Recent papers in Underclass
In this paper, I consider whether a theoretically defined concept of underclass can be helpful in social scientific discourse. I analyze, review and categorize the concept of a underclass and I made some suggestions for a use of the... more
This article deconstructs the wave of moral panic caused by reggaeton in Cuba to suggest that behind issues of “national” and “legitimate” culture lays a social but mainly political rejection to the marginal subject that this music brings... more
Kirekesztett társadalmi helyzetű csoportok bemutatása kvalitatív kutatások alapján. Fő szempontok: az ágencia, az életútbeli fordulópontok szerepe, a kapcsolati tőke és a társadalmi kirekesztettség kapcsolata, droghasználói karrierek és... more
台灣無家者現象日益受到社會大眾及學界注目,但被再現的樣貌多是孤離原子化且缺乏社會關係;此外,他們若非為受國家、資本主義等鉅觀結構決定的被動受害者,就是具備過度無限制的能動性;結果,我們終未看見作為行動主體的無家者如何開展社交互動,並鑲嵌於整體社會之中。在此,我反省無家者領域文獻陷於客觀主義與主觀主義之缺憾,提出「場域內行動主體」的視角來分析無家者民族誌資料,主張無家者場域因江湖資本及身心狀態不同而區分成的三種無家者—「𨑨迌人」、「做事人」與「艱苦人」。三種人因過往生命經驗形成... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference, https://blogs.cul.columbia.edu/rbml/files/2014/09/One-Dimensional-Man-at-Fifty-Conference-Program1.pdf
This essay attempts to explain the class concept in historical and political context. As Ossowski (1963) argued, class is a complicated concept with diverse interpretations. It involves debates and claims around various aspects such as... more
F*ck May 68, Fight Now: Exploring the Uses of the Radical Past from 1968 to Today Session 1: History is a Weapon June 8, 2018 Department of History, University of Liverpool... more
A Ab bs st tr ra ac ct t This study aims to discuss theories on the violent effects of TV shows on viewers, especially on children. Therefore, this study includes a brief discussion of definitions of violence, discussion of violence... more
Edited version of published paper presented at 'Is Black and Red Dead?' Conference, Centre for the Study of Social and Global and Justice (CSSGJ) University of Nottingham, 7-8 September, 2009... more
In this unfinished rough powerpoint for a series of lectures I explore why the United States is markedly different from other representative democracies and welfare states. I trace the tradition of using a combination of bribery and... more
This chapter analyzes the content and profile of poverty in Slovakia. It describes the European concept of social exclusion, and finds links between this theory and Roma poverty in Slovakia. It analyzes the mechanisms of social exclusion,... more
Mit dem »Lumpenproletariat« haben Marx und Engels einen seltsamen, schillernden Begriff in die Diskussion kritischer Gesellschaftstheorie geworfen. Während das Proletariat Träger von Herrschaftskritik und sozialer Umwälzung ist, ist der... more
Absztrakt A magyar társadalomban a cigányság egy jelentős része olyannyira elszegényedett, hogy a hazai underclass szinte teljes egészében etnicizálódott. A periférián kívüli kisebbségi lét és a deprivációs spirál ellehetetleníti a... more
Small bone fragments have often been interpreted as the residues of stews or grease extraction. In international historical archaeological research, stew interpretations have often focused on enslaved or underclass groups or on those who... more
Mentre la politica discute con parole sempre più vuote di soluzioni per risollevare il paese, continua ostinatamente a ignorare le persone che costituiscono la vera forza motrice dell'Italia, e che, se valorizzate con un adeguato progetto... more
This dissertation is concerned with processes involved in re-imagining identity/ies, whereby the possibilities for re-imagining ourselves are opened up and explored. It will be argued that experimenting with ways to re-imagine our... more
The purpose of this paper is to discuss underclass conception and related theories and to identify the factors that explain the role of underclass, which has became one of the important problems in capitalist societies in last three... more
Special Issue, The Origins of the Welfare State: Global and Comparative Approaches Co-edited by Agnoletto, S. and Palmieri, C.... more
In 1992, 13 years after Margaret Thatcher’s “neoliberal revolution,” the Iron Lady’s chief economic advisor, Alan Budd, declared that he had his doubts that “the 1980’s policies of attacking inflation by squeezing the economy and public... more
Arm gleich doof." Das herablassende Urteil der Privilegierten über die von sozialem Abstieg und finanzieller Not Betroffenen ist noch immer zu hören, selbst wenn die Grenzen zwischen stabiler Gesellschaftsmitte und ökonomisch prekärem... more
Abstract: Despite an increasing interest in minority entrepreneurship in recent years, the issue of'underclass entrepreneurship'and its linkages to'enterprise culture'remain underresearched. In this article, the authors examine'chavs' as... more
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet unter http://dnb.d-nb.de... more
Despite the fruitful of researches have been undertaken on resilience, there is less understanding of how adult internal migrants may overcome the risks and adversities they face in urban life. This study was to investigate the level of... more
Garland, C. (2014) ‘As Barriers Fall, Contingency Becomes Possibility: Protest Resisting and Escaping Containment and Categorization’, Part II Identity, Embodiment and Categorisation in Eds. Lamond, I. and Spracklen, K. 'Protests as... more
This course introduces students to some of the major thematic concerns that have traditionally shaped urban geography, with a particular emphasis on the implications of planning and development. It also allows students to engage with... more
This article argues that Malthusianism as a series of discursive regimes, developed in the Victorian-era, serves in times of austerity to reproduce an elite understanding of social exclusion in which those in a state of poverty are to... more
Submitted version of paper published in Journal of Classical Sociology May 2012 vol. 12 no. 2 http://jcs.sagepub.com/content/12/2/256.abstract
This paper discusses substantive personal and practical challenges which have emerged during ongoing PhD research around food with low-income families. This research is situated within ongoing national and international concern over poor... more