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In this historical phase, cities are intensely crossed by processes and practices of appropriation and re-appropriation of places and life environments. Motivations are at different levels: necessity, political and personal. The fieldwork... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PlanningUrban StudiesCivil Society and the Public Sphere
Préface d’Augustin Berque Un siècle de banlieue japonaise apporte une réflexion inédite sur les processus d’urbanisation de l’une des sociétés de consommation les plus avancées de la planète, dans un pays dont la population doit, de... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSociologyGeographyUrban Geography
This working paper examines the concept of metabolism and its potential as a critical analytical lens to study the contemporary city from a political perspective. The paper illustrates how the metabolism concept has been used... more
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      Environmental SociologyUrban GeographyPolitical EcologyWater resources
Infrastructural practices, made by the manipulations of pumps, pipes and hydraulic expertise, play a critical role in managing urban populations. Drawing on two years of ethnographic research in Mumbai, in this article I show how Muslim... more
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      Urban GeographyArchitectureGovernmentalityEnvironmental Studies
In the face of a housing crisis rooted in commodification, there is growing alignment within both activist and scholarly circles over the need to reverse this trend and move toward decommodification. There is work left to be done,... more
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      Real EstateGeographyUrban GeographyUrban Politics
Le constat : les normes de genre attribuant aux individus des rôles et des statuts spécifiques en fonction de leur sexe assigné, genre, sexualité, etc. supposent une pratique de l’espace public conditionnée ; ce même espace public est... more
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      GeographyUrban GeographyGender StudiesAction Research
Abstract:  This paper presents an argument for considering issues of class in analyses of communicative planning projects. In these projects, class interests tend to be obscured by the contemporary preoccupation with the class-ambiguous... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyEconomic Geography
This descriptive-analytical study attempted to investigate the quality of life in urban areas of Iran. Sonqor City of Kermanshah Province was selected as a case. Field and documentary data collection methods were used. To collect the... more
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      Human GeographyUrban GeographyUrban HistorySustainable Development
Wir leben in Klangwelten, die unser Erleben einer lebendigen Wirklichkeit prägen. Wir suchen nach außeralltäglichen Klangerlebnissen in aufwändig inszenierten Spiel-Räumen. Diese Spiel-Räume sind Räume der erlebten Interaktion, es sind... more
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      Urban GeographyPhenomenologySoundscape StudiesAtmospheres (Architecture)
This thesis is a study of Tottenham High Road, and how the urban blocks which comprise its depth are composed. Depth has a number of components: architecture, space and time; depth is the armature in which people live their social lives,... more
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      Urban GeographyArchitectureEthnographyUrban Planning
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      Urban GeographyMarxismUrban PlanningClass
Cities are key for sustainability and the radical systemic changes required to enable equitable human development within planetary boundaries. Their particular role in this regard has become the subject of an emerging and highly... more
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      Urban GeographySociotechnical SystemsPolitical EcologySocial-Ecological Systems
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
The latest encampments in public spaces, such as Occupy Wall Street, Taksim Square and Syntagma Square, have highlighted the significance of public space in shaping social, economic and political struggles around the world. In this paper,... more
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      Social MovementsCultural GeographySocial GeographyUrban Geography
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 1970 / The book was published in Prague in 1970.
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGeography
This is an expanded version of: - Aalbers MB (2018b) Financial geography II: Financial geographies of housing and real estate. Progress in Human Geography DOI:10.1177/0309132518819503. - Aalbers MB (2019a) Financial geography III: The... more
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      Real EstateUrban GeographyEconomic GeographySecuritization
Urbanization refers to the increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas and it leads to the urban expansion. Urban expansion is the indications of urbanization and it greatly affects socioeconomic growth and the decision... more
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      Urban GeographyRemote SensingUrban PlanningUrban Studies
"Aux frontières de l’achevé, de l’établi, de l’ordonné, du centre et du dominant, se trouvent le précaire, l’instable, le désordre, la périphérie et le dominé : une relation dynamique voire conflictuelle existe entre ces deux réalités,... more
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      Urban GeographyAnthropologySocial AnthropologyPolitical Anthropology
The ambition for this inaugural edition of The Oxford Handbook of Megaproject Management is to become the ultimate source for state-of-the-art scholarship in the emerging field of megaproject management. The book offers a rigorous,... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementGeographyHuman Geography
Broadly understood as a housing form that combines individual dwellings with substantial common facilities and activities aimed at everyday living, Danish cohousing communities (bofællesskaber) are often seen as pioneering and... more
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      Urban GeographyHousingAffordable HousingHousing Studies
Cette contribution collective rend compte des savoirs emergents mobilises par les geographes romands en matiere d'analyse et de modelisation des diverses formes de relation a l'espace que les individus et les groupes sociaux ne... more
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    • Urban Geography
This article examines the conception of the everyday city as presented in the work of architect Christopher Alexander and architectural theorist Bill Hillier: Both thinkers suggest that, in the past, lively urban places arose... more
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      Urban GeographySpace SciencesSpace SyntaxEnvironmental Psychology
Greenway planning theory and practice has been largely studied through the perspectives of landscape preservation, conservation and sociology. The future theory building on the topic relies on proper understanding of what the various... more
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      Urban GeographyLandscape ArchitectureSustainable DevelopmentUrban Planning
Emerging patterns of urbanization world over show differing scenarios in different continents, requiring diverse approaches, policies, and strategies. Amazing democratization of ICT around the world leads to a discussion on sustainable,... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PlanningUrban StudiesUrban Governance
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
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      Critical TheoryManagementMarketingHistory
« Une idée, une cité et l’humanité » telle est la devise du B.I.E. (Bureau International des Expositions). Pour cette année 2002, Master villes : territoires et territorialités, j’ai décidé de consacrer mon travail sur les Expositions... more
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      Urban GeographyLandscape ArchitectureBarcelonaTown planning
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      American HistoryCultural HistoryUrban GeographyAmerican Studies
Durant les années 2000, on observe un changement de paradigme dans la conduite et dans les modes de financement des projets de régénération urbaine à Porto. Menées par la nouvelle société de réhabilitation Porto Vivo SRU, ces opérations... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PlanningUrban Studies
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyUrban GeographyPlace Attachment
Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission.
