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3 answers

Is there a German equivalent for the English expression "I know one when I see one?"

I have a few instances of the phrase "I know a [noun] when I see one" in a translation project I am working on, specifically I know a thief when I see one. [The speaker is addressing a ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is "can"/"kann" often not used in German where it would be in English?

In English it is common to use the word "can" where I do not see it in corresponding phrases in German, for example: I can make out the mountains in the distance. Ich erkenne die Berge in ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
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10 answers

What is the best way to say "a large number of [noun]" in German?

In my current project I want to translate the phrase "a large number of tents are set up." This is part of the text of a video game, specifically the narration. But looking at, I see ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
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Is it considered bad stylistically to end a German sentence with a clause without a verb?

In my current translation project I have several sentences which end with a clause without a verb. I would like to do this in the corresponding German as a way to be concise and avoid putting too many ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I say "lying in a heap" in German?

In my current translation project I have the phrase "there appears to be something lying in a heap," referring to a rope ladder which is sitting on the ground at a certain point in an ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
7 votes
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no days off : translation?

In short: What would be the idiomatic German equivalent of "no days off!" if it means "you have to work/exercise every day"? Is there anything better than "Kein Tag ohne ...
suizokukan's user avatar
11 votes
7 answers

German proper name or funny paraphrase for a slightly stupid dragon (Zmey Gorynych)

I’m trying to translate a sci-fi novel from Russian to German as a new hobby. Sometimes there are expressions which allude to cultural references which do not exist in German. In general, the novel’s ...
Photon's user avatar
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"Schmiedeeffekt" auf Deutsch

Ich übersetze für einen Blog einen Text aus dem Ukrainischen ins Deutsche und habe aber eine Herausforderung mit der Übersetzung des Ausdrucks "Schmiedeeffekt". Der vollständige, übersetzte ...
ofey's user avatar
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4 answers

What can be a better way of saying "what can and can't I do?"

I would translate: What can and can’t I do after this day? → Was darf und darf ich nicht nach diesem Tag machen? I think it is grammatically correct but I’m not so sure that’s the way native ...
garci560's user avatar
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3 answers

Yiddish phrase for "turn out the lights and go to sleep"

My mother grew up in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, at a time when the neighborhood was largely inhabited by Yiddish-speaking Jews. This led to the amusing situation of her Irish-born grandparents, and a ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Techn. Übersetzung: to serve a document

Ich übersetze momentan eine kleine Dokumentation für ein Softwareprojekt zur Entwicklung von Webanwendungen. An einigen Stellen heißt es in Bezug auf Webserver: "to serve a document", womit die ...
user3147268's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

How to say "Sorry that I am late"?

I would like to know how to express “Sorry that I am late” in German. What would be the best and most common way to say that? Would any of the following be right? Entschuldigung / Entschuldigen Sie,...
E.V.'s user avatar
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Translation for the word "spoiled": "verzogen"?

Which word would you use to translate the English adjective spoiled, like in the example: He is really a spoiled kid. Would you recommend using the word verzogen? Is that what most people would ...
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