Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2019, PP 33-43
Jean-Jacques Dessalines the Avenger and Mediator
Paul C. Mocombe
West Virginia State University, Mocombean Foundation, Inc.
*Corresponding Author: Paul C. Mocombe, West Virginia State University, Mocombean
Foundation, Inc Email Id:
[email protected].
This work, using a structurationist approach, phenomenological structuralism, argues that unlike the
traditional leaderships of Haiti what makes Emperor Jean-Jacques Dessalines unique is the fact that after
avenging the Taino natives and Africans of the island against the French, Spanish, and British, he attempted
to mediate between two diametrically opposing forms of system and social integration, the
Catholic/Protestant Ethic and the spirit of capitalism of the mulatto elites and creole petit-bourgeois blacks
who adopted the worldview of their former colonial masters; and the Vodou Ethic and the spirit of
communism of the African majority who synthesized their ethos with that of the Taino natives. While the
former two social classes, mulatto elites and petit-bourgeois blacks, sought to integrate Haiti into the global
capitalist world-system of the European powers of the nineteenth century, Dessalines attempted to constitute
the Haitian nation within the enframing ideology of the two distinct forms of social and system integration of
the social actors on the island. Using a structurationist, structural Marxist, understanding of practical
consciousness constitution, the work explores the origins and basis for Dessalines’s social, political, and
economic policies. The death of Dessalines, I conclude, would undermine the Revolutionary impetus of the
Haitian Revolution, and converted Haiti into the so-called poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.
Keywords: Ideological domination, phenomenological structuralism, embourgeoisement, black Underclass,
Grandon, Mulatto Elites, Haitian Revolution, Bois Caiman, Affranchis NT, Tribe, Munda, Manki, Bhuinhar,
This work argues that unlike the traditional
leaderships of Haiti what makes Emperor JeanJacques Dessalines, the founder of the Haitian
nation-state, unique is the fact that after
avenging the Taino natives and Africans of the
island against the French, Spanish, and British,
he attempted to mediate between two
diametrically opposing forms of system and
social integration, the Catholic/Protestant Ethic
and the spirit of capitalism of the mulatto elites
and creole petit-bourgeois blacks who adopted
the worldview of their former colonial masters;
and the Vodou Ethic and the spirit of
communism of the African majority who
synthesized their ethos with that of the Taino
natives, in order to constitute the Haitian nationstate. While the former two social classes,
mulatto elites and petit-bourgeois blacks, sought
to integrate Haiti into the global capitalist
world-system of the European powers of the
nineteenth century, Dessalines attempted to
constitute the Haitian nation within the
enframing ideology of the two distinct forms of
social and system integration of the social actors
on the island. Using a structurationist, structural
understanding of practical consciousness
constitution, the work explores the origins and
basis for Dessalines’s social, political, and
economic policies (Mocombe, 2016). The death
of Dessalines, I conclude, would undermine the
Revolutionary impetus of the Haitian
Revolution, and converted Haiti into the socalled poorest country in the Western
The constitution of Haitian society and practical
consciousnesses are the parallel evolution and
reification of two social class language games
(the term, “language game” is borrowed from
Ludwig Wittgenstein and synthesized with
sociology to capture the mode of production,
language, ideology, ideological apparatuses,
communicative discourse, and practical
consciousness or purposive-rationality, which
constitute the form of system and social
integration of a society), the Vodou Ethic and
Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology V1 ● I1 ● 2019
Jean-Jacques Dessalines the Avenger and Mediator
Catholic/Protestant Ethic and the spirit of
capitalism (see Table 1). The argument here is
that the purposive-rationality of the originating
moments of the Haitian Revolution at Bois
Caïman and the counter-plantation system
originate out of the Vodou ethic and the spirit of
communism social class language game of the
African masses and their Vodou leadership,
oungan yo, manbo yo, gangan yo/dokté fey, and
gran moun yo. It diametrically opposed the
purposive-rationality of the liberal agents of the
whites and Affranchis, mulattoes and petitbourgeois black creole classes, on the island.
The latter three (whites, mulatto elites, and petitbourgeois black creole classes) sought to
recursively reorganize and reproduce the
practical consciousness of their former white
slavemasters for equality of opportunity,
distribution and recognition, while the agents of
the former did not. The constitution of Haitian
society, in the mountains and provinces, became
an intent by the majority of the Africans to
culture/civilization or language game, the
Vodou ethic and the spirit of communism, on
the island, undergirded by the power elites,
oungans, manbos, bokors, and elders, of the
provinces, against the liberal bourgeois
Catholic/Protestant language game of Europeans
and the Affranchis operating through the state
and its ideological apparatuses. The latter
agents, mulattoes and petit-bourgeois black
landowning classes, would marginalize and
discriminate against agents, Vodouizans,
peasants, and machanns (market workers from
the mountains and provinces), of the former via
economic policies and laws of the state
attacking Vodou and its social and economic
practices centered on the lakou system. In doing
so, they established Haiti as an apartheid state
dominated by the struggles between the mulatto
elites and petit-bourgeois black landowning
(creole) classes for control of its apparatuses,
which they use (d) to undermine the desires and
interests of the African-born majority on the
island (Du Bois, 2004, 2012).
