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"1 Introduction PRINCIPLES AND PLANNING FOR RESEARCH 2 Theoretical Perspectives and Research Methodologies 3 Selecting and Planning Research Proposals and Projects 4 Research Ethics 5 Searching, critically reviewing and using the... more
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      BusinessEthicsEpistemologySocial Research Methods and Methodology
This article examines the positionality of local stakeholders in the production of knowledge through fieldwork in qualitative research in Northern Uganda. While scholarly literature has evolved on the positionality and experiences of... more
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      EthnographyFocus Group discussionsQualitative methodologyLocal History
Little is known about how citizens perceive the transition towards a bio-based economy (BBE), despite the fact that they are one of the most important actors in this transition. Citizens’ perceptions of bio-based innovations can support... more
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      Focus Group discussionsBiobased EconomyPublic Engagement with Science and TechnologyResponsible Research and Innovation
The cognitive mental functions give humans a particular advantage in terms of creative solution development. Humans are constantly engaging in a process of internal dialogue across a variety of subject areas. Mental distress may be at... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorMarketingBusiness Administration
Undergoing an admission process (an initiation) can induce exaggerated feelings about a group, but there is little research about the role of rewards. This study replicated Aronson and Mills’ (1959) experiment. Seventy participants... more
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      Social PsychologyBehavioral SciencesFocus Group discussionsMotivation (Psychology)
With the lack of attention to the attrition of child participants, loss to follow up (LTFU) holds significant implications for the health of young adults in the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS), a multi-center cohort study with... more
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      Health SciencesVisual StudiesHealth CommunicationSelf and Identity
Entrepreneurial marketing (EM) in SMEs is greatly different than the traditional marketing in large organizations. The higher education institutions generally instruct traditional marketing through orthodox and conventional teaching... more
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      Focus Group discussionsFocus GroupsCase Study ResearchPedagogy
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      Focus Group discussionsFocus Groups
The inequalities in the spatial distribution of infrastructural facilities have led to exclusion, poverty and lopsidedness in sustainable development. This is worsened by lack of reliable spatial and local data to plan for development... more
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      GeographySocial SciencesFocus Group discussionsCommunity Development
The aim of this study is, using the Swedish expression “kulturtant” (cultured lady) as starting point, to understand how and why women consume the products of the culture industry more eagerly than men. The study is using the concepts put... more
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      Focus Group discussionsBourdieu
In reviewing the Fairtrade academic literature I identify an empirical bias, guided mainly by systematic economical approaches. Much of the conclusions drawn from this literature are internally valid, but limited in generalizability. Next... more
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      Focus Group discussionsQualitative methodologyCoffeeFairtrade
“As we know, well-led groups provide many member benefits: feelings of universality, a sense of hope, altruism, acquisition of knowledge and skills, and mutual support...This text is affordable, easy to use, and very suitable for... more
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      SociologyPsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Behavioral Therapy
Artikeln handlar om ungdomar i "Orten" , ett förortsområde som under de senaste åren varit föremål för omfattande nega-tiv uppmärksamhet i offentlig debatt. Med utgångspunkt i en diskurspsykologisk ansats är syftet att analysera... more
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      Discourse AnalysisYouth StudiesFocus Group discussionsRace and Racism
Focus group research is rarely used for examining environmental discourses other than when conflict arises. This study looks at local citizen perceptions in relation to mined (or ‘cutaway’) industrial peatland landscapes in Ireland, and... more
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      Focus Group discussionsQualitative methodologyFocus GroupsQualitative Research
Flyer with basic information on the book
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      Focus Group discussionsQualitative methodologyFocus GroupsMarketing Research
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Focus Group discussionsVaccinesHealthcare workersFocus Group
Too often, elderly people become stereotyped as "just old and bitter." Does anyone ever stop to think that the reason for this stereotype could be because the elder is just used to living through ever-evolving thoughts, ideals, and... more
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      PsychologyGroup TherapyGeriatricsMental Health
The purpose of the present study was to highlight the factors that influence group dynamics in adult education, as these were shaped through the perceived views of educators and trainees in Parent's Schools in Greece. It followed a... more
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      Lifelong LearningFocus Group discussionsGroup Dynamics
The concept of ‘core category’ is most associated with the grounded theory method developed by Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss but has been utilised in relation to other qualitative methods such as phenomenology. The terminology varies... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCoding TheoryCommunicationMedia Studies
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      Focus Group discussionsLebanonMarketing ResearchSPSS
Group discussion is one of the most popular topic for the today's business world. Group discussion is the process where more than one person; discuss together, provide their review or suggestion on the specific topics for making a... more
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    • Focus Group discussions
Los hábitos de consumo mediático generados por Internet es una de la razones esgrimidas para explicar la crisis del consumo radiofónico de antena convencional entre los jóvenes (Martí, Gutiérrez, Ribes, Monclús, Martínez, 2010). La UER ha... more
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      Focus Group discussionsQualitative MethodsFocus GroupsRadio
To cite this article: Gundes, S., Atakul, N. (2017) Internship Practices in Architectural Education: Student Perspectives, Megaron, 12(3), 355-364. Abstract The experience that students gain from internship programs is considered to be... more
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      Focus Group discussionsArchitectural EducationInternships (Active Learning)Survey Research
El sexismo en la publicidad del perfume está constantemente presente al mostrarse a la mujer como objeto sexual. A pesar del paso de los años, se sigue representando a la mujer mediante un rol dependiente y sumisa al hombre. Con la... more
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      Focus Group discussionsAdvertisingPerfumePerfumes
This report is the work of a group of six young Egyptian researchers. Based on semi structured interviews and focus groups it explores the notions of identity held by contemporary young Egyptians, „offline‟ and „online‟. It sets out to... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial PsychologyGender StudiesSecond Language Acquisition
20' talk at the MECCSA PGN 2016 Conference at University Of Leicester, June 2016.
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      Computer ScienceFilm StudiesData MiningFocus Group discussions
In vier Kapiteln bietet das Buch einen Überblick über aktuelle Themen der Identitätsforschung. Die Auswahl an qualitativen, empirischen Forschungsberichten reicht von der Analyse narrativer Identität, über Biographieforschung zur... more
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      EthnographyFocus Group discussionsIdentity (Culture)Recognition
This paper reports the findings of what needs and pressing issues exist for community members of Rome-Floyd County as well as what services exist and are needed to help with these concerns, based on the perspectives of grandparents who... more
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      Focus Group discussionsGrandparents Raising Grandchildren
The present chapter discusses the ways in which the player/learner has been integrated into the design process of the educational game Antura and the Letters. This discussion demonstrates the potential of player-centred design — including... more
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      Serious GamesFocus Group discussionsUser Experience (UX)Game Design
Resumo: A utilização de Focus Group no campo do marketing não é uma novidade, porém tem aumentado sua importância na área do design, mais especificamente em pesquisas de experiência do usuário (UX) e avaliação de produtos, pois possui uma... more
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      DesignFocus Group discussionsUser Experience (UX)Focus Groups
In July 2011, FHI became FHI 360.
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      Focus Group discussionsMethodsData CollectionField Guide
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      Focus Group discussionsFocus Groups
Quando si parla di assistenza socio-sanitaria sembra ormai impossibile non fare riferimento a quello che è considerato uno degli aspetti fondamentali del contesto di cura: la dignità. L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (WHO), a tal... more
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      PsychologyMedical SciencesOncologyEducation
Bessy Albrecht-Ross, Susanne Leitner, Lea Putz-Erath, Kerstin Rego, Kathrin Rohde, Nicole Weydmann (2016). "Falls meine Kleine weint, muss ich mal kurz weg" – Von den Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen einer... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyFocus Group discussionsQualitative methodology
تعتبر جلسات الحوار المركزة من أهم أدوات جمع البيانات النوعية وهي تهدف أساساً للوصول إلى معرفة عميقة وتصور واضح حول الموضوع محل الدراسة من خلال طرح الموضوع للنقاش على مجموعة من الأفراد الذين تجمعهم ظروف وأوضاع مشتركة مثل مجموعة من الموظفين... more
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      Focus Group discussionsData Collection
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      Public FinanceClimate ChangeFocus Group discussionsIndonesia
Discussion and dialogue strategy and its relationship to developing social skills among primary school students
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      Focus Group discussionsStrategy
This paper provides an overview of the development and application of focus groups. It rethinks the conventional history associated with this approach in at least four ways. We reinsert a forgotten pioneer of focus groups, Herta Herzog,... more
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      MarketingHistorySociologyFocus Group discussions
Prepublication version, co-written with Rosaline Barbour, published

Barbour, R. and Schostak J. F. (2011) Interviewing and Focus Groups, in B. Somekh and C. Lewin (eds) Theory and Methods in Social Research, London, Sage. revised 2nd edn.
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyFocus Group discussions
Focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging. There are more... more
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      Focus Group discussionsFocus GroupsMethods of Data Collection
Focus groups are a cost effective and efficient methodological approach to generating data on disaster victims' experiences. However, their administration is fraught with a number of challenges. Although the challenges faced by... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyFocus Group discussionsFocus Groups
Ce chapitre rend compte de l'étude menée auprès d'une équipe de conseillères et conseillers en emploi d'un service de placement étudiant d'une institution postsecondaire. Souhaitant se munir d'un cadre de référence commun, enrichir leur... more
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      Focus Group discussionsRecherche qualitativeCritical incidentsCollaborative Action Research Methodologies
Markalar tarafından hazırlanan reklam kampanyalarının hedef kitle üzerinde ne derece etkili olduğu, istenilen amaca ulaşıp ulaşmadığı ve kampanyanın hedef kitle üzerinde nasıl bir izlenim bıraktığı konusunda reklam etkinliğinin... more
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      Focus Group discussionsReklámReklam Araştırmaları
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      Development StudiesFocus Group discussions
A focus group with three girls and another with three boys confirmed conclusions reached in larger studies that adolescents were image managers and that learning was secondary to establishing positions within the peer system. Among boys,... more
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      Focus Group discussionsStudent Achievement MotivationGrounded TheoryPeer-to-Peer
This study discussed the beliefs, practices and challenges of senior high school English teachers in using Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in Sulop National High School. The results from the analysis of the questionnaire and the... more
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      Environmental ScienceInformation TechnologyEthnographyFocus Group discussions
Çalışmada, interaktif sinemanın içerik ve teknik oluşumu ortaya konularak sinemaya getirdiği yenilikler belirtilmeye çalışmış bu bağlamda interaktif sinemanın sahip olduğu yeni anlatı tarzının izleyicinin filmi izleme sürecinde karakter... more
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      Focus Group discussionsLacanCinema StudiesIdentification
Breif look at how group cohesion increases insight and motivation building in its members, which is critical to positive change
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      PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyAddictionDrugs And Addiction