Kurdish Studies
Recent papers in Kurdish Studies
Using a nationally representative dataset from Turkey, we examined the effects of national identity, religious identity, religious practice, and intergroup contact on social distance towards disliked groups along ethnic (Turks vs. Kurds),... more
Oil corruption in Iraqi Kurdistan arose from US/UK and Turkish patronage systems and clientalism. This investigative paper examines how IOCs and other businesses began preparing the ground in northern Iraq to benefit themselves long... more
The few works on the Yezidi Genocide that have appeared thus far have mainly focused on the violence perpetrated against the Yezidis and no work has attempted the construction of a general historical narrative covering the essential... more
This study explores who Turkish citizens view as the Other, their perceptions, evaluations, and the degree of Othering of these groups in the private and public spheres. Drawing from varied political science and social psychology... more
İtiraf etmeliyim ki, Bidlisi'nin geriye bıraktığı külliyatın 580 sayfalık hacimli bir kitap dolduracak kadar malzeme içerdiğini bilmiyordum. Vural Genç Acem'den Rum'a Bir Bürokrat ve Tarihçi İdris-i Bitlisi (1457- 1520) adlı çalışmasında... more
Kürdistan ulusal bilinci ulusal birliğini arıyor
Türkiye, uzun yıllardan beridir çeşitli ideolojilerde ve yapılarda terör örgütleriyle çeşitli yoğunluklarda mücadele etmiş ve etmeye devam eden bir ülkedir. Kürdistan İşçi Partisinin de (PKK- Partîya Karkerên Kurdistanê) bu terör... more
Destana Rustemê Zal, ji mêj ve di nav miletê Kurd de jî hatiye zanîn û gotin. Ev serpêhatiyên Rostem, paşê bi destê Firdewsî hatine berhev kirin û ji ber ku farisî hatine nivîsîn wekî malê Persiyan hatine nîşandan. Firdewsî pirtûka xwe... more
Kurd, the Porter: Turkish Islam and the Kurdish Question (Istanbul: Avesta, 2017)
A critique of Turkish Islamist justification of the marginalization of Kurdish rights.
A critique of Turkish Islamist justification of the marginalization of Kurdish rights.
Patterns of Nationhood and Saving the State in Turkey tackles a theoretical puzzle in understanding the state policy changes toward minorities and nationhood, first by placing the state in the historical context of the international... more
Öz Kürt kadınlarının, modernleşmenin/demokratikleşmenin bir tezahürü olarak gösterilmesi hem aile, hem din/dindarlık hem de çocuk yetiştirilme tarzına uygun bir sosyolojik yapıyı barındırmaz. Çünkü Kürtlerin kadim tarihinden beri... more
Öz: Çaldıran Savaşı'ndan kısa bir süre sonra Osmanlı hâkimiyetine giren Varto bölgesi, Hınıs ve Handırıs ile birlikte Bitlis sancağına bağlandı. 1540 yılına kadar Bitlis sancağına bağlı kalan Varto, Erzurum eyaletinin teşkili ve Hınıs'ın... more
Werîsê Sor & Kızıl Urgan, Alan Ward, (Amadekirin û werger
& Çeviri ve yayına hazırlama: Adnan Çelik & Ergin Opengin), Avesta, 2021.
& Çeviri ve yayına hazırlama: Adnan Çelik & Ergin Opengin), Avesta, 2021.
أيزديكي - Êzdîkî لغة الايزيدين؟
Iraq has distanced itself from its traditional radicalism and adopted a more pragmatic and moderate posture. Still, close ties between Iran and Iraqi Shi'a groups in particular threaten the chances for normalization between Jerusalem and... more
1. Scientific problems of personality psychology: the definition of personality, criteria of good scientific theory, choice of empirical methods.
Diviso tra Turchia, Siria, Iraq e Iran, il Kurdistan rappresenta probabilmente uno degli scenari geopolitici più caldi del Medio Oriente. È il territorio di un popolo, i curdi, che vanta più di trenta milioni di persone la più grande... more
This article is the Arabic translation (with minor modifications approved by the author) of an English original ("The KRG's Relationship with the Yazidi Minority and the Future of the Yazidis in Shingal") that was published by NRT, a... more
My PhD thesis on the Jews and Assyrians of Kurdistan, A Comparative Study in Survival (the Hebrew University, 2003) was translated by the Institute for Academic Research in Beirut.
Wendelmoet Hamelink. The Sung Home: Narrative, Morality and the Kurdish Nation. Leiden: Brill, 2016. (Review in Kurdish)
Breve resumen de la operación militar dirigida por las fuerzas kurdas en los distritos de Sinjar y Tal Afar entre el 17 y 21 de Diciembre de 2014 contra el Estado Islámico.
In-group and superordinate identities are key predictors for intergroup forgiveness, albeit with opposite effects. To investigate the identity-forgiveness relationship, we included perceived compatibility between in-group and... more
Interview: Merve Erol with Adnan Celik and Namik Kemal Dinç for Perspectives, Issues 13, 2015, pp.42-51 An important center of the Armenian genocide was Diyarbakır. Both the urban Armenian population and the convoys passing through the... more
This article critically examines the role of Islamist state discourse and policies in the Kurdish region of Turkey. Academic works on Islamism often address settings where Islamist movements and political parties operate as anti-colonial... more
Hîkaya “Beyi Se Bena?” ke ma ser o nê tehlîlî virazenî, nameyê kitabê hîkaya yê J. Îhsan Esparî yo. Na hîkaye, tewr verî 1997 de kovara Vateyî de hûmara 2, 3 û 4. de qisim bi qisim weşanîyaya. Hîkaya “Beyi Se Bena?” bi nameyê ke kovare de... more
This paper argues that the fact that the Kurds have no nation-state of their own cannot be explained by sheer failure on the part of the Kurdish nobility, but the element of deliberate choice to avoid and evade the state is also involved.... more