Hence two-thirds of the social actors who would
come to constitute the Haitian nation-state were
a discriminated-against African-born majority
amongst a minority of mulattoes, gens de
couleur, creole, and petit-bourgeois blacks
(Affranchis) on the island interpellated,
embourgeoised, and differentiated by the
language, communicative discourse, modes of
apparatuses of the West (the Catholic/Protestant
Ethic and the spirit of capitalism social class
language game).
As such, given their
interpellation and embourgeoisement via the
language (French), communicative discourse,
modes of production (slavery, agribusiness,
mercantilism, etc.), ideology (liberalism,
individualism, personal wealth, capitalism,
racialism, private property, Protestant Ethic,
etc.), and ideological apparatuses (churches,
schools, prisons, plantations, police force, army,
etc.) of the West, the latter, Affranchis, became
“blacks,” dialectically, seeking to recursively
(re) organize and reproduce the ideas and ideals,
the Catholic/Protestant Ethic and the spirit of
capitalism social class language game, of the
European whites in a national position of their
own amidst slavery, racism, and colonialism
against the African-born majority (See Table 1).
As Carolyn Fick (1990) highlights about the
[b]y 1789, the affranchis owned one-third of the
plantation property, one-quarter of the slaves,
and one-quarter of the real estate property in
Saint Domingue; in addition, they held a fair
position in commerce and in the trades, as well
as in the military. Circumstances permitting, a
few had even “infiltrated” the almost
exclusively grand blanc domain of the sugar
plantation by becoming managers of the
paternal estate upon the father’s return to
Europe or even inheritors of property upon the
father’s death…. The affranchis imitated white
manners, were often educated in France, and, in
turn, sent their own children abroad to be
Having become slave-holding
plantation owners, they could even employ
white contract labor among the petits blancs
(1990, pgs. 19-20).
Following the Revolution, the Affranchis would
come to recursively reorganize and reproduce
their being-in-the-world as interpellated,
embourgeoised, and structurally differentiated
black “other” agents of the Catholic/Protestant
Ethic and the spirit of capitalism social class
language game seeking equality of opportunity,
recognition, and distribution with whites amidst
worldwide slavery, racism, and colonialism.
The majority of the half million Africans in the
mountains and provinces were not blacks, i.e., a
structurally differentiated “other” defined within
the lexicon of signification of whites based on
culture/civilization, and desire to be like whites.
They were Africans interpellated and
ounganified/manboified by the modes of
production, language, ideology, ideological
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Jean-Jacques Dessalines the Avenger and Mediator
apparatuses, and communicative discourse of
their African worldview or structuring structure,
i.e., the Vodou Ethic and spirit of communism
social class language game, which they
reproduced in the provinces and mountains
under the leadership of oungan yo (priests),
manbo yo (priestesses), gangan yo/dokté fey
(herbal healers—medicine men and women),
and granmoun yo (elders) (Métraux, 1958;
Deren, 1972; Genovese, 1979; Rigaud, 1985;
Fick, 1990; Desmangles, 1992; BellegardeSmith and Michel, 2006; Mocombe, 2016). i
Against the Catholic/Protestant Ethic and the
spirit of capitalism of the Affranchis with its
emphasis on individualism, personal wealth, and
capitalist exploitative labor, the Africans sought
balance, harmony, and subsistence living. In the
words of a racist colonial observer who saw the
futility of attempting to establish a regimen of
labor that would impose upon the freed slaves of
Saint Domingue a European, occidental mode of
thought and of social organization, central to
which are the virtues of work, in and of itself, of
competitiveness, profit incentives, and everexpanding production; in short, the virtues of
the Western capitalist ethic as practiced by the
whites and Affranchis,
Unambitious and uncompetitive, the black
values his liberty only to the extent that it
affords him the possibility of living according to
his own philosophy (quoted in Fick, 1990, pg.
179). The “philosophy,” Vodou Ethic and the
spirit of communism, of the blacks diametrically
opposed/oppose the Western capitalist ethic of
the whites and Affranchis highlighted here by
the colonial observer. It is the failure of the
Affranchis, once they gained control of the
Revolution and subsequently the nation-state
and its ideological apparatuses, to either
(re)constitute Haiti via the philosophy/practical
consciousness of the Africans or eradicate it
campaigns) as they sought and seek to
reproduce the ideas and ideals (Western
capitalist Ethic) of their former colonial
slavemasters amidst their own racial-class
tensions, between the creole free blacks and the
gens de couleur, mulatto elites, which maintains
Haiti, after over two hundred years of
independence, as the so-called poorest country
in the Western hemisphere.
