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2 answers

How do I translate a phrase referring to a "flashy" fighting style into German?

I am trying to translate a line in a video game where the player attempts to pick up a shield and is informed that it is "certainly too big to fit with your 'flashy heroine' fighting style." ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
2 votes
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What does the phrase "auf die Nase setzen" mean in "Könnt' ich mir doch noch so einen Schurken auf die Nase setzen, wie den Pedrillo" in an Opera

This sentence is found in Mozart's Opera "Die Entführung aus dem Serail". Sample text link you can find this sentence at the first line. Könnt' ich mir doch noch so einen Schurken auf die ...
xing's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "Gift und Dolch" (in Mozart's Opera Die Entführung aus dem Serail)

Osmin, one of the characters in this Opera said this phrase multiple times. Gift und Dolch For example in here OSMIN Gift und Dolch! was ist das? wer kann ins Haus steigen? Another example in here: ...
xing's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "vor den Teufel" in this sentence "Mag ich vor den Teufel nicht" in an Opera?

I'm recently trying to understand the lyrics of the Opera "Die Entführung aus dem Serail" by Mozart. In Act 1, Osmin's Aria "Solche hergelaufne Laffen" (one example text and ...
xing's user avatar
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Are both these German phrases grammatically correct?

Are both these German phrases valid? My translator app came up with both of these somehow but I'm not sure what the difference is. My translator app translated "What are other ways to say 'How ...
Dylon Jaynes's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is "in" missing in "Alles Geld der Welt"?

The film title translation of "All the Money in the World" is "Alles Geld der Welt", which seems to translate back to English as "All Money The World". Why are the German ...
user610620's user avatar
2 votes
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Welcher Begriff bedeutet “to get someone in trouble”

Im Englischen kann der Ausdruck „to get someone in(to) trouble“ unterschiedliche Nebenbedeutungen haben. Er kann auch absichtlich oder unabsichtlich gemeint werden, je nach dem Kontext. Gibt es einen ...
eurieka's user avatar
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How to say ''I'm going out to buy myself something''

I want to say "I'm going out to buy myself a sandwich". I would say it if I'm hungry and want to get out of my house to buy some fast food. I tried with Google Translate and these are the answers: ...
Aloysius Schmich's user avatar
1 vote
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Genug über mich oder genug von mir?

But enough about me, how have you been? How to translate "enough about me" in the above context? genug über mich or genug von mir ?
Sasan's user avatar
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How would you translate "insured for your peace of mind"?

I am currently translating a flyer for my dad's renovation and property maintenance business from English to German (he recently moved to Germany). I am pretty confident with most of what I've done so ...
IAN's user avatar
  • 23
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1 answer

"wieder je", Nathan der Weise (I.1, 30)

Ich brauche Hilfe, um einen Auszug (I.1, 30) aus Nathan der Weise zu verstehen. Hier ist der Auszug (I.1, 30-31): (Nathan glaubte fälschlicherweise, dass seine Tochter tot sei. Er hat gerade ...
suizokukan's user avatar
7 votes
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meaning of "zu Wort gelangen"

I'm trying to understand sentences formualted with "etw. gelangt zu Wort" or "die Dinge gelangen zu Wort". These are: Es gilt vielen als philosophisch wertloses Kompilat, weil allerdings viele ...
kore's user avatar
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5 answers

How to translate "being like"?

I can't find how to translate the informal expressions being like/going like, often used in spoken informal English in sentences like these: At first I didn't understand, but then I was like "...
Nino Filiu's user avatar
0 votes
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I want to formulate a more advanced sentence in German describing why I want to take an English course [closed]

I want to write a letter for a language school and to ask them about the English courses they offer. I need a course to improve my English for sending Emails and making telephone calls (Work reasons). ...
user32804's user avatar
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"Ich verstehe, warum du so verwirrt bist, denn ich habe so etwas auch erlebt" Does this sentence fit in the context?

