Recent papers in Maltese
Three old quatrains in the Maltese language published by the Count of Saint Priest in 1791 (text only), and music for the same quatrains published in 1821 by Gustave Parthay. .
It-traduzzjoni mill-Malti lejn lingwi oħrajn li tikkonċerna l-letteratura lokali għadha relativament fil-bidu tagħha billi ftit kienu dawk il-kittieba jew tradutturi Maltin li fl-imgħoddi kienu jħarsu lil hinn minn xtutna biex joffru... more
Fabrice Condemi, make-up artist des stars et des people, vient de lancer une ligne de soins rien que pour eux. Par ailleurs, j'ai aussi suivi une formation pour enlever au laser ce qui était mal fait. Des jetsetteuses exigeantes... more
Traduzzjoni tiegħi ppublikata fir-rivista ‘Leħen il-Malti’ (għadd 37) tal-Għaqda tal-Malti li ġiet imnedija waqt il-Festival Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb 2018.
Çözümlemeli Maltaca Kuş Adları, Мальтийские Орнитонимы, Ismijiet bil-Malti tal-għasafar
Dan l-artiklu deher fuq nhar it-13 ta’ Ottubru 2016 < mara-l-hoxna-ix-xipli-il-godlija-u-l-bejniet>.
Taħdita lill-Għaqda Qarrejja tal-Provi
E rin Serracino-Inglott hu magħruf l-aktar għaż-żewġ xogħlijiet monumentali li tana fil-Malti, Il-Miklem Malti u l-qlib tad-Divina Commedia mit-Taljan.
This paper aims to analyse irregular verbs in Maltese and compares the examples to their counterparts in four Tunisian dialects, mainly the dialect of Sousse, Tunis, Judeo Tunisian Arabic, Tunisian Arabic as described by Stumme and... more
This article gives an overview description of the key facts relating to the expression of negation in contemporary Standard Maltese. Issues considered include anaphoric negation, constituent negation, sentential negation expressed both... more
Tradizzjonalment l-avverbju hu magħruf bħala l-parti tad-diskors li tispeċifika jew timmodifika t-tip ta’ azzjoni tal-verb. Madankollu l-avverbji jistgħu wkoll jimmodifikaw elementi li ma jaqgħux taħt il-verb, pereżempju l-aġġettivi,... more
This paper studies "hidden" effects of language contact between Maltese, Romance languages and English that are not cases of borrowing, copying, or replication from dominant or prestigious language(s), the usual categorization in studies... more
Land m)-pl Boden(msg) Boden(m)-pl Land Länder Boden Böden (25) Arabisch
The relationship between the Maltese and Arab Culture has not been as well-examined as that between Sicily and the Arabs. This article reviews that association, with parituclar reference to the Maltese language and its status vis-a-vis... more
This chapter presents an overview of the most prominent contact-induced developments in the history of Maltese, a language which is genetically a variety of Arabic, but which has undergone significant changes, largely as a result of... more
This dissertation is a quantitative analysis of constituent order (i.e. the order of subject, verb and object) in contemporary (post-2000) Maltese, a Semitic language descended from North African varieties of Arabic, spoken primarily in... more
The negative existential cycle has been shown to be operative in several language families. Here it is shown that it also operates within a single language. It happens that the existential fī that has been adduced as an example of a type... more
Astratt: Din l-analiżi turi kif is-Semitiku, ir-Rumanz u l-Ingliż li minnhom magħmul il-Malti jippermettu dinamiżmu u flessibilità kbira fil-qasam tat-traduzzjoni kemm letterarja kif ukoll nonletterarja. Il-forma ortografika u t-tifsira... more
This paper examines the developments of the Proto-Arabic short vowel system as it develops up to its reflexes in modern Maltese. The analysis focuses on establishing regular correspondence from underived primary nouns. From there it is... more
Dan l-artiklu jitratta l-possibbiltà ta' annotazzjoni kompluta ta' Ulied in-Nanna Venut fl-Amerika ta' Juann Mamo, fid-dawl tal-edizzjonijiet differenti tiegħu mill-1930-31 sal-2010 li jistgħu jolqtu r-riċezzjoni tal-qarrej ta' żminijiet... more
EN Synopsis: Through interdisciplinary description and analysis, this thesis investigates the city as a concept in the poems written by Norbert Bugeja. The founding discourse is elicited from the fields of architecture, philosophy... more
F'din il-kitba nistħarrġu fil-qosor l-istorja ġewwinija ta’ Dun Ġorġ fuq l-isfond ta’ diversi ‘ambjenti’ li aktarx sawruha, fosthom il-familja tat-trobbija tiegħu, il-qagħda ta’ Malta fi żmien l-ewwel nofs ta’ ħajtu, l-edukazzjoni formali... more
Traduzzjoni tiegħi tat-test “L-Anus Solari” ta’ Georges Bataille. Fil-bidu dan it-test kellu jkun l-iskritt ċentrali ta’ ġabra qasira ta’ traduzzjonijiet ta’ Bataille li kellha tidher bl-isem “L-Anus Solari u Skritti Oħra.” Kellu jkun... more
That many Arabic dialects negate with an enclitic –š has attracted much comment, very often drawing analogies between the French and Arabic systems. Constructs negated with a post-positioned negative –š alone without the... more
Translation was an important tool in the development of the Maltese language and the country’s identity. This dissertation seeks to distinguish the qualities of translation, adaptation and appropriation, and to use these classifications... more
Demographers are confronted with considerable difficulties when they set about studying family structures. This paper will seek to show that the behaviour of Spanish migrants in Malta in the early-modern period, conforms to the migratory... more
I singoli contributi sono peer reviewed da un comitato di lettura costituito da almeno due valutatori esterni ISSn 0577-277X Volume pubblicato con il contributo dell'Assessorato Regionale dei Beni Culturali e dell'Identità Siciliana
Within the framework of Arabic dialectology, this paper examines the different features that allow for the historical and typological classification of the Maltese language as a member of the most ancient group of Arabic varieties of the... more
Traduzzjoni għall-Malti ta' silta mill-awtobijografija ta’ Alfred Sant ‘Confessions of A European Maltese’.
Based in the Distributed Morphology and Minimalist frameworks, this dissertation provides an in-depth analysis of the DP in Maltese, an area of the language that has largely gone untouched by generative frameworks. In doing so, it focuses... more
Astratt: Din l-analiżi turi kif is-Semitiku, ir-Rumanz u l-Ingliż li minnhom magħmul il-Malti jippermettulu dinamiżmu u flessibilità kbira fil-qasam tat-traduzzjoni kemm letterarja kif ukoll nonletterarja. Il-forma ortografika u t-tifsira... more
The number of user-contributed comments is increasing exponentially. Such comments are found widely in social media sites including internet discussion forums and news agency websites. In this paper, we summarize the current approaches to... more