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Abstract Consumer decision making process has always been a subject of interest for marketers. The present study examines the decision making process in respect of restaurant services in India. Restaurant sector is vibrant due to changing... more
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    • Vision and the Gaze
This article discusses Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto from the perspective of the notion and the activity of looking or being looked at. It is argued that the power of the gaze and the particular semiotics of " ocular economy " ,... more
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      Gothic LiteratureGothic StudiesHauntologyVision and the Gaze
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The expressiveness of use is of focal interest in fashion design, which makes the perspective of act design important in learning/teaching. The objective of the project presented here was to introduce interaction design methods in fashion... more
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      Higher EducationInteraction DesignVision and the GazeDesign process
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      Visual CultureBaroque Art and LiteratureVision and the GazeVanitas
In: C. Blümle / A. von der Heiden (Hrsg): Blickzähmung und Augentäuschung. Zu Jacques Lacans Bildtheorie, Berlin: Diaphanes 2005, S. 217-248.
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      PsychoanalysisJacques LacanMaurice Merleau-PontyVision and the Gaze
The purpose of this chapter is to develop ideas about photography as a consumer behavior and as a researcher practice, by examining social science research traditions, photographers, and consumer research that utilizes photography.... more
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      Tourism StudiesVisual CultureConsumer BehaviorConsumer Culture
The Greek world was full of the divine, and the imagined world of the ancient novels was no different. 1 Divinity and its worship pervade the novels' narratives, helping to unite, drive apart, and then reunite their protagonists. In this... more
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      ReligionNarrativeEkphrasisGreek novel
The aim of this paper is to unravel further what the film The Fabulous Destiny of Amelie Poulain (Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain -Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001) is saying about critical seeing and vision. Presenting a discussion of the... more
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      PhotographyVision and the GazeKaja Silverman
This paper attempts to rethink the concept of the filmic gaze through a comparative analysis of three films, namely, Krzysztof Kieślowski’s Krótki film o miłości (A Short Film about Love, 1988), Ferzan Ozpetek’s La Finestra di Fronte... more
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      Film StudiesPhenomenologyVision and the GazeVoyeurism
In his article Obscene, Abject, Traumatic, art historian Hal Foster unpacks Lacan's understanding of the relationship between viewer, representation, and viewed object in relation to the 'abject art' of the 1990s.
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      LacanThe Abject BodyJacques LacanAbjection
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      Phenomenology of the bodyNudism (Culture)Vision and the GazeFemale Embodiment
Per gli studi di genere in campo cinematografico il masochismo e le sue dinamiche hanno costituito una delle linee di ricerca più significative nel costruire un’ipotesi alternativa al modello teorizzato da Laura Mulvey nel suo saggio... more
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      Feminist TheoryFilm TheoryHorror FilmGothic Literature
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      Visual CultureVisual RhetoricBaroque Art and LiteratureVision and the Gaze
When approaching Peeping Tom (Michael Powell, 1960), either from a film-analytical or film-historical standpoint, there are a number of aspects to and surrounding the film, discussion of which seems inexorable. Namely, the psychological... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryHorror FilmJacques Lacan
A partire dal triplice intreccio con cui lega insieme filosofia hegeliana, psicoanalisi lacaniana e cultura di massa, Slavoj Žižek si propone sin dai suoi primi lavori di indagare i fenomeni sociali, allo scopo di disvelare le dinamiche... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Analysis
Профессор кафедры антропологии Калифорнийского университета в Беркли ПО СЛЕДАМ ЖЕНСКОГО ОБРАЗА Cимволическая работа нового рекламного дискурса В сборнике: «Женщина и визуальные знаки », ред. Анна Альчук, М.: Идея-Пресс, 2000 Это эссе... more
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      EntrepreneurshipBusiness EthicsSemioticsGender Studies
Denkt man über die Differenz von Singular und Plural der Bilder nach, mag einem als elementare Größe eine Einheit aus zwei Bildern in den Sinn kommen. Keine Konstellation scheint für eine Definition dessen, was das Bild im Plural sein... more
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      15th Century Netherlandish ArtVision and the GazeSaint Luke as PainterDiptych
Undisclosed Desires of the Images: The Medusa Effect The article explores the power of fascination of images and its connection to the mythological Medusa figure. What are the secrets of certain captivating images? Why are some images... more
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      Visual StudiesJacques LacanPainting, PhotographyVision and the Gaze
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      Visual StudiesArt HistorySpectatorshipVision and the Gaze
From The Selfie to The Spiritual: Contemplating Female Self-Representation in a Digital Age investigates a central question: how might seeing the self through a spiritual lens expand the contemporary field of female self-representation in... more
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      Self and IdentityPhotographyContemporary ArtVisual Culture
By making groundbreaking observations on the dramaturgy, imagery and theology of the Oresteia, this paper argues that the Erinyes' role is far more central to the trilogy than it has ever been allowed.
