Recent papers in Hauntology
Just as Neon Genesis Evangelion remains a cultural touchstone that signalled the end of Japan’s unfounded optimism of the bubble economy era, Attack on Titan is the revenant marking the post-2008 cultural shift from the free movement of... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
This essay discusses the use of abandoned places by photographers. I review this subject from a perspective of remembering and forgetting. Giving examples of artists, especially photographer’s works whose subjects are abandoned places in... more
This essay explores the culturally subversive and incredibly unique enigma that is Afrofuturism. Afrofuturism is understood in terms of its inherent delineation from any attempts by a universal cultural modernity to categorise it within... more
Hauntology is a trend in music, and more broadly in culture, defined by Mark Fisher, Simon Reynolds and Adam Harper. It is linked with who are artists interested in exploring memory and its close connections with the transmission of media... more
Within the broad historical context in which transmedia has been practiced and studied, David Bowie and Floria Sigismondi are instructive for their transformative approaches toward creating art across media, and for their alchemical... more
Is Marx a zombie? Capitalism seems to have vanquished it's warring twin; yet the fall of Communism has been followed by a decline in the free market. Perhaps Western culture is pervaded by ghosts and omens of death because it is built on... more
Can memory and emotion be animated after death, as some perceived hauntings appear to be? If so, then such hauntings involve extended emotions across space and time. In certain circumstances, can the places we once inhabited include this... more
This article discusses Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto from the perspective of the notion and the activity of looking or being looked at. It is argued that the power of the gaze and the particular semiotics of " ocular economy " ,... more
The article discusses the possibility of making hauntology one of the methods of studying screen arts at the stage of their formation, which might make it possible to correctly interpret the use of early screen arts techniques in later... more
This article seeks to disrupt the deadly deployment of boundaries that mark particular people as normative or queer, socially living or dead. Conversing with the Decapolis of Mark 5:1-20 and Washington D.C.'s prostitution free zones... more
The literature of the Southern United States has always been expression of a multilayered connection with 'place,' a complex term encompassing identity, history, and politics. Because of its distinctive history, the South's literary... more
To understand the intricate interconnection between politics and affects, I examine a performance of the Berlin-based artist collective Zentrum für Politische Schönheit (Center for Political Beauty, ZPS), in which artist activists staged... more
Melancholia niepełnej obecności. Satie, elektronika i zjawy, „Fragile” 2015, nr 4, s. 74-79.
Widely regarded as one of the foundational 'Unholy Trinity' of folk horror film, The Blood on Satan's Claw (1971) has been comparatively over-shadowed, if not maligned, when compared to Witchfinder General (1968) and The... more
Resumen: Max Stirner siempre ha sido considerado un pensador menor en la teoría política moderna. Una de las razones de este olvido se debe tal vez al ataque al vitriolo que Marx y Engels le dirigieron en el largo apartado "San Max" en La... more
There has long been a relationship between artistic work and the influence of the world, though it is taking a new turn in trends of conceptual relationality and an ‘expandedness’ is prevalent in contemporary art. In this essay I think... more
Lifestyle-Ratgeber erklären uns, Analog sei ‚das neue Bio‘, Nachrichtenportale verkünden die Rückkehr der Schallplatte, in Kunstgalerien surren wieder die einst ausgesonderten Diaprojektoren und die befürchtete Einstellung der Produktion... more
Some ghosts pass away quietly, their evocative call to story and thought (“speak to it, Horatio”) a fading whisper. Other ghosts keep questions of justice open. These ghosts promise an exchange between the crimes of the dead and the... more
The Author would like to point out Jacques Derrida's concept of hauntology which perfectly describes the experience of literature and contemporary world as haunted. Therefore, he follows closely the psychoanalytical concepts of phantom... more
