Historical Revisionism
Recent papers in Historical Revisionism
Can language and literature cure psychological trauma? If so, what forms do they (have to) take in doing so? When does language hit the wall where the unspeakable mandates silence? And where might literature come in as the rescuing hand... more
Legal governance of memory has played a central role in establishing hegemony of monumental history, and has forged national identities and integration processes in Europe and beyond. In this book, a range of contributors explore both the... more
Mayor Gillespie: «Apenas habían transcurrido dos años y medio desde nuestra llegada a Inglaterra [invasiones inglesas de 1806-1807 al Río de la Plata], cuando estallaron las llamas de una revolución, que formará el tema final del presente... more
Vortrag online: https://youtu.be/s3EA_uww0iQ Die Proteste von "Querdenken" und anderen gegen die Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen haben nicht nur zu einer massiven Verbreitung von im Kern häufig antisemitischen Verschwörungslegenden geführt,... more
Introdução Envolto em um pretexto de benefício comum e espelhado nas verdades católicas, o Santo Ofício manifestou-se em períodos distintos da História Medieval e Moderna, tentando apagar as raízes pagãs da religião cristã e a difusão de... more
The article tries to understand the dynamics of Japanese national identity and Abe Shinzo's revisionism. It argues that although Abe has launched the strongest ever attack on Japanese pacifist identity, there remain institutional and... more
Inhaltsverzeichnis zu "Saturn Hitler"
What does the backlash against Critical Race Theory, the Capitol insurrection, Trumpism, Twitter, and neo-Nazis have in common? From Twitter to Capitol Hill: Far-right Authoritarian Populist Discourses, Social Media, and Critical... more
Apstrakt: U radu se u uvodnom izlaganju daje jasna teorijska distinkcija između pojmova "fašizam" i "nacionalni socijalizam" a potom u kraćim crtama prezentuje uspon popularnosti tokom tri-desetih godina XX veka u Evropi i kod nas, ove... more
1 R afael Calvo Serer: España, sin problema. Segun da edición. Madrid, Rialp, 1952. Páginas 158-159. V -ttV · L a Monarquía tradicional L a Monarquía tradicional 2 E. BouTMY: Eludes de D roit constiiulionnel. Tercera edición. París,... more
In this paper I argue that the overwhelming success of the television drama Il cuore nel Pozzo (dir. Alberto Negrin, 2005) signals a shift in the conception of national history and identity in the Italian popular imagination. I read Il... more
¿Fue San Martín el jefe de una tercera invasión inglesa, oculta, maquillada? Éste es el tema central de la obra. Sejean contradice todo lo que se ha escrito sobre el prócer acerca de los motivos, las causas, los objetivos que lo... more
Commentary on K. Visweswaran, "Race and the Culture of Anthropology"
En agosto de 2008 en un congreso realizado en la ciudad chile na de Concepción leimos ante chilenos, españoles y argentinos las siguientes palabras que hemos querido conservar y poner como prefacio de nuestra introducción por la sentida... more
RESUMO: Avaliando o período da modernidade e o conceito de flâneur, esse observador urbano burguês, procuro promover um espaço crítico para a discussão sobre uma mulher que também vaguea, viaja, divaga e perambula, compreendendo suas... more
I make two arguments in this paper. The first is that the Court’s approach—cutting out history from its ruling—is a farce. The Court engaged in judicial historical revisionism by presenting the dictator stripped of his faults. The... more
The quranic Noah narratives provide a fascinating window into the making of Muhammad as an eschatological prophet. This book examines their form, content, and sources as a means of deciphering the scribal and intertextual nature of the... more
Hasta donde sé no existe en español alguna obra sobre los orígenes del expansionismo norteamericano, asunto que tan de cerca nos atañe, y para salvar la deficiencia, proyecté y escribí este libro, hueso duro de roer, erizado de problemas... more
این کتاب ترجمه ای است از: Rudolf, Germar, “Holocaust Skepticism: 20 Questions and Answers about Holocaust Revisionism”, Castle Hill Publishers, United States, 2018 گرمار رودلف در این اثر خود رایج ترین پرسش هایی را که در مورد بازنگری در... more
Las invasiones inglesas al Río de la Plata (1806-1807) contada de forma resumida pero con hechos curiosos que no sabías.
