Death Penalty
Recent papers in Death Penalty
The United States is the only Western democratic nation to practice capital punishment in the 21st century. Lethal injection was introduced in the late 1970s as a more palatable alternative to evidently brutal methods of execution such as... more
The Mexican Revolution (1910-20) produced modern, industrialized death for the first time in the history of the Americas and previewed the coming World War. Hundreds if not thousands of executions took place during the Revolution, and all... more
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
Il caso Furman v. Georgia ha fatto credere agli Stati Uniti nel 1972 che la pena capitale non sarebbe mai più tornata in vigore. Contro questa aspettativa, invece, quattro anni dopo la stessa Corte suprema, in Gregg v. Georgia, statuì la... more
This is a detailed review of my best-selling book Drinking with Ghosts: The Aftermath of Apartheid's Dirty War (BestRed, South Africa, 2014) by Dr Iain Edwards in the South African Journal of Science, May-June 2015. The book was... more
espanolDesde la Antiguedad la pena de muerte es aplicada como castigo analogo a la accion cometida contra la vida y los credos religiosos. La religion habia asimilado esta sancion como una forma de salvaguardar a los no pecadores, de... more
This thesis is primarily an examination into Eberhard Jüngel’s concept of theological anthropology. Secondarily, this thesis examines how Jüngel’s theological anthropology can support the correction that Howard Zehr for in his book... more
In the mid-1990s, as public trust in big government was near an all-time low, 80% of Americans told Gallup that they supported the death penalty. Why did people who didn’t trust government to regulate the economy or provide daily services... more
Il faut savoir s'adapter. Sans doute est-il naïf ou présomptueux de publier des livres de plus de 150 pages et d'exposer dans le détail la complexité des événements et les stratégies des acteurs, grands et petits. Dont acte. Alors en une... more
This paper, an Evaluation of Jacques Derrida's position on Death Penalty; A case against the Abolitionist, is aimed at raising logical arguments against the abolitionist by providing basis for the justification of Death penalty, while... more
This paper reviews death penalty perspectives from the United States, Mexico and international law. The United States practices the death penalty on not only its citizens, but those of other nations who commit capital crimes. Mexico is a... more
A number of representative polls have been conducted on the death penalty in recent decades, mainly in the United States, but also in many other countries. Their quality and the usability of their data were different; however, there were... more
A thorough analysis of capital punishment from a political-geographical perspective is lacking in the discipline of geography. This is despite the fact that capital punishment overlaps with numerous geographic approaches, concepts, and... more
The death penalty is a legal concept mentioned in legal science in general and the science of criminal law in particular. This is the harshest punishment for extremely serious crimes. Historically, the death penalty has been applied since... more
Race has played a disturbing role in the death penalty’s application throughout its history in the United States. During slavery, discrimination was explicitly written in many states’ laws, with a number of capital offenses reserved... more
The birth of criminology as a science at the end of the XIXth century led to the development of many observations and experiments. The purpose of all these researches was to find, in a positivist point of view, some means to fight or to... more
Essential topos of the work of Cesare Beccaria, and legacy of the most important of On Crimes and Punishments, is the condemnation of the death penalty, accompanied by the peroration of life imprisonment as an effective alternative. In... more
Whilst the condition of a damaged ethical life has received due scholarly attention to date, only rarely is resistance to it conceived as an actual possibility with the potential of real effects on a macro-social scale. This is not just a... more
Il volume illumina la vicenda umana e scientifica di André Tiraqueau, un magistrato attivo per buona parte della sua vita in provincia, anche se destinato a sedere infine nel Parlement di Parigi, nei cui scritti si rispecchiano la... more
S'appuyant sur le dépouillement de nombreuses archives, l'ouvrage présente l'histoire de l'application de la peine de mort par les cours d'assises en France métropolitaine. Partant des pulsions punitives présentes dans l'opinion publique,... more
Логвиненко, Є. С. Покарання в праві держав Стародавнього світу: моногр. / Є. С. Логвиненко, І. А. Логвиненко. - Харків : ФОП Панов А.М., 2019. - 252 с. - ISBN 978-617-7722-94-5.Монографія присвячена комплексному історико-правовому... more
Numerous studies indicate that racial minorities are both more likely to be executed for murder and that those who murder them are less likely to be executed than if they murder whites. Death penalty opponents have long attempted to use... more
Monografía de exoneración para la materia de Derechos Humanos de la FDER-UDELAR en 2013.
In the wake of numerous cruel and troubling execution methods, lethal injection seemed to be the answer to this country’s centuries-long search for a medically humane means of putting an inmate to death. However, lethal injection is... more
The Theology of Death and the History of Death
The great similarity between the Jewish and Islamic legal systems in criminal policy, the quality of executions, and the functioning of the Jewish and Islamic Jurisprudence have led some to believe that Islamic law has adopted Jewish law... more
A statistical report of 1906 evaluated the place of death sentences in the judicial system, with the main purpose of supporting the bill of abolition of the death penalty (finally rejected). This report showed the negligible role of the... more
Rafael Domingo Oslé es catedrático en la Universidad de Navarra e investigador en la Universidad de Emory.
This article provides an in-depth analysis of the international law ramifications of applying the death penalty for drug offences. It reviews the the ‘most serious crimes’ threshold for the lawful application of capital punishment as... more
On 16 December 2012, India erupted in national outrage against the rape of a 23-year-old female student in New Delhi, christened “Nirbhaya” (fearless). In the aftermath, there was a convergence of multiple discourses that framed... more
The death penalty is a much disputed aspect of today's criminal justice system. Many people believe that it should be abolished while others believe that it should be harsher on offenders. This research proposal is designed to look at the... more
Il y a quarante ans, peu après son entrée à l'Elysée, le Président Mitterrand demande à son garde des Sceaux, ministre de la Justice, Robert Badinter, de préparer un projet de loi abolissant la peine de mort. Présenté à l'Assemblée... more
In this essay I take up the question of how death can be a penalty, given that each of us will eventually die. I argue that capital punishment in the United States rests on contradictory demands for painless death delivered humanely... more
Cosa succede quando il diritto esige un certo comportamento, o nega una certa opportunità, ma questo appare inaccettabile ai cittadini perché in conflitto con le ragioni ultime che giustificano le loro azioni? Il queste situazioni, il... more
This article discusses the constitutional debate on death penalty in Indonesia. This debate resurfaces when a group of death row inmates lodged a judicial review to the Constitutional Court against death penalty articles under the 1997... more
Her picture is on the five-pound British note. She brought about prison reform in Britain, which spread to civilized nations in Europe and beyond. Her school of nursing inspired and supported the work of Florence Nightingale. She was the... more
Sentencing research suggests that offenders who are more physically attractive are more likely to experience leniency in verdict and sentencing. Additionally, there is evidence that other extralegal factors, such as race, influence public... more
ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies Vol 14, No 4 (2015) Table of Contents Themed Section: The Sexual Politics of Austerity Introduction: The Sexual Politics of Austerity Cesare Di Feliciantonio, Gavin Brown... more