Following the Haitian Revolution, the majority
of the Africans, given their refusal to work on
plantations or agribusinesses (corvée system),
migrated to the provinces and the mountains,
abodes of formerly established “maroon
republics,” and established a “counter-plantation
system” (Jean Casimir’s term) based on
husbandry, subsistence agriculture, and komes,
i.e., the trade and sell of agricultural goods for
income to purchase manufactured products and
services. The mulatto elites and petit-bourgeois
free blacks, a Francophile neocolonial oligarchy,
countered this counter-plantation system
through their control of the ports, export trade,
and the political apparatuses of the state, which
increased their wealth through the taxation of
the goods of the African peasants. As Laurent
Du Bois (2012) observed of the process, the
former enslaved Africans,
[t]ook over the land they had once worked as
slaves, creating small farms where they raised
livestock and grew crops to feed themselves and
sell in local markets. On these small farms, they
did all the things that had been denied to them
under slavery: they built families, practiced their
religion, and worked for themselves…. Haiti’s
rural population effectively undid the plantation
model. By combining subsistence agriculture
with the production of some crops for export,
[komes,] they created a system that guaranteed
them a better life, materially and socially, than
that available to most other people of African
descent in the Americas throughout the
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. But
they did not succeed in establishing that system
in the country as a whole. In the face of most
Haitians’ unwillingness to work the plantations,
Haiti’s ruling groups retreated but did not
surrender. Ceding, to some extent, control of
the land, they took charge of the ports and the
export trade. And they took control of the state,
heavily taxing the goods produced by the smallscale farmers and thereby reinforcing the
economic divisions between the haves and the
have-nots (pg. 6).
This counter-plantation system the African
majority established against the spirit of
capitalism social class language game, i.e.,
economic gain for its own sake, individualism,
personal wealth, private property, labor
exploitation, etc., of the Affranchis, mulatto
elites and petit-bourgeois free blacks, who were
interpellated, embourgeoised, and differentiated
by the mode of production, ideology, and
ideological apparatuses of the West was not a
reaction to slavery or the material resource
framework of the island as presented by Du
Bois and Casimir. Instead, it was and is a
product of the ever-increasing rationalization of
the ideology (konesans) of Vodou and its Ethic
of communal living or social collectivism,
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Jean-Jacques Dessalines the Avenger and Mediator
democracy, individuality, cosmopolitanism,
spirit of social justice, xenophilia, balance,
harmony, and gentleness, which united all of the
African tribes shipped to the island during the
slave trade. In refutation of this counterplantation-system grounded in the Vodou ethic
and the spirit of communism, the Affranchis
sought to continue the plantation-system of their
former colonial slavemasters, which was
grounded in the Catholic/Protestant Ethic and
the spirit of capitalism of the colonial economy.
The Affranchis, embodied in the persons of
Toussaint Louverture and Alexandre Pétion, for
examples, like their black American middle
class counterparts in America, pushed for
liberty, equality, and fraternity with their white
counterparts at the expense of the Vodou,
Communist discourse, and Creole/Kreyol
language of the enslaved Africans who were not
only discriminated against by whites but by the
mulattoes and free blacks as well who sought to
reproduce the French language, Catholic
religion, and liberal capitalist laws of their
former slavemasters on the island (Du Bois,
2004; Buck-Morss, 2009). In fact, what role
should mulattoes and free blacks play in the
Revolution is at the heart of a bitter
disagreement between Toussaint and Dessalines.
The latter, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, a houngan,
Vodou priest, and founder of the Haitian nationstate, given the brutality he experienced as a
slave, which stood in contradistinction to
Toussaint’s experience as a literate free
Affranchis, sought to kill many of the free and
mulatto Affranchis along with the whites
because Dessalines discerned that they played a
role in their yearning to be like their white
counterparts in oppressing the enslaved African
masses, and given the opportunity they would
reproduce the slavery system of the whites on
the island (James, 1986). Hence Dessalines
promoted a form of racial slaughter grounded in
“an eye for an eye” ethical discourse, “we have
rendered to these true cannibals [(the whites)],
war for war, crime for crime, outrage for
outrage; yes, I have saved my country: I have
avenged America” (Jean-Jacques Dessalines
cited in Morss, 2009, p. 143).
Toussaint Louverture, however, believed that
the technical and governing skills of the blancs
(whites) and Affranchis would be sorely needed
to rebuild the country, along the lines of white
civilization, after the revolution and the end of
white rule on the island. In fact, Toussaint was
not seeking to make the island of Haiti an
independent country; instead, he sought to have
the island remain a French colony without
slavery (James, 1986; Du Bois, 2004; BuckMorss, 2009). Toussaint would go to war with
the Vodou leaderships of the Africans and the
mulatto elites, respectively, to ensure that the
old mercantile system of the white Royalist
planters would persist without slavery. His
corvée system promoted a sharecropping
arrangement where the former white plantation
owners coupled with an emerging black
landowning classes composed of Louverture’s
creole generals became renters and owners of
sugar and coffee plantations where the African
majority toiled as cultivators who shared threequarters of their cultivations with the owners of
the land and the state. All subsequent leaders,
with the exception of Dessalines to some extent,
would adopt Toussaint’s position following
independence in 1804. Dessalines, it appears,
sought to constitute the Haitian nation-state by
mediating between and balancing the desires of
the Affranchis on the one hand, which he sought
to implement via the state; and the purposiverationality for landownership, husbandry,
subsistence agriculture, and komes of the Vodou
leadership of the African masses who wanted no
part of a system that resembled slavery or
Louverture’s corvée system, on the other hand.