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      Greek TragedyAeschylusVision and the GazeOresteia
This chapter investigates Palestinian and Babylonian "visual eros" by considering the gendering of vision in the realm of desire. Tracing through different themes ranging from: "genitalia and the gender of the gaze," to "visual... more
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      Roman HistoryJewish StudiesQueer TheoryGender and Sexuality
This paper examines the literary function of "the gaze" in Arabic and Hebrew medieval poetry, exploring how it configures notions of desire: erotic, poetic, and aesthetic.
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      Visual AnthropologyArabic PoetryPoetryLiterary Theory
Colonial discourse is duplicitous and illogical, yet retains an illusion of univocity, consistency, or truth, in the mind of the colonising authority. Bhabha's conceptualisation of stereotype as simultaneously phobia and fetish is applied... more
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      Art HistoryRace and EthnicityPostcolonial TheoryHomi Bhabha (Cultural Theory)
It is widely accepted that Abbas Kiarostami’s cinema revolves around the representation of the gaze. Many critics argue that he should be considered a late modernist who repeats the self-reflexive gestures of modernist European cinema... more
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      PerceptionJacques LacanVision and the GazeAbbas Kiarostami
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      PsychoanalysisFilm StudiesFilm TheoryLiterature and cinema
In Light of Another's Word: European Ethnography in the Middle Ages, 2013
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      Travel WritingMedieval LiteratureCeltic StudiesMedieval Studies
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      AssyriologyAncient ReligionMesopotamian ReligionsAncient Near Eastern Languages
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      Arabic LiteraturePoetryReadingSelf-Reference, Reflexivity, Reflection
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      Gender and SexualityEroticismVision and the GazeJewish Art History
This paper investigates moments of presence that are realised when photographing ‘the poetics of empty space’ and argues that awareness of these poetical spaces/places can lead to ‘entropia’, a term I conceptualise as the combining of... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryPhotographySpace and Place
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      NeuropsychologyVisual CultureIndustrial DesignDesign History and Theory
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Nowadays the images from our recent Soviet past become more distant—not only in terms of time, but the context becomes less and less obvious as a consequence of time passing. The ability to understand the meanings of images and... more
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      PhotographyFashion HistoryHistory of the USSRSoviet Visual Culture
Quiet eye training (QET) may be a more effective method for teaching children to catch than traditional training (TT) methods, but it is unclear if the benefits accrued persist in the long term. Thirty children were randomly allocated... more
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      Sport PsychologyVision and the GazeDevelopmental Coordination DisorderDyspraxia
1. We look through the mind and we gaze within awareness…becoming aware of awareness is the path of gazing (whether eyes or open or closed)…we can gaze into awareness and we are immediately the field, the field of being. If we look and... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionGnosticismBuddhism
An introductory speculation, Ways of Being: The Spectator and the Spectacle is a consideration of the epistemological, ontological and metaphysical downfalls of film theory’s understandings of the spectator and the spectacle; with... more
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      NeuroscienceSociologyCultural StudiesPsychology
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      GnosticismBuddhismPhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
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      AestheticsArt HistoryMedia StudiesSpatial Analysis
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      Political TheoryDemocratic TheoryLeadershipShakespeare
This paper is a survey on different strategies used by Roman artists to produce meta-figurative effects. It deals with four questions: 1/ how relieves on a couple of Augustan altars managed to perform a mise en abyme, 2/ how famous works... more
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      Ancient Arts And IconographyVision and the GazeClassics: Ancient History and ArchaeologyRoman Art
A study of the concepts of the Real and the Gaze in the thought of Jacques Lacan.
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"Jaime" è un mediometraggio dedicato al caso clinico di Jaime Fernandes, un contadino nato in un villaggio del nord-est del Portogallo che fu internato all’ospedale psichiatrico Miguel Bombarda di Lisbona nel 1938, con la diagnosi di... more
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      Visual StudiesFilm Theory and PracticeFilm StudiesFilm Theory
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    • Vision and the Gaze
In his 2005 film The Willow Tree (Bīd-i Majnūn), Majid Majidi offers a complex moral commentary on the faculty of sight. To do so, the filmmaker draws from Sufi theories of gazing, in which desire must be for ultimate meaning (maʿnā), as... more
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      Feminist TheoryFilm StudiesReligion and FilmVirtue Ethics
Although the representation of vision in Neo-Assyrian royal inscriptions draws on a literary tradition dating back more than a millennium, the Neo-Assyrian period shows evidence of unprecedented innovation in the use of vision vocabulary.... more
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      PhilologyNear Eastern StudiesAssyriologyAncient Near Eastern Languages
The lucidity of awareness is experienced directly through the doorway of our subjectivity as our own innermost awareness. As we gaze into our own interiority we can experience the unfolding of the manifestation of this field of radiance... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionGnosticismBuddhism
Version française du texte paru dans Senses of Cinema (ed. Bérénice Reynaud) en 2015, traduit par Bérénice Reynaud. Le cinéma de Chantal Akerman est en moi. Depuis la première fois, la séance de cinéma inaugurale, en l'occurrence pour ce... more
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      Queer StudiesFrench CinemaFeminismVision and the Gaze