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The seminal thinkers of the profession are now largely historical figures, few 'heroes' have emerged to replace them," Michael P. Brooks recently wrote (Brooks, 1988). Brooks is unduly alarmist. Significant figures like Daniel Burnham and... more
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      EconomicsUrban And Regional PlanningPlanningVision
Die Ware, die die Lohnarbeiterin zu Markte trägt, ist keine Ware wie jede andere. Wie schon Marx betonte, ist die Arbeitskraft die einzige Ware im Warenuniversum, die sich von ihrer Eigentümerin der Lohnarbeiterin, nicht ablösen lässt.... more
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      Kritik der politischen ÖkonomieGeschichte der Arbeiterbewegung
У студији се анализирају три романа, Неспоразум у Москви Симон де Бовоар (написан 1966/67, први пут објављен тек 1992), Једно дописивање Јулке Хлапец Ђорђевић (1932) и Пожар Данијеле Крин (2021). Ови посве удаљени текстови имају неколико... more
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      Comparative LiteratureWomen's StudiesModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Contemporary Literature
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      SociologySocial PolicyPovertyAmerican Sociology
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      EntrepreneurshipSociologyCriminologySmall business entrepreneurship
Despite an increasing interest in minority entrepreneurship in recent years, the issue of ‘underclass entrepreneurship’ and its linkages to ‘enterprise culture’ remain underresearched. In this article, the authors examine ‘chavs’ as an... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSociologyEmployabilityTHE ROLE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN INNOVATION
For the late Marcuse, it was important to recognize the “perspectival permanence of utopia” – and thus the “permanence of art”. This self-correction of his philosophy of art and aesthetics in the 1970s has been misunderstood: Even nuanced... more
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      AestheticsPopular CultureHerbert MarcuseKritische Theorie
ED374354 - Tensions between Policy and Workplace Opportunities in Rural Arizona: Does Public Policy Ignore Social Equality?.
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      Economic GrowthPolitical ScienceEconomic DevelopmentRural Areas
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A racial incident revolving around the teaching of To Kill a Mockingbird in a South African school has prompted this examination of how set works are implicated in the dissemination race-related beliefs. The way the book is taught, it is... more
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One of the key factors that led to the emergence of sociology was research into poverty. In both Britain and France the rise of sociology was accompanied by poverty studies. Yet from 1940s sociologists moved away from poverty studies. One... more
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This article offers a case study of the adaptation strategies of a section of second-generation young male Alevi Kurds in London and the social conditions which make some of them more prone to join gangs and to reject mainstream... more
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      SociologyCriminologyKurdish StudiesAnomie
This study of the unusually high incidence of young male suicides in the transnational Alevi-Kurdish community in London demonstrates the benefits of combining a Durkheimian structural approach with a qualitatively driven ethnographic... more
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      SociologyCriminologySociology of ReligionAnthropology
BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM The constitution of Haitian society and practical consciousnesses are the parallel evolution and reification of two social class language games (the term, "language game" is borrowed from Ludwig Wittgenstein and... more
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      SociologyLawGender StudiesAnthropology
Weder im Kapitalismus noch woanders. Sondern ich will eine Welt, in der der Mensch sich in seinem Produkt, das er selber herstellt, sich selber erkennt. In dem der Gebrauchswert im Produkt erscheint und nicht nur der Tauschwert. In dem... more
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    • Philosophy
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      CriminologyLawCriminal JusticePolitical Science
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      Welfare StatePolitical ScienceHistorical StudiesUnderclass
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    • Underclass
Past research suggests that despite the substantial strengths of Black kin networks, they are not always up to the task of supporting young mothers. This study is an analysis of potential barriers to women‐centered kin support for... more
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      PsychologyDemographyHealth SciencesPsychiatry
The series Snowpiercer (2020– ) deals with the social restructuring processes on board the ›Snowpiercer‹. This paper investigates the socio-political structures of the train and the modalities of the protagonists’ ethical decision-making.... more
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Concern with the prospects and experience of the 'new' second generation now stands at the top of the immigration research agenda in the United States. In contrast to the past, many immigrant offspring appear to be rapidly heading upward,... more
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      SociologyDemographyImmigrationResearch Agenda
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      Political SciencePoliticsUnemploymentWelfare Reform
The paper addresses NEET as an ideological and discursive formation, lodging the discussion within its socioeconomic context-one of increasing insecurity and precariousness. It argues that frequently quasi-political and ideological... more
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      SociologyPoliticsIdeologyEducation Systems
