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6 votes
3 answers

Imperativ oder Infinitiv im User-Interface

Ich übersetze gerade eine User-Interface/Benutzeroberfläche und bin auf eine Frage gestoßen, die mich schon länger beschäftigt hat – ich vergesse halt immer, sie zu stellen. Bei vielen User-Interfaces ...
Numeri's user avatar
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What's does "Mastwurf - gesteckt" mean when talking about climbing knots?

I'm translating this term for a video. It seems to refer to a clove hitch, but I'm having a little trouble working out what the "gesteckt" stands for.
Henry Firth's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How to properly say asset/assets in German

I am having some difficulty getting some of the financial defintions/contexts straight. I was wondering if somebody could help me with the following sentences: A house can be considered a type of ...
Mark's user avatar
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3 answers

"rotating equipment" auf Deutsch

Equipment Engineering Data sheets of the rotating equipment and aggregates, first issue Bei ProZ, LEO und linguee habe ich nichts gefunden. Vielleicht "Drehgeräte"? Branche "Anlagenbau" Es geht ...
Anna's user avatar
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Was für eine Entsprechung hat "pharma salt" im Deutschen?

Kontext: The NaCl slurry for the pharma salt production is discharged from the Salt Leg SL1 and pumped into the controlled pharma salt production area, where it is dewatered by the Centrifuge CE2 ...
Anna's user avatar
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4 answers

German expression for (code) refactoring

English In code development, a commonly used term when talking about the process of re-reading your code and fixing redundant lines, duplicate code snippets etc. is refactoring [your code]. Now I’m ...
PixelMaster's user avatar
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Was bedeutet „vom Flur aus in Bewegung setzen”?

Wisst ihr, was der Satz Das Fahrzeug nicht vom „Flur“ aus in Bewegung setzen. bedeutet? Das ist ein Abschnitt aus einer Anweisung, in der manche Regeln für die Arbeit mit Gabelstaplern und Baggern ...
Marcia's user avatar
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Correct German word for "Monolaurin"

What is the correct German name for "Monolaurin" (C15H30O4)? I have found "Laurinsäure" (C12H24O2) but this is a different substance. These two substances have a relation to each other but again, ...
Tristan .L's user avatar
5 votes
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What do these words mean as German language knowledge level?

Can you please help me to know what these words mean exactly as German proficiency level: Foreign language A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2? Because while I’m looking for any job vacancy I see these words and ...
Programing - Love's user avatar
4 votes
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Was bedeutet diese Mineralbeschreibung?

Was sagt diese Beschreibung? Es ist eine Beschreibung eines Minerals, im Jahre 1856 geschrieben. Ich kann sagen, dass es sich um Chlorsilber handelt; aber ich habe Probleme beim Lesen, was da steht.
Plumbing for Ankit's user avatar
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Need help translating technical video game terminology [closed]

I need to translate a video game, including the debug menu into German. Ironically I AM German, but have accumulated all my tech and gaming vocabulary in England and now everything sounds ridiculous ...
HumanCatfood's user avatar
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German for "graceful degradation"

The term graceful degradation is often used as a technical term to describe a system that doesn't loose all its functionality at once, but is able to maintain some intermediary mode to remain ...
Franz Kafka's user avatar
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Techn. Übersetzung: to serve a document

Ich übersetze momentan eine kleine Dokumentation für ein Softwareprojekt zur Entwicklung von Webanwendungen. An einigen Stellen heißt es in Bezug auf Webserver: "to serve a document", womit die ...
user3147268's user avatar
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What does the "kz" abbreviation mean in a programming/technical context?

I am a non-German-speaking programmer writing software that interfaces with a database that uses German field names. There are a number of these fields that are prefixed with KZ_. The only ...
Ryan Kohn's user avatar
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8 votes
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What's the German name for an equal spacing divider?

What is the German name for this tool? It is used to divide lengths into equal sections. In English it is called an equal spacing divider. It is used in engineering.
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3 answers

What is the meaning of "Abkettrand"?

I believe "Abkettrand" is a knitting term of some description but have been unable to find a translation to English. Here is a sample paragraph where it's appeared: Zum Schluss die letzte Masche ...
John Doyle's user avatar
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Meaning of “Komplex” (mathematical context)

I am currently struggling to understand the article “Zur Theorie der faktorisierbaren Gruppen”, by L. Redei in Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 1, 74--98 (1950). As might be expected, there are several ...
Ewan Delanoy's user avatar
12 votes
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What does "beanspruchungsgerecht" mean?

This is the context: Vorteile des Werkstoffs: Grauguß Im Gießverfahren leicht formbar, deshalb kann man Gußgestelle ohne Mehrkosten beanspruchungsgerecht gestalten I understand that beanspruch can ...
Kaspar's user avatar
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