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Meaning of "5er Handicap"

I was watching a German movie (Zum Glück gibt's Schreiner) where the discussion goes in the following lines: Male Character: Was findet ihr Frauen an so Typen ? Female character: An attraktiven, gut ...
Vpal's user avatar
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Was ist die beste Übersetzung von "to listen out for"?

Zum Beispiel, "the kids listen out for Santa Claus on Christmas night", oder, "I listen out for my favorite song on the radio." Ich habe "auf X horchen" und "auf X ...
user33598's user avatar
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Need help deciphering word written in Fraktur

I am trying to decipher this word and am having a hard time since I do not read Fraktur too well. Also, what does it mean translated into English?
Deutscherisch's user avatar
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Why danach instead of darüber?

I read the below sentence which means "Facebook asks for it to make sure you are over 13 years old" but why danach is used why not darüber? Facebook fragt danach, um sicherzustellen, dass ...
khurram Shahzad's user avatar
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Error converting the time to 24 hour format

After learning some basic numbers, I’m trying to lean how to say what time it is in German with this video. As explained, the first way to tell the time is for Radio & Fernsehen (radio & ...
Elements In Space's user avatar
7 votes
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Wie habe ich das nur gemacht?

So the question is in the title. Because my German is still very basic, and I only know that "nur" means "only", I was wondering if in this phrasing it acts something like a modal ...
Djanoko's user avatar
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What does the phrase "auf die Nase setzen" mean in "Könnt' ich mir doch noch so einen Schurken auf die Nase setzen, wie den Pedrillo" in an Opera

This sentence is found in Mozart's Opera "Die Entführung aus dem Serail". Sample text link you can find this sentence at the first line. Könnt' ich mir doch noch so einen Schurken auf die ...
xing's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "Gift und Dolch" (in Mozart's Opera Die Entführung aus dem Serail)

Osmin, one of the characters in this Opera said this phrase multiple times. Gift und Dolch For example in here OSMIN Gift und Dolch! was ist das? wer kann ins Haus steigen? Another example in here: ...
xing's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "vor den Teufel" in this sentence "Mag ich vor den Teufel nicht" in an Opera?

I'm recently trying to understand the lyrics of the Opera "Die Entführung aus dem Serail" by Mozart. In Act 1, Osmin's Aria "Solche hergelaufne Laffen" (one example text and ...
xing's user avatar
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Frage über eine Übersetzung von Celan: die/der/das Wache(n)?

Ich habe in der von Pierre Joris übersetzten Sammlung von Paul-Celan-Gedichten „Breathturn Into Timestead“ die folgende Zeile gelesen (Atemwende, S.12): Dein vom Wachen stößiger Traum. die als ...
Cerulean's user avatar
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Bismarck/Caprivi cigars

I'm not quite sure to what extent this is a language question vs a history/culture question, but here goes... Can anyone explain what's going on in this discussion of cigars/politics? The humour ...
ajor's user avatar
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When to use the present participle (-nd) in German vs gerund (-ing) in English

I am translating a video game into German and I have many lines which in English use the gerund (-ing form) of a verb. If I understand correctly, in German the present participle (-nd form of a verb) ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
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What is this German nickname?

I am looking for someone to help me translate an old term we used to lovingly call my great-grandfather whose parents emigrated from Austria. When I was a child, I only knew him as Great-Grandpa ...
Jordyn's user avatar
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Ka-Binen Sänger - Joke?

Is anyone able to explain the punchline in this anecdote for me please? Ein Bassist war einmal gemeinsam mit M. in Ostende, und beide benutzten zum Baden eine gemeinsame Kabine. In dieser Kabine ...
ajor's user avatar
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Der/die/das as pronoun?

And was it easier for those from the Indian School? (Attempted translation: Und war es einfacher fuer die aus der Indische Schule? This is the translation which came to me. Is it correct? If so, how ...
Brian's user avatar
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Handwritten document 4/4

The last one that I have and have no idea what is it about!
Аня Крамер's user avatar
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Transcription of a printed/handwritten certificate (3/4)

I'd be very grateful for your comments
Аня Крамер's user avatar
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Understanding an old handwritten document (2/4)

Here is another document I can't read nor understand what type of document this is I'd be very grateful for your comments
Аня Крамер's user avatar
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What does this old handwritten document say?