The argument here, building on Paul C.
Mocombe’s (2016, 2017, 2018) theory of
phenomenological structuralism, which posits
structure and agency as both a dualism and a
duality, is that the purposive-rationality of the
originating moments of the Haitian Revolution
at Bois Caïman originates out of the Vodou
ethic and the spirit of communism social class
language game of the masses and their Vodou
leadership, oungan yo, manbo yo, gangan
yo/dokté fey, and gran moun yo, and
diametrically opposed the purposive-rationality
of the liberal agents of the whites and Affranchis
on the island. The latter three sought to
recursively reorganize and reproduce the
practical consciousness of their former white
slavemasters for equality of opportunity,
distribution and recognition, while the agents of
the former did not. Instead, at Bois Caïman, the
originating moment of the Haitian Revolution,
Boukman Dutty, Cecile Faitman, Edaïse, and
subsequent to them Macaya, Sans Souci, Sylla,
Mavougou, Lamour de la Rance, Macaque,
Alaou, Coco, Sanglaou, and Jean-Jacques
Dessalines among many others, sought to
recursively reorganize and reproduce their
African practical consciousness, Vodou, Kreyol,
Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology V1 ● I1 ● 2019
Jean-Jacques Dessalines the Avenger and Mediator
and communism embedded in the counterplantation system, husbandry, and komes of the
the purposiverationality of their former slavemasters and the
Affranchis. In fact, my argument concludes by
suggesting that it is the usurpation of the
Revolution by the Affranchis that would give the
Revolution (and Haitian consciousness/identity)
its (postmodern, post-structural, postcolonial)
liberal bourgeois Catholic/Protestant orientation,
which makes Hegel’s master/slave dialectic,
postmodern, post-structural, and postcolonial
theories appropriate heuristic tools for
understanding the subsequent developments of
the Haitian Revolution and nation-state
following Bois Caïman and the death of JeanJacques Dessalines in 1806. This (postmodern,
post-structural, postcolonial) liberal bourgeois
Catholic/Protestant orientation is the basis for
the subsequent exploitation and oppression of
the African masses on the island by the
Affranchis seeking, like their black American
and diasporic counterparts, continual equality of
opportunity, recognition, and distribution with
their former white masters through the reenslavement (via the tourist and textile
industries, sports, and agribusinesses) of the
African masses who grow poor and sick so that
a few of their fellow citizens can live lavishly
within the liberal bourgeois Protestant capitalist
world-system under American hegemony.
This latter traditional liberal bourgeois
(postmodern, post-structural, and postcolonial)
interpretation of the Haitian revolution and the
purposive-rationality of the Affranchis attempts
to understand their denouement through the
sociopolitical effects and dialectical logic of the
French Revolution when the National
Constituent Assembly (Assemblée Nationale
Constituante) of France passed la Déclaration
des droits de l'homme et du citoyen or the
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen in
August of 1789. The understanding from this
perspective is that the enslaved Africans, many
of whom could not read or write French, were a
blank slate who understood the principles,
philosophical and political principles of the Age
of Enlightenment, set forth in the declaration
and therefore yearned to be like their white
masters, i.e., “freemen and women” seeking
liberty, equality, and fraternity, the rallying cry
of the French Revolution.
historically this understanding holds true for the
mulattoes and free educated blacks, Affranchis,
who used the language of the declaration to
push forth their efforts to gain liberty, equality,
and fraternity with their white counterparts
while attempting to hold on to slavery and the
mercantilist system. This position, however, is
not an accurate representation for the African
tribes/nations, “maroon republics,” and their
Vodou leadership who organized and assembled
(minokan in Vodou) at Bois Caïman, Macaya,
Sans Souci, and Jean-Jacques Dessalines who
would assume the reins of the Revolution
following the capture and death of the
Affranchis, Toussaint Louverture.
Although Dessalines, unlike Sans Souci,
Macaya, and many of the African leaders who
assembled at Bois Caiman, was an “illiterate”
(in the Western sense) creole, the argument
highlighted by oral historian Byyaniah Bello
and the Vodou community is that as a field
slave, he was interpellated and ounganified (my
term for internalization of the Vodou
worldview) by the ideology (Vodou) and
ideological apparatuses (Lakou, peristyles,
lwaes, Kreyol proverbs) of the Africans as
opposed to the ideology and ideological
apparatuses of the French and Affranchis. As
such, his early (1804-1806) reigns as emperor of
the country was an attempt, like the Africans of
the maroon republics who negotiated with the
whites and Affranchis during the Revolution, to
constitute a new nation-state amidst two
opposing worldviews or structuring structures
and their praxes, the Vodou Ethic and spirit of
communism of the African masses and their
leadership on the one hand, and the
Catholic/Protestant Ethic and spirit of capitalism
of the Affranchis on the other. Dessalines did
not simply attempt to recursively reorganize and
reproduce the ideas and practices of the whites
as embodied in the ideology and practices of the
Catholic/Protestant Ethic and spirit of capitalism
as I am suggesting that the Affranchis would do
in constituting the Haitian nation-state following
his death. Instead, he attempted, with the aid of
his lwa mét tét (Vodou spirit), Ogou Feray, to
weigh and reconcile the ideals of both
worldviews amidst their antagonism as
represented by the Affranchis desire for a
liberal/capitalist state based on plantation export
agriculture, and the subsistence agriculture,
husbandry, and komes of the African masses.
