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Last year, at this conference, I discussed how distinctions between nature and culture, and humans and animals, can arise from the technical processes of food production (see "Food as an object of cultural technical study "). Drawing on... more
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      Future StudiesAnthropologyMedia StudiesCyborg Theory
Ce texte a été publié en français en juin 2021 dans le quatrième numéro des Cahiers COSTECH : Il constitue un travail préparatoire en vue de la publication d'un article en... more
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      Bernard StieglerFélix GuattariEntropyEconomie
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      Artificial IntelligenceAnthropologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of Technology
The transcript of the film The Ister (2004), co-directed with David Barison.
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      PhilosophyFilm StudiesFilm TheoryJean-Luc Nancy
The essence of technology pervades our existence in a way we still barely surmise'.
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      Philosophy of TechnologyNew MediaPhenomenologyBernard Stiegler
Heidegger’s critique of modern technology and its relation to metaphysics has been widely accepted in the East. Yet the conception that there is only one—originally Greek—type of technics has been an obstacle to any original critical... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of TechnologyChinese PhilosophyGilbert Simondon
In 1985, the French philosopher Jean-François Lyotard curated a groundbreaking exhibition called Les Immatériaux at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. The exhibition showed how telecommunication technologies were beginning to impact every... more
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      Art HistoryBernard StieglerJean-François LyotardPostmodern
One could argue that the greatest challenge for the philosophy of education today is to stake its claim amidst the increasing prominence and competitive nature of evidence-based and profit-motivated theories of education. On one side of... more
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      PhilosophyEducationEducational ResearchContinental Philosophy
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of TechnologyPhenomenologyBernard Stiegler
What follows is an excerpt titled “Ouverture” from: B. Stiegler & N. Donin (November 2004) Révolutions Industrielles de la musique, Cahiers de médiologie nº3 / IRCAM, Fayard, pp. 6-17.
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Ce nouvel essai de Bernard Stiegler, qui sera suivi d'un second volet consacré au savoir et à son avenir, porte sur ce que l'auteur croit pouvoir déceler sous le nom d' « automatisation » de la société, laquelle présente ici deux aspects... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy of TechnologyConsumerism
This essay reflects on the rhythmic and performatic dimension of the archipelago in order to use it as a heuristic tool to understand the “intelligence” of the Smart City. Recognising the “smart ideology” which has brought to the actual... more
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      PhilosophyPerformance StudiesCollective IntelligenceContemporary French Philosophy
From a behaviorist perspective, the desire to upload “minds” is already being realized on a mass, hyper-industrial scale thanks to the convergence of cognitive computing and Big Data. The accusation is that the “mind” is not an entity... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPhilosophyPosthumanismHuman Information Behavior
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      Bernard StieglerMichel FoucaultRoberto EspositoControl Societies
Has today's digital society succeeded in becoming mature? If not, how might a new Enlightenment philosophy and practice for the digital age be constructed that could hope to address this situation? Such a philosophy must take into account... more
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      Critical TheoryInformation TechnologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of Technology
Films use architecture as visual shorthand to show viewers what they need to know about characters in a short amount of time. Using a phenomenological approach to look at a diverse range of international, historical and contemporary... more
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      Future StudiesArchitectureFilm StudiesFilm Theory
Avvertenza: la tesi qui riportata è stata sottoposta a una lieve revisione formale rispetto alla versione sottoposta alla commissione di laurea. Condurre una vita associata significa oggi, in buona parte, condurre una vita connessa.... more
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      Media SociologyInformation TechnologyPhilosophy Of LanguageNew Media
Las transformaciones impulsadas por el capitalismo contemporáneo siguen siendo objeto de debate y de cuestionamiento para un nutrido número de autores. Entre ellos destaca la escuela francesa y, particularmente, la obra de Bernard... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyBernard StieglerAnthropology Of Science (Science Technology And Society)Capitalism
Recensie van het 1ste vol. van La technique et le temps (B. Stiegler, 1994)
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    • Bernard Stiegler
EN Imagination was conceived as a mediating power way before the concept of media became a hot topic of philosophy. One might refer not only to Plato, but also to Aristotle or to Stoic phantasia kataleptike, or to Hume, and especially to... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophy of ArtGilles Deleuze
'Der Mensch ist der "wichtigste Rohstoff", weil er das Subjekt aller Vernutzung bleibt, so zwar, daß er seinen Willen unbedingt in diesem Vorgang aufgehen läßt und dadurch zugleich das "Objekt" der Seinsverlassenheit wird' (Martin... more
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      Bernard StieglerNihilismNeoliberalisme
Publié dans la revue Appareil en février 2021 : Ce glossaire a pour objectif d’introduire aux principaux concepts mobilisés par Bernard Stiegler et le collectif Internation dans l’ouvrage... more
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    • Bernard Stiegler
Putting the question of the long development and inheritance of immune functions (phylogenesis) in touch with that of cultural inheritance (epiphylogenesis), the article questions lines of continuity between somatic mutation,... more
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      Bernard StieglerEdmund HusserlJacques DerridaAutoimmunity
Praise for the Book vi zombie apocalypse-is something hopeful regarding how thought may be re-animated anew. This positive message for a challenging era will undoubtedly make this book popular with anime-loving students, whilst propelling... more
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      Animation TheoryGilles DeleuzeBernard StieglerDeleuze
: The article addresses a problem of mediation through the lens of imagination. An idea of " intermedial imagination " — a critical faculty that bears witness to the world's out–of–jointness " — proposed by Pietro Montani is analysed... more
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      AestheticsMedia and Cultural StudiesIntermedialityGilles Deleuze
Entry in An Ecotopian Lexicon, eds. Matthew Schneider-Mayerson and Brent Ryan Bellamy  (University of Minnesota Press).
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      Utopian StudiesBernard StieglerEcocriticismUtopianism
The term ‘design space’ implies that the particular space of possibilities within any evolving system always has a sort of transformative ‘elbow room’ for things to unfold. Yet such space of possibilities for future evolutions is itself... more
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      PhilosophyDesignGilbert SimondonBernard Stiegler
This paper was presented as a keynote lecture at the international conference Designing and Planning the Built Environment for Human Well-Being, held at the University of Oulu in Finland, 23-25 October 2014. It is an expanded version of a... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyMirror NeuronsEmbodied CognitionNeuroaesthetics
Christopher Nolan diagnoses a death drive impulsing our civilisation and its tenacious push towards governance by hyper-surveillance and towards climate catastrophe. He finds this death drive within our technocratic hubris intending to «... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeSlavoj ŽižekBernard StieglerSlavoj Zizek
paper published in AUT AUT 371, "Bernard Stiegler: Per una farmacologia della tecnica", ed. by Sara Baranzoni and Paolo Vignola, pp. 16-30.
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      Philosophy of TechnologyGilbert SimondonBernard StieglerJacques Derrida
Book Review of Dominic Pettman's "Infinite Distraction: Paying Attention to Social Media" (Cambridge: Polity, 2016) Full Reference: 'Pettman, Dominic, Infinite Distraction: Paying Attention to Social Media. Cambridge: Polity, 2016',... more
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      AttentionBernard StieglerSocial MediaDistraction
In today's society of humans and machines, automation, animation, and ecosystems are terms of concern. Categories of life and technology have become mixed in governmental policies and drive economic exploitation and the pathologies of... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
Nous sommes aujourd’hui confrontés, à travers les objets techniques comme la réalité virtuelle ou, plus quotidiennement les images des jeux vidéo, à un changement qui affecte non pas les objets de la percep- tion mais la perception... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyPhenomenologyBernard StieglerEdmund Husserl
Deleuze and Guattari never identified as anarchists, nor do they seem to know much about its historical development or continued praxis. Yet their individual and collective work belies this apparent and willful oversight through a steady... more
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      AnarchismBernard StieglerGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariFabulation
La philosophie de la nature à l'époque de l'Anthropocène
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      Georges CanguilhemBernard StieglerFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingPhilosophy of Nature
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      Philosophy of TechnologyBernard StieglerPeter SloterdijkBruno Latour
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyContinental PhilosophyGilles Deleuze
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      Critical TheoryInformation TechnologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of Technology
In On Touching, Derrida commends philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy for ‘taking into account [the] plasticity and technicity “at the heart” of the “body proper”’. Specifying the meaning of this plasticity and technicity’ Derrida writes, the... more
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      PlasticityGrammatologyBernard StieglerCatherine Malabou
This article critically examines the reading of Rousseau by the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler. In the first volume of Stiegler's influential multi-volume work La technique et le temps (Technics and Time) he argues that the origin of... more
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      Bernard StieglerJacques DerridaJean-Jacques RousseauAporia
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      Critical TheoryBernard StieglerDesireAffect Theory
It is a gerneral introduction to a special issue about Bernard Stiegler's La Technique et le temps, which is published in "Chinese Book Review" (Chinese version), 2013, vol.1.
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      Philosophy of TechnologyBernard Stiegler
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      Philosophy of TechnologyBernard StieglerProsthesisLibidinal Economy
Le genre littéraire « science-fiction » (ou « SF »), qui semble stimuler la pensée à divers titres, est pris entre une contrainte étrange (la thématisation presque folklorique de la « technoscience » future) et une variabilité infinie... more
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      Modal LogicBernard StieglerScience FictionAlain Badiou
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      Bernard StieglerBiopolitcsMichel Foucault
Lecture delivered on 22 November 2018 at Tongji University, Shanghai.
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      PhilosophyUrban PlanningContinental PhilosophyUrban Studies
本文藉Sherry... more
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      Bernard StieglerSocial MediaSociality社交媒體
Stiegler’s philosophy poses a contest between two opposing forces in subjective life. On one side, the tendencies of a consumerist, hypermediated world produce a subject whose existential pursuit of satisfaction conforms to market... more
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      Political PhilosophyPhenomenologyConsumerismBernard Stiegler
The paper attempts to read Deleuze and Guattari's geophilosophy as a conceptual tool able to produce a theoretical alternative to the so-called Anthropocene, i.e. the supposed new geological era at the same time driven and threated by the... more
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      Political EcologyContinental PhilosophyContemporary French PhilosophyGilles Deleuze