I have some documents written in German. I can barely make out some of the words. May be someone could read or understand what kind of document this is? Thank you. I also upload some of them
Аня Крамер's user avatar
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"necessary to make" or "to make necessary" in this sentence from Nietzsche?

A sentence from the second aphorism of the second essay of Nietzsche's "Zur Genealogie der Moral": Jene Aufgabe, ein Thier heranzuzüchten, das versprechen darf, schliesst, wie wir bereits ...
Will Nelson's user avatar
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Confused by a sentence from Nietzsche

Here is a short excerpt from Nietzsche's "Zur Genealogie der Moral": [Er] hatte mir bis dahin zugehört und hielt es nicht aus, mich schweigen zu hören. Für mich nämlich giebt es an dieser ...
Will Nelson's user avatar
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Meaning of "so für mich hin" in Goethe's Gefunden

Here are the first verses of Goethe's Gefunden: Ich ging im Walde So für mich hin, Und nichts zu suchen, Das war mein Sinn. My question is about the meaning of so für mich hin. From what I could find,...
rmdmc89's user avatar
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Translation of "Bei dieser Vorlage"

how would you translate the sentence "Bei der/dieser Vorlage" into the English language? It is commonly said after a response to something. For example: Person A: Says something Person B: ...
Julian Re's user avatar
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Translation of a Line in a Poem

My great-grandfather had written a book of Poems in German. We've been able to translate most of them, but having trouble with an English translation for this one, especially the last line of the ...
Sue Weiland's user avatar
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Zitat aus dem Film "Die Fälscher"

Ich suche nach einem Zitaten aus dem Film "Die Fälscher". Die Englische Version lautet: A Jew... but he died like a man! Meiner Meinung nach, musste es etwas sein wie: Ein Jude... aber er ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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How to add my honour student and high honour certificate to my cv in german? [closed]

I have 3 Honour student certificates and 1 High Honour certificate. I am currently writing my cv for my university application in Austria. How should I translate these certificates? Is there any ...
Tbchtn's user avatar
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Why is the verb absent in this sentence?

I am trying to translate the following sentence: Den schönsten Urlaub verbrachten wir auf einem Bauernhof in Bayern. I think the English translation would be: The most beautiful holiday we had was ...
Noob's user avatar
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How can I explain "heimatdamisch"?

I was swapping YouTube videos with a friend, and I showed Die Heimatdamisch, Kids in Bavaria. Of course, I immediately "won" the "competition" (won one of my own beers). Q: How do ...
Mawg's user avatar
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Help Translating Cemetery Monument Engraving in German

This is my 3x Great-Grandmother's cemetery monument.Her name was Johannetta Muller. She was born in Kirchen, Altenkirchen, Germany in 1837 and died in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA January 15th or 16th in ...
Elizabeth Morgan's user avatar
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Trying to understand these old German records from 1897 for a genealogy project

I'm doing some genealogy work and found someone who I think can help me dive deeper but I can't read it at all. Any help would be so greatly appreciated :)
amarta1's user avatar
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how can this sentence be translated to English " Ich bin beim Sport"

I was watching a video about preposition in German and the comparison between the uses of "in" and "bei", and how "bei" can be used with "Personen/ Firmen/...
Ab Taym's user avatar
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In what sense is the verb "begeben" intended in the song Schifoan by Wolfgang Ambros?

The lyrics of "Schifoan" by Wolfgang Ambros include this snippet: Am Freitog auf'd Nocht montier' i die Schi Auf mei' Auto und dann begib' i mi In's Stubaitoi oder noch Zöll am See Weu, ...
trw's user avatar
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Prayer Spelling and Meaning

What's the short table prayer Abba "Leiber oder Lieper Father / Vater Amen mean ? Is this somewhat correct? Can someone spell it for me please? My great Opa came from Dessau area if that ...
Vic Hoffman's user avatar
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Riesendurchfall - idiomatic meaning?