Philippine history is viewed as a mosaic of various cultural backgrounds and diverse events which account for its perceived complexity and beauty. However, it is often overlooked that its history is more likely to deify historical icons,... more
The virus that were unleased in Tejeros and at Maragondon continued up to the Second Phase of the revolution. Sad but true, but the said virus continues up to this day. Just consider the viruses of marcosianism and #Fentanylismo! Hence,... more
This article examines how historians use evidence when explaining the destruction by fire and explosion of Ireland’s national archive in 1922. At the commencement of the Irish Civil War in late June 1922, some historians attribute... more
The increasing incidence of disinformation in the Philippines promotes romanticized recollections of Ferdinand Marcos' martial law (1972–1981). While the general scholarship remembers the era for its horrors and atrocities, narratives... more
Reseña de una conferencia oficial presentada ante la "Liga Patriótica Universitaria" (Ciudad del Este, Paraguay) sobre Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector de la República de Gran Bretaña, considerado por el conferencista como el precursor de... more
The Kilmichael Ambush Centenary Talk by Niall Meehan for Independent Left, 9pm, 28 November 2020 Here is the historical Nine O'Clock News. I am going to talk about and event that took place this day one hundred years ago, about five... more
Le verità più precise – e inesorabili perché precise – sulla macchina dello sterminio. Quarant’anni di testimonianze, in gran parte inedite, di essenziale importanza storica. Nel 1945, all’indomani della liberazione, i militari... more
Niall Meehan contribution to Howth Peninsula Heritage Society debate, Howth Angling Centre, West Pier, Howth, 23 April 2019. The late Frank Callanan SC and Dr. Niall Meehan, chaired by Philip O’Connor, discussed O'Brien's historical... more
Kao kraći pregled recentnije produkcije trenutno može poslužiti tekst "Tito kao povijesna tema: od znanosti do šunda" u sklopu knjige Ive Goldsteina i Slavka Goldsteina, Tito, Zagreb 2015, 855-863.
«Será preciso responder a tres verdaderos interrogantes; aspiración del presente trabajo:
I. - ¿Por qué los Negros defendían la Corona?
II. - ¿Cómo se batieron por su causa?
III. - ¿Cuál fue su suerte luego de la Independencia?»
I. - ¿Por qué los Negros defendían la Corona?
II. - ¿Cómo se batieron por su causa?
III. - ¿Cuál fue su suerte luego de la Independencia?»
Discussing Italian Fascism, scholars start with the year 1922, not just the last years of the system, including the 1938-1943 racial laws. It appears that it takes some time for a fascist system to establish itself (Lyttelton, 2004).... more
Since Washington Irving's embassy to Spain (1826Spain ( -1829 and his subsequent publication of stories and essays collected under the title Tales of the Alhambra, 2 American readers, artists and politicians have imagined and drawn... more
The Kilmichael Ambush, 28 November 1920: 2012 History Ireland discussion with historians, relatives of Kilmichael Ambush participants and of IRA veterans. Maureen Deasy (daughter of IRA veteran Liam Deasy (brother of Kilmichael Ambush... more
This review was first published under the title of “Retouching the Egregious Distortions of the Crusades,” in New Oxford Review (November, 2007), 39-42.
Este libro no habla de teorías económicas que tan frecuentemente resultan irreales en la práctica o que están más bien enfocadas a engañar. Este libro expone la trayectoria de la economía que han venido viviendo realmente los pueblos. Se... more
I Montesquieu n'a pu se résoudre à traiter sérieusement la question de l'esclavage, Feugère, pág. 164.