From 1870 to 1920 the internationalist ideas in multi-ethnic countries of the Americas were stron... more From 1870 to 1920 the internationalist ideas in multi-ethnic countries of the Americas were strongly influenced by revolutionary syndicalism. The distinctively international and trans-cultural working class identity of multi-ethnic subaltern classes in South America developed in the context of European mass immigration, urbanisation, and industrialisation. Many thousands of immigrants contributed to social struggles for better living and working conditions fighting against political exclusion. The examples of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay illustrate that the subjectification of the international proletariat can be seen as collective identity construction of a libertarian subculture which developed in response to global capitalism. The revolutionary movements in South America and Europe formed the Libertarian Atlantic as one international movement.
From 1870 to 1920, the South American multi-ethnic subaltern classes developed a distinctively in... more From 1870 to 1920, the South American multi-ethnic subaltern classes developed a distinctively international and transcultural working class identity in the context of European mass immigration, urbanization, and industrialization. The following chapter addresses the subjectivization of the International Proletariat as a transcultural, collective identity construction of the libertarian subculture, using the examples of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. This process was impacted by comparable transnational models of socio-cultural patterns of action and behavior, such as the formation of libertarian labor union federations, the organization of an autonomous infrastructure of community centers and schools. Within this infrastructure the movements organized theater productions, leisure time activities and political debates to mobilize the subaltern classes for the social struggle. These developments led to a parallel evolution of working class culture and class consciousness in the Atlan...
Tim Watzold uber: Auroi, Claude; Helg, Aline (Hrsg.): Latin America 1810-2010. Dreams and Legacie... more Tim Watzold uber: Auroi, Claude; Helg, Aline (Hrsg.): Latin America 1810-2010. Dreams and Legacies. London 2012.
Das Wirtshaus ist eine Institution mit langer Tradition in Bayern. Es ist Teil unserer gelebten b... more Das Wirtshaus ist eine Institution mit langer Tradition in Bayern. Es ist Teil unserer gelebten bayerischen Kultur. Es ist ein Ort der Begegnung, des Austausches und auch der Unterhaltung, es ubernimmt viele soziale Funktionen. Doch diese Tradition scheint seit vielen Jahren gewaltig an Bedeutung zu verlieren. Laut einer aktuellen Studie der Katholischen Universitat Eichstatt-Ingolstadt haben viele Wirtshauser auf dem flachen Land in den letzten Jahren ihre Turen geschlossen. „Wo die Wirtschaft stirbt, stirbt der Ort“, so die Kernthese.
Die Subjektiverung der südamerikanischen Arbeiterbewegungen zur Zeit der europäischen Massenmigra... more Die Subjektiverung der südamerikanischen Arbeiterbewegungen zur Zeit der europäischen Massenmigration 1870 - 1920 als fundamentaler Bestandteil der Kulturgeschichte des Internationalen Proletariats im atlantischen Raum
The article deals with Networks and transfers of the working class movements in the Americas with... more The article deals with Networks and transfers of the working class movements in the Americas with Europe, as important structure for the creation of an international working class identity, thus the International Proletariat. This happend at the time of the European mass Migration 1870 -1920, thus before the Comintern and the communist impacted onto the working class internationalism.
From 1870 to 1920 the internationalist ideas in multi-ethnic countries of the Americas were stron... more From 1870 to 1920 the internationalist ideas in multi-ethnic countries of the Americas were strongly influenced by revolutionary syndicalism. The distinctively international and trans-cultural working class identity of multi-ethnic subaltern classes in South America developed in the context of European mass immigration, urbanisation, and industrialisation. Many thousands of immigrants contributed to social struggles for better living and working conditions fighting against political exclusion. The examples of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay illustrate that the subjectification of the international proletariat can be seen as collective identity construction of a libertarian subculture which developed in response to global capitalism. The revolutionary movements in South America and Europe formed the Libertarian Atlantic as one international movement.
