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Questions tagged [translation]

Übersetzungen – Questions on issues with translating from or into German. Use with care as these questions are very likely to be closed as a translation request, which would be off topic. Don't use this tag on phrase requests or proverb analogies.

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2 answers

Do I use the null article after "ohne" for a noun that is part of a longer phrase?

If I understand correctly, in many cases where in English we would say "without a [noun]," in German it would be "ohne [noun]," with no article. For example, "don't go outside ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
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What is written on this postcard from about 1945 or earlier?

the front part of the postcard the whole postcard The German text the second part of the postcard
S S's user avatar
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Does German have the same poetic use of singular nouns as English?

I have a piece of text to translate with lines of dialogue using singular nouns like the following: Is it not filled with danger, having varg and troll lurk behind every tree? It is welcoming to ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
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How do I translate a phrase referring to a "flashy" fighting style into German?

I am trying to translate a line in a video game where the player attempts to pick up a shield and is informed that it is "certainly too big to fit with your 'flashy heroine' fighting style." ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
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In a phrase like "the type of girl who..." what does the relative pronoun refer to?

In my current translation project I have several cases where in German I want to refer to "die Art" ("the kind/type of") a noun followed by a relative clause, and I am not sure ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
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Is there a German equivalent for the English expression "I know one when I see one?"

I have a few instances of the phrase "I know a [noun] when I see one" in a translation project I am working on, specifically I know a thief when I see one. [The speaker is addressing a ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
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Why is "can"/"kann" often not used in German where it would be in English?

In English it is common to use the word "can" where I do not see it in corresponding phrases in German, for example: I can make out the mountains in the distance. Ich erkenne die Berge in ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
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How would I translate a question like "you do realize...?" rather than "do you realize...?" into German?

In English there are two common ways of asking essentially the same question. I could say for example "do you realize I am an American?" or "you do realize I am an American?" The ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
7 votes
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How to translate the term "baby" as in "burn, baby, burn?"

I have a translation project which includes the phrase "burn, baby, burn, disco inferno." This is a reference to the song Disco Inferno by The Trammps and is used in the game's narration to ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
6 votes
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How to translate interjections/sounds like "whoa" and "gulp" into German?

I have already asked about a few German interjections here, but there are more terms in the same translation project which I am not sure about. Cough! Cough!: I am not sure how the sound of a cough is ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
7 votes
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"Bis Börs Söhne die Bälle erhuben" aus der Älteren Edda

Ganz am Anfang der Älteren Edda in der Übersetzung von Karl Simrock befindet sich diese Phrase: Bis Börs Söhne die Bälle erhuben, Sie die das mächtige Midgard schufen In den Übersetzungen in andere ...
Andrew's Quest's user avatar
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Meaning of "5er Handicap"

I was watching a German movie (Zum Glück gibt's Schreiner) where the discussion goes in the following lines: Male Character: Was findet ihr Frauen an so Typen ? Female character: An attraktiven, gut ...
Vpal's user avatar
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Was ist die beste Übersetzung von "to listen out for"?

Zum Beispiel, "the kids listen out for Santa Claus on Christmas night", oder, "I listen out for my favorite song on the radio." Ich habe "auf X horchen" und "auf X ...
user33598's user avatar
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Grammar in Dative Case (how dative object become a one who is "taking action" instead of "for/to whom action is taken")

The sentence "Ich war dir egal", is translated in English as "You didn't care about me". Why in the translation "Ich" and "dir" exchange its position? Why it ...
krist's user avatar
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"Boost" in German for American license plate

Hello and thank you in advance. I'm looking for the proper way to say "boost" or "boosted" in German as it relates to the boost pressure of a cars turbo charger. The caveat - it's ...
Michael's user avatar
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What would be an appropriate translation of Solitude?

I am looking for a fitting translation of solitude. The results I found online do not seem appropriate: Einsamkeit - Often translated into loneliness - seems to be more focused on the negative ...
FabianTe's user avatar
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Frage zu einem Satz: wenn, als und die Gleichzeitigkeit

Diese Frage bezieht sich auf den Ausdruck der Gleichzeitigkeit und auch auf eine frühere Frage von mir, die von der Verwendung von als und wenn bei der Gleichzeitigkeit handelte. Wenn man so einen ...
Cerulean's user avatar
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kann man "auf etwas setzen" als "focus on" benutzen?

