Papers by Maurizio Vivarelli
DigitCult. Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures, 2023
The article proposes a model of narrative and transmedia organization of public library collectio... more The article proposes a model of narrative and transmedia organization of public library collections, based on a broad analysis of the strategies for accessing the contents of the collections in a non-strictly bibliographic and finalized manner (browsing of the shelves, information seeking, selection and research strategies of works of fiction for pleasure reading). The hypothesized model is configured in the conceptual design of a series of divergent integrative interfaces (called Quadri), arranged in the bibliographic Multiverse, which are added to the convergent ones arranged in the bibliographic Universe. In this way, all the triggers highlighted in the scientific literature analyzedare legitimized in the library space, with the aim of making the communication surface of the collections more attractive and seductive, according to methods based on people's information behaviour. The article exemplifies some of these possible Quadri, capable of adequately enhancing the content of the collections, and thus their relevance in defining the identity of the contemporary public library.
Biblioteche oggi, 2024
This contribution presents and discusses a recent book by Mauro Guerrini, Biblioteconomia (Roma, ... more This contribution presents and discusses a recent book by Mauro Guerrini, Biblioteconomia (Roma, Associazione italiana biblioteche, 2023), which has as its object the ambitious objective of describing and delimiting the boundaries of the disciplinary field of Library Science and Librarianship, examined in its diachronic and synchronic dimension, and essentially defined as the ordering activity, carried out in libraries by librarians, of the elements which, appropriately indexed, constitute the bibliographic universe. The volume synthetically examines, in addition to the historical dimension of the discipline, its most significant developments, with a broad, inclusive, panoramic presentation. Finally, the article concludes with some observations that tend to highlight the need for an inter- and
transdisciplinary foundation of this disciplinary field, necessary to face the many challenges of contemporary complexity., 2024
An analysis study of the state of the art on the convergence process first, then confluence, fina... more An analysis study of the state of the art on the convergence process first, then confluence, final symbiosis between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Competences (CD) for Digital Education and 4.0 is presented, following a descriptive and diachronic method to be able to analyze from different points of view the complexity, problems and opportunities that this process implies, trying to present, in each of the phases of study of this phenomenon, the models, experiences and lines of research that illustrate the educational impact of this symbiosis . The study proceeds to analyze: 1) first, the characteristics of AI and the drivers that have led to its impact on Education (Educational Artificial Intelligence), 2) the challenges that this impact on Education has brought about, 3) and the initiatives of political, social, and educational agents to assimilating the effects of AI in educational innovation. 4) Then the analysis stops at the definition, characters, properties and initiatives of the DC in Education. Analyzed in pairs, a detailed analysis is made of the symbiosis process that can promote Education 4.0: the changes in the behavior of the agents in the educational process, the tools and good practices that lead to an effective use of this symbiosis, the progress of intelligent technologies in Education, the enunciation of own educational objectives, which are generating new educational models and also the proposal of new evaluation systems.
AgCult - Letture lente, 2023
A partire dai temi affrontati in due recenti convegni, svoltisi a Milano e Dogliani, il contribut... more A partire dai temi affrontati in due recenti convegni, svoltisi a Milano e Dogliani, il contributo prende in esame alcune questioni connesse al dibattito sui modelli e sulla identità della biblioteca pubblica, con riferimento specifico ai progetti in corso, finanziati con risorse PNRR, della BEIC di Milano e della nuova Biblioteca Centrale di Torino. La proposta avanzata cerca di individuare un punto di equilibrio dinamico, inclusivo e creativo, tra l'apertura sociale della biblioteca e la sua identità bibliografica, le sue collezioni, le pratiche di lettura ad esse riferite., 2023
This contribution proposes some remarks on the evaluation and financing mechanisms of PRINs-Proge... more This contribution proposes some remarks on the evaluation and financing mechanisms of PRINs-Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale, promoted in Italy by the MUR-Ministry of University and Research, in the context of the critical issues and evolution prospects of peer review, of which a summary state of the art is presented. Starting from the partial and incomplete data made available on the MUR website dedicated to PRINs, are listed and examined the projects financed for the current disciplinary sector M-STO/08 (Archival Science, bibliography and librarianship), in the years between 1996 and 2020, and those included in other disciplinary areas that have as their subject matters related to the contents of the academic field M-STO/08.