Liczba perspektyw poznawczych proponujących różne ujęcia zjawiska ubóstwa jest imponująca, i to zarówno na gruncie filozofii społecznej, jak i socjologii, nauk ekonomicznych oraz politycznych. Perspektywy te uwzględniają elementy... more
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      SociologyPovertyContemporary SocietyMorality
In this paper, I consider whether a theoretically defined concept of underclass can be helpful in social scientific discourse. I analyze, review and categorize the concept of a underclass and I made some suggestions for a use of the... more
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      SociologyPovertyContemporary SocietyMorality
This paper examines the demographic and economic conditions underlying the differential rise of concentrated urban poverty in large northern cities. These cities are shown to have experienced substantially more occupational and industrial... more
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      Human GeographyUrban GeographyEconomicsPoverty
Ruth Cain, 'This growing genetic disaster': obesogenic mothers, the obesity 'epidemic' and the persistence of eugenics Studies in the Maternal, 5(2), 2013, Ruth Cain 'This growing genetic disaster': obesogenic... more
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      SociologyNeoliberalismChildhood ObesityEpigenetics
This article endeavours to make a significant contribution to the broadening of local school athletics history in Cape Town. By focusing on certain historical documents, the article explores the state and scope of athletics in black... more
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This article endeavours to make a significant contribution to the broadening of local school athletics history in Cape Town. By focusing on certain historical documents, the article explores the state and scope of athletics in black... more
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The concept of an 'underclass' originates in the United States and is widespread in political and social science discourse today. Its power is most visible in discussions about deep cuts to social safety nets. The foundation of this... more
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      SociologySocial ChangePovertyPolitics
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      SociologyAsian StudiesAnthropologyPoverty
Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Découvrir le sommaire de ce numéro, suivre la revue par email,... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesPolitical ScienceSocial Exclusion
The !Kung San of Namibia and Botswana are among the most widely researched and documented hunting and gathering societies in the area of African Anthropology. From the research conducted in the past, two radically opposing viewpoints... more
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      HistoryAnthropologyEthnographyHistory of West Africa
Historically, libraries, archives, and museums—or LAM institutions—have been complicit in enacting state power by surveilling and policing communities. This article broadens previous scholars’ critiques about individual institutions to... more
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      SociologyCritical Studies in Library and Information ScienceUtilitarianismBiopower
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      SociologyPovertySocial ExclusionIndonesian
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      SociologyRace and EthnicityRaceAmerican Sociology
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      Intellectual HistorySociologyPolitical SociologyRace and Racism
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      SociologyCultural StudiesGender StudiesPolitical Science
Für Deutschland gilt nach wie vor, wie Olaf Briese es jüngst formulierte, "dass anarchistische Theorieanalysen aus dem Feld derjenigen kommen, die sich selbst als Anarchisten verstehen." Völlig zutreffend stellt er fest, dass... more
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Pedagogisation is a theoretical construct, an interpretative category, means used by researchers in order to explain certain forms and trends in educational practice. This concept proved to be fruitful in identifying the omnipresent... more
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      SociologyEpistemologyModernization theoryPhenomenon
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      PoliticsEthnic and Racial StudiesUnderclass
A társadalmi periférián élő gyermekek és fiatalok droghasználati szokásainak feltárására irányuló kutatásunkat 2017-ben végeztük a telepszerű körülmények között, valamint a gyermekvédelmi szakellátásban élő 14–25 év közötti fiatalokkal... more
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Whiteness is often detached from the notion of diaspora in the recent flurry of interest in the phenomenon, yet it is a key feature of some of the largest and oldest displacements. This paper explores the specific contexts of white racial... more
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      SociologyDemographyGender StudiesNarrative
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The article examines The Man Who Fell to Earth by Nicholas Roeg and Under the Skin by Jonathan Glazer, comparing them with each other and their respective literary originals (hypotexts), in order to establish how aliens and humans are... more
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O artigo é dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte trata da discussão do conceito de pobreza, com destaque para as noções de marginalidade, de underclass e de exclusão e pobreza urbana. Na segunda parte é comentada a situação dos pobres... more
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      ExclusionPobreza UrbanaUnderclassMarginalité
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      SociologyCriminologySocial WorkPoverty
Black Americans who exist outside of the American Dream have historically had a direct relationship with street revolutionaries and ghetto superstars more than the appointed Black leadership. Hence, it continues to be an unfair criticism... more
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      SociologyCriminologyEarth SciencesPolitical Philosophy