Während des Lesens bin ich auf einen Satz gestoßen. (Ich lerne deutsch, ich bin noch nicht perfekt. Falls ich einige Fehler mache, können Sie mich korrigieren). Der Satz lautet : Er hat ein Start-up ...
kayra's user avatar
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Is it mandatory in German to use the singular in negative sentences like "none of the books here are on fire?"

I am working on a translation project into German and I have lines like the following: Next to (or above) the bed you see a wooden closet filled with brightly colored books. You can't make out any of ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
5 votes
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How would I translate GPT to German?

Large language models like GPTs are everywhere nowadays. A GPT is a "generative pre-trained transformer". How would I best translate this into German? generative: erzeugend (meaning that it ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
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Need help deciphering word written in Fraktur

I am trying to decipher this word and am having a hard time since I do not read Fraktur too well. Also, what does it mean translated into English?
Deutscherisch's user avatar
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Was wäre die beste Übersetzung von „all around him"?

Eigentlich bin ich hierher vom Deutschen gekommen: Ich hatte es vor, die deutsche Phrase „rings ihm herum" in einem Aufsatz zu schreiben, die, meines Erachtens, „all around him" ähnlich sein ...
Cerulean's user avatar
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"beziehen sie sich auf" as translation for "refer to"?

Ist "beziehen Sie sich" a good translation for "refer to", when it is used to formally suggest to someone (not order) to have a look at some source of information? Example: Bitte ...
frIT's user avatar
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Why danach instead of darüber?

I read the below sentence which means "Facebook asks for it to make sure you are over 13 years old" but why danach is used why not darüber? Facebook fragt danach, um sicherzustellen, dass ...
khurram Shahzad's user avatar
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What is the difference between "Bachelorstudiengang" and "Bachelor-Studium"?

What is the difference between "Bachelorstudiengang" and "Bachelor-Studium"? In which context, the above mentioned words are fitting. For example: What should be the correct ...
Celestial-Voyage's user avatar
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Translation of "und der Gitarre traurig Klang" in the German version of "Remember me" from the movie "Coco"

The 2017 film Coco features a song with the title "Remember me." In the German language version of the movie, the song is titled "Denk stets an mich" and contains the following ...
Pascal's user avatar
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"comfortable", but in the conceptual sense

What is the best way to express in German that a concept is "uncomfortable", or that someone is "uncomfortable"/"not at ease" with a concept? For instance, the following ...
Sylvain Gadenne's user avatar
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How would someone say "to pair something up" with someone/something else?

To me, it seems like it could be something like "zusammenbringen" or "zusammenhalten" or utilizing "gleich" in a way. "Vereinigen" sounds more like something is ...
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Translating "wall-crawling"

I have employed a translator to translate a novel to German. A character in the book has the ability to "wall-crawl" a la Spiderman. She is having a hard time translating the term, for ...
Jim Clay's user avatar
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I will not raise my voice to him ever again

I'm struggling with the proper translation for "to raise one's voice". The exact phrase is: "I will not raise my voice to him ever again" The context is, two people (in this case, ...
mcaleaa's user avatar
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Was ist die richtige Übersetzung von „it is similar to that"?

Eine sehr einfache Frage, aber eine, die ich in diesem Moment nicht beantworten kann. Ich möchte folgendes ins Deutsche übersetzen: It is similar to that which we have mentioned earlier. Oder so ...
Cerulean's user avatar
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What's the original source "Erst am Ende unseres Weges stehen die Antworten."

In a museum I saw a drawing with text: Erst am Ende unseres Weges stehen die Antworten. I guess the meaning is "The answer lays in the end of our way". When I search it in internet, this ...
Tiger Hwang's user avatar
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How can I say "it is thought" in German?

In English, one can use It is thought that temperature will continue to rise during the next 100 years. I don't think 'Es is gedacht, dass...' is idiomatic (by Google search). Regarding a similar ...
sundowner's user avatar
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„It makes him feel good/bad/uneasy/etc": Was ist die beste Weise, so etwas auszudrücken?