Conversely, the Affranchis, embodied in the
persons of Toussaint, Boyer, Pétion, and
Christophe, for examples, like their black
bourgeois counterparts in North America and
the diaspora, pushed for liberty, equality, and
fraternity with their white counterparts at the
expense of the Vodou, communal discourse, and
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Jean-Jacques Dessalines the Avenger and Mediator
Kreyol language of the Vodou leadership,
oungan yo, manbo yo, gangan yo, and
granmoun yo, who were not only discriminated
against by whites but by the slave-owning
mulattoes and free blacks as well who sought to
reproduce the French language, Catholic
Religion, and liberal capitalist (mercantile) laws
of their former slave masters on the island.
It is not enough, however, to view Dessalines’s
discourse and discursive practices along the
inverted black-nationalist and pan-Africanist
lines of Marcus Garvey, Malcolm-X, Henry
Highland Garnet, Martin Robinson Delaney, and
W.E.B. Du Bois as highlighted by Susan BuckMorss (2009) and David Nicholls (1979). To do
so, would make his position a structurally
enslavement, i.e., an “other” seeking to
recursively reorganize and reproduce the
Catholic/Protestant Ethic and the spirit of
capitalism in a national/racial position of his
own. My position here is that his response, like
the Africans Jeannot’s and Sans Souci’s
positions, was “enframed” by the structuring
logic, Vodou Ethic and spirit of communism
social class language game, of the masses and
their Vodou leadership on the one hand and that
of the Affranchis on the other. As such, his
movement as highlighted in the discourses of
the Haitian oral historian Byyaniah Bello and
Vodouizan, Max Beauvoir, was not only racial,
but it was also class-based and cultural
enframed by the cultural and structural logic of
the Vodou ethic and the spirit of communism as
constituted at Bois Caiman as it stood against
the spirit of capitalism of the whites and
Affranchis. Dessalines, under the guidance of
his Vodou lwa mét tét (Vodou spiritual guide),
Ogou, was seeking land and economic reform,
racial and cultural pride, and social justice for
the African masses on the island “whose fathers
were in Africa” at the expense, some believe, of
the interests of the mulatto elites and petitbourgeois black property owners on the island
who assassinated him for doing so (Dupuy,
1989; Nicholls, 1979; Du Bois, 2004, 2012). As
Dessalines declared, “the sons of the colonists’
have taken advantage of my poor blacks. Be on
your guard, negroes and mulattoes, we have all
fought against the whites; the properties which
we have conquered by the spilling of our blood
belong to us all; I intend that they be divided
with equity” (Dessalines quoted in Nicholls,
1979, pg. 38). This statement of Dessalines was
not only rhetorical. In order to commence his
nationalization project, Dessalines, following
the Revolution, did not seek to recursively
Catholic/Protestant Ethic and the spirit of
capitalism of the French. Instead, he rejected
everything that was French, i.e., language,
culture, and system of organizing existence, for
the metaphysics and practical consciousness of
the Vodou leadership who originated the
Revolution. He, guided by Ogou, nationalized
the land; disallowed whites, outside of the five
thousand polish and Germans who fought with
him during the Revolution, ownership of land
on the island; amidst state owned plantations he
allowed the masses land to reproduce their
subsistence agriculture, husbandry, and komes;
named the island Ayi-ti to honor the Taino
natives and African ancestors who spilled their
blood during the Revolution; erected a red and
black flag to represent the people and the blood
they spilled for their freedom as well as the lwa
(spirit), Ogou, who, according to the Vodou
leadership, directed the Revolution; removed all
racial and class distinctions by denoting all
persons on the island blacks divided between
laborers and soldiers; and sought to make the
entire island of Ayiti an independent black
nation for all blacks in Haiti and the diaspora via
an export trade with the British and the
Americans. As Leslie G. Desmangles highlights,
[d]uring the first three years after independence
(1804-1807) under Jean-Jacques Dessalines’s
administration, Haiti was united economically
and politically…. At the outset of his
administration, Dessalines… divided the
citizens of the country into two categories, the
laborers and the soldiers. Fearing the return of
the French army, Dessalines… organized all
those who had actively participated in the war of
independence into an army of 25,000 men….
Those who had been on the plantations during
the war continued as laborers and cultivated the
large acreages the government had annexed
from the white planters…. The newly
militarized agriculture… produced largely
sugar, cotton, and coffee, which mulatto
overseers divided according to certain stateestablished criteria…. The overseers were to
transmit one-half of the crops to the state: one
half of this was used for export, and the other
half paid the rent on the land. Another quarter
of the total crop yield was retained for the
workers’ salaries, and the remaining quarter
paid the salary of the plantation overseers (1992,
pgs. 38-39).
These efforts, i.e., his eye for an eye morality,
establishment of an empire ruled by an oungan,
Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology V1 ● I1 ● 2019
Jean-Jacques Dessalines the Avenger and Mediator
honoring the Taino and African ancestors, social
justice, communal living, social collectivism,
equitable distribution of resources and salaries,
and consultation with his lwa mét tét, etc., which
the Affranchis deplored as it took away their
properties and status, were a by-product of his
manboification via the ideology and ideological
apparatuses, Lakou, peristyles, etc., of the
Vodou Ethic, and not an arbitrary reaction to his
treatment as a field slave. ii In other words, they
emanated from his African mind or structuring
structure (form of system and social
integration), which the Affranchis rejected while
in many instances practicing aspects of its
religiosity in secrecy.
Unlike the creole, Toussaint, who was
interpellated and embourgeoised by his
slavemaster via the church and his schooling,
Dessalines was predominantly interpellated and
ounganified/manboified in the language,
communicative discourse, ideology, ideological
apparatuses, and mode of production of his
African parents and Aunt Mantou, who were not
reactionary natives to their material conditions.
Instead, they were agents of the Vodou Ethic
and the spirit of communism social class
language game, which they went about
recursively reorganizing and reproducing on the
island via the Vodou religion; its mode of
production, subsistence agriculture, husbandry,
and komes; and ideological apparatuses, lwa yo,
lakous, herbal medicine, proverbs, songs,
dances, musical instruments, ounfo, and
ounganified/manboified Dessalines within the
aforementioned practical consciousness amidst
his interpellation in the Western structuring
structure as a field slave, which he would escape
from when he turned 30 years of age.
Dessalines, following his escape, continued his
ounganification/manboification in the African
maroon communities of the North under the
leadership of Francois Papillon, Jeannot, and
Georges Biassou. As such, with his assumption
of the leadership of the Haitian nation-state
following the Revolution, Dessalines attempted
to constitute it within two opposing structuring
structures, the Vodou ethic and the spirit of
communism social class language game on the
one hand, and the Catholic/Protestant Ethic and
the spirit of capitalism on the other, both
assuming to represent the nature of reality as
That Dessalines would go about
suppressing elements of Vodou following the
Revolution is not on par with what Toussaint
and the rest of the Affranchis—with the
exception of Faustin Soulouque and Francois
Duvalier—would go about doing to remove it
entirely from the nation-state.
Dessalines attempted to minimize the effects of
political instability and magic done against him
by the Petwo elements of Vodou and its
leadership as he sought to balance of the two
systems (Desmangles, 1992, pg. 45).iii
Toussaint, a practicing gangan/dokté fey
himself, however, also interpellated and
embourgeoised by the ideology and ideological
apparatuses of the West, believed that the
technical and governing skills of the blancs
(whites) and Affranchis would be sorely needed
to rebuild the country, along the lines of white
civilization, after the revolution and the end of
white rule on the island. In fact, Toussaint was
not seeking to constitute the island as an
independent country; instead, he sought to have
the island remain a French colony without
slavery. Hence Toussaint rejected the practical
consciousness of the Vodou leadership and the
masses for the structuring logic of the West and
the white Royalists. Although Dessalines’s
position would become dominant after the
capture of Toussaint in 1802, his (Dessalines’s)
assassination by a plot between the mulatto,
Alexandre Pétion, and petit-bourgeois black,
Henri Christophe, who sought to pattern their
leadership after Toussaint, would see to it that
the Affranchis’s purposive-rationality would
come to historically represent the ideas and
ideals of the Haitian quest for independence and
the Republic, which it produced. After the
death of Dessalines,
the country became divided between north and
south, and between two rival political factions
led by two ambitious men—tyrants who
maintained political power solely by military
force. Henri Christophe crowned himself king
of the northern kingdom of Haiti in 1807 and
ruled until 1820; his political rival Alexandre
Pétion served as president of the south between
1807 and 1818. Haiti was reunited politically in
1822 during the presidency of Jean-Pierre Boyer
(1818-43), Pétion’s former personal secretary
and minister…. In both the south and,
particularly, the north, the first part of the
history of independent Haiti is a story of
servitude supported by a militarized agriculture
whose government was drawn from the mulatto
class. Their despotic rule early in the republic
paved the way for the emergence of a rigid new
social structure in which former affranchis were
Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology V1 ● I1 ● 2019
Jean-Jacques Dessalines the Avenger and Mediator
to become an elite distinctly separated from the
black masses (Desmangles, 1992, pg. 38).
