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Übersetzungen vom Deutschen ins Englische – Questions on translations from German to English

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What does "Ganz wirklich ehrlich" mean in this context?

I recently got a used book that has the following bookmark on it: Transcription: "lesen macht spass... Ganz wirklich ehrlich!" I understand the first part ("reading is fun") but ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
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Best translation for "zumutbar" [closed]

I'm trying to find a good English translation for Ingeborg Bachmann's saying "Die Wahrheit ist dem Menschen zumutbar". Automatic translations translate that to something like "The truth ...
Erich Kitzmüller's user avatar
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Meaning of "5er Handicap"

I was watching a German movie (Zum Glück gibt's Schreiner) where the discussion goes in the following lines: Male Character: Was findet ihr Frauen an so Typen ? Female character: An attraktiven, gut ...
Vpal's user avatar
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Was ist die beste Übersetzung von "to listen out for"?

Zum Beispiel, "the kids listen out for Santa Claus on Christmas night", oder, "I listen out for my favorite song on the radio." Ich habe "auf X horchen" und "auf X ...
user33598's user avatar
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Dative case pronoun position

The sentence "Ich war dir egal", is translated in English as "You didn't care about me". Why in the translation "Ich" and "dir" exchange its position? Why it ...
John's user avatar
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Please translate the German from song [closed]

I wrote a song of sorts with some German many years ago. And now, I wonder what does that Germans says in English? Please help!
user63147's user avatar
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Why is it "Ernie and Bert" in German but "Bert and Ernie" in English and other Germanic languages?

I am aware that "Ernie and Bert" is used too, but "Bert and Ernie" seems to be the more common usage in English. So I was wondering if certain attributes of the German language ...
EagleFliesBanana's user avatar
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Need help deciphering word written in Fraktur

I am trying to decipher this word and am having a hard time since I do not read Fraktur too well. Also, what does it mean translated into English?
Deutscherisch's user avatar
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Why is Nähe a noun in this sentence?

Can any one tell me why we have two nouns next to each other? And why Nähe is a noun in this sentence (see below)? Also, why is the spelling different for noun and adjective (Nähe vs nahe)? ...
khurram Shahzad's user avatar
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Why danach instead of darüber?

I read the below sentence which means "Facebook asks for it to make sure you are over 13 years old" but why danach is used why not darüber? Facebook fragt danach, um sicherzustellen, dass ...
khurram Shahzad's user avatar
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Transcribe handwritten letter from London bankier Huth & Co written in German in 1867

The following letter is written by the famous London bankier Huth & Co (1777-1864) in London the 12th of October 1867 to Johann Rudolf Näf & Soehne (manufacture of silk and half-wool fabrics). ...
Kjartansk's user avatar
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Where can I find native German speakers to practice with for free?

I find it easier to learn German when I practice speaking or conversing. Could someone tell me where I can find native German speakers to practice with for free?
Davi Komura de Castro's user avatar
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How to translate "soweit ihnen zu folgen war"?

I came across the following sentence in a text about a process of some criminals: Diese Feststellungen beruhen auf den Einlassungen der Angeklagten Hamann, Bornholt und Lab., soweit ihnen zu folgen ...
Paweł Kłeczek's user avatar
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Usage of festlegen and entscheiden

In this paragraph two verbs have been used with more or less same meaning. The verbs are festlegen and entscheiden, so what's the contextual difference? Ich lege gemeinsam mit meiner Trainerin fest, ...
khurram Shahzad's user avatar
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Confirming receipt of document in formal email

How do I express confirmation of a document recieved on email in a professional manner? In English the phrase 'well recieved' is quite common if I translate this I was thinking something like 'gut ...
tana's user avatar
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Den/Dem Rechten zu sehen

I was watching "Die Chaos Kompanie" and what is the difference between "Ins ganze Land wurden Inspekteure geschickt, um nach den/dem Rechten zu sehen"?
Maxim Baurov's user avatar
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Was ist der Unterscheid zwischen Seminar und Seminarsitzung?

Diese zwei Phrasen habe ich oft in dem Skript meines Studienkollegen gesehen. Aber ich verstehe den Unterschied zwischen den zwei Wörtern nicht gut. Beispiel: Einige Dozenten verlangen, dass in jeder ...
Brian's user avatar
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Passivische Bedeutung?