A friend wrote me a letter, asking me how he should learn French, he was so confused and overwhelmed as he asked a lot of questions. Does this expression make sense, or in other words, does it fit in ...
user32804's user avatar
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3 answers

Gehört zum guten Ton

What does this mean? Like having a good custom?
J. Doe's user avatar
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How do I say, “that’s what you're supposed to do” in german? [closed]

How do I say, “that’s what you're supposed to do” in german?
adelein Rowe's user avatar
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German translation of "wash my hands of something"

There is an english expression that goes "wash my hands of something". A definition of that can be found in the Cambridge dictionary and if I am not mistaken comes from the Pontius Pilate story. ...
Ma0's user avatar
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Wie sagt man "admit what you've done" auf Deutsch?

In diesem Fall verwendet man einräumen oder zugeben? Kann man sagen z.B. Räum ein, was du getan hast!
TBR's user avatar
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Wie sagt man "When. Not if." auf Deutsch?

For example, I say "If I'm ever successful.." and a response of encouragement would suggest that the only question is when I will be successful, rather than if I will be successful.
Phillip Beck's user avatar
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Does it sound natural to native speakers: „sich in den Mittelpunkt stellen“

To express the figure becomes the focus of today's newspapers can I render it as the following: die Persönlichkeit stellt sich heute in den Mittelpunkt der Presse Does it sound natural to ...
Eunice's user avatar
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Wie sagt man »space for milk« auf Deutsch?

If I order a coffee, say an Americano, and I would like extra room in the cup for milk that I’m going to add myself, how would I ask for that extra space in the cup? Platz für Milch Raum für ...
TBR's user avatar
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Word/phrase meaning 'calm under pressure'?

I'm looking for a German word/phrase which is roughly equivalent to 'calm under pressure' or 'calm in a storm'. I read it recently, but cannot remember it! The sentence went something like 'Bob has ...
Bob's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

What is the best way to say “gentle reminder” in German?

I need to use this phrase in formal correspondence with a business customer but don’t seem to be able to find enough verifiable sources on the internet with an appropriate German equivalent. ...
Kit's user avatar
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What is the German equivalent of "Towards a New Theory of ..."

I'm German myself and I'm having trouble with finding an adequate translation. The English title reads "Towards a Geometric Theory of Exact Dimensional Reduction". What would be the best translation?...
Marlo's user avatar
  • 161
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How would you say '[something] has been around'? [closed]

I'm writing a report on nursing and I've been trying to figure out how to say nurses have been around since... Any ideas?
Ava's user avatar
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What does 'sich in der Bringschuld sehen' mean?

I came across the following paragraph in Der Spiegel: Eine der wichtigsten Fragen ist, wie [Donald] Trump nun mit seiner Partei umgeht. Die Republikaner sind traumatisiert, die alte Garde fühlt ...
Eugene Str.'s user avatar
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What’s a good translation for “Stand Up Guy”?

Looking less for a literal translation than something that carries the same meaning, i.e. a dependable, well-meaning person.
Ben Callaghan's user avatar
11 votes
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Translation of "grammar Nazi"

The English term "grammar Nazi" is often used to describe a person who is overly pedantic about grammar. From what I have experienced in the English speaking world, it is generally considered ...
March Ho's user avatar
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How to say “Someone offered to take our things”, in a polite setting?

I want to say, “Somebody offered to take our things”, as a polite gesture. (so not stealing our things, or just taking them for no reason.) There are just so many different ways to say take — I’m not ...
Daria Melnikov's user avatar
3 votes
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What does "Hesek" and "spricht" mean in German

This is on a grandparents tombstone. What does it say? Hesek 37, 12 so spricht der herr siehe, ich will eure graeben aufthun und will euch mein volk aus denselben herausholen
Betty's user avatar
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Yiddish phrase for "turn out the lights and go to sleep"

My mother grew up in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, at a time when the neighborhood was largely inhabited by Yiddish-speaking Jews. This led to the amusing situation of her Irish-born grandparents, and a ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
20 votes
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German analogue for “on the fly”

What is the best way to translate the phrase on the fly? For example in: I’ll try to capture the data on the fly. The only translation that I was able to find was spontan, but I’m not sure if ...
dmigo's user avatar
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Meaning of the phrase: "Aber Sie trinken doch sonst auch immer Kaffee"

I am a beginner at German learning. I found this line of dialog in the book "Schritte International 1": Aber Sie trinken doch sonst auch immer Kaffee! What does it mean exactly? I looked up the ...
João Vitor Dutra's user avatar
8 votes
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'just the one, please' or 'just one' auf Deutsch - eins, or einmal?

