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Quando scrive, Emilio Lussu disseziona il passato italiano. In questa ricerca, cerchiamo di individuare in quella retrospettiva i riflessi del (e sul) presente degli anni Trenta. I libri della maturità autoriale, quelli che la critica ha... more
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureAnti-FascismLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea
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      Interwar Period HistoryHistory of CommunismAntifascismHistory of Italian and European Antifascism
Storia e analisi dell'attività antifascista e antinazista nel comune di Sesto Fiorentino. La curatela del volume è del professor Ivan Tognarini e le ricerche sono del dottor Sandro Nannucci. Le ricerche in ACS sono state fatte da Davide... more
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      AntifascismAntifascismoAntifascismos y antiracismoHistory of Italian and European Antifascism
Anti-fascism – a hallmark of the left since the 1930s, and a vague term for active opposition to Italian fascism, German Nazism and similar movements in the interwar period – used to be studied as a brief episode in the history of... more
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      Transnational and World HistoryFascismNeo-FascismTransnational History
Quick overview of the historiographical debate on the reasons for the Allied victory in World War II, from the immediate post-war years to 2015.
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      Military HistoryEconomic HistoryDiplomatic HistoryMilitary Science
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      Second World WarLiguriaAlessandriaNazismo
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      MarxismItalian StudiesCommunismItalian Literature
La collana 'Tracce. Itinerari di ricerca' si propone di valorizzare i risultati delle attività scientifiche svolte nei diversi campi della ricerca universitaria (area umanistica e della formazione, area economico-giuridica, area... more
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      Contemporary HistoryHistory of Italian and European Antifascism
This chapter discussed the persecution against Italian antifascists in Brazil during Vargas autoritarian State and the practices of it political police, DEOPS. O capítulo trata da organização da resistência antifascista italiana no... more
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      Anti-FascismItalian emigrationAutoritarismoGetúlio Vargas
This article introduces two little-known episodes of opposition against the Italian fascist regime undertaken by professor Ettore Ciccotti (1863-1939), whose career traversed both the world of academia and that of politics. In each of... more
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      Reception StudiesThe Classical TraditionFascism and Classical AntiquityClassical Reception Studies
This review discusses the historiography of international antifascism since the publication in 1995 of François Furet’s The Passing of an Illusion. It points out that as early as 1996 appeared a new scholarly approach to the topic,... more
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      Transnational History20th century (History)Historical RevisionismAntifascism
saggi l'impegno 43
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      Italian (European History)Modern Italian HistoryItalian StudiesFascism
The recent English translation of Caludio Pavone's book on the Italian civil war (1943)(1944)(1945) represents an occasion to reconsider Resistance historiography and memory politics. This paper discusses Pavone's book and looks back on... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryHistoriographyItalian Resistance to Fascism & its interpretationContemporary Italian History and Politics
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      HistoryCultural StudiesGender StudiesWomen's History
Eine Schwierigkeit besteht zudem in der Darstellung der Transformationen im Konfliktverlauf, so dass auch die verschiedenen zeitlichen Phasen erfasst werden müssen, um zu einem besseren Gesamtverständnis der partikularen Entwicklung zu... more
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      Spanish HistorySocial movements and revolutionRevolutionFriedens Und Konfliktforschung
Il romanzo a cui Silone teneva di più presentato in una versione inedita. I brani contro Mussolini e il fascismo leggibili per la prima volta grazie a un dattiloscritto conservato a Zurigo. Un volume che ci fa uscire dalle secche del... more
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      MarxismFascismItalian LiteratureExile
Estratto dello studio sulla guerra di potere fra gruppi e fazioni opposte, in un paese del Molise durante il Ventennio fascista, pubblicato sull'Almanacco del Molise 2010.