Wandel Passiv in Passiversatz um: An der Uni soll ein großer Teil des Wissens eigenständig erarbeitet werden. An der Uni bleibt ein großer Teil des Wissens eigenständig zu erarbeiten. My teacher ...
Brian's user avatar
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What is the lady saying between 0:45 and 0:47 in this radio episode by SRF?

I am trying to transcribe the following radio episode, but cannot understand what is said by the host between 0:45 and 0:47. Starting at 0:37, I have the following: Also haben wir uns gesagt machen ...
Naitik Mundra's user avatar
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How should this sentence with the seemingly critical words "willst" and "doch" be interpreted?

I came across the following sentence, which according to the written source is formulated as such: Willst du mehr – ganz unersättlich – doch der Kosmos ist zerbrechlich. I suppose that "...
Jarl's user avatar
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So what's a "Realencyclopädie"?

Given the importance of Pauly's work (Wikipedia, Wikisource), I assume it wasn't written in gibberish by a madman. That said, what secondary or tertiary sense does the German real or Real have that ...
lly's user avatar
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Error converting the time to 24 hour format

After learning some basic numbers, I’m trying to lean how to say what time it is in German with this video. As explained, the first way to tell the time is for Radio & Fernsehen (radio & ...
Elements In Space's user avatar
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Translating a sentence with >>"...., so scheint es,..." <<

Die Existenz der EU, so scheint es, steht kaum zwanzig Jahre nach ihrer Ausrufung auf der Kippe:... Could someone explain, how to translate out the "so scheint es" phrase? I can do it ...
Brian's user avatar
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Translating a sentence with "an Fahrt"

Obwohl aufgrund der stetig an Fahrt aufnehmenden Erderwärmung an allen Küsten dieser Erde die Wasserspiegel steigen, nehmen die verfügbaren Süßwasservorräte rasant ab. I am having difficulty ...
Brian's user avatar
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Can we use two prepositions in a row?

for example "Ab in den Urlaub" Are "Ab" and "in" both prepositions? If they come in a row, the next word changes according to which preposition?
aysana.s. heydari's user avatar
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Why is " arbeiten " at the beginning of the sentence? "Arbeiten muss ich nicht mehr"

Is it possible that it has another grammatical role besides being a verb? For example, be an adjective, etc
aysana.s. heydari's user avatar
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Can anyone provide any translation of this tombstone?

This is an old family headstone. I realize the lettering is hard to make out, Any help with translation would be appreciated!
Stephanie's user avatar
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Langenscheidt basic german vocabulary translation issue or typo?

I have the Langenscheidt Basic German Vocabulary book (1991 Langenscheidt KG edition) which I LOVE, but I noticed a very interesting "typo" or perhaps a "mis-translation" on page ...
PJF Dixon's user avatar
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Can "Zusammenstellung" mean "summary"?

As far as I understand, "Zusammenstellung" means a compilation, a grouping of something. That is what I gather from Duden, Wictionary, etc. But in Linguee, it is also sometimes translated by ...
Sylvain Gadenne's user avatar
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adj come before noun but we dont have any endung [duplicate]

Wir haben uns gegenseitig Nachhilfe gegeben. (Menschen B1.1 Buch) why we cannot write (gegenseitige Nachhilfe ) the article of Nachhilfe is Die and in this sentence we must write in akk form so adj ...
Araz Täbris's user avatar
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Why is "keiner" masculine in this sentence? "Keiner sagt dir, was du tun sollst"

Why is "keiner" masculine in this sentence? "Keiner sagt dir, was du tun sollst" Is "keiner" used instead of a specific name?
aysana.s. heydari's user avatar
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What does "eben" mean in "ich arbeite immer noch für die Agentur aber eben freiberuflich"?

In this sentence, does eben mean "als" or "as" in english? Because I have never seen these meanings for "eben"
aysana.s. heydari's user avatar
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Wie habe ich das nur gemacht?

So the question is in the title. Because my German is still very basic, and I only know that "nur" means "only", I was wondering if in this phrasing it acts something like a modal ...
Djanoko's user avatar
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What does the phrase "auf die Nase setzen" mean in "Könnt' ich mir doch noch so einen Schurken auf die Nase setzen, wie den Pedrillo" in an Opera

This sentence is found in Mozart's Opera "Die Entführung aus dem Serail". Sample text link you can find this sentence at the first line. Könnt' ich mir doch noch so einen Schurken auf die ...
xing's user avatar
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What's the difference between "ertragen", "erdulden" and "aushalten"? [closed]

What's the difference between ertragen and erdulden and aushalten and I would like to know what's the most used word in real life.
Abdallah's user avatar
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "... , so dass" und "so, dass"?

Die folgende Seite thematisiert den Unterschied zwischen "so that" und "such that" im Englischen. Am Ende wird behauptet, dass der Unterschied im Englischen mit zwei Formulierungen ...
ceving's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "Gift und Dolch" (in Mozart's Opera Die Entführung aus dem Serail)

Osmin, one of the characters in this Opera said this phrase multiple times. Gift und Dolch For example in here OSMIN Gift und Dolch! was ist das? wer kann ins Haus steigen? Another example in here: ...
xing's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "vor den Teufel" in this sentence "Mag ich vor den Teufel nicht" in an Opera?

I'm recently trying to understand the lyrics of the Opera "Die Entführung aus dem Serail" by Mozart. In Act 1, Osmin's Aria "Solche hergelaufne Laffen" (one example text and ...
xing's user avatar
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Clarification of a piece of German text

I have come across the following sentence: der Geldautomat: Eine Maschine, die einem Geld von seinem Konto auszahlt. I could not derive the meaning of this sentence. Shouldn't it have been written as ...
Saffet Gokcen Sen's user avatar
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Frage über eine Übersetzung von Celan: die/der/das Wache(n)?

Ich habe in der von Pierre Joris übersetzten Sammlung von Paul-Celan-Gedichten „Breathturn Into Timestead“ die folgende Zeile gelesen (Atemwende, S.12): Dein vom Wachen stößiger Traum. die als ...
Cerulean's user avatar
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Translating sentences with multiple prepositional objects/Oblig. adverbial complements

Wahlweise kann man eine Wohnung natürlich nach der Erkundigung nach Gepflogenheiten auf Socken betreten oder um Pantoffeln oder Socken für Gäste bitten I'm trying to translate the above sentence. I ...
Brian's user avatar
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"bieten" with the meaning of "to ensure"

In a newspaper article, I tumbled on the following sentence: "Die Krankenkasse fordert politische Massnahmen, um dem Anstieg der [Krankenversicherungs]Prämien Einhalt zu bieten". In this ...
Sylvain Gadenne's user avatar
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sind for singular

I read this text and dont know why in here use sind for singular subject i know 300g bis 600g is plural but when we use verb at first we need to look at subject and here subject is singular not plural:...
Araz Täbris's user avatar
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Advanced German videos at C1-C2 level

All the resources I see on the internet seem to be mostly focused on till intermediate level (B1-B2). I have found this nice channel for C1-C2, but further resources I can't. Could someone recommend ...
Brian's user avatar
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viele oder viel for Verwandte [closed]

i saw in A2 book they write viele Verwandte ? Der Verwandte und in plural we have Die Verwandten why we write Viele verwandte regards
Araz Täbris's user avatar
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Speaking partner [closed]

I Am self-studying Deutch my level is A2.1 but I do not practice speaking because I don't have anyone to speak with. I am looking for speaking partner preferably native or at the same level or higher ...
ammar yasser's user avatar
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Translation of poem

I'm struggling to precisely understand this section of poetry (the gist is clear enough) which has an awful lot of clauses, two masculine protagonists and what look like some rather poetic phrasings. ...
ajor's user avatar
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"Je näher man ein Wort ansieht, desto ferner sieht es zurück."

I'm wondering how to correctly understand this phrase: Je näher man ein Wort ansieht, desto ferner sieht es zurück. Karl Kraus (1874 - 1936), Quote from the magazine »Die Fackel«, July 8, 1911. To ...
flen's user avatar
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Bismarck/Caprivi cigars

I'm not quite sure to what extent this is a language question vs a history/culture question, but here goes... Can anyone explain what's going on in this discussion of cigars/politics? The humour ...
ajor's user avatar
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When to use the present participle (-nd) in German vs gerund (-ing) in English

I am translating a video game into German and I have many lines which in English use the gerund (-ing form) of a verb. If I understand correctly, in German the present participle (-nd form of a verb) ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar

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