Recent papers in Lacan
This paper engages centrally with the political impotence of much of critical theory today and suggests how a Lacanian-inflected perspective may offer a possible way out of the present intellectual and political deadlock. Lacanian thought... more
Introduction to special issue of Paradoxa on the uncanny in mass culture at the end of the 20th Century.
In “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses,” Louis Althusser proposed a complete rethinking of the category of the Subject. Despite the many critiques of Subjectivity that proliferated in France at the time, Althusser intended to... more
Varoluşçu filozoflardan olan Sartre, felsefesinin temeline insanın özgürlüğünü almıştır diyebiliriz. Sartre'a göre Tanrı yadsınmalıdır ve Tanrı'nın yadsındığı bir dünyada özgür bir insan olmazsa olmazdır. İnsan özgürlüğü ile varoluşu... more
Openbaring betreft de boodschap van een waarheid die groter is dan we misschien aankunnen. Het betekent een inbreuk op de orde die we in het dagelijks leven nastreven en is in dat opzicht een trauma, dat dwingt tot een herziening van ons... more
Esta tese buscou compreender como a morte violenta se apresenta na relação do sujeito com o laço social, considerando-se as dimensões imaginária, simbólica e real por meio das quais Lacan aborda a experiência freudiana. A partir de... more
This dissertation explores personal experiences of change occurring in two psychotherapy modalities—Psychoanalysis (PSA)/Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (PDT) and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)—from a theoretically informed qualitative... more
Leaders all around the world, especially those at the helm of organizations, are known to be enthusiastic art collectors. Nonetheless, little research has been done on the impact of the leaders' art collecting pursuits on the development... more
Рассматриваются детско-родительские отношения в контексте гаджетизации, интернетизации с позиций теории информационного общества М. Кастельса и фрейдо-лакановского психоанализа. По результатам проведенной авторами фокус-группы с... more
Le gouvernement socialiste qui dirige actuellement la France ne cesse de s'activer pour imposer des idéologies -développées et propagées par des groupuscules extrémistes -, au mépris de la volonté générale. Affranchis de la faculté... more
O conceito lacaniano de discurso do capitalismo lança luz sobre mecanismos fundamentais da sociedade de consumo contemporânea. No capitalismo tardio, a mercadoria não apenas representa, mais do que nunca, uma condensação de significantes,... more
A commentary to the lectures:
"Calliope’s Sc(D)ream" by Prof. Shirley Sharon-Zisser
and "Lacan and the Philosophical Soul" by Prof. Ruth Ronen,
in the conference "Lacan and Philosophy", Tel Aviv University,
18-19 of November 2015.
"Calliope’s Sc(D)ream" by Prof. Shirley Sharon-Zisser
and "Lacan and the Philosophical Soul" by Prof. Ruth Ronen,
in the conference "Lacan and Philosophy", Tel Aviv University,
18-19 of November 2015.
This article draws on the psychoanalyst Melanie Klein's 'paranoid-schizoid position' to discuss some exemplary social media posts about the coronavirus. I argue that posts often express experiences, thoughts, and fantasies in a schematic... more
Quentin Skinner compares Hobbes’s Leviathan to a parliamentary speech; to interpret the text is to uncover its contributions to ongoing debates. I extend this idea to demonstrate how the Chinese translation history of ‘rights’ during the... more
We are a binary consciousness. Perhaps the most striking outcome of psychoanalysis is the formalization of this fact in the notion of the distinction between the conscious and the unconscious. Whether we follow orthodox Freudian readings... more
This essay takes a psychoanalytic perspective to reflect on Covid-19 as master signifier of contagion. It explores our relation with nature and control. Covid19 is an intrusion of a traumatic Real into our lifeworlds. The Real... more
Paris : Editions Michèle, collection « Je est un autre », janvier 2012. L'enjeu de cet ouvrage est d'approcher et de décrire la manière par laquelle le psychanalyste d'orientation lacanienne peut mener un travail auprès des personnes... more
En este artículo realizamos un análisis de la última parte de la obra de Gabriela Liffschitz. En ella, la escritora y fotógrafa argentina elabora poéticamente una experiencia de cáncer de mama. Aquí, creemos, en primer lugar, que la... more
פלג-בנימיני תמר לשון: עריכת 64736 אביב תל ,3 בן-אבי איתמר רסלינג, 03-6956704 טל: אביב תל בע"מ, חדקל בדפוס נדפס רסלינג להוצאת שמורות הזכויות כל © 2009 בישראל, נדפס העניינים... more
This article emerges from one collaboration with Palestinian clinicians while presenting the work of Frantz Fanon to a group of training clinicians in the Maana Center of EMMS Nazareth Hospital in Nazareth (al‐Nasirah). Reading and... more
This paper will explore the aesthetic strategies of Bryan Fuller’s Hannibal (NBC, 2013-15) in the context of film-philosophy and what appears as a sort of methodological Cartesian dualism – which is to say, approaches that posit film as... more
Most discussions of the social and interpersonal styles in individuals with strong psychopathic traits focus on their dangerousness or their affective and interpersonal deficiencies. This study has a different focus, and starts from the... more
This chapter, focusing on the text The Family Complexes (1938), demonstrates that already as early as the 1930s, Lacan's interests had turned to revising psychoanalytic theory. The text represents a prototypical example of the internal... more
La clinica delle psicosi ci mostra a sufficienza che la sensorialità è al cuore del processo di decostruzione/ricostruzione del corpo, sia nella forma di fenomeni elementari xenopatici che richiamano l'automatismo mentale, sia tipicamente... more
The problem of the superhero is that this figure acts takes up the position of the sovereign exception and almost always thereby functions ideologically. Christopher Nolan's superhero films are his most ideological, revealing that as a... more
Comme tous les sports mais avec ses propres caractéristiques, le football, sport dont l’essence nous semble démocratique, met en jeu des sujets, dont la quête de jouissance, qui touche au réel, est bordée par les dit-mansions imaginaire... more
A thoroughly fundamental discussion, written in the footsteps of Nathan Abrams's book -The New Jew in Film (2012) - and using it as a point of departure in examining the tension between the cinematic representation of the Jew and the... more
בעיר", פסיכואנליזהa "דור פרויקט עם פעולה בשיתוף אור רואה הספר מילר. ז'אק-אלן ידי על ומנוהל VIII פריז באוניברסיטת הפרוידיאני לשדה המשויך מידע, במאגר לאחסן להקליט, לצלם, להעתיק, לשכפל,... more
Lo que los japoneses han denominado con el término hikikomori, se refiere a un fenómeno social creciente en el que sujetos jóvenes, principalmente hombres, se encierran en sus APRESENTAÇÃO PREFÁCIO Paulo SCHILLER O ANALISTA E OS BÁRBAROS Paulo Sérgio de SOUZA JR. A POSSIBILIDADE DE UMA PSICANÁLISE LACANIANA EM LÍNGUA ÁRABE... more
Depuis la prestigieuse École de Paris, de la fin du XVIII e siècle à la seconde Restauration, la médecine française avait le souci de produire des textes synthétiques, exposant l'état des connaissances à un moment donné ; ils... more
Distribution électronique pour Érès. © Érès. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales... more
A cselekvőhálózat-elmélet (Actor-Network-Theory, ANT) értelmében egyetlen társadalmi ágens sem tekinthető a társadalom középpontjának, a materiális ágencia nem vezethető vissza egyetlen alapvető rétegre vagy kauzális mozzanatra. Az... more