Singularity Theory
Recent papers in Singularity Theory
A more general class than complete intersection singularities is the class of determinantal singularities. They are defined by the vanishing of all the minors of a certain size of a m × n-matrix. In this note, we consider G-finite... more
The investigation of 3D euclidean symmetry sets (SS) and medial axis is an important area, due in particular to their various important applications. The pre-symmetry set of a surface M in 3-space (resp. smooth closed curve in 2D) is the... more
In 1964, Nikolai Kardashev proposed the Kardashev scale, a system for measuring the extent of technological advancement of a civilization based on the magnitude of energy consumption. According to Carl Sagan, the American astrophysicist,... more
In the 2010s, artists abandoned the present in favour of the past, the future, and other, larger temporalities. Art is no longer contemporary, but extemporary.
Due to development of science we are in the situation of an intervention in the complex area of nature without being able to yet identify the inflection point from which the artificial created by the natural man becomes in turn natural.... more
Habría que ser muy necio para discutirle a Artaud la materialidad del pensamiento, máxime cuando la cultura es un sistema de aplazamiento y tránsito, caracterizado por una presencia sin traducción posible, a saber, el aura insoportable... more
This paper considers the technological singularity as predicted and fostered by Ray Kurzweil and others from the standpoint of socialism, particularly a left communist perspective. What is a Marxist understanding of the technological... more
Il compositore Perotino, tra medioevo e contemporaneità. Il ruolo della singolarità nell'espressione musicale.
This research aims to analyze from a legal perspective and various epistemological frames, a paper refered to human rights, in relation to transhumanism and posthumanism. It will be taken as the central axis, the biotechnology, being more... more
The technological singularity is an interesting concept about technology that promises a revolutionary change in the future even so much more than today's rate of change. This research attempts to determine the projection of these changes... more
Even the uninitiated will know that Quantum Field Theory cannot be introduced systematically in just four lectures. I try to give a reasonably connected outline of part of it, from second quantization to the path-integral technique in... more
The revolution in technology over the last 30 years and the promise of the singularity-a merging of humans and machines into a common species-seem to have very little to do with Hannah Arendt, a chain-smoking German-Jewish émigré who... more
Ray Kurzweil and others have posited that the confluence of nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, robotics, and genetic engineering will soon produce posthuman beings that will far surpass us in power and intelligence. Just as black... more
The ‘Mind-Upload’ hypothesis (MU), a radical version of the Brain- in-a-Vat thought experiment, asserts that a whole mind can safely be transferred from a brain to a digital device, after being exactly encoded into substrate independent... more
Note manoscritte di Søren Kierkegaard risalenti al 1838 e francobolli emessi dalle Poste del Regno di Danimarca per il centenario della morte (1855-1955) e per il bicentenario della nascita (1813-2013) del filosofo. Copyright immagine:... more
/Summary The theory of creation of cosmos and its continual motion put forward by the author has been scrutinized through a comprehensive search in the literature in hope of finding parallels or analogies in form of experimental... more
Updated February 2022: The creation, or emergence, of a technological singularity is the subject of a wide array of speculations. Due to their lack of tangible criteria, the prospect of an upcoming singularity is still unclear, if not... more
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
Human society is a complex nonequilibrium system that changes and develops constantly. Complexity, multivariability, and contradictoriness of social evolution lead researchers to a logical conclusion that any simplification, reduction, or... more
Human society is a complex nonequilibrium system that changes and develops constantly. Complexity, multivariability, and contradictoriness of social evolution lead researchers to a logical conclusion that any simplification, reduction, or... more
Abstract: Ray Kurzweil and others have posited that the confluence of nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, robotics, and genetic engineering will soon produce posthuman beings that will far surpass us in power and intelligence. Just... more
Questo lavoro parte dall’idea che la nostra individualità, intesa principalmente come libertà, è facilmente modellabile e assoggettabile da parte di un potere incontrastabile quale è quello che pare oggi imporsi. L’esperienza che sta alla... more
The idea that in the near future we should expect “the Singularity” has become quite popular recently, primarily thanks to the activities of Google technical director in the field of machine training Raymond Kurzweil and his book The... more
The progressing cyborgization of the human body reaches its completion point when the entire body can be replaced by uploading individual minds to a less vulnerable and limited substrate, thus achieving \digital immortality" for the... more
Big historians are attempting to construct a general holistic narrative of human origins enabling an approach to studying the emergence of complexity, the relation between evolutionary processes, and the modern context of human experience... more
The intention of this article is to propose a generalization to the Black Hole (BH) model, prioritizing an understanding from graphic intuitions. To promote the model presented here (based on the use of quaternions) I will try to convince... more
A very short article criticising two churches: those who believe in the Singularity (AIzilla) and those who believe that computers "cannot do x" (AItheist).
A brief exploration of artificial general intelligence and the "singularity," in which I address the problems artificial intelligence theories have had with explaining distributed cognition, consciousness, and various other things, as... more
Abstract for The Mythological Dimensions of Neil Gaiman Kitsune Books April 20, 2012 Author Lynn Gelfand Title of essay “The End of the World as We Know It: Neil Gaiman and the Future of Mythology” A story about a struggle... more
İnsanlık tarihi, fizikten kimyaya, kimyadan biyolojiye doğru ilerleme gösteren bir sürece sahiptir. İnsanlar, tüm yaşayan diğer canlılarla aynı fiziksel güçlere, kimyasal reaksiyonlara ve doğal seçilim süreçlerine tabidir. Doğal... more
I have just re-loaded this paper, because originally a word was misspelled in the title. Written for a conference in Taiwan a decade ago, this paper was inspired by Ray Kurzweil's book, "The Singularity is Near." As AI continues its... more
This book pursues a strand in the history of thought - ranging from codified statutes to looser social expectations - that uses particulars, and more specifically examples, to produce norms. Much intellectual history takes ancient Greece... more
A Summary of, and Commentary on, the Main Conclusions of David Berlinski's Analysis of the Delusions of Contemporary Science, especially as regards the "Big Bang" Theory
The idea of “technological singularity” – that is, of a dramatic and irreversible change in the human condition due to the vertiginous growth of new technologies – is one of the theoretical cornerstones of transhumanist futurology. The... more
The phenomenon of 'void' pertinent to dimensional consciousness is discussed. It is explicated that there exists domains outside the dimensional space where there is total absence of matter-antimatter, which are referred to as the 'void,'... more
Global Brain is a concept used to describe and understand the distributed and self-organizing intelligence currently emerging from all people and information-communication technologies (ICT) connected via the Internet. This network in its... more
In this paper, I evaluate Steven Pinker’s study with the title “The Better Angles of Our Nature. A history of violence and humanity”. In this study, Pinker optimistically argues that ‘violence of kinds’ is decreasing, and that we are now... more
This essay will consist of two major parts. Firstly, various roles and functions of central banks will be presented, with particular focus on the recent years. Secondly, complexities of the central banking functions and monetary policy... more