I've come across the word Riesendurchfall in a text I am translating, but can't find any suggestion for a translation other than the literal (which I can't see working in English). Is there a more ...
ajor's user avatar
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"Kein lieber Gott" - Westernhagen lyric ("Ganz und gar", 1987)

I'm listening to Westernhagen's self-titled album, and there's a line in Ganz und gar that I'm having trouble with, because my intuitions about kein as an article and der as a pronoun are pretty fuzzy....
Nathan Hinchey's user avatar
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Cultural context for "Abendland" and "Rettung" in this song lyric

What does "das Abendland und seine Rettung" really mean in this context? I'm listening to "Alice and Sarah" by The Broilers (fuill songtext on Genius). It is largely a song telling ...
Nathan Hinchey's user avatar
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"Sittlichkeit" in contradistinction to "Moralität" and "Ethik" [closed]

Would "Sittlichkeit der Sitte" be aptly and correctly translated as "Morality of Mores", despite it not having the use of "Moralität"?
Phil Physics's user avatar
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Du wirst eliminiert > You will eliminate? Is this a mistake? [closed]

As far as I know, subject + werden + participle is the template for passive voice. So, I put "Du wirst eliminiert" in Google Translate and it suggests "You will eliminate". If I ...
LoremIpsum's user avatar
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What's the best way to translate "ausfeilen" in English?

I came across the term "ausfeilen" in a book I'm reading, in the context of an "ausgefeilte Rede", and the most online dictionaries translate this as "to polish" as in ...
Mark's user avatar
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Es gehört dazu allerdings

I have two problems that I need help with these sentences: Es gehört dazu allerdings, dass man sich nicht durch übertriebenes Nationalgefühl blenden lässt, wie es bei einem großen Teil der Franzosen ...
James Warthington's user avatar
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Translation: "Vorzügliches" in English

I would like to translate the following sentence into English, taken from a handwritten document produced in 1804 in Prague: "Welche Beweise sind für den Satz über das Gleichgewicht am Hebel ...
DavideC's user avatar
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Lyrics translation: "Ausländer" by Rammstein

In Rammstein's "Ausländer", there's this verse: So hab ich mich schon früh gezwungen Dem Missverständnis zum Verdruss Dass man Sprachen lernen muss Dem Missverständnis zum Verdruss - ...
Zubo's user avatar
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Das, äh, sieht sehr übersichtlich aus

Can anyone give the feeling behind "Das, äh, sieht sehr übersichtlich aus"? It's from the movie Ödipussi with Loriot. My source: Die Szene ist auf jeden Fall von Loriot. Wie das Stück ...
Mawg's user avatar
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Meaning of "Standort Vermittlung"

I have found a WWII photo of a palace in central Poland, in a city occupied by Nazis. There is a board on the wall with the following text: STANDORT VERMITTLUNG <CITY NAME> Here's the photo: ...
pwws's user avatar
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen saugen und lutschen?

From: Daumenlutschen - Wikipedia Daumenlutschen ist eine Angewohnheit von Menschen und anderen Primaten, den Daumen in den Mund zu stecken und daran zu saugen oder zu lutschen. What is the difference ...
Porcupine's user avatar
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"sich nicht ausschließen lassen"

Naively, I have regarded the expression sich nicht ausschließen lassen as something that one would typically apply to one hypothesis out of several (especially if this hypothesis looks particularly ...
kjo's user avatar
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What does *her* add to the meaning of this sentence?

(NB: If this question starts out looking very familiar to you, this is because it is in fact my second question about the same snippet of text. The first one is this one: "andern" vs "...
kjo's user avatar
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What are "Lamellenspiesse"? [closed]

This meat product on a stick is called "Lamellspiess". What type of meat is it, and what is the English translation?
user610620's user avatar
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Split a sentence into elements

I try to decompose this sentence in elements and I am not sure how to do it: Was ist denn das für eine Geschichte? This may translate as "What kind of story is this?" (not sure). Could you ...
alinsoar's user avatar
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»zehn — die größte nicht zusammengesetzte Zahl« [closed]

The extended excerpt below is from p. 73 of Richard David Precht's book Erkenne die Welt (my emphasis): ...selbst wenn der Pythagoras zugeschriebene Satz »Alles ist Zahl« erst aus späterer Zeit ...
kjo's user avatar
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