Eine wichtige Grundlage für das Entstehen libertärer Bewegungen in Südamerika und insgesamt zum V... more Eine wichtige Grundlage für das Entstehen libertärer Bewegungen in Südamerika und insgesamt zum Verständnis des Bezuges Südamerikas zu den kriegsführenden Nationen ist die Entwicklung der europäischen Einwanderung. In der Mitte des 19.Jahrhunderts setzte die europäische Massenimmigration nach Südamerika ein. Circa 15 Millionen Europäer, vor allem aus Italien, Spanien, Portugal und in geringerem Maße dem Deutschen, Russischen und Osmanischem Reich sowie Frankreich kamen nach Südamerika 1 . Die Einwanderer konzentrierten sich in bestimmten Regionen und urbanen Ballungsgebieten wie Buenos Aires und São Paulo. Dort stellten sie zum Anfang des 20.Jahrhunderts über 50% der Bevölkerung 2 . Vor allem Argentinien und Brasilien, in gewissem Maße auch Uruguay, waren die mit Abstand wichtigsten Aufnahmeländer und dort entwickelten sich die libertären Arbeiterbewegungen zu ausschlaggebenden gesellschaftlichen Kräften 3 . Die Immigranten arbeiteten zu einem großen Teil in der ländlichen Agrarexportwirtschaft, beispielsweise Kaffeeplantagen im Bundesland São Paulo oder dem Weizenanbau in Argentinien 4 . Die arbeitsintensiven Exportwirtschaften waren auf Arbeitskräfte angewiesen und organisierten eine subventionierte oder vorfinanzierte Überfahrt. Die Arbeits-und Lebensbedingungen in Südamerika waren zumeist jedoch sehr schlecht 5 . Die enttäuschten Einwanderer wanderten häufig weiter. Entweder kehrten sie zurück in ihre Heimat 6 , emigrierten in Nachbarländer oder gingen in Städte 7 .
In: Kulinarische Heimat und Fremde Jahrbuch für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes 2013
Since discovery Brazil has been strongly influenced by different migrations. The first to settle ... more Since discovery Brazil has been strongly influenced by different migrations. The first to settle were the Portuguese. Their colonial influences marked the alimentation and cuisine in Brazil until today in many ways. In the 19th century Brazil was among the main destinations for the European mass-migration and the food of the immigrants, mainly from Italy, Portugal, Ottoman Empire and Germany, influenced the regional cuisine of their main settlements. These millions which came to Brazil since 1500 brought their plants, animals, food habits and religious taboos, recipes and so on as cultural baggage in the migration process. Altogether they formed the actual, transcultural fusion-cuisine of Brazil. This article tries to give a broad overview over some aspects of these migration-processes.
La instrumentalización de los libros de cocina para el desarrollo de la cocina brasileña En la li... more La instrumentalización de los libros de cocina para el desarrollo de la cocina brasileña En la literatura especializada sobre nutrición procedente de una perspectiva antropológica, sociológica e histórica se esta de acuerdo sobre la relación y la importancia del libro de cocina como medio para la construcción de la cocina típica del país. Por lo tanto, los libros de cocina son el instrumento decisivo para la proclamación del fenómeno cultural de las cocinas nacionales. La cocina típica no expresa todas las tradiciones de alimentos existentes de un área geográfica, sino representa una construcción cultural de ciertos tipos de alimentación, los cuales son denominados típicos para el país siendo así instrumentalizados por la élite dominante para la construcción de la identidad nacional.
Eine Schwierigkeit besteht zudem in der Darstellung der Transformationen im Konfliktverlauf, so d... more Eine Schwierigkeit besteht zudem in der Darstellung der Transformationen im Konfliktverlauf, so dass auch die verschiedenen zeitlichen Phasen erfasst werden müssen, um zu einem besseren Gesamtverständnis der partikularen Entwicklung zu gelangen. Die Darstellung der Phasen orientiert sich hierbei an dem Konfliktverlauf in Aragonien, der sich in drei zeitliche und thematische Zusammenhänge einteilen lässt.
A informação de que um alimento foi transportado, ou até mesmo comprado, é irrelevante com relaçã... more A informação de que um alimento foi transportado, ou até mesmo comprado, é irrelevante com relação à preparação do alimento. De um alimento pode-se preparar um grande número de pratos diferentes e estes denotam, de acordo com a forma de preparo, um contexto cultural.
From 1870 to 1920 the internationalist ideas in multi-ethnic countries of the Americas were stron... more From 1870 to 1920 the internationalist ideas in multi-ethnic countries of the Americas were strongly influenced by revolutionary syndicalism. The distinctively international and trans-cultural working class identity of multi-ethnic subaltern classes in South America developed in the context of European mass immigration, urbanisation, and industrialisation. Many thousands of immigrants contributed to social struggles for better living and working conditions fighting against political exclusion. The examples of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay illustrate that the subjectification of the international proletariat can be seen as collective identity construction of a libertarian subculture which developed in response to global capitalism. The revolutionary movements in South America and Europe formed the Libertarian Atlantic as one international movement.
From 1870 to 1920, the South American multi-ethnic subaltern classes developed a distinctively in... more From 1870 to 1920, the South American multi-ethnic subaltern classes developed a distinctively international and transcultural working class identity in the context of European mass immigration, urbanization, and industrialization. The following chapter addresses the subjectivization of the International Proletariat as a transcultural, collective identity construction of the libertarian subculture, using the examples of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. This process was impacted by comparable transnational models of socio-cultural patterns of action and behavior, such as the formation of libertarian labor union federations, the organization of an autonomous infrastructure of community centers and schools. Within this infrastructure the movements organized theater productions, leisure time activities and political debates to mobilize the subaltern classes for the social struggle. These developments led to a parallel evolution of working class culture and class consciousness in the Atlan...
Tim Watzold uber: Auroi, Claude; Helg, Aline (Hrsg.): Latin America 1810-2010. Dreams and Legacie... more Tim Watzold uber: Auroi, Claude; Helg, Aline (Hrsg.): Latin America 1810-2010. Dreams and Legacies. London 2012.
Das Wirtshaus ist eine Institution mit langer Tradition in Bayern. Es ist Teil unserer gelebten b... more Das Wirtshaus ist eine Institution mit langer Tradition in Bayern. Es ist Teil unserer gelebten bayerischen Kultur. Es ist ein Ort der Begegnung, des Austausches und auch der Unterhaltung, es ubernimmt viele soziale Funktionen. Doch diese Tradition scheint seit vielen Jahren gewaltig an Bedeutung zu verlieren. Laut einer aktuellen Studie der Katholischen Universitat Eichstatt-Ingolstadt haben viele Wirtshauser auf dem flachen Land in den letzten Jahren ihre Turen geschlossen. „Wo die Wirtschaft stirbt, stirbt der Ort“, so die Kernthese.
Die Subjektiverung der südamerikanischen Arbeiterbewegungen zur Zeit der europäischen Massenmigra... more Die Subjektiverung der südamerikanischen Arbeiterbewegungen zur Zeit der europäischen Massenmigration 1870 - 1920 als fundamentaler Bestandteil der Kulturgeschichte des Internationalen Proletariats im atlantischen Raum
The article deals with Networks and transfers of the working class movements in the Americas with... more The article deals with Networks and transfers of the working class movements in the Americas with Europe, as important structure for the creation of an international working class identity, thus the International Proletariat. This happend at the time of the European mass Migration 1870 -1920, thus before the Comintern and the communist impacted onto the working class internationalism.
From 1870 to 1920 the internationalist ideas in multi-ethnic countries of the Americas were stron... more From 1870 to 1920 the internationalist ideas in multi-ethnic countries of the Americas were strongly influenced by revolutionary syndicalism. The distinctively international and trans-cultural working class identity of multi-ethnic subaltern classes in South America developed in the context of European mass immigration, urbanisation, and industrialisation. Many thousands of immigrants contributed to social struggles for better living and working conditions fighting against political exclusion. The examples of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay illustrate that the subjectification of the international proletariat can be seen as collective identity construction of a libertarian subculture which developed in response to global capitalism. The revolutionary movements in South America and Europe formed the Libertarian Atlantic as one international movement.
Eine wichtige Grundlage für das Entstehen libertärer Bewegungen in Südamerika und insgesamt zum V... more Eine wichtige Grundlage für das Entstehen libertärer Bewegungen in Südamerika und insgesamt zum Verständnis des Bezuges Südamerikas zu den kriegsführenden Nationen ist die Entwicklung der europäischen Einwanderung. In der Mitte des 19.Jahrhunderts setzte die europäische Massenimmigration nach Südamerika ein. Circa 15 Millionen Europäer, vor allem aus Italien, Spanien, Portugal und in geringerem Maße dem Deutschen, Russischen und Osmanischem Reich sowie Frankreich kamen nach Südamerika 1 . Die Einwanderer konzentrierten sich in bestimmten Regionen und urbanen Ballungsgebieten wie Buenos Aires und São Paulo. Dort stellten sie zum Anfang des 20.Jahrhunderts über 50% der Bevölkerung 2 . Vor allem Argentinien und Brasilien, in gewissem Maße auch Uruguay, waren die mit Abstand wichtigsten Aufnahmeländer und dort entwickelten sich die libertären Arbeiterbewegungen zu ausschlaggebenden gesellschaftlichen Kräften 3 . Die Immigranten arbeiteten zu einem großen Teil in der ländlichen Agrarexportwirtschaft, beispielsweise Kaffeeplantagen im Bundesland São Paulo oder dem Weizenanbau in Argentinien 4 . Die arbeitsintensiven Exportwirtschaften waren auf Arbeitskräfte angewiesen und organisierten eine subventionierte oder vorfinanzierte Überfahrt. Die Arbeits-und Lebensbedingungen in Südamerika waren zumeist jedoch sehr schlecht 5 . Die enttäuschten Einwanderer wanderten häufig weiter. Entweder kehrten sie zurück in ihre Heimat 6 , emigrierten in Nachbarländer oder gingen in Städte 7 .
In: Kulinarische Heimat und Fremde Jahrbuch für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes 2013
Since discovery Brazil has been strongly influenced by different migrations. The first to settle ... more Since discovery Brazil has been strongly influenced by different migrations. The first to settle were the Portuguese. Their colonial influences marked the alimentation and cuisine in Brazil until today in many ways. In the 19th century Brazil was among the main destinations for the European mass-migration and the food of the immigrants, mainly from Italy, Portugal, Ottoman Empire and Germany, influenced the regional cuisine of their main settlements. These millions which came to Brazil since 1500 brought their plants, animals, food habits and religious taboos, recipes and so on as cultural baggage in the migration process. Altogether they formed the actual, transcultural fusion-cuisine of Brazil. This article tries to give a broad overview over some aspects of these migration-processes.
La instrumentalización de los libros de cocina para el desarrollo de la cocina brasileña En la li... more La instrumentalización de los libros de cocina para el desarrollo de la cocina brasileña En la literatura especializada sobre nutrición procedente de una perspectiva antropológica, sociológica e histórica se esta de acuerdo sobre la relación y la importancia del libro de cocina como medio para la construcción de la cocina típica del país. Por lo tanto, los libros de cocina son el instrumento decisivo para la proclamación del fenómeno cultural de las cocinas nacionales. La cocina típica no expresa todas las tradiciones de alimentos existentes de un área geográfica, sino representa una construcción cultural de ciertos tipos de alimentación, los cuales son denominados típicos para el país siendo así instrumentalizados por la élite dominante para la construcción de la identidad nacional.
Eine Schwierigkeit besteht zudem in der Darstellung der Transformationen im Konfliktverlauf, so d... more Eine Schwierigkeit besteht zudem in der Darstellung der Transformationen im Konfliktverlauf, so dass auch die verschiedenen zeitlichen Phasen erfasst werden müssen, um zu einem besseren Gesamtverständnis der partikularen Entwicklung zu gelangen. Die Darstellung der Phasen orientiert sich hierbei an dem Konfliktverlauf in Aragonien, der sich in drei zeitliche und thematische Zusammenhänge einteilen lässt.
A informação de que um alimento foi transportado, ou até mesmo comprado, é irrelevante com relaçã... more A informação de que um alimento foi transportado, ou até mesmo comprado, é irrelevante com relação à preparação do alimento. De um alimento pode-se preparar um grande número de pratos diferentes e estes denotam, de acordo com a forma de preparo, um contexto cultural.
Within the context of the european mass migration to Latin America between 1870 and 1920 the begi... more Within the context of the european mass migration to Latin America between 1870 and 1920 the beginning of vegetarism in the Americas was part of the transatlantic libertarian counterculture. Vegetarian newspapers circulated within the infrastructure of the libertarian movements, and already in 1899 the vegetarian restaurant was included in the social center of the libertarian movement in Buenos Aires, Casa del Pueblo, as well as the colony of german immigrants in Parana, Zukunft, called themselves in 1908 vegetarians. Resumo: No contexto da imigração de massa europeia a America Latina entre 1870 e 1920 o início do vegetarismo nas Americas fiz parte da contracultura libertaria transatlântico. Jornais vegetarianos circulavam dentro da infraestrutura dos movimentos libertários e já em 1899 o restaurante vegetariano era parte integral do centro social do movimiento libertário em Buenos Aires, a casa del pueblo, e no mesmo jeito a colônia dos imigrantes alemães em Paraná, Zukunft, se declararam vegetarianos em 1908. No contexto da imigração de massa européia, chegaram, entre 1870 e 1920, cerca de onze milhões de imigrantes na América Latina. Nove e meia milhões se concentraram em regiões agrícolas e centros urbanos na Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai, como a cidade e o estado de São Paulo, onde formaram uma grande parte da população. Uma parte imigrou para trabalhar no campo, nos crescentes mercados da agroexportação para o mercado mundial, p.e. café ou trigo, a outra parte formou a base da mão de obra nas cidades. Cerca de 40% dos imigrantes eram italianos, seguidos dos espanhóis, portugueses e em escala menor dos habitantes dos impérios alemão, russo, turco e austro-húngaro, além de imigrantes de outras partes do mundo, como os japoneses 1. Os imigrantes constituíram a maioria das classes subalternas nas crescentes metrópoles urbanas. E estavam submetidos as más condições de vida, moradia, trabalho, altos custos de vida e exclusão política. Tudo isso concorreu para uma alta taxa de migrações internas e de remigração 2. Por outro lado, muitos deles participaram ativamente nos movimentos sociais, que se formaram nesse contexto 3. As primeiras organizações dos imigrantes eram mutualistas 4 , no início na base de origem nacional e regional como a Sociedad Española de Socorros Mutuos, fundada em Buenos Aires em 1858, onde foi fundada a Unione degli Operai Italiani também no mesmo ano. Logo depois se formaram as organizações com base de origem regional como em 1890 a Union Calabresa em Buenos Aires. O circulo napolitano era um dos maiores grupos em Montevideo em 1896, e o centro gallego era um importante centro no Rio de Janeiro. Logo depois, foram fundados os primeiros sindicatos influenciados pelas ideologias libertárias 5 , no fim do século XIX. Assim, os imigrantes participaram com os subalternos locais no conflito social. A primeira greve geral aconteceu em Buenos Aires, em 1902, e, no Rio de Janeiro, em 1903. Houve também revoltas populares como a Revolta da Vacina no Rio de Janeiro em 1904 6. Os movimentos libertários no espaço do atlântico, criaram jornais e revistas como própria mídia de propaganda e comunicação 7. Por meio da troca de jornais e da disponibilizacao dos mesmos nas bibliotecas se deu um intercâmbio continuo, de forma que os trabalhadores emigrados na América do Sul convocavam seus concidadaos a nao irem para lá e informavam sobre as más condicoes de vida. Essas chamadas foram feitas em italiano, alemao, espanhol e português. Logo depois, eles fundaram uma infraestrutura de centros 8 sociais e escolas, nas quais a contracultura libertária conseguiu transmitir os valores e pontos da identificação de um movimento operário além das fronteiras nacionais, o assim chamado proletariado internacional. A comunicação e a infraestrutura autônoma eram dois fundamentos da cultura do atlântico libertário 9. Os atores desse processo eram ativistas internacionais como Errico Malatesta, Creaghe entre outros, e, ainda mais importantes eram os movimentos operários que se organizaram em sindicatos.
Papers by Tim Wätzold
and trans-cultural working class identity of multi-ethnic subaltern classes in South America developed in the context of European mass immigration, urbanisation, and industrialisation. Many thousands of immigrants contributed to social struggles for better living and working conditions fighting against political exclusion. The examples of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay illustrate that the subjectification of the international proletariat can be seen as collective identity construction of a libertarian subculture which developed in response to global capitalism. The revolutionary movements
in South America and Europe formed the Libertarian Atlantic as one international movement.
and trans-cultural working class identity of multi-ethnic subaltern classes in South America developed in the context of European mass immigration, urbanisation, and industrialisation. Many thousands of immigrants contributed to social struggles for better living and working conditions fighting against political exclusion. The examples of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay illustrate that the subjectification of the international proletariat can be seen as collective identity construction of a libertarian subculture which developed in response to global capitalism. The revolutionary movements
in South America and Europe formed the Libertarian Atlantic as one international movement.