Just as code constructs digital spaces that reflect the structure, syntax and lexicon of the language in which it was written, the worlds imagined in radical speculative fiction reveal the limitations of language while gesturing towards... more
Baroque opera was invented on a deathly premise: reviving a tradition of sung ancient tragedy that had in fact never existed. Modern historiography has struggled with the notion of origins, focusing on relationships among the surviving... more
A cselekvőhálózat-elmélet (Actor-Network-Theory, ANT) értelmében egyetlen társadalmi ágens sem tekinthető a társadalom középpontjának, a materiális ágencia nem vezethető vissza egyetlen alapvető rétegre vagy kauzális mozzanatra. Az... more
The Doon is a quiet valley of hamlets in the state of Uttarakhand, India. It is home to a nearly 200-year-old English literary tradition and many Victorian styled decaying structures. Of all its little townships, Mussoorie and Landour... more
While frequent earthquakes, tsunami and fires have been the subject of a long history of disaster literature in Japan, Kimura Saeko argues that the nature of the 3-11 nuclear disaster gave rise to a genre of literature focusing on the... more
Ghost Writing in Contemporary American Fiction is about the appearance of the specter in the work of five major US authors, and argues from this work that every one of us is a ghost writing, haunting ourselves and others. The book’s... more
This article explores the ways in which death can be understood to occupy a formative function in the construction of Irish national identity. The analysis of three distinct moments in Irish history (Plantation-era funerary practices, the... more
Editorial (brief) and Paper on Marcuse, Fisher and Acid Communism in relation to Ten Storey Love Song (2010)
Virginia Woolf's "A Haunted House" thwarts all readerly expectations. The story at once endorses and transgresses the rule of its genre, the ghost story, to become a playful and reflexive modernist text, a haunted intermediary space. In... more
This article examines the intervention of one work of art in the public debate about Germany's colonial past. It suggests that Black Box/Chambre Noire by South African artist William Kentridge has provided a forum for the calibration of... more
One book dominated music criticism in 2011. A virtuoso work of both musical and cultural history, a strangely personal memoir of a life dedicated to pop and its more obscure fringes, an absorbing and incisive polemic against certain forms... more
Autor twierdzi, że współczesna kultura odeszła od pragnienia nieskazitelności i przestała interesować się tym, co bezbłędne. Stara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie dlaczego zakłócenia i mankamenty zajmują centralne miejsce w świecie sztuki... more
Usando Ia noci6n de hauntology, expuesta por jacques Derrida en su /ibro Specters of Marx, este trabajo analiza e/ film Biutiful (2ow), dirigido por Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu. Gonzalez Inarritu explora los "espectros" de Ia sociedad... more
The article centres on the notion of responsibility in Tom Stoppard's Darkside (2013). While Pink Floyd's original album, which inspired the playwright, thematises its connection to ethics in a spectral and hauntological manner, through... more
Merchant's House Museum is haunted. While it functions as a historic house museum in Manhattan, the house remains the home of the Tredwell family who now appear as ghosts. For the museum, these ghosts become animating presences,... more
Morte e Espectralidade nas Artes e na Literatura reúne um conjunto de ensaios nos quais se reflecte sobre as problemáticas da espectralidade e da morte nos campos da produção e da teorização das artes. Na primeira parte, procede-se à... more
The article discusses the recent phenomenon of postdigital aesthetics, with a focus on postdigital artists’ preference for destructive actions, and their use imperfection, distortion and errors. It analyses glitch art creators, using the... more
Joy Division, relative to their Manchester Post-punk contemporaries have often been seen in proximity to industrial music, a perception reinforced by Genesis P-Orridge’s claims that Curtis was a Throbbing Gristle fan particularly... more
In un saggio del 1990, Rethinking public sphere, Nancy Fraser suggeriva che l'idea di "una" sfera pubblica finisse per coprire o mascherare l'esistenza di contro-sfere subalterne. La stessa cosa sembra valere per lo spazio urbano, l'idea... more
The author is trying to show the idea of unhygienic literature