Recent papers in Derivation
FTER several patients who had undergone shunt placement for treatment of presumed NPH complained about postoperative hearing loss, a study was initiated to investigate this finding further. Preshunt and postshunt placement hearing was... more
In 20 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting, we studied prospectively systemic blood activation, blood loss, and the need for donor blood when using an extracorporeal circuit equipped at random with one of two different... more
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery CME Program is located online at To take the CME activity related to this article, you must have either an STS member or an individual non-member subscription to the journal.
Desai KI, Nadkarni DP, Muzumdar DP, Goel AH. Surgical management of colloid cyst of the third ventricle-a study of 105 cases. Surg Neurol 2002;57:295-304.
Purpose: Venous reconstructions are rarely performed, and factors affecting long-term results of bypass grafts implanted in the venous system are not well defined. In this report we updated our experience. Methods: The clinical data of... more
In addition to their potential for cell-based therapies in the treatment of disease and injury, the broad developmental capacity of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) offers potential for studying the origins of all human cell types. To... more
Dissociations in the recognition of specific classes of words have been documented in brain-injured populations. These include deficits in the recognition and production of morphologically complex words as well as impairments specific to... more
after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Time course of recovery from frostbitten phrenics can be found online on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with... more
✓ Shunt infection remains the foremost problem of shunt implantation after mechanical malfunctions. Diversionary cerebrospinal fluid shunt implantation has a high complication rate, with 5% to 15% of such shunts becoming infected. Of... more
Argument Structure (AS) of a word is the list of its arguments. For example, in English, the verb ‘came’ has one obligatory argument in its AS: ‘John came’. While the verb ‘gave’ has three arguments: ‘John gave the book to his brother’.... more
The aim of this paper is to analyze Old English deverbal nouns derived by means of the sufffixes -a, -bora, -e, -en, -end, -ere/-re, -icge, -estre/-istre/-ystre, -o, and -u. The analysis is based on the derivational functions and the... more
EL GÉNERO EN LOS SUSTANTIVOS: ¿FLEXIÓN Y/O DERIVACIÓN? David Serrano-Dolader El contraste entre parejas del tipo chico / chica, niño / niña o perro / perra parece apuntar hacia el estudio del género de los sustantivos en el... more
The Nigerian federation has been enmeshed in contradictions, paradoxes, controversies and crises. These are subsumed in the national question, and social groups of varying ideological leanings cohere on the central issues. These are... more
Midnight’s Children by Dr. Sarala Krishnamurthy Dean, School of Communication Polytechnic of Namibia Windhoek, Namibia Abstract Midnight’s Children has been variously described as a Postmodern novel, Post colonial novel, and a novel which... more
The Arabic notion of ishtiqāq is ambiguous: it is translated into English sometimes as “derivation” and sometimes as “etymology.” Derivation is a synchronic notion, but etymology is a diachronic one. If we refer to the Kitāb al-Taʿrīfāt... more
La parasíntesis ha sido analizada como un fenómeno derivativo consistente en la adjunción simultánea de un prefijo y un sufijo a una base nominal (en+cárcel+ar > encarcelar) o adjetiva (a+liger(o)+ar > aligerar). Este tipo de... more
This current study aimed to investigate the influence of derivational and inflectional morphological awareness on the writing of undergraduate students studying English as a Foreign Language. They were divided in to two groups and each... more
В русском языке не происходит формирования новой части речи. Постулированный Щербой механизм формирования КС недостоверен; уровень обособления слов, подводимых под КС в современном русском языке, не дает права строить эволюционную шкалу,... more
This work examines the internal structure of morphologically complex nouns in the Yorùbá language. These nouns are categorized into endocentric and exocentric compounds. Endocentric compounds are derived through the combination of a noun... more
Review of the said work, forthcoming
This paper investigates voice categories in Berber languages, with special attention paid to causative constructions and labile verbs.
In this paper, I will discuss the penultimate stage of grammaticalization: the stage of affixhood. This stage has not been the object of much study, probably because inflectional affixes are considered to be the most grammaticalized of... more
Research purposes are (1) to identify affixes in Javanese language which form denominal verbs and to explain the functions and meanings of javanese verbal derivation, and (2) to explain productivity of derivative affixes in forming... more
In standard Optimality Theory, faithfulness constraints are defined in terms of an input–output correspondence relation, and similar constraints are applied to the correspondence relation between a stem and its reduplicative copy. In... more
In this study I present a comparative and historical analysis of "frequentative" Bantu verbstem reduplication, many of whose variants have been described for a number of Eastern and Southern Bantu languages. While some languages have... more
The paper discusses the correlation of a class of nominal word forms with a characteristic semantics of Stage-level predicates ( = ‗lexical statives‘, ‗Predicatives‘) and syntactic structures with a dative marking on the semantic subject... more
From the theoretical perspective of lexical morphology (LM), this paper analyzes neutral and non-neutral affixes and their general organizational position in the morphology of derived words in Urdu. It explores the properties and behavior... more
Background. Combined cardiac surgery and pulmonary resection using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) has been described previously. There are a few reports of combined procedures done without using CPB. Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting... more
j o ur n a l ho m e pa g e : w w w. e l se v i e r . co m / l o ca t e / b po b g y n 1521-6934/$ -see front matter Ó
Словосложение как способ терминологической номинации лингвистических терминов в английском языке ( Скачева Н.В., специалист, Сибирский Технологический Государственный Университет) В настоящее время терминологии оказываются важными... more
I try to show that some datives in Russian constructions with predicatives are similar to those used with corresponding adjectives (мальчику нужно, cf. нужный мальчику), others seem to be are derived / demoted (мальчику весело, cf.... more
A procedure of simulation and modelling solar cells and PV modules, working partially shadowed in Pspice environment, is presented. Simulation results have been contrasted with real measured data from a commercial PV module of 209 Wp from... more
Presented at Trent University, Canada, on January 18th, 2017.
Motivated by some results on Orthogonal Derivations and Biderivations, in [5], the authors defined the notion of orthogonality between the Derivation and Biderivation in ring and some interesting results.In this paper we also introduce... more