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Abstract: Despite an increasing interest in minority entrepreneurship in recent years, the issue of'underclass entrepreneurship'and its linkages to'enterprise culture'remain underresearched. In this article, the authors examine'chavs' as... more
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Small bone fragments have often been interpreted as the residues of stews or grease extraction. In international historical archaeological research, stew interpretations have often focused on enslaved or underclass groups or on those who... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyZooarchaeology
This chapter explores the ways in which lifestyle makeover programming identifies, frames and isolates the ‘bad citizen’; that is the citizen who fails to conduct their lives according to the idealised ‘middle-class’ norms (see Palmer... more
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      Television StudiesPopular CultureIdentity (Culture)Ideology
Submitted version of paper published in Journal of Classical Sociology May 2012 vol. 12 no. 2
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Change
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      MarxismPost-MarxismMarxist theorySocial Class
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyWorking ClassesPublic HealthMedicine
The purpose of this paper is to discuss underclass conception and related theories and to identify the factors that explain the role of underclass, which has became one of the important problems in capitalist societies in last three... more
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      SociologyClassSocio-Economic StatusSocial Class
In this paper, I consider whether a theoretically defined concept of underclass can be helpful in social scientific discourse. I analyze, review and categorize the concept of a underclass and I made some suggestions for a use of the... more
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      EthicsValuesMorality (Social Psychology)Competence
Mit dem »Lumpenproletariat« haben Marx und Engels einen seltsamen, schillernden Begriff in die Diskussion kritischer Gesellschaftstheorie geworfen. Während das Proletariat Träger von Herrschaftskritik und sozialer Umwälzung ist, ist der... more
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      MarxismSocial ExclusionSocial ClassUnderclass
Despite the fruitful of researches have been undertaken on resilience, there is less understanding of how adult internal migrants may overcome the risks and adversities they face in urban life. This study was to investigate the level of... more
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