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Information flows and communicative interactions on social media, the Web and the expanding Internet of things are changing the possibilities, the actual methods and models of interaction between human beings, objects and life... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPoliticsThe Internet of Things
The following paper will trace the recently established field of Information Ethics through it’s various evolutions, from it’s origins in Librarianship to it’s role as a global player in areas as diverse as technology, media, global... more
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      Business EthicsPhilosophyEthicsInformation Philosophy
This series of essays offers a critique of Information Studies, taken as a discipline largely concerned with informational objects and their representations on the one hand and the control of these same by means of other informational... more
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      SemioticsMusic TechnologyAxiologyPosthumanism
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      Information SystemsPhilosophyLibrary ScienceLuciano Floridi
El presente texto abordará una reflexión sobre la identidad digitalizada, haciendo especial énfasis en los postulados de Luciano Floridi, cuya propuesta de "infoesfera" y su análisis del ser "onlife" son cruciales para aproximarse a las... more
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      IdentidadLuciano FloridiIdentidad DigitalInfosphere
The evolution of human cognition has corresponded to the technological expansion of its state-space, increasing its degrees of freedom by tracking invariances and conjunctions in its relations with the world. This process has two aspects.... more
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      EpistemologyTechnologyGilbert SimondonBernard Stiegler
Infosfera e Sistema: cosa resta dell’umano. Lo sviluppo e, conseguentemente, la diffusione delle tecnologie è attualmente a un tale stato d’avanzamento che persino la riflessione su di esse ne risulta influenzata; lontana da fideismi... more
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      Niklas LuhmannBigdataLuciano FloridiInfosfera
What is information? Information in the broad sense including not only digital information, but also analogue information (the whole of human culture), biological information and even physical information. For this research, the theory of... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceTheoretical PhysicsMetaphysicsOntology
This article analyses, defines, and refines the concepts of ownership and personal data to explore their compatibility in the context of EU law. It critically examines the traditional dividing line between personal and non-personal data... more
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      European LawPERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONInternet of ThingsEuropean Union Law
The Symbol Grounding Problem (SGP), which remains difficult for AI and philosophy of information, was recently scrutinized by M. Taddeo and L. Floridi (2005, 2007). However, their own solution to SGP, underwritten by Action-based... more
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      InformationLuciano Floridi
Uma primeira versão desse texto foi apresentada no III Simpósio Educação, Tecnologia e Sociedade (Promestre/FaE/UFMG) no dia 29 de outubro de 2020.
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      Information SocietySociedade Da InformaçãoLuciano FloridiInfosfera
The attempt to establish a unified taxonomy for the field of Information Ethics is both unattainable and unwarranted. The categorization of Information Ethics as a defined discipline, an applicable practice, a philosophy and a worldview... more
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      Critical TheoryInformation SystemsBusiness EthicsDiscourse Analysis
Lezione online sulla relazione tra realtà virtuale, studi sul sacro e dimensione immaginale, tenuta all'Università degli Studi di Perugia per la cattedra magistrale in Sociologia della Complessità Sociale. A partire dagli articoli di... more
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      Future StudiesVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)VirtualizationJoseph Campbell
Information Revolution is a term frequently mentioned yet roughly defined. It’s apparent as a ghostly scapegoat that haunts or justifies anything that has to do with ICT’s and new technical media. Starting by the hypothesis that the term... more
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      OntologyPragmatismMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
The following review explores Intercultural Information Ethics (IIE) in terms of comparative philosophy, supporting IIE as the most relevant and significant development of the field of Information Ethics (IE). The focus of the review is... more
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Kurt Vonnegut’s The Sirens of Titan (1959) provides an excellent proving ground for applying different notions of, and views on, the freedom of will. In this paper I apply a philosophical method of analysis, the so-called Method of Levels... more
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      PhilosophyLiteratureContemporary American LiteratureContemporary Literature
Escribirán los anales de la historia cuando se refieran a la Inteligencia Artificial sobre uno de los más complejos e intensos debates en esta materia: del esperanzado Dennet al escéptico Searle. Dos eminencias en el debate de la IA. El... more
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      Daniel DennettJohn R. SearleFilosofia De La MenteInteligencia artificial
In this paper, I discuss the peculiarity of the Italian philosophy of the “impure reason” by highlighting the connection between the ideas of a “classic” Italian philosopher and the works of a contemporary Italian philosopher:... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyCultural HeritageConstructivismHermeneutics
In this paper, I argue that the distinction between information and data lies at the root of much confusion that surrounds the concept of information. Although data are ‘out there’ and concrete, informational content is abstract and... more
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      Philosophy of informationInformationMathematical Theory of CommunicationJohn Wheeler
SILVA, Pietra Vaz Diógenes da. A sociedade de risco na infosfera: diálogo entre Ulrich Beck e Luciano Floridi. In: STANCIOLI, Brunello Souza; PEREIRA, Cecília Lopes Guimarães; ALVES, Marco Antônio Sousa (Orgs.). Revolução Informacional:... more
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      SociologyInformation EthicsSociology of RiskUlrich Beck
Recent proposals to think about philosophy as conceptual design (Floridi, 2019) fail to understand the scope and method of philosophical thinking. The goal of philosophy is truth, but truth has a double direction: towards theory and... more
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      DesignDesign thinkingPractical EthicsLuciano Floridi
The increasing use of the virtual space invites ethical reflection on revealed forms of moral progress. Social scientist, psychologists and philosophers are not yet able to conclude on their ethical implications. In particular, there have... more
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      Information TechnologyPhilosophy of TechnologyInternet StudiesSociology of Knowledge
El concepto de información posee una larga trayectoria, revitalizada con el surgimiento de la computación y la cibernética a mediados del siglo XX. En la actualidad, filósofos como Luciano Floridi proponen emplear la noción de información... more
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      EconomíaTecnologías de la informaciónJoseph StiglitzLuciano Floridi
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      Lacanian theoryEtienne BalibarLuciano FloridiLacanian Left
Resumo: O artigo apresenta, de forma introdutória, a Filosofia da Informação, abordagem teórico-metodológica desenvolvida por Luciano Floridi como uma fundamentação epistemológica adequada à sociedade da informação, termo proposto como... more
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      Filosofia da informaçãoLuciano FloridiDesinformação
Workshop "Limits in nature. Can we change perspectives?", 20 may 2022, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway (Møterom Innsikten, Iff, Tromsø)
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Some authors, most notably Luciano Floridi, have recently argued for a notion of " strongly " semantic information, according to which information " encapsulates " truth (the so-called " veridicality thesis "). We propose a simple... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceTruthlikenessPhilosophy of informationSemantic Information
To introduce Luciano Floridi’s theses, I will start from what I believe is his own starting point: defining the role and the challenges of philosophy in the contemporary world. In his writings, Floridi presents to his readers a scenario... more
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      Luciano FloridiInfosphere
Introducao : O artigo aborda o atual cenario da desinformacao presente na web com o surgimento de terminologias como ‘ fake news ’, ‘ pos-verdade ’, ‘ deepfake ’, entre outros. Para tanto, primeiramente remete as discussoes... more
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      PhilosophySociedade Da InformaçãoLuciano FloridiInformation Professional
For some advocates of the “Italian Thought”, the Weak Thought would have joined the ultra-linguistic and ultra-deconstructive postmodernism; but what if some core-ideas of Weak Thought are still relevant, and, far from pointing at the end... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyHermeneuticsRoberto Esposito
O artigo apresenta, de forma introdutória, a Filosofia da Informação, abordagem teórico-metodológica desenvolvida por Luciano Floridi como uma fundamentação epistemológica adequada à sociedade da informação, termo proposto como... more
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      Filosofia da informaçãoLuciano FloridiDesinformação
A call for papers is open for the 1st Workshop with the title "Testing Embodied Cognition: The Embodied Mind in a Cognitive Universal Body" 5th September 2019 - “Taberna” – Alte Mensa – Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Deadline... more
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      Embodied Mind and CognitionEmbodied Mind TheoryLuciano FloridiICub Robot
This paper discusses differing perspectives relevant to library and information studies (LIS) regarding the philosophy of information, primarily disparate accounts of ontology. The perspectives include, but are not limited to, those of... more
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      OntologyApplied OntologyKnowledge ManagementOntology (Computer Science)
In Pensare l’infosfera La filosofia come design concettuale, Luciano Floridi states the value of a correct analysis and philosophical responses within the information age we are living in. The aim of this paper is to suggest several ideas... more
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      Martin HeideggerPhilosophy of informationItalian PhilosophyTheoretical Philosophy
This paper starts by acknowledging the growing popularity of the idea that living in the infosphere is producing a reontologization of the world (§ 0), and aims to test such a belief by examining the problem of an ontology of information... more
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      Information TechnologyOntologyPhilosophy of TechnologyPhilosophical Anthropology
The paper suggests that the process of insularization show concretely at the “extra–linguistic” macroscopic level of reality what for some linguists is valid at the “infra–linguistic” level of reality and for some philosophers is valid at... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophyOntologyPacific Island Studies
Transformações muito profundas estão a ocorrer nas bibliotecas de todo o mundo, mais ou menos diretamente ligadas às mudanças que estão ocorrendo na realidade, hipermoderna nas palavras do filósofo Luciano Floridi. A crise do modelo... more
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      Library ScienceLibrary and Information ScienceBibliothéconomieBibliotecología
Philosophers of information, according to Luciano Floridi (2010, 32), study how information should be “adequately created, processed, managed, and used.” It is unlikely that we can do this without linking that study to the epistemic... more
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      Information TechnologyEpistemologyScepticismPhilosophical Scepticism
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation TechnologyPhilosophy of Technology
In this paper, I theoretically expand the idea of "religion of technical progress", firstly used by Carl Schmitt in his essay "The age of neutralizations and depoliticizations". After having introduced and analyzed this concept, I present... more
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      ReligionSociologyArtificial IntelligenceInformation Technology
Che rivoluzione è la Rivoluzione dell’Intelligenza Artificiale (AI)? Si tratta di un cambiamento epocale dai contorni non del tutto chiari. Non a caso lo stanno studiando in molti. L’Unione Europea ha già preso posizione a favore di un’AI... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceRevolutionsThe Age of Revolutions in the Atlantic WorldSingularity Theory
O artigo aborda o atual cenário da desinformação presente na web com o surgimento de terminologias como 'fake news', 'pós-verdade', 'deepfake', entre outros. Para tanto, primeiramente remete às discussões sócio-históricas que caracterizam... more
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      Sociedade Da InformaçãoPós-ModernidadeLuciano FloridiFake News
As Editor-in-Chief at The Freelance Netizen™ online magazine, I edit, peer-review and supervise peer review services for all article and editorial submissions. The Freelance Netizen™ explores the interdisciplinary connections between... more
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      HistoryMedia SociologySocial PsychologyInformation Science
Starting from a theoretical recognition of the classical positions on identity, we propose an integrated concept of human identity. It assumes the relationship between man and technology as an unavoidable feature. This hypothesis-based on... more
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      Philosophy of EducationLuciano FloridiInformational SocietyDigital Humanities Pedagogy
Can one distinguish between natural objects and artifacts? Or should one look at the universe without considering natural-artifact dichotomy? The answers of these questions, determine the position of philosophy of technology in... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyIslamic PhilosophyBruno LatourTechnical Artifacts
Situated within the context of the emerging concept of blended cognition between human and artificial entities, the present brief paper suggest that emphasis should be placed on the concept of automation in humans and (artificially... more
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      PsychoanalysisArtificial IntelligenceAutismCybernetics
A brief review of the notion "information report" within the philosophy of information literature.
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      Philosophy of informationSituation TheoryLuciano Floridi