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      Urban GeographySocio-Cultural Anthropology
Określenie Mordor większości osób kojarzy się z władaną przez Saurona niedostępną krainą Tolkienowskiego Śródziemia. W Warszawie pierwszym skojarzeniem jest dzielnica biurowa na Mokotowie, na terenie dawnego Służewca Przemysłowego, obszar... more
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      Urban GeographyEconomic GeographyUrban PlanningUrban Studies
En pleine tempête mondialiste, où le sens humain des choses se dilue, l’Homme se recherche, recherche son humanité et s’efforce de la réinventer. Dans cette quête du sens humain, certains lieux demeurent des repères incontournables pour y... more
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      SociologyUrban GeographyUrban StudiesUrbanism
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      Cultural GeographyUrban GeographyCultural World Heritage SitesDestination Image
Ideally, national development should focus on the ability of the country to improve the social welfare of all its people. What happens when tribal societies are forced to sacrifice their sustenance and welfare in the name of 'national... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesUrban GeographyAnthropology
Global economic activity is networked through cross-national linkages between firm headquarters, branches, and subsidiaries. Brokerage emerges as a key territorial function of this network, with some places acting as gateways or... more
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      Urban GeographyEconomic GeographySocial NetworksGlobalization
The aim of this study is to examine sustainability of rural tourism and world heritage tourism in mountainous areas. An empirical case study was conducted in Kannogawa Ward of Totsukawa Village, located along the Kumano-Kodo Kohechi... more
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      GeographyUrban GeographyJapanese StudiesEcotourism
The article introduces Urban Food Policies (UFP) in the field of decentralized cooperation as a relatively new field of work, exchange and action-oriented research within and between cities, and local authorities in the global North... more
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      Urban GeographyFood SafetyGlobal citiesAfrica
The Netherlands have been an urbanized country since the Middle Ages. Over the last ten centuries a dense pattern of small, large, old and new towns emerged. How did this pattern develop and why do our towns look as they do? From... more
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      HistoryGeographyUrban GeographyCultural Heritage
Plaisance et Urbanité. L'intégration des ports dans les villes contemporaines. Édité par Vincent Herbert, Christophe Gibout Une quinzaine de contributions de chercheurs français et étrangers, universitaires dans divers champs... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban StudiesUrban SociologyPublic Space
Urban pride is an individual and collective response to living in a given city. Unlike other emotions such as life satisfaction or happiness with which it is weakly positively correlated, pride involves stake holding; to be proud of... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban AnthropologyUrban PlanningUrban Studies
RESUMEN: El inicio del siglo XXI ha sido muy compulsivo en la dinámica urbana española. La causa principal ha sido el crecimiento urbanístico explosivo que tuvo lugar entre 2000 y 2008 y su siguiente paralización por la Gran Recesión. El... more
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      Urban GeographySpainEspañaUrban Systems
Informal and illegal water provision is increasingly targeted as an impediment to state authorities and water development in the Global South. In contrast, this paper uses a biopolitical approach to argue that state authorities use... more
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      Urban GeographyWater governance
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      Urban GeographyUrban PlanningUrban Governance
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      Human GeographySocial GeographyUrban GeographyEconomic Geography
In this paper, the use made of concept mappin g in teaching complex notions in an urban geography course is described, outlining and evaluating three experimental exercises. The paper discusses the nature and characteristics of concept... more
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      Urban GeographyTeaching and LearningConcept Mapping
Sheshnev A. S., Kovalev M. V. Sanitary Condition of the Gully System and the Problem of the Organization of Runoff From the city Territory of Saratov in the Late XIX Century. Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Earth Sciences, 2018, vol. 18,... more
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      Landscape EcologyUrban GeographyGeomorphologyEcology
Ce projet de recherche interroge les interdépendances entre tourisme et patrimonialisation. La ville de Grenade en Andalousie (Espagne) est ici étudiée afin de comprendre d'une part l'impact de l'implantation des Airbnb sur l'évolution... more
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      Social GeographyUrban GeographyDemographyUrban Sociology
Until recently, knowledge-intensive work activities have predominantly taken place in office buildings as a specialized form of economic infrastructure. New digital technologies together with an economic and organizational transition from... more
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      Urban GeographyEuropean StudiesWorkplace StudiesUrban Studies