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L'émergence du français sur objectif spécifique (FOS) dans le champ du français langue étrangère (FLE) implique deux types de situations d'apprentissage. La première est celle qui concerne les systèmes éducatifs où nous verrons que la... more
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      Francais Langue EtrangereMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingDidactique UniversitaireFrançais Sur Objectifs Spécifiques
A presentation made to public school teachers of English on the 25th of October 2018
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionTeacher EducationCritical Pedagogy
This study aims to address the question of how Web 2.0 can be shaped along educational lines. Our analysis specifically focuses on what the educational potential of Web 2.0 can be as far as the improvement of L2 students’ communication... more
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      Computer Assisted Language LearningMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingETandem Learning
This chapter discusses critical approaches in the examination of representation in language coursebooks in an effort to debunk two educational myths in relation to language teaching materials: the notions that they are neutral and... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsCritical PedagogyCritical applied linguistics
Manual metodológico y performático para escribir artículos académicos como forma de hacer activismo social y transformar los campos académicos.
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      LiteracyEducationTeacher EducationDidactics
There is an enormous need for education to teach students what are termed 21 st-century skills. One might ask why this sudden shift and attention are given to certain skills. Reality provides an answer. In the job market, for instance,... more
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      CommunicationTeaching English as a Second LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsCreativity
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      Spanish as a Foreign LanguageTeaching Spanish as a Foreign LanguageMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingDidactic Materials
O manual escolar continua a desempenhar um papel fundamental no ensino de línguas, devendo refletir os avanços da investigação, tanto da área do desenvolvimento de materiais didáticos como da Aquisição de Língua Segunda (ALS, tradução da... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionTextbook ResearchMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingEvaluation and Analysis of Textbooks
This contribution outlines the method of " Lernen durch Lehren " (Learning by Teaching) and shows the extent to which this approach meets essential requirements of forein language teaching, requirements which habe been demanded for more... more
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      Positive PsychologyMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
Il presente contributo si propone innanzitutto di definire in maniera chiara e contestualizzata la competenza digitale docente per poi approfondirne le caratteristiche e il valore a livello professionale e formativo in contesti di... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLearning and TeachingService LearningDigital Media & Learning
Humour is a powerful sociological tool which is fundamental for thought and culture creation . Although it can develop students' creativeness, help them learn a mass of new vocabulary by means of positive input, encourage the atmosphere... more
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      Applied LinguisticsMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
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      Language EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Teacher EducationTeaching English As A Foreign Language
El artículo aborda consideraciones teóricas y prácticas sobre el aprendizaje de la expresión oral. Los criterios expuestos son efecto de las experiencias investigativas asimiladas por los autores en la ejecución del proyecto institucional... more
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      Methodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingGestión de ProyectosDidáctica lenguajeCerebro Y Aprendizaje
This article explores the role of posture in the language learning process, and concludes that it is sometimes critical for learning success. Principles of learning and moving are outlined. The history of physical movement in study is... more
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      Critical TheoryEnglish LiteratureTeaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second Language
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      DidacticsMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingDidactique des languesGrammar
Poems by Günter Grass are presented here together with their corresponding didactic proposals for students and teachers involved in innovative foreign language classes of German.
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingCreation of Didactic MaterialsGerman as a Foreign Language
In this era of globalization, people cross country boarders for various purposes some for education, business, work, tourism, or for living. In meeting such purposes, people have to use language for communication; this has necessitated... more
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      Chinese Language and CultureTeaching of Foreign LanguagesInternational StudentsForeign language teaching and learning
W recenzowanej publikacji pt. Docenić szkołę. Dydaktyczna teoria i metodyczna praktyka Maria Kwiatkowska-Ratajczak dokumentuje projekty lekcji zrealizowane w jednym z poznańskich liceów. Opisywany materiał badawczy dotyczy doświadczeń... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationDidacticsReading
Language learning is one of the key predictors of how well immigrants will integrate into a new society. In many European countries, the resources reserved for language education have proved insufficient as people fleeing the war in... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionImplicit learningFormulaic LanguageSuggestopaedia
Friederike Tegge; Pop songs in the classroom: time-filler or teaching tool?, ELT Journal, Volume 72, Issue 3, 19 July 2018, Pages 274–284, Teachers frequently recommend pop songs on websites and in... more
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      Applied LinguisticsMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingSongsEFL/ESL/TESOL
The present study was an attempt to explore the vocabulary learning strategy preferences among Iranian EFL learners. It also investigated the relationship between their vocabulary learning strategy use and vocabulary size. To this end, 90... more
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      English LiteratureTeaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageScholarship of Teaching and Learning
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      Curriculum DevelopmentLanguage PedagogyMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingDidáctica lenguaje
Il docente di glottodidattica utilizza sempre più in classe il materiale autentico di qualsiasi tipologia, ma in particolar modo il materiale video, soprattutto se collegato al cinema, perché fonte inesauribile di spunti, esempi e modelli... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationTeaching Methodology
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      Positive PsychologyJapanMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
У статті, присвяченій проблематиці розвитку навчальної автономії на уроках іноземної мови, наведено визначення і загальна характеристика навчальної автономії, проаналізовано передумови ефективності розвитку навчальної автономії... more
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      Methodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teachingметодика навчання іноземих мов і культур
This article dwells on the opposing alignments that can be found in the literature on the Linguistic Interdependence (LIH) and Linguistic Threshold (LTH) hypotheses, in the field of second language acquisition and foreign language... more
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      LiteracyLanguage EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
PASCH-Schülerinnen und -Schüler aus der ganzen Welt erstellten gemeinsam einen Comic, der den Abenteuerroman „In 80 Tagen um die Welt“ von Jules Verne adaptiert. Dass es sich lohnt, im fremdsprachlichen Deutschunterricht diesen Webcomic... more
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      Visual StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesIntermedialityVisual Literacy
Tento článek pojednává o systému společného vzdělávání, realizovaného na leicesterské střední škole Babington. Zaměřuje se na jev, který lze označit jako „moment úspěchu romských studentů”. Ti se svými rodiči emigrovali v posledních 10-15... more
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      Teacher EducationTeacher TrainingInclusive EducationSchool Desegregation
Die Idee, Schüler sich gegenseitig den Stoff vermitteln zu lassen, besteht seitdem es Unterricht gibt. Immer wieder wurde versucht, die Auseinandersetzung der Lerner mit dem Stoff durch die Übertragung von Lehrfunktionen zu intensivieren... more
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      Positive PsychologyMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingLearning by Teaching
After explaining my theories of spoken Latin at schools (concerning its authenticity, history and efficiency for the acquisition), we will make a Latin text comprehensible.
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      Latin LiteratureSecond Language AcquisitionTeaching MethodologyMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
Résumé. Le principal objectif de cette contribution, qui s'appuie sur une étude de l'ouvrage « Le sens du savoir » (Sensevy, 2011), vise à mettre en débat la notion de jeu épistémique telle qu'elle a été initialement produite (Ibid. ;... more
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      DidacticsMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
Power-Point presentation on the French Subjunctive for FSL.
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      French StudiesFrench languageTeaching of Foreign LanguagesFrench
The following essay describes the various steps and results of the re-search that I conducted among the Bangladeshi immigrants living in Rome. The research is aimed at the creation of a wordlist to compile an essential bengali-italian... more
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      LexicographyBangladeshImmigration and identity (Anthropology)Methodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
IT Nell'articolo che segue svolgiamo un'analisi degli item di una prova di lettura a scelta multipla di livello B1 della certificazione di italiano per stranieri CILS (Centro CILS, 2009), allestita dall'omonimo centro dell'Università per... more
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      AssessmentItalian StudiesLanguage TestingApplied Linguistics
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      EducationGerman LanguageTeaching of Foreign LanguagesForeign language teaching and learning
Περίληψη Σημαντική θέση στην καθημερινή επικοινωνία καταλαμβάνει η διαγλωσσική διαμεσολάβηση (cross-language mediation) –μια λειτουργία που απαιτεί την παράλληλη χρήση δύο ή περισσοτέρων γλωσσών, η επιτυχία της οποίας εξασφαλίζει την... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTeaching of Foreign LanguagesMediationTeaching English As A Foreign Language
This article presents results of a Student Research Activity worked out by the author of the article. It offers a brief overview of a relatively new phenomena known as “intercomprehension” which is a new approach in teaching and learning... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsDidacticsLinguisticsMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
This text focuses on a didactic sequence (DS) which was put into practice with 6th grade students from the public school Jaume I “El Conqueridor” of Catarroja (Valencia) in the area of foreign language teaching (English). Our aim is,... more
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      Teaching English As A Foreign LanguageMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
Graphic Novels nutzen als Hybridmedien die Bild- und Formensprache des Comics sowie Perspektiven und Darstellungskonventionen des Films, um ihre Geschichten in »Romanform« zu erzählen. Ihre unterrichtliche Behandlung schult visual... more
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      Visual StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesIntermedialityComics Studies
Duff, P. (2014). Communicative language teaching. In M. Celce-Murcia, D. Brinton, & M.A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language (4th ed.) (pp. 15-30). Boston: National Geographic/Heinle Cengage. *Text on the far... more
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      TESOLApplied LinguisticsTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
Paper on how a community of speakers of other languages use a reduced form of English to communicate in order to negotiate their daily needs
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      Philosophy Of LanguageLiteracyCommunicationTeaching English as a Second Language
Junto con este Manual, elaborado pensando en la labor docente, se ha editado uno para sus alumnos, buscando que puedan ser una guía eficiente en el trabajo cotidiano en el aula de cara a la aplicación, el próximo marzo, de la prueba PISA... more
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      LiteracyEducationTeacher EducationScience Education
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      German StudiesMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
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      Motivation (Psychology)Self-Determination TheoryApplied LinguisticsSociocultural Theory Of Learning
This article identifies certain cognitive processes accompanying language acquisition, which can be strategically stimulated by teachers. It includes a number of categories that have "emerged" over the course of the author"s career... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionSociolinguisticsEnglish languageTESOL
The comprehension approach to foreign language instruction emerged in the 1970s and constituted an alternative to the dominant language-teaching paradigm of that time, which prioritized performance over reception. Based on the assumption... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingEnglish language teaching
This paper describes the history and continuing development of Vygotsky-inspired sociocultural theories (SCT) and their application in second and foreign language research. In particular, I emphasize the intellectual traditions out of... more
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      Critical TheoryTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionResearch Methodology
This work presents methods, techniques and principles in online English language teaching. In this paper, we present the methods and their use in the context of distance teaching of English language, especially the online form. This paper... more
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      LanguagesOnline LearningTeaching OnlineMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
for teaching
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      Methodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingTeaching German As a Foreign Language
With the ever-increasing usage of screen time, studies have shown that a delay in child cognitive development is becoming more prominent than ever before (Margalit, 2016). According to Dr. Aric Sigman, fellow of Britain’s Royal Society of... more
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      EducationLearning and TeachingTeaching MethodologyVygotsky's Sociocultural Theory