Ich wollte wissen, wie man aus dem Englischen etwas wie Folgendes am besten übersetzen würde: This is something that makes people feel good oder The story made him feel bad Ich denke an Das ist ...
Cerulean's user avatar
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Fat Tonys motto übersetzen

Wie übersetzt man Fat Tonys legendäres Motto aus dem Buch Der Schwarze Schwan? You do not want to win on arguments. You want to win. Du willst nicht bei(an, in ?) Argumenten gewinnen. Du willst ...
ExoticBirdsMerchant's user avatar
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Is "Haben Sie + noun phrase" or "Gibt es + noun phrase" more idiomatic?

I am a beginner in German language, I was trying to make simple sentences for email writing test but when I translate them in translator it gives different answers which are not incorrect but not what ...
khurram Shahzad's user avatar
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Word for "time thief" in German

I remember reading in German a long time ago that there is a word that describes "spending time thinking about something, and when it comes time to doing what you thought about … its no longer ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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How to translate "Include file(s) as attachment(s). Missing files will not be attached." [closed]

Is it correct translation? Datei(en) als Anhang(e) hinzufügen. Fehlende Dateien werden nicht angehängt.
Andriy Balitskyy's user avatar
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German word for 'feeling no particular way' without negative connotation?

I'm trying to hunt down a word I can't seem to find anywhere. In English the feeling would be put 'feeling no particular way,' or simply existing with emphasis. Emptiness isn't the right meaning, as ...
sdfghj's user avatar
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Mohnhaft 1928 meaning

I have been sent a document from Lübeck dated 1928 where the word "mohnhaft" in reference to a record made about my grandmother. Can you help? I'll gladly send a copy of the document.
Lillian Signe Fritsch's user avatar
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Error converting the time to 24 hour format

After learning some basic numbers, I’m trying to lean how to say what time it is in German with this video. As explained, the first way to tell the time is for Radio & Fernsehen (radio & ...
Elements In Space's user avatar
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Understanding a usage of "möglichst"

I am trying to understand the usage of möglichst in the below. Schlaf. Gesunder und möglichst ununterbrochener Schlaf ist ein wichtiger Faktor für das menschliche Wohlbefinden, der in unserer ...
Brian's user avatar
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How do you say: "I'm looking forward to meeting you" in Deutsch? [closed]

I'm writing a script for a project in my german class, and it's supposed to be a phone call between a tour guide and a possible tourist. How can the tourist say (i am looking forward to meeting you) ...
Mais.e25's user avatar
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Wie habe ich das nur gemacht?

So the question is in the title. Because my German is still very basic, and I only know that "nur" means "only", I was wondering if in this phrasing it acts something like a modal ...
Djanoko's user avatar
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What does the phrase "auf die Nase setzen" mean in "Könnt' ich mir doch noch so einen Schurken auf die Nase setzen, wie den Pedrillo" in an Opera

This sentence is found in Mozart's Opera "Die Entführung aus dem Serail". Sample text link you can find this sentence at the first line. Könnt' ich mir doch noch so einen Schurken auf die ...
xing's user avatar
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Is there a German word for the exercise phenomenon "second wind"?

"Second wind" is an exercise phenomenon, where after hitting a wall, and getting the feeling you need to stop, you are able to rally your body, and find strength again to carry on at good ...
Yalla T.'s user avatar
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What is the meaning of "Gift und Dolch" (in Mozart's Opera Die Entführung aus dem Serail)

Osmin, one of the characters in this Opera said this phrase multiple times. Gift und Dolch For example in here OSMIN Gift und Dolch! was ist das? wer kann ins Haus steigen? Another example in here: ...
xing's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "vor den Teufel" in this sentence "Mag ich vor den Teufel nicht" in an Opera?

I'm recently trying to understand the lyrics of the Opera "Die Entführung aus dem Serail" by Mozart. In Act 1, Osmin's Aria "Solche hergelaufne Laffen" (one example text and ...
xing's user avatar
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Frage über eine Übersetzung von Celan: die/der/das Wache(n)?

Ich habe in der von Pierre Joris übersetzten Sammlung von Paul-Celan-Gedichten „Breathturn Into Timestead“ die folgende Zeile gelesen (Atemwende, S.12): Dein vom Wachen stößiger Traum. die als ...
Cerulean's user avatar
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"Sätze und satzwertige Infinitivphrasen können Gegenstand von Ausklammerung ins Nachfeld sein."-English translation

Here is a sentence taken from Die Grammatik von Duden: Sätze und satzwertige Infinitivphrasen können Gegenstand von Ausklammerung ins Nachfeld sein. I cannot quite make sense of the English ...
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