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Considering the concept of culture as integral super-organism allows revealing psycho-informational types of cultures and describing them using socionic methods. Integral types of cultures or ethic mentalities of France, Ancient Athens... more
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      SociologySocietySocionicsInformational Society
The article considers formation of social and technical paradigm information security that on the general theoretical level will contribute to the harmonization and systematization of scientific research in the different brunches of... more
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      National Securityінформаційне суспільствоInformational SocietyInformational Security
Рост социальной дезадаптации детей-сирот побуждает к поиску решений этого глобализующегося вопроса как на административном, так и на методическом уровне. В прошлом году наша лаборатория открыла для себя новое направление экспериментальной... more
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      Social PsychologySocial WorkSocial PolicySocial Research Methods and Methodology
Статья посвящена рассмотрению проблем трансформации информационного общества, анализу теории виртуального общества и понятию "виртуальная реальность". Исследование демонстрирует, что современное информационное общество не идет по пути... more
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      CommunicationVirtual RealityPostindustrial SocietyInformational Society
This paper discusses the conceptualization of network in Manuel Castells’ theory of network society. Castells’ early academic works were built on the structural analysis of capitalism and social movements in response to the contradictions... more
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      Economic SociologyPolitical EconomySocial NetworksGlobalization
This article discusses the conceptualization of network in Manuel Castells’ theory of network society and its relation to network analysis. Networks assumed a significant role in Castells’ opus magnum, The Information Age trilogy, in the... more
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      Social TheoryPolitical EconomyBusiness NetworksSocial Networks
Key Words: Droit à la ville, right to the city, critical geography, marxism, marxist theory, urban studies, Nanterre, 1968, mai 68, May 68, critique de la vie quotidienne urban history, Résistance, ORTF, Toulouse, Paris, Strasbourg,... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryGeographyMarxism
W referacie będę chciał zaprezentować zjawisko popularyzacji filozofii za pomocą memów internetowych (na przykładzie realnych inicjatyw funkcjonujących na portalach społecznościowych) oraz porównać je do bardziej tradycyjnych metod... more
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      PhilosophyInternet memesInformational Society
Capital Groups of IT Sector on the Warsaw Stock Exchange as an Element of the Information Society in Poland
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    • Informational Society
This elaboration seeks to contribute to a new understanding of space in the informational city. It strives to re-contextualize and re-conzeptionalize space and it’s subsidiary elements: cities, places and in particular bodies in the... more
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      Henri LefebvreUrbanSpaceCognitive
У навчальному посібнику наведено структурований перелік правопорушень в інформаційній сфері, їхні правові ознаки; охарактеризовано дисциплінарну, цивільно-, адміністративно-, кримінально- правову відповідальність за вчинення зазначених... more
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      Criminal LawCivil LawAdministrative LawTheory of Law
Considering the concept of culture as integral super-organism allows revealing psycho-informational types of cultures and describing them using socionic methods. Integral types of cultures or ethic mentalities of France, Ancient Athens... more
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      EthnopsychologySocietySocionicsInformational Society
RESUMEN: Hablar de feminismo, Internet, arte, y activismo es hablar de creación experimental, de comunicación, de interactividad, de investigación y de asociación. Es ante todo situarse en un territorio expandido de posibilidades no sólo... more
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В силу специфики деятельности лаборатории "Школьная медиатека", где посчастливилось работать, доводится уделять время изучению роли традиционного и электронного учебника в информационно-образовательной среде отечественной школы. В... more
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      CommunicationTeacher EducationComputer-Mediated CommunicationInformation Communication Technology
Existing studies of urban riots, violent protest and other instances of contentious politics in urban settings have largely tended to be either event-or time-specific in their scope. The present thesis offers a spatial reading of such... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Change
"Key Words: Droit à la ville, right to the city, critical geography, marxism, marxist theory, urban studies, Nanterre, 1968, mai 68, May 68, critique de la vie quotidienne urban history, Résistance, ORTF, Toulouse, Paris,... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryGeographyMarxism
Starting from a theoretical recognition of the classical positions on identity, we propose an integrated concept of human identity. It assumes the relationship between man and technology as an unavoidable feature. This hypothesis-based on... more
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      Philosophy of EducationLuciano FloridiInformational SocietyDigital Humanities Pedagogy
This research proposes the idea that IDN-G, as a non-governmental institution, has been transforming the Indonesian diaspora posture in the context of globalization and nationalism. IDN-G has been a crucial part in giving positive... more
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      GlobalizationDiaspora StudiesStrategyInformational Society
E-communication places new demands on language, leading to interesting variations in written language use. E-mail, chats, online discussions and SMS messages use a language marked by traits of both informal speech and formal writing, a... more
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      Information TechnologyEducationTechnologyComputer Assisted Language Learning
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      Criminal Lawуголовное правоInformational Societyинформационное общество
The article describes the phenomenon of labour in researches of information society and prospects of transformation of this phenomenon in the science of labour law. The author makes the conclusion that with the advent of information of... more
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      Sociology of WorkLabour LawEmploymentInformational Society
Considering the concept of culture as integral super-organism allows detecting psycho-informational types of cultures and describing them using socionic methods. Integral types of cultures or ethic mentalities of France, Ancient Athens... more
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      EthnopsychologySocionicsInformational Society
Здійснено теоретико-правове осмислення забезпечення інформаційної безпеки як функції сучасної держави. Сформовано методологічний підхід, який дозволяє розглядати забезпечення інформаційної безпеки як своєрідну діяль- ність, одним з... more
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      Information SecurityAdministrative LawTheory of Lawінформаційне суспільство
The media of informational technologies may suppose the breading process of the Olympic reserve in the orphanage.
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      Sport PsychologyCommunicationTraining and DevelopmentWeb Technologies
"En el contexto de la sociedad de la información se describen las nuevas condiciones de los mecanismos de producción y distribución la experiencia artística, analizando el proceso actual de redefinición y rearticulación del espacio... more
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      Art TheoryPublic SpaceEspacio PublicoSociedad de la Información
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      Human GeographySpatial AnalysisArchitectureGovernmentality
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      Human GeographySpatial AnalysisArchitectureGovernmentality