This purposive-rationality of the Affranchis, to
adopt the Catholic/Protestant Ethic and spirit of
capitalism social class language game of whites
by recursively reorganizing and reproducing
their God, language, French, and exploitative
ways of being-in-the-world, liberalism and
capitalism, is, however, a Western liberal
dialectical understanding of the events and their
desire (captured in their postcolonial, poststructural, and postmodern discourses) to be like
their white counterparts, which stands against
the anti-dialectical purposive rationality of
Boukman, Fatima, Edaïse, the rest of the
maroon Africans who congregated for the Petwo
Vodou ceremony at Bois Caïman/ Bwa
Kayiman, and the subsequent positions of
Macaya, Sans Souci, and Jean-Jacques
Dessalines. (It should be mentioned that many
of the African-born soldiers and leaders, such as
Jeannot and colonel Jean-Baptiste Sans Souci,
distrusted the creole Africans—seemingly
because of their desires to be like the whites,
vacillations during the war, and ties to the
whites—such as Dessalines and Christophe, and
in many instances refused to fight under their
leadership. In fact, Christophe would murder
Sans Souci, and name his famous palace in
Milot after him, on the count that he refused to
recognize his leadership.).
Following the Revolution, Haiti was
marginalized by all the European powers of the
time, and fighting amongst the three remaining
groups, the mulatto elites, the free black
generals, and the African maroons, emerged
over the constitution of the new nation-state.
The mulatto elites desired the land of their white
fathers, the free black generals wanted to
maintain their land they had obtained from
Toussaint during the early parts of the war, and
the African maroons wanted no parts of
anything that resembled the old system of
slavery or Toussaint’s corvée system. The
former two, interpellated and embourgeoised by
the ideology and ideological apparatuses of the
West, sought to reproduce the same colonial
system as their former colonial slavemasters,
while the latter and the majority of the
ounganified/manboified by the leadership of the
Vodou Ethic and the spirit of communism did
not. Instead, they went about practicing their
religion, husbandry, subsistence agriculture, and
komes as enframed by the Vodou Ethic and the
spirit of communism in order to reconstitute the
society in a national position of their own.
Dessalines, who essentially sided with the
grandons, sought to constitute the new nationstate within these two opposing structuring
structures. As such in his 1805 constitution he
proceeded to divide the land equitably among all
those who fought in the Revolution; disallowed
white landownership on the island; renounced
everything that was French for systems
grounded in the experiences of the people of the
island; and renounced white supremacy for a
Pan-African discourse that would have Haiti
become the land for and of blacks (Fick, 1990;
Nicholls, 1979; Du Bois, 2012).
This constitution of Haiti did not sit well with
the Affranchis who desired their pre-war status
and wealth, which tied them to the global
capitalist world-system. Instead of focusing on
fortification of the island, national production,
food security, and agricultural production for
local consumption as Dessalines attempted to do
with his equitable redistribution of land among
the population, the Affranchis assassinated him
over his land reform and the masses of Africans
fled to the mountainsides. With the death of
Dessalines, the majority of the productive land
was divided among the mulatto elites, who took
over their fathers’ land and estates, and the
black commanding officers of the revolution.
They kept intact the export based economic
arrangements which existed under colonialism
and Toussaint’s regime with the mulatto elites—
because of their status as mulattoes—serving as
the middle persons between the nation-state and
outside merchants. What emerged in Haiti,
following the Revolution, was the same colonial
class structure under the leadership of the
Affranchis and their adversarial partnership with
an emerging foreign white and mulatto
merchant class, which assisted in the acquisition
of manufactured goods, petit-bourgeois blacks
who converted their
agribusinesses, and the Africans in the provinces
and mountains whose products were heavily
taxed by the emerging nation-state under the
leadership of the Affranchis (Pierre-Louis,
2000; Du Bois, 2012). The continuous struggle
between the mulatto merchant/professional class
and the black landowning managerial classes for
control of the state and its apparatuses, at the
expense of the African masses in the provinces
and mountains whose children they arm and use
against each other as they migrate to Port-auPrince amidst American neoliberal policies
Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology V1 ● I1 ● 2019
Jean-Jacques Dessalines the Avenger and Mediator
seeking to displace the masses for tourism, agro
and textile industries, and athletics (basketball
and soccer) continues to be a hindrance for the
constitution of a sovereign Haitian nation-state.
apparatuses, seek to constitute Haiti, with the
aid of whites (France, Canada, and America), as
an export-oriented periphery state within the
capitalist world-system under American
hegemony against the desires of the masses of
Africans in the provinces and mountains seeking
to maintain their komes, subsistence agriculture,
and husbandry, which are deemed informal.
The grandon class, composed of educated
professionals, former drug dealers, entertainers,
and police officers attack the former Affranchis
class, which is now a comprador bourgeoisie
(composed of Arab merchants) seeking to build,
own, and manage hotels and assembly factories
producing electronics and clothing for the US
market, under the moniker the children of
Dessalines against the children of Pétion in the
name of the African masses of the island, the
majority of whom are peasant farmers
interpellated and ounganified by the Vodou
Ethic and the spirit of communism. Instead of
focusing on infrastructure (artificial lakes,
potable water, food security, mache—modern
market spaces for komes, universities, and stateowned companies for the peasant class to sell,
etc.) to augment national agriculture and the
productive forces of the latter group, who
constitute eighty-five percent of the population,
the mulatto elites and petit-bourgeois blacks
emphasize job creation through foreign direct
investment in tourism, agro and textile
industries, privatization of public services,
infrastructure for an export-oriented economy
similar to the one they had under slavery, and
the constitution of a political bourgeoisie in
control of the state apparatuses. However, their
inabilities—given the voting power of the
majority—to constitute two dominant rotating
political parties to implement the desires of their
former colonial slavemasters, leaves Haiti in
perpetual turmoil. As in slavery, the African
masses continue to fight, against their
differentiation as wage-earners in the tourism
Catholic/Protestant Ethic and spirit of capitalism
of these two power elites seeking equality of
opportunity, recognition, and distribution with
whites at their expense, for the Vodou Ethic and
the spirit of communism of oungan yo, manbo
yo, and granmoun yo of Bois Caiman and Jean-
Jacques Dessalines. As the current historical
conjuncture parallels the conjuncture of 1791
either a unifying national conference that
parallels Bois Caiman or a second war of
independence will determine the outcome of this
perpetual economic and cultural civil war in
Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology V1 ● I1 ● 2019
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Jean-Jacques Dessalines the Avenger and Mediator
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and the Spirit of Communism: The Practical
Consciousness of the African People of Haiti.
Maryland: University Press of America.
[21] Ramsey K (2014). The Spirits and the Law:
Vodou and Power in Haiti.
University of Chicago Press.
[22] Rigaud M (1985). Secrets of Voodoo. San
Francisco, CA: City Lights Books.
[23] Rubin V (Ed.) (1960). Caribbean Studies: A
Symposium. Seattle: University of Washington
[24] Smith MG (1960). The African Heritage in the
Caribbean. In Vera Rubin (Ed.), Caribbean
Studies: A Symposium (pp. 34-46). Seattle:
University of Washington Press.
[25] Trouillot MR (1995). Silencing the Past:
Power and the Production of History. Boston,
Massachusetts: Beacon Press.
[26] Weber M (1958 [1904-1905]). The Protestant
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New York: Charles
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Table1. Differences between the Catholic/Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism and the Vodou Ethic
and the Spirit of Communism in Haiti
Mode (s) of
Power Elites
The Catholic/Protestant Ethic and the Spirit
The Vodou Ethic and the Spirit of
of Capitalism
Agribusiness, Manufacturing (Industrial
Subsistence Agriculture, Husbandry,
and Post-Industrial Service
and Komes (Wholesale and retail Trade)
Individualism, Capitalism, subject/object
Individuality, Social Collectivism,
Authoritarianism, racialism, liberalism, private
syncretic thinking,
Democratic, spirit of social justice, holism
Ounfo, peristyles, dance, drumming, lwa
yo, vévés,
Secret societies (Bizango, which serve as
Church, schools, police force, army, law,
police forces of
patriarchal family,
Prisons, the streets, bureaucratic organization of The society), ancestral worship, alters
Vodou magic
Economic gain for its own sake, wealth, status,
upward mobility,
Balance, harmony, subsistence living, and
Upper-class of owners and high-level executives
of businesses
And corporations, educated professionals,
Oungan/manbo, bokor, gangan, dokté fey,
Managers, etc.
I use the terms, ounganified/manboified, similar to how Althusser utilizes the term “embourgeoisement” as it
pertains to the socialization process in the “Catholic/Protestant Ethic and spirit of capitalism social class
language game” (my term) of the West. Albeit in my usage ounganified/manboified refers to socialization
within the Vodou Ethic and the spirit of communism social class language game of oungan, manbo, gangan, and
granmoun yo. Similarly, as the nation-state system in the West would come under the leadership of agents of
the Protestant Ethic and the spirit of capitalism, the same holds true for kingship organizations of the African
tribes and nations. Their kingship leadership and political culture emanated from their socioreligious life, i.e.,
the Vodou Ethic and the spirit of communism. During the Revolution, the African leadership was organized
around their kingship and African military tactics, which was grounded in their religiosity (see Du Bois’s
Avengers of the New World, 2004, pgs. 108-109). It should also be mentioned that the majority of the early
leaders were either oungan/manbo themselves or consulted with oungan yo and manbo yo.
Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology V1 ● I1 ● 2019
Jean-Jacques Dessalines the Avenger and Mediator
In the Vodou pantheon of 401 lwa yo, Jean-Jacques Dessalines is associated with Ogou Feray.
As heads of the Haitian nation state, Faustin Soulouque and Francois Duvalier, following Dessalines, openly,
incorporated Vodou in their administrations and forms of governance.
Citation: Paul C. Mocombe," Jean-Jacques Dessalines the Avenger and Mediator”, Journal of Cultural
and Social Anthropology, 1(1), 2019, pp.33-43.
Copyright: © 2019 Paul C. Mocombe. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology V1 ● I1 ● 2019