides no impetus for action, it was predicted that associations between company climate and productivity would be... more
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      BusinessPsychologyPersonalityHuman Resource Management
Dans un contexte ou le legislateur impose aux organisations francaises une integration des personnes handicapees et ou celles-ci sont le plus souvent percues comme des ressources negatives, cette these interroge les potentialites des... more
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      ManagementStigmaPolitical ScienceDyslexia
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mengevaluasi rasio keuangan dalam menilai kinerja keuangan pada PT. Bank Bukopin Tbk dan Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk. Yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Adapun pendekatan penelitian... more
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    • Manager
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the role of middle managers in the knowledge sharing process by presenting the results of a survey aiming to reveal the elements of middle managers’ knowledge sharing maturity and individual and... more
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      Knowledge ManagementKnowledge sharingIndividual DifferencesOrganizational Development
The study objective is aimed at finding the relationship between corporate governance bank distress in deposit money banks. The research design adopted in this paper is the case study method, in other to have an intensive insight of the... more
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      EconomicsCorporate GovernanceManagerPearson Correlation