I had ordered a coffee today and turned to ask my friend if he wanted one. He said no, so I just turned around and said 'eins, bitte', but I got a confused look from the cafe assistant. I then said '...
cheznead's user avatar
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Bedeutung von "wegen, um ... willen"

Beim Übersetzen vom Griechischen ins Deutsche bin ich auf ein Problem mit der Übersetzung von ενεκα gestoßen. Im Gemoll (Griechisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch) steht, dass diese Präposition normalerweise mit ...
eslukas's user avatar
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What does der Wühlen mean please? [closed]

It is not a verb. Here is the original sentence: Frauen verbringen im Durchschnitt 76 Tage ihres Lebens mit dem Wühlen in der Handtasche. -Women spend in average 76 days of their life with --- in ...
Lora85's user avatar
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Natural translation for Wort-Bild-Marke [closed]

One way I find reviewed human translations of non-dictionary words or phrases is to find the identical Wikipedia page in another language. I came across Wort-Bild-Marke, which has no "In anderen ...
philshem's user avatar
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"Sich vorkommen" vs "Sich fühlen"

In welchen Fällen wird sich vorkommen anstatt sich fühlen verwendet (bzw. bevorzugt)? Kann man im Kontext "You'll feel __" vorkommen benutzen? Also, beispielsweise: Du wirst dir da unruhig ...
neutronhammer's user avatar
8 votes
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Übersetzung von "Guess what!"

Guess what! I met your sister yesterday! Wie kann man das ins Deutsche übersetzen? Würde die direkte Übersetzung Rate mal! Ich habe gestern auf deine Schwester getroffen! funktionieren? Was wären ...
boaten's user avatar
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Translation of “taken as a whole” in this context?

I would like to use the phrase taken as a whole in a piece. However, I am unsure as to what sounds the most natural in this context. London, taken as a whole, is fantastic. Should I use im Ganzen,...
user6314's user avatar
3 votes
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In German, how would you say “laid to rest” or “final resting place”?

I want to say for example, Jim Morrison, whose final resting place is Paris, … I could say something like the following: Jim Morrison, who is buried in Paris, … but “final ...
JohnnyBizzle's user avatar
7 votes
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"Finder will be rewarded" in German?

I want to translate the phrase Finder will be rewarded. to German. Somehow there is no dictionary on the net which contained the phrase. I am looking for a metaphorical equivalent.
peterh's user avatar
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How to say “I have no past” in German?

I want to say “I have no past” to express the following thought: I don’t have a past, I only have the future, and I am to start anew". Is “Ich habe keine Vergangenheit” correct?
howdythere's user avatar
4 votes
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Common expressions of "thank you" in a formal setting

What are common ways to say “Thank you very, very much” in a formal or business setting? I am interested in both, phrases for a written letter, and formal ways to express "thank you" in talking. Are ...
ST42's user avatar
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Translation of „Lieber mit einer Flamme im Bett, als mit einer Leuchte am Schreibtisch.“

From a coffee shop, I acquired a small cookie individually packaged in a plastic wrapping. On the wrapping the following is printed: „Lieber mit einer Flamme im Bett, als mit einer Leuchte am ...
apolune's user avatar
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"To go rogue" in German

How could this phrase be translated into German? I can think of zu einem wütenden Einzelgänger werden or similar combinations with different adjectives, but none of them are nearly as concise as ...
user avatar
6 votes
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Übersetzung von »It’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when«

Wenn man versucht, dramatisch zu klingen, sagt man oft It’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when. auf Englisch – besonders in Filmen. Wie könnte man diesen Ausdruck übersetzen? Es ist ja ...
Alex Coplan's user avatar
10 votes
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Is there any other way to say "I don't care" in German

Is there any other phrase to express "Das ist mir egal" (I don't care) in German?
idioten's user avatar
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"I can change the way I look at it" translation

The context is: “I cannot change the way I look but I can change the way I look at it.” How could you translate the last part? My proposal would be “Ich kann es nicht ändern wie ich aussehe, aber ich ...
Tim Lâm's user avatar