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      Italian Antifascist CultureBenito MussoliniBeneventoStoria
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      European HistoryItalian (European History)Italian StudiesItalian Wars
The aim of this article is reconstructing the work we have done to reorder the private archive of Antonio Greppi, the first mayor of Milan after World War II. In the first part we briefly examine Greppi's political story, focusing not... more
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      Archival StudiesArchivesContemporary Italian History and PoliticsHistory of Milan
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      FascismHistory of FascismNeofascismAntifascism
No dia seguinte à queda do fascismo o Ministério do Interior do governo Badoglio emana as disposições necessárias -Circ. Min. 27/07/1943 nº. 46643 -para a concessão oficial da graça soberana aos antifascistas condenados pelo Tribunal... more
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      Anarchist StudiesComunismoConcentration CampsAntifascism
Nell’Archivio Centrale  dello Stato a Roma è conservato  un  fascicolo  riguardante  un’inchiesta  del  Ministero  dell’Interno  su Luigi  Ferrari  (1878­-1949),  direttore  della Biblioteca  Marciana  dal  1920  al  1948,  denunciato ... more
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      Library ScienceItalian StudiesContemporary HistoryFascism
storie di vita di partigiane in Toscana
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      Political SociologyGender and PoliticsAntifascismoHistory of Italian and European Antifascism
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      Occupation and Resistance in WW2History of Italian and European Antifascism
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      Middle East HistoryTurkeyHistory of Turkish RepublicNon-Muslim Minorities in Turkey
Utilizzo di un ego-documento per ricostruire la storia di un esule della Concentrazione antifascista in Francia.
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      Contemporary HistoryFascismParmaEgo documents
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      FascismCommunist InternationalItalian Communist PartyHistory of Italian and European Antifascism
Written by Luciano Parinetto and originally published as a section in his 1977 book, "Corpo e rivoluzione in Marx: morte, diavolo, analità," (Body and Revolution in Marx: Death, the Devil, Anality).
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      Critical TheoryPsychoanalysisQueer StudiesQueer Theory
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      Contemporary HistoryWorking Class StudiesAntifascismAntifascismo
En lo que va del siglo XXI, algunos líderes políticos de América y de Europa han sido tildados de fascistas por sus formas autoritarias de gobierno, legitimadas en una mitología que se alimenta por los temores y las esperanzas de las... more
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      European StudiesItalian StudiesMediterranean StudiesEuropean Union
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      FeminismSEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIALSegunda República y Guerra Civil EspañolaAntifascismo
Il partigiano è quello che combatte per un altro, se lo faccia per fede per dovere o per soldo poco importa. Il militante del partito rivoluzionario è il lavoratore che combatte per sé stesso e per la classe cui appartiene. Le sorti... more
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      MarxismMarxist theoryFirst World WarLenin
Quest'analisi traccia un filo tra Italia ed ex Jugoslavia analizzando due fenomeni strettamente correlati: la solidarietà popolare verso i prigionieri fuggiaschi delle forze alleate e il carattere multietnico e internazionalista della... more
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      World War IIAntifascismHistory of Italian and European AntifascismHistory of Fascism and Antifascism
Este artículo explora en los modos en que el grupo antifascista italiano Giustizia e Libertà respondió a las campañas racistas/racialistas del régimen fascista entre 1935 y 1940. Para ello, trabaja sobre una publicación semanal editada... more
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      AntifascismAntiracismHistory of Italian and European Antifascism
Relazione al Convegno "Giellismo e Azionismo. Cantieri aperti" -14a edizione. Roma, Archivio Storico del Senato della Repubblica, 10 aprile 2018 - Torino, Istituto Piemontese per la Storia della Resistenza e della Società Contemporanea... more
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      Global GovernanceLaw and LiteratureUtopiaDiritto Costituzionale Comparato
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      Spanish Civil WarAntifascismHistory of Italian and European Antifascism
Exile has characterised the history of Italian anti-fascism. Many antifascists, already from the early years of the regime, moved to the United States and Latin America, but especially to France, the UK and Switzerland, as far as the... more
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      History of SwitzerlandAntifascismoHistory of Italian and European AntifascismItalian antifascism in exile
The article aims to inspect five crucial years in the biography of Emilio Lussu, one of the leaders of the anti-fascist movement “Giustizia e Libertà.” Among 1933 and 1938, the major memorials and his masterpiece Un anno sull’Altipiano... more
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      Italian PoliticsLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporaneaContemporary Italian History and PoliticsEmilio Lussu
Con veinte años ya era un revolucionario de profesión listo para en- frentarse al Tribunal Especial para la Defensa del Estado Fascista, con poco menos de treinta y cinco esbozaba el proyecto de un federalismo europeo por el que... more
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Aníbal Ponce, the highest figure of Argentine Marxism in the 1930s, was in Paris participating in the Antifascist Intellectuals Vigilance Committee, and was sent to Spain as a member of an international evaluation commission of the... more
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      History of CommunismHistory of Italian and European Antifascism
Il lavoro ha come obiettivo quello di ricostruire il processo parlamentare che portò alla scrittura della Costituzione, in particolare dell'articolo 1°.
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      Italian StudiesItaly (History)StoriaPartito Socialista Italiano
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      AntifascismHistory of Italian and European Antifascism