AIB studi, 2022
Il contributo propone alcune considerazioni sulla configurazione del settore disciplinare M-STO/0... more Il contributo propone alcune considerazioni sulla configurazione del settore disciplinare M-STO/08, che, nel lessico giuridico-accademico italiano, è descritto in una declaratoria sintetica, pubblicata con il d.m. 4 ottobre 2000, che ne delinea sinteticamente i confini. La missione 4 “Istruzione e ricerca” del PNRR (Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza) prevede una riforma delle classi di laurea e vincola le comunità scientifiche di riferimento, come la SISBB (Società italiana di Scienze bibliografiche e biblioteconomiche), ad adeguamenti, che riguardano sia le concrete dinamiche organizzative e procedurali, sia, contestualmente, le implicazioni teoriche e metodologiche ad esse riferite, e che toccano dunque il profilo del campo disciplinare della Bibliografia e della Biblioteconomia. L’obiettivo specifico che in questa sede viene proposto si basa in primo luogo sulla analisi dei contenuti della attuale declaratoria
del settore disciplinare M-STO/08, sulla sua collocazione nella gerarchia della organizzazione accademica, e sulle linee di sviluppo della cultura bibliografica e biblioteconomica che il «testo breve» di una declaratoria può riuscire a prefigurare.
The paper proposes some considerations on the configuration of the disciplinary sector M-STO/08, which, in the Italian juridical-academic lexicon, is described in a concise declaration, published with the Ministerial Decree of 4 October 2000, which briefly delineates its boundaries. Mission 4 “Istruzione e ricerca” of the PNRR (Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza) envisages a reform of the degree classes
and binds the relevant scientific communities, such as the SISBB (Società italiana di Scienze bibliografiche e biblioteconomiche), to adaptations, which concern both the concrete organizational and procedural dynamics, and, at the same time, the theoretical and methodological implications
referred to them, and which therefore affect the profile of the disciplinary field of bibliography and library science. The specific objective proposed is primarily based on the analysis of the contents of the current declaration of the disciplinary sector M-STO/08, on its position in the hierarchy of the
academic organization, and on the lines of development of the bibliographic culture, that the «short text» of a declaration may succeed in prefiguring.
DigitCult. Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures, 2022
This article propose some considerations regarding the contexts of Reading(&)Machine project, dev... more This article propose some considerations regarding the contexts of Reading(&)Machine project, developed in collaboration between SmartData@Polito and VR@Polito centers of the Polytechnic of Turin,
Department of Historical Studies of the University of Turin, and Turin Civic Libraries. Reading(&)Machine is based on the processing of information content of data produced by the libraries, and of other types of data,
coming from the social reading platform aNobii and generated directly by users, used to promote and enrich the reading experience, in specificity of the symbolic and informative ecosystem of the public library; the
recommendations produced will be made available in an immersive Virtual Reality environment. The article examines two particular aspects of these contexts. The first refers to the relationship between the digital
space of the project and the configuration of the physical space of the library, within which the prototype will be placed. The second specifically concerns the methods and phases of the choice of reading, in which
suggestions produced by the machines and signs communicated by the library space are integrated.
Atti della Rassegna Tecnica degli ingegneri e degli architetti in Torino, 2022
In questo contributo vengono presentate e discusse, in primo luogo, alcune considerazioni che rig... more In questo contributo vengono presentate e discusse, in primo luogo, alcune considerazioni che riguardano il profilo teorico e le criticità del concetto di "disciplina", e di disciplina accademica in particolare, con riferimento anche al problematico campo delle relazioni tra cultura umanistica e cultura scientifica. Nel contesto di questo scenario, caratterizzato dai forti fattori di accelerazione contemporanea, si situano le cosiddette Digital Humanities, variamente denominate all'interno di una tradizione teorica e metodologica ancora non compiutamente definita ed assestata. A questo specifico ambito si collega la recente costituzione del Centro interdipartimentale DISH-Digital Scholarship for the Humanities dell'Università di Torino, caratterizzato da un approccio marcatamente interdisciplinare. Infine vengono presentate le linee generali di due progetti (Reading(&) Machine e modello digitale della Grande Galleria dei duchi di Savoia), che orientano le questioni teoriche prese in esame verso obiettivi di natura decisamente applicativa, e che sono ambedue contraddistinti da una collaborazione tra Università e Politecnico di Torino.
Venerdì 4 e sabato 5 novembre presso la facoltà di Lettere dell’Università Sapienza di Roma (pi... more Venerdì 4 e sabato 5 novembre presso la facoltà di Lettere dell’Università Sapienza di Roma (piazzale Aldo Moro 5) si terrà il secondo Seminario italo-spagnolo di Biblioteconomia e Documentazione. Il Seminario intende offrire una panoramica generale e comparativa dello stato della LIS (Biblioteconomia e Scienza dell’Informazione) e della cultura del libro in Spagna e in Italia. L’evento è aperto a tutti gli interessati, gli interventi saranno in spagnolo o in italiano. Sarà possibile seguire il seminario anche online (link sul sito web della SISBB - Società Italiana di Scienze Bibliografiche e Biblioteconomiche,
Cases on Developing Effective Research Plans for Communications and Information Science, María-Victoria Carrillo-Durán (University of Extremadura, Spain) and Margarita Pérez Pulido (University of Extremadura, Spain), 2022
This contribution describes the premises, context, and characteristics of the Reading(&)Machine p... more This contribution describes the premises, context, and characteristics of the Reading(&)Machine project developed by the Turin Polytechnic SmartData@Polito and VR@Polito centers, the University of Turin Department of Historical Studies, and the Turin Civic Libraries. The project aims to create an innovative environment capable of capturing and enriching the reading experience through recommendation algorithms and a special interface, and to become part of a new conception, both digital and physical, of the library reading space. Reading(&)Machine is based on the processing of library data and other types of data from the aNobii social reading platform and generalist social networks. The project therefore develops a new configuration of a reading machine that can help enhance the role, functions, and identity of public libraries.
Culture e funzione sociale della biblioteca: memoria, organizzazione, futuro. Studi in onore di Giovanni Di Domenico, Roma, AIB, 2022
Il contributo prende in esame alcuni aspetti teorici e metodologici relativi al campo disciplinar... more Il contributo prende in esame alcuni aspetti teorici e metodologici relativi al campo disciplinare della biblioteconomia.
Enciclopedia italiana, 2022
Il contributo è dedicato alla prossima inaugurazione del Centro de Estudos da História da Leitura... more Il contributo è dedicato alla prossima inaugurazione del Centro de Estudos da História da Leitura (CEHL), in cui troverà spazio la biblioteca di circa 40.000 volumi che Alberto Manguel ha deciso di donare alla Città di Lisbona. Il Centro, di cui Manguel è direttore, avrà sede nel palazzo ottocentesco dei Marchesi di Pombal, un edificio tardo-barocco in Rua das Janelas Verdes, su una superficie di circa 600 metri quadrati. Qui saranno localizzati i libri e le future attività, sviluppate in collaborazione con altre istituzioni come la Casa Fernando Pessoa e la Fondazione Saramago, con il supporto di un autorevole comitato scientifico. Al Centro è stato dato il nome di Espaço Atlântida, ispirandosi al romanzo utopico di Francis Bacon "New Atlantis", pubblicato postumo nel 1627, nello stesso anno in cui a Parigi il giovane bibliotecario Gabriel Naudé dava alle stampe il suo celebre "Advis", sulle cui basi si sarebbe gradualmente definito il campo disciplinare della biblioteconomia.
Breve presentazione del volume curato da Chiara Faggiolani, in cui l'autrice descrive e discute a... more Breve presentazione del volume curato da Chiara Faggiolani, in cui l'autrice descrive e discute alcuni elementi teorici e metodologici riconducibili al campo della "biblioteconomia sociale".
AIB Studi, 2022
The central theme of the article is the ‘choice of reading’ in the public library and aims to out... more The central theme of the article is the ‘choice of reading’ in the public library and aims to outline thecharacteristics and the contexts of the Re ading(&)Machine project, promoted and developed by the SmartData @PoliTO and VR@PoliTO centers of the Polytechnic of Turin and the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Turin. Reading(&)Machine consists of: a) a recommendation system based on
Artificial Intelligence tools; b) an immersive interface, augmented and enhanced, to access system suggestions; c) a hybrid, physical and digital environment, with which Reading(&)Machine becomes part
of the library’s information ecosystem. The ‘choice of reading’, mapped within the typologies of reading realized in the semiotic space of the
library, is treated in the framework of the relationships between public libraries, librarianship, reading practices, analyzed using the conceptual lexicon of Paul Ricoeur, and the terms and concepts of ‘prefiguration’, ‘configuration’, ‘refiguration’. The reference literature is mainly that produced in LIS studies, national and international, starting from the
sixties of the twentieth century, and includes the description of some of the most relevant characteristics of the recommendation systems, in which the ‘choice of reading’ is suggested not by humans but by
machines. In conclusion, some of the main implications aroused are briefly recalled.
Reimmaginare la Grande Galleria. Forme del sapere tra età moderna e culture digitali, Torino, Academia University Press, 2022
Questo intervento presenta e discute alcuni aspetti, di natura bibliografica, di un progetto di r... more Questo intervento presenta e discute alcuni aspetti, di natura bibliografica, di un progetto di ricerca più ampio ed articolato, che riguarda la conoscenza e la valorizzazione della Grande Galleria, inaugurata a Torino dal duca di Savoia Carlo Emanuele I nel 1608, concretizzando nella materialità dello spazio il sogno cabalistico ed enciclopedizzante avviato nella seconda metà del Cinquecento da Emanuele Filiberto. Le considerazioni proposte in questa sede sono di natura principalmente epistemologica e metodologica, e riguardano l’ipotesi di realizzare un modello spazializzato, in ambiente digitale, in grado di rappresentare la struttura delle collezioni, bibliografiche dei duchi di Savoia, entro il quale disporre ed ordinare le rappresentazioni descrittive delle unità documentarie che le componevano.
AIB studi, 2021
L’articolo è dedicato al libro di Giovanni Solimine Introduzione allo studio della biblioteconomi... more L’articolo è dedicato al libro di Giovanni Solimine Introduzione allo studio della biblioteconomia, pubblicato nel 1995, articolato intorno al modello biblioteca/mediazione/organizzazione, che definì i fondamenti della ‘biblioteconomia gestionale’, radicati nel modello paradigmatico della reference library. La rilettura mette in luce i complessi fattori di mutamento attuali, e lo slittamento di paradigma in corso, le cui ‘anomalie’, secondo il lessico di Thomas Kuhn, si manifestano nelle eterogenee prospettive biblioteconomiche delineate, da quella ‘digitale’ a quella ‘sociale’ e ‘partecipativa’. Le considerazioni finali rimandano alla necessità di valorizzare le energie e le intelligenze che si muovono nei campi delle discipline del libro, dell’informazione, delle biblioteche, delle culture documentarie, orientandole all’interpretazione critica del cambiamento in atto, cercandone il radicamento nelle invarianti profonde su cui la tradizione disciplinare si è costituita.
Biblioteche oggi Trends, 7, n. 2, 2021
The article aims to discuss the relationships between some recent public library projects and the... more The article aims to discuss the relationships between some recent public library projects and the contents and values that
can be traced back to the concept of ‘utopia’, in its articulated polysemy. The proposed reasoning will develop according
to the following steps. First of all, a rapid exploration of the meaning of the word ‘utopia’ will be carried out, differentiating
it from that of other words or expressions closely related (‘concrete utopia’, ‘dystopia’, ‘estropia’, ‘heterotopia’, ‘ucronia’).
Subsequently the article describes and evaluates from this point of view some projects of public libraries in which the
utopian program seems particularly evident (Seattle Central Library; Tianjin Library; Helsinki Central Library Oodi), linking
their profile and relevant elements in the definition of identity. of the contemporary public library (order / disorder, visibility,
‘public’ and ‘social’ model). Finally, inspired by the reflection of the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur, we will discuss a
method for evaluating the relationships between ideal and concrete symbolic contents, trying to show their intimate and
circular connection, exemplified through the apparent contrast between real and imaginary libraries., 10, 2, p. 15-46, 2021
The paradigmatic transformations, rapid and in continuous acceleration,
of the organization and c... more The paradigmatic transformations, rapid and in continuous acceleration,
of the organization and communication of knowledge in contemporary reality make it necessary to reflect on the principles on which models and methods of the bibliographic tradition are based. This paper examines these topics: a) the elementary entities that constitute the “objects” of the representation of knowledge, from “books” to “data”; b) the description of some of the essential characteristics of the models of representation of these “objects”; c) the ways in which the perception of representations is carried out and communicated, through the recordings, giving rise to the different interfaces of bibliographic
mediation, in the classic frame of the Bibliographic universe; d) the relational and holistic nature that characterizes the empirical phenomena referred to knowledge of objects, bibliographic and extra-bibliographic; e) the model profile of a possible Bibliographic multiverse; e) the general lines of a “point of view” with which to hypothesize the integration, following Michel Foucault, of “words” and “things”.
Biblioteche oggi Trends, 2021
The main objective of the contribution is to propose some considerations on the relationship betw... more The main objective of the contribution is to propose some considerations on the relationship between 'library' and 'memory', in order to be able to outline a reasonably feasible analysis perspective of an obviously very large topic. From a methodological point of view, in the first place a summary and schematic periodization of the field of identified relationships will be proposed. Secondly, some possible modulations of these relationships will be discussed, examining them from within and outside the Bibliographic Universe, and therefore within and outside the boundaries of bibliographic and library science disciplines. Finally, some considerations on the physiognomy of a hypothetical Bibliographic Multiverse will be proposed, in which it is possible to host the different memories in which the recordings and the models according to which they are organized are organized, integrating the binding order of the Bibliographic Universe with the multiplicity of data and information that exists in the dynamic and interactive models of reality, of the bibliographic space, of people's minds.
Papers by Maurizio Vivarelli
transdisciplinary foundation of this disciplinary field, necessary to face the many challenges of contemporary complexity.
del settore disciplinare M-STO/08, sulla sua collocazione nella gerarchia della organizzazione accademica, e sulle linee di sviluppo della cultura bibliografica e biblioteconomica che il «testo breve» di una declaratoria può riuscire a prefigurare.
The paper proposes some considerations on the configuration of the disciplinary sector M-STO/08, which, in the Italian juridical-academic lexicon, is described in a concise declaration, published with the Ministerial Decree of 4 October 2000, which briefly delineates its boundaries. Mission 4 “Istruzione e ricerca” of the PNRR (Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza) envisages a reform of the degree classes
and binds the relevant scientific communities, such as the SISBB (Società italiana di Scienze bibliografiche e biblioteconomiche), to adaptations, which concern both the concrete organizational and procedural dynamics, and, at the same time, the theoretical and methodological implications
referred to them, and which therefore affect the profile of the disciplinary field of bibliography and library science. The specific objective proposed is primarily based on the analysis of the contents of the current declaration of the disciplinary sector M-STO/08, on its position in the hierarchy of the
academic organization, and on the lines of development of the bibliographic culture, that the «short text» of a declaration may succeed in prefiguring.
Department of Historical Studies of the University of Turin, and Turin Civic Libraries. Reading(&)Machine is based on the processing of information content of data produced by the libraries, and of other types of data,
coming from the social reading platform aNobii and generated directly by users, used to promote and enrich the reading experience, in specificity of the symbolic and informative ecosystem of the public library; the
recommendations produced will be made available in an immersive Virtual Reality environment. The article examines two particular aspects of these contexts. The first refers to the relationship between the digital
space of the project and the configuration of the physical space of the library, within which the prototype will be placed. The second specifically concerns the methods and phases of the choice of reading, in which
suggestions produced by the machines and signs communicated by the library space are integrated.
Artificial Intelligence tools; b) an immersive interface, augmented and enhanced, to access system suggestions; c) a hybrid, physical and digital environment, with which Reading(&)Machine becomes part
of the library’s information ecosystem. The ‘choice of reading’, mapped within the typologies of reading realized in the semiotic space of the
library, is treated in the framework of the relationships between public libraries, librarianship, reading practices, analyzed using the conceptual lexicon of Paul Ricoeur, and the terms and concepts of ‘prefiguration’, ‘configuration’, ‘refiguration’. The reference literature is mainly that produced in LIS studies, national and international, starting from the
sixties of the twentieth century, and includes the description of some of the most relevant characteristics of the recommendation systems, in which the ‘choice of reading’ is suggested not by humans but by
machines. In conclusion, some of the main implications aroused are briefly recalled.
can be traced back to the concept of ‘utopia’, in its articulated polysemy. The proposed reasoning will develop according
to the following steps. First of all, a rapid exploration of the meaning of the word ‘utopia’ will be carried out, differentiating
it from that of other words or expressions closely related (‘concrete utopia’, ‘dystopia’, ‘estropia’, ‘heterotopia’, ‘ucronia’).
Subsequently the article describes and evaluates from this point of view some projects of public libraries in which the
utopian program seems particularly evident (Seattle Central Library; Tianjin Library; Helsinki Central Library Oodi), linking
their profile and relevant elements in the definition of identity. of the contemporary public library (order / disorder, visibility,
‘public’ and ‘social’ model). Finally, inspired by the reflection of the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur, we will discuss a
method for evaluating the relationships between ideal and concrete symbolic contents, trying to show their intimate and
circular connection, exemplified through the apparent contrast between real and imaginary libraries.
of the organization and communication of knowledge in contemporary reality make it necessary to reflect on the principles on which models and methods of the bibliographic tradition are based. This paper examines these topics: a) the elementary entities that constitute the “objects” of the representation of knowledge, from “books” to “data”; b) the description of some of the essential characteristics of the models of representation of these “objects”; c) the ways in which the perception of representations is carried out and communicated, through the recordings, giving rise to the different interfaces of bibliographic
mediation, in the classic frame of the Bibliographic universe; d) the relational and holistic nature that characterizes the empirical phenomena referred to knowledge of objects, bibliographic and extra-bibliographic; e) the model profile of a possible Bibliographic multiverse; e) the general lines of a “point of view” with which to hypothesize the integration, following Michel Foucault, of “words” and “things”.
transdisciplinary foundation of this disciplinary field, necessary to face the many challenges of contemporary complexity.
del settore disciplinare M-STO/08, sulla sua collocazione nella gerarchia della organizzazione accademica, e sulle linee di sviluppo della cultura bibliografica e biblioteconomica che il «testo breve» di una declaratoria può riuscire a prefigurare.
The paper proposes some considerations on the configuration of the disciplinary sector M-STO/08, which, in the Italian juridical-academic lexicon, is described in a concise declaration, published with the Ministerial Decree of 4 October 2000, which briefly delineates its boundaries. Mission 4 “Istruzione e ricerca” of the PNRR (Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza) envisages a reform of the degree classes
and binds the relevant scientific communities, such as the SISBB (Società italiana di Scienze bibliografiche e biblioteconomiche), to adaptations, which concern both the concrete organizational and procedural dynamics, and, at the same time, the theoretical and methodological implications
referred to them, and which therefore affect the profile of the disciplinary field of bibliography and library science. The specific objective proposed is primarily based on the analysis of the contents of the current declaration of the disciplinary sector M-STO/08, on its position in the hierarchy of the
academic organization, and on the lines of development of the bibliographic culture, that the «short text» of a declaration may succeed in prefiguring.
Department of Historical Studies of the University of Turin, and Turin Civic Libraries. Reading(&)Machine is based on the processing of information content of data produced by the libraries, and of other types of data,
coming from the social reading platform aNobii and generated directly by users, used to promote and enrich the reading experience, in specificity of the symbolic and informative ecosystem of the public library; the
recommendations produced will be made available in an immersive Virtual Reality environment. The article examines two particular aspects of these contexts. The first refers to the relationship between the digital
space of the project and the configuration of the physical space of the library, within which the prototype will be placed. The second specifically concerns the methods and phases of the choice of reading, in which
suggestions produced by the machines and signs communicated by the library space are integrated.
Artificial Intelligence tools; b) an immersive interface, augmented and enhanced, to access system suggestions; c) a hybrid, physical and digital environment, with which Reading(&)Machine becomes part
of the library’s information ecosystem. The ‘choice of reading’, mapped within the typologies of reading realized in the semiotic space of the
library, is treated in the framework of the relationships between public libraries, librarianship, reading practices, analyzed using the conceptual lexicon of Paul Ricoeur, and the terms and concepts of ‘prefiguration’, ‘configuration’, ‘refiguration’. The reference literature is mainly that produced in LIS studies, national and international, starting from the
sixties of the twentieth century, and includes the description of some of the most relevant characteristics of the recommendation systems, in which the ‘choice of reading’ is suggested not by humans but by
machines. In conclusion, some of the main implications aroused are briefly recalled.
can be traced back to the concept of ‘utopia’, in its articulated polysemy. The proposed reasoning will develop according
to the following steps. First of all, a rapid exploration of the meaning of the word ‘utopia’ will be carried out, differentiating
it from that of other words or expressions closely related (‘concrete utopia’, ‘dystopia’, ‘estropia’, ‘heterotopia’, ‘ucronia’).
Subsequently the article describes and evaluates from this point of view some projects of public libraries in which the
utopian program seems particularly evident (Seattle Central Library; Tianjin Library; Helsinki Central Library Oodi), linking
their profile and relevant elements in the definition of identity. of the contemporary public library (order / disorder, visibility,
‘public’ and ‘social’ model). Finally, inspired by the reflection of the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur, we will discuss a
method for evaluating the relationships between ideal and concrete symbolic contents, trying to show their intimate and
circular connection, exemplified through the apparent contrast between real and imaginary libraries.
of the organization and communication of knowledge in contemporary reality make it necessary to reflect on the principles on which models and methods of the bibliographic tradition are based. This paper examines these topics: a) the elementary entities that constitute the “objects” of the representation of knowledge, from “books” to “data”; b) the description of some of the essential characteristics of the models of representation of these “objects”; c) the ways in which the perception of representations is carried out and communicated, through the recordings, giving rise to the different interfaces of bibliographic
mediation, in the classic frame of the Bibliographic universe; d) the relational and holistic nature that characterizes the empirical phenomena referred to knowledge of objects, bibliographic and extra-bibliographic; e) the model profile of a possible Bibliographic multiverse; e) the general lines of a “point of view” with which to hypothesize the integration, following Michel Foucault, of “words” and “things”.
e della fisionomia delle biblioteche italiane negli anni del Fascismo. Gli eventi centrali presi in esame sono costituiti dalla creazione, nel 1926, su impulso del ministro Pietro Fedele, della Direzione generale Accademie e biblioteche, e approdano alla descrizione analitica dei riflessi sull'ambiente bibliotecario causate dalla promulgazione delle leggi razziali.
considerazioni sulla biblioteca pubblica contemporanea , ed in
particolare sui modelli , concettuali e spazializzati, realizzati ed utilizzati
per renderne visibile l’ identità. L’obiettivo specifico riguarda un tema circoscritto e tuttavia molto rilevante, in particolare in questa fase: le modalità con le quali il modello biblioteconomico si realizza e si concretizza nello spazio architettonico. Vengono esaminate le modalità attraverso le quali vengono rappresentate e comunicate le collezioni, nel modello biblioteconomico ed in quello architettonico, facendo riferimento alla Actor-Network Theory di Bruno Latour.
L'intervento, previsto nel programma del convegno, non è stato proposto a causa di problemi personali del relatore.
Queste radici si sono in apparenza allontanate, durante la delimitazione dei «campi» delle discipline, nei quali la cultura bibliografica ha sviluppato maggiormente elementi analitici, fondati sul metodo storico-filologico, e la cultura museale ha dedicato parte importante della sua attenzione alle relazioni estetiche, cognitive ed emotive che intercorrono tra gli oggetti del patrimonio culturale e le persone. I due percorsi sono forse di nuovo vicini, nella attuale stagione postmoderna della convergenza digitale.
A cultura bibliográfica, ao longo da sua história, tem-se confrontado com mudanças igualmente impressionantes e significativas, confrontando-se com o problema da organização universal do conhecimento, concretizada nos modelos e formas concretas da bibliotheca, do Mundaneum, do Web semântico.
Essa cultura, precisamente com sua atitude interpretativa, pode constituir uma bússola eficaz para se orientar no turbilhão de dados ao nosso redor.
Reading(&)Machine si basa sulla elaborazione del contenuto informativo dei dati prodotti dalle biblioteche, e di ulteriori tipologie di dati provenienti dalla piattaforma di social reading aNobii e da social network generalisti. Reading(&)Machine, come esplicita il suo stesso nome, è dunque, in sintesi, una nuova configurazione di macchina per leggere, che può contribuire a valorizzare ruolo e funzioni delle biblioteche negli attuali scenari della ipermodernità.
formare il lettore competente. Percorso di formazione e educazione alla lettura a cura del Forum del Libro, il cui programma è disponibile all'URL
Il convegno ha preso in esame alcuni elementi significativi della Grande Galleria e dei suoi molteplici contesti, accostandosi ad essi da qualificati punti di vista spiccatamente interdisciplinari, aperti dunque ai campi ed agli apporti interpretativi della storia, della storia
dell’arte, della bibliografia, dell’architettura, delle culture digitali. A partire da queste premesse, dunque, sono stati presi in esame i modelli concettuali e materiali delle biblioteche della prima età moderna; i modelli coevi di circolazione e lettura del libro, e la sua organizzazione concettuale; le prospettive di studio e valorizzazione delle biblioteche storiche; ed infine i progetti di conoscenza e comunicazione della Grande Galleria.
L’evento è aperto a tutti gli interessati, gli interventi saranno in spagnolo o in italiano. Sarà possibile seguire il seminario anche online (link sul sito web della SISBB - Società Italiana di Scienze Bibliografiche e Biblioteconomiche:
Videoregistrazioni disponibili a questo link: