Recent papers in Nouns
We describe an individual who exhibits greater dif®culties in speaking nouns than verbs and greater dif®culties in writing verbs than nouns across a range of both single word and sentence production tasks. This double dissociation of... more
This article investigates prototypically attributive versus predicative adjectives in English in terms of the phonological properties that have been associated especially with nouns versus verbs in a substantial body of psycholinguistic... more
Dissociations in the recognition of specific classes of words have been documented in brain-injured populations. These include deficits in the recognition and production of morphologically complex words as well as impairments specific to... more
This study investigated the noun definitions given by Cantonese speakers at different ages.
The present investigation proposes that the nominalization index (the ratio of nouns to verbs in a given text) successfully predicts the academic-scientific character of a text. The results of a computer-assisted analysis of a 12.7... more
Variation is seldom paid attention to in language teaching and mediation. On the basis of noun classes, of noun phrases as well as of the different forms displayed by the demonstrative and the relative pronoun in dependence of noun... more
The present paper entitled “Khoibu Nouns” is an attempt to describe the nouns and its categories of Khoibu, a Tibeto-Burman language being spoken by Khoibu tribe. The literal meaning of this tribe is derived from ‘khoi’ and ‘pu’, where... more
This study investigated experimentally the nature and development of children's early productivity with nouns, both in verb-argument structure and with plural morphology. Eight 20-to 26-month-old boys and girls were, in the context of... more
The highlights of this paper are the part-of-speech meaning of nouns, specification of this meaning in the lexical-grammatical subclasses of nouns, and the conceptual models of lexical-grammatical polysemy, i.e. the cases when one word... more
This paper investigates the sentence features of Sebuanong Binisaya, one of more than a dozen dialects coming from the ancestor language, Cebuano of Austronesian language which has been spoken since the Proto-Austronesian era. This is a... more
By years passed, not only new words, but also phrases have been created. It is because the language has been changing from time to time. There are many variations in language features such as morphological, semantic, phonetic, and... more
This article explores how collocation relates to lexical technicality, and how the relationship can be exploited for teaching EAP to second-year engineering students. First, corpus data are presented to show that complex noun phrase... more
This paper reports studies of subject-verb agreement errors with speakers of Spanish and English; we used a sentence completion task, first introduced by Bock and Miller (199t). In a series of four experiments, we assessed the role of... more
We usually add an s toshow that a noun is plural. If a noun ends in x, ch, sh, or s, we add an es to the word. Examples: cat = cats glass = glasses dish = dishes Directions: Write the plural noun of the words below.
An effective, systematic approach to teaching English articles in English as a second language instruction is described, with specific exercises using the approach presented. Background information on count and non-count nouns and... more
Noun artinya kata benda. pada unit ini akan kita bahas tentang jenis, fungsi, dan cara membentuk noun, Kinds of noun (Jenis Noun) Ahli tata bahasa inggris variatif dalam mengkelompokan kata benda... more
This paper presents a description of a major class of vocabulary, signalling nouns, which have important discourse functions in establishing links across and within clauses. This class of noun is particularly prevalent in academic... more
Indefiniteness is a semantic feature expressed by grammatical devices to be used linguistically depending on pragmatic factors. So, the present study deals with indefiniteness syntactically, semantically and pragmatically. These levels... more
При изследване на умалителността в различните езици се установят интересни факти, които биха имали отношение към обучението по чужд език. Без да се оспорва лингвистичната стойност на умалителните съществителни, тук се поставя въпросът за... more
Many sign languages have semantically related noun-verb pairs, such as ‘hairbrush/brush-hair’, which are similar in form due to iconicity. Researchers studying this phenomenon in sign languages have found that the two are distinguished... more
This paper presents discussion of internal structure of Noun
Phrase (NP) in Urdu. It also proposes a computational
grammar using LFG (Lexical Functional Grammar)
Phrase (NP) in Urdu. It also proposes a computational
grammar using LFG (Lexical Functional Grammar)
These volumes of the Syntax of Dutch discuss the internal make-up and distribution of noun phrases. Topics that will be covered include: complementation and modification of noun phrases; properties of determiners (article,... more
Research article abstracts have become an important genre in all knowledge fields, playing a crucial role in persuading readers, and reviewers, to take the time to go further into the paper itself. This promotional aspect of abstracts is... more
Sometimes, you may make an error in English because you are following a rule or pattern that is correct in Spanish, but not in English.
The present study, a slightly revised version of the author's 1968 Ph.D. thesis presented to the University of Chicago, investigates compound formation in Thai. Chapter 1 summarizes the transformational generative theory on which the... more