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Utilisation of GRP Pipes in Trenchless Applications and Higher Performance Applications.
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      GeothermalComposite MaterialsGeothermal EnergyThermal Power Plants
An introductory review of potential barriers and opportunities in commercializing geoexchange in urban (e.g., Toronto) environments.  Presented at Ryerson University, June 8, 2015.
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      Renewable EnergyGeothermal
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      GeothermalGeothermal Energy
12th Annual Green Economics Institute Conference 10-12th June 2017 3 Days St Hugh's College, University of Oxford, Keeping Social and Environmental Justice Alive in an age of Tyranny.. Reforming Economics. Green Finance, Green... more
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      American LiteratureHistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
We assess a hybrid-energy approach that modifies a steam-turbine power plant to use renewable energy sources (electricity, plus options for geothermal and solar heat), plus fossil fuel (natural gas and coal) and/or waste biomass (e.g.,... more
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      Hybrid SystemsGeothermalSolar thermalCO2 capture and storage
The development of the geothermal industry in Indonesia is still far from expectation. The government strives to increase geothermal capacity by attracting investors in this sector, but the results are still not significant. Several... more
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      Renewable EnergyGeothermal
Condenser performance monitoring needs the values of Cleanliness Factor (CF) and Performance Factor (PF). Analysis of variables which determine CF and PF is needed in order to improve the condenser performance. This research is aimed at... more
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      GeothermalSurface CondenserSteam Condenser
Dear researchers, Geoscience and the progress of technology can be put to the service of the environment for the improvement of human living conditions. In this context, the Laboratory of Geodynamics and Natural Resources (LGRN),... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyHydrogeologyRemote Sensing
Studies were carried out in 2004 and 2005 across the island of Ireland, to develop a database and a series of index maps for the geothermal resources of Ireland. The objective of the projects was to produce a GIS-linked geothermal... more
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    • Geothermal
In oil, gas, and geothermal energy production, as well as geological CO 2 storage, the target formation is typically deeper than 1000 meters. As a result, associated wellbores have a large heat exchange area with the surrounding... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsGeothermalHeat Transfer
This article looks to give an overview throughout the geothermal energy technology. Analyzing the origin of its energy and talking about it history in the actual electrical applications. From the first time when geothermal energy was used... more
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      Renewable EnergyGeothermalGeothermal EnergyLiterature Review
Geothermal energy is energy created by the heat of the Earth. To extract energy from the underground, water is most times used as the heat carrier. As the crust is highly fractured and thus permeable to fluids, surface water, in most... more
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      Environmental ScienceRenewable EnergyEnergyGeothermal
Los Humeros geothermal field is a remarkable example of the lack of water-rock equilibrium. Significant variations of hydrothermal activity have occurred before and after exploitation started. Presently, discharged water is not in... more
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Silica has been using as one of geothermometer in the geothermal exploration. Its solubility is very sensitive due to temperature changes. When fluids rise and appear as thermal manifestation, the temperature tend to decrease. This occurs... more
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      New Zealand LiteratureVolcanologyNew Zealand StudiesGeothermal
The specific characteristics of the Greek geothermal fields on the volcanic islands of Milos and Nisyros are described, with emphasis on the characteristics affecting well casing. Overpressure, high temperatures and highly saline brines... more
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      GeothermalOil and Gas Drilling Engineering
ABSTRACT The emergence of the ‘social licence to operate’ concept reflects increasing awareness by industries of the need to negotiate with communities and other stakeholders regarding the costs and benefits associated with industrial... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCorporate Social ResponsibilityCleaner ProductionWind Energy
İSG Faaliyetleri Pentan Hesaplamaları Pentan Sıvı ve Gaz Fazı Boşalma Hızı Hesaplamaları Pentan Kritik Basınç,Özgül Isı Pentanın sabit sabınçta özgül ısı ve adyabatik genleşmenin politropik indeksi Pentan Fiziksel ve Kimyasal... more
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      Renewable EnergyGeothermalRenewable energy resourcesEnergy efficiency
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University addresses the need for trained and specialized human resource for energy industry worldwide. It intends to expand the opportunities for students and professionals to develop intellectual knowledge... more
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      Renewable EnergySustainable DevelopmentGeothermal
Andis Faza Fauzana (071001700016) I. Latar Belakang Setelah lapangan geothermal dikembangkan dan produksi telah dimulai, manajemen produksi dan operasi injeksi untuk menjaga power plant pada kapasitas penuh menjadi prioritas utama. Hal... more
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      GeothermalGeothermal EnergyTugas kuliahGeothermal Reservoir
Against the global warming that is problem for world in high scale and for Turkey in little scale. Importance of the renewable energy sources that is called green energy has been displayed. Depending on the use of fossil fuels,... more
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      Renewable EnergyWind EnergyEnergyGeothermal
Design parameters and calculation for pipeline
Berechnungen von Rohrleitungen
Boru hattı basınç kayıpları,sürtünme katsayısı,reynold sayısı,laminar,türbülant,basınç kaybı,sürtünme katsayısı,pürüzlülük katsayısı
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnergy
Ancora ai primissimi del Novecento, i soffioni della zona di Pomarance venivano sfruttati unicamente per la produzione d'acido borico: attività inaugurata dall'ingegnere ed imprenditore François Jacques de Larderel (1790-1858) nel 1818, e... more
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      GeothermalGeothermal EnergyAnthropocene studiesAnthropocene
The International Energy Agency (IEA), an autonomous agency, was established in November 1974. Its primary mandate was -and is -two-fold: to promote energy security amongst its member countries through collective response to physical... more
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      Climate ChangeRenewable EnergyLNGBiomass
Terrestrial heat flow influences a large collection of geological phenomena. Its determination and understanding is of prime interest for oil industry because geothermal processes impact directly maturation histories and economic... more
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      GeophysicsGeothermalOil and gasSedimentary Basins
Bu araştırmanın amacı termal otel işletmelerinde jeotermal kaynak kullanımının nereden ve nasıl temin edildiği, kullanım alanları, avantajları ve ikincil suların nerede ve nasıl değerlendirildiği açısından incelenmesidir. Araştırmanın... more
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      Tourism StudiesSustainable DevelopmentWater resourcesGeothermal
İzmir, located in the western part of Anatolia, is the third major city of Türkiye. İzmir is very important because of geoethermal resources. The geothermal areas of İzmir can be listed as Balçova, Karşıyaka-Menemen, Seferihisar,... more
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    • Geothermal
Located in the Circum-Pacific Rim of Fire, the Philippines is endowed with both mineral and energy resources. Philippines ranks second in the world (next to the United States of America) in using geothermal energy for electricity... more
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      GeothermalGeothermal EnergyGeothermal Exploration
Bab 1 Desain geothermal powerplant 3MW dengan sistem direct steam plant.
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    • Geothermal
High levels of noise are emitted during drilling and more specifically during the drilling of deep geothermal wells; this is due to the implementation of under-balance drilling, which minimizes reservoir damage. Impact assessment included... more
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      GeothermalDrilling EngineeringGeothermal EnergyNoise
Jeotermal Su Değerleri-Yoğunluk,ppt,viskozite değerleri hesap programı
(Density-Viscosity Calculator for sea water and brine water)
Geothermal Brine water values
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringMechanical EngineeringChemical Engineering
Sumber energi dari energi fosil yang sudah semakin menipis menyebabkan manusia mencari sumber energi lain, salah satunya energi panas bumi. Hal ini didukung oleh potensi energi panas bumi di Indonesia yang mencapai 28,1 GW dan khususnya... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergyGeothermalEnergy and Environment
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      GeothermalGeothermal Energy
Geokimia Manifestasi Gunung Talang
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      GeothermalTugas kuliahTeknik GeologiPanas Bumi
The Karlıova triple junction (KTJ) in eastern Turkey has been subjected to incremental deformation resulting in complex kinematic and mechanical interactions throughout the upper crust. These interactions have generated tectonic... more
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      GeologyStructural GeologyGeothermalRock Physics
Crocodiles are hunted for their skins, meat, oil and claws. Over catching of this animal has led to the decline of this species in wild populations. Although it is not a new idea, breeding this animal under captivity is a developing... more
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      ZoologyConservation BiologyBiologyGeothermal
This is the first book describing the glorious geology of Iceland's Golden Circle and four additional excursions:(1) the beautiful valleys and mountains of the fjord of Hvalfjördur, (2) the unique landscape and geothermal fields of the... more
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      GeomorphologyVolcanologyVolcanic GeologyGroundwater
Turkey is an area of complex geology with active tectonics and high geothermal potential. Especially, the western part of Turkey is a region of abundant geothermal activity. Faults accommodating the deep circulation of hydrothermal fluids... more
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Relocating Hypo-center of micro earthquake method.
Tribute to K. Nishi (2005)
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      GeothermalSeismic data processingGeothermal EnergyMicroseismicity, Induced Seismicity, Earthquake Mechanism
Please join us on a gathering focused on Geothermal Resource development in the Hawaiian Islands: Aia La O Pele i Hawaii: There is Pele in Hawaii— Is Geothermal Appropriate for Hawaii? Thursday, October 31, 2014 5 PM to 7:30 PM... more
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      VolcanologyRenewable EnergyVolcanic GeologyGeothermal
Plotting the performance of a technology against the money or effort invested in it most often yields an S-shaped curve: slow initial improvement, then accelerated improvement, then diminishing improvement. These S-curves can be used to... more
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      Renewable EnergyGeothermalTechnological InnovationTechnological change
La información disponible acerca de las características de las manifestaciones termales existentes en la décima Región de Los Lagos, Chile, es escasa; sin embargo, los factores que hacen pensar en la Región de Los Lagos como una zona de... more
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      GeochemistryGeothermalGeothermal ExplorationX región de Chile Los Lagos
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      GeothermalGeothermal EnergyGeothermal Exploration
In this study, one of renewable energy sources, geothermal fluid(brine water) viscosity calculations for geothermal power plant are specified. The calculations of flow stability are compared with ‘’Pipe Flow Expert’’ program. Due to the... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergyGeothermalEnergy and Environment
Metode penginderaan jauh dipakai untuk melakukan pengenalan (reconnaissance) wilayah potensi panas bumi di daerah Ngebel, Gunung Wilis, Jawa Timur. Karakteristik struktur geologi dikaji melalui penerapan analisis citra satelit melalui... more
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      Remote SensingGeothermalLand Surface Temperature
Geo-pressured gas reservoirs are reservoirs with high pressure gradient of about (0.5-1.0) psi/ft. The increase in pressures has been proposed by some authors to be caused by inability of excess fluids to leak-off after major tectonic... more
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      GeophysicsSupply Chain ManagementReservoir EngineeringGeothermal
This paper presents an overview of the Malawi energy situation and the potential of renewable energy resources including solar, wind, biomass, hydro and geothermal. Despite a range of efforts by local and international stakeholders to... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergySustainable DevelopmentBiomass
Jeotermal enerji kaynakları sıcaklıklarına bağlı olarak başta elektrik enerjisi üretimi olmak üzere konut ısıtması, sera ısıtması, termal turizm-tedavi, endüstriyel sıcak su ve kimyasal madde eldesinde kullanılmaktadır. Ekonomik ve çevre... more
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      Renewable EnergyGeothermalGeothermal EnergyGeothermal Power Plant
Located in the Circum-Pacific Rim of Fire, the Philippines is endowed with both mineral and energy resources. Philippines ranks second in the world (next to the United States of America) in using geothermal energy for electricity... more
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      GeothermalPhilippinesGeothermal